Sthanik Chikitsa A Boon To Stree Roga in Ayurveda

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ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

“Sthanik chikitsa a boon to stree roga in ayurveda”

Thorat Priti Vishwanath1, More S.K. 2, Kulkarni C. J. 3
1. PG scholar, Streerog-Prasuti-Tantra Dept, S.V.N.H.T’s Ayurved College, Rahuri,
2.Asso. Professor of Streerog-Prasuti-Tantra Dept, S.V.N.H.T’s Ayurved College, Rahuri,
3. H.O.D. Streerog-Prasuti-Tantra Dept, S.V.N.H.T’s Ayurved College, Rahuri.
*Corresponding Author: 9763648194, 9011071045; E-mail –

ABSTRACT: Pichudharan(tampoon soaked in

There are some Sthanik Chikitsa ( medicated oil or liquid is placed into the
Local Therapies) in Ayurvedic Stree vagina ), Uttar -Basti ( Medicated oil or
Rogas described by Ancient Acharyas decoction is pushed into the uterine
that possess outstanding and satisfactory cavity through vagina ), Yoni -Dhupan
outcomes in the management of Stree- (Fumigation of vagina,with medicated
Rogas . Some of these local therapies smoke),Yoni-Varti (Insertion of
shows amazing results in the management medicated wick into the vagina), Yoni-
of Stree Rogas like ‘Vandhyatava ‘These Puran (vaginal packing),Yoni-Lepan (
extraordinary local therapies should be vaginal painting), Yoni-Parisheka, Pinda
highlighted and of course used in the Chikitsa etc. In the present study all these
management of Stree Rogas for the local therapies are revised through ancient
fruiful outcomes. These loacal therapies samhitas and these therapies are reviewed
basically play an important role in the with their meanings, indications,
disorders of TryavartaYoni.Sthanik application procedure, application site of
Chikitsa preferably includes the local therapy. The procedure of each
Yonidhawan (Douche of vagina), Yoni- local therapy is discussed considering all

ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

aseptic precautions. Through this study it has to go into different phases to turn
is my hopeful and truthful effort to into a beautiful flower, similarly a young
motivate most of the Vaidyas towards girl has to go through different stages to
Sthanik Chikitsa in the management of turn into a mature women and even
Stree Rogas.This study with its simple thereafter. The anatomical, physiological,
and appropriate terms will definitely help emotional changes occur in the body of
the Vaidyas to reach to the depth of the women at different stages. The women
concept and will subsequently prove to who takes the extreme care of her family
be helpful to give admirable and members is always found to be careless
satisfactory outcomes to Vaidyas. The about her own health. These women who
use of absolute Sthanik Chikitsa(Local are busy in their household as well as
Therapy) skillfully in the management of career issues face many gynecological
Stree Rogas would surely prove to be problems and even after the diagnosis of
boon to Stree Roga. these gynecological problems these
women don’t go for regular follow up to
Key Words – Sthanik Chikitsa, Stree doctor at regular intervals.Womens
Roga Uttar basti, Yoni-Vyapada, always face very common gynecological
Prathamavarta. problems like white discharge, itching at
vulva, foul smelling vaginal discharge,
INTRODUCTION: burning micturation etc. In such
The divine are extremely delighted where problems Sthanik Chikitsa have given
women are respected and where they are excellent results and these local therapies
not respected all actions ( projects ) are should be practiced for admirable results
fruitless. Owing to the very fact that a in the above mentioned gynacological
women alone has the power to give birth problems.
to life, it can be assumed the Shristi
(creation) is a result of Shakti (power). AIM
We observe in the nature that even a bud
ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

 To study and adopt the usefullness mouth of uterus is washed with medicated
of Sthanik Chikitsa ( Local decoction or other liquids. Dhawana
Therapies) in means cleaning or purification of wound
Ayurvedic Stree Rogas. with water and other medicated
 To study Sthanik Chikitsa from Sthana (Application site of Yonidhawan )
various Ayurvedic texts. - Prathamavarta (Vagina)[3]
 To study the operating procedure
of each local therapy in detail. Duration: 8 days[3]

Material and Methods: Timing for Yonidhawana - Rutukala

This is a conceptual type of study. (From 6th day of menstrual cycle for 8
Textual materials are used for the study days )
from which various references have been
collected. Main Ayurvedic texts used in Time limit of the Yonidhawana- 1to1.5
this study are Charak Samhita, Sushrata Min. [3]
Samhita, Ashtang-Sangraha.
Comentries are also included in it. Medicines for Yonidhawana applicable
in the form of -Kwatha (Decoction),
The Sthanik Chikitsa (Local Therapies) Kshirpak (Medicated Milk), Siddha Jala
are described as follows: (Purified Medicated water), Oil. [3]
a) Yonidhawana (vaginal cleaning)
Dhawana is deep cleaning of wound Indications:
under aseptic precautions and making the 1.Yoni Kandu(Vaginal Itching)
wound clean and aseptic with water and 2.Kunapgandhi Artavdushti[4]
medicinal preparations. It is a procedure 3.Kaphaja Artava Dushti[5]
in which the vagina, vaginal passage and 4.Yoni Strava[6] (Vaginal Discharge)
ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

5.Yoni Kleda[7] decoction prathamavarta (Vagina) is

6.Yoni Paicchilya washed out.[3]
7.Yoni Arsha(Vaginal Polyps) 6. After the procedure the vulva is dried
Amount of Medicine used for with cotton.
Yonidhawana- 1 lit of Kwatha, 250 ml of 7. Then procedure is repeated on the
oil. respective days. The drugs used for
Yonidhawana are antiseptic, and have the
Instruments Required: benefit of healing the wound.
1.Enema Pot
2.Sterile Catheter b)UTTARBASTI - ( Insertion of
3.Cotton Medicated oil, decoction into Intra
4.Maincentosh Uterine cavity though vagina ) Basti
5.Hand Gloves which is given through uttarmarga i.e
through the passages located above or
Procedure: infront part (urethra or vagina) of anus is
1. The patient is advised to lie down on known as uttarbasti.[10] It also refers to the
the bed in lithotomy position. The enema urinary bladder of pig or goat, because in
pot is filled with luke warm decoction to ancient days bladder of these animals
which catheter is connected. were used for this purpose but now a days
2.The rubber maincentosh is placed 5cc dispovan syrienge attached with a
underneath patients waist, one end of thin cannula is used for injecting
which lies in the bucket. Uttarbasti. Basti possessing superior
3. Minimum 2 litres of decoction is qualities is known as Uttarbasti. [11]
required to wash the vaginal passage.
4. Sterile rubber catheter is inserted into Indications:
vagina. The suppression of vayu by Uttarbasti
5. Enema pot filled with decoction is kept helps women to conceive immediately.[12]
at 5 feet distance and with luke warm It is indicated in diseases of urinary
ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

bladder such as retention of urine, These preparations are benficial in

dysuria, utero-vaginal prolapse, severe cervical mucous disorders like
vaginal pain, various gynaecological altered viscosity, increased
disorders (yonivyapada), cellularity etc.
ammenorrhoea, dysenorrhoea and C) Uttarbasti in Endometrial disorders:
retention of placenta. Uttarbasti plays magnificient role in
treating the endometrial conditions. It
helps in improving the texture of
A)Uttarbasti in vaginal disorders: endometria. The commonly used
 Vaginal infections- The preparations include the Ghritas prepared
commonly found vaginal from Brihan dravyas.
infections are bacterial and fungal
infections. The commonly used D)Uttarbasti in Tubal Disorders:
preparations in such infections are  Tubal block- Brihan Ghritas are
Jatyadi Ghrita or Jatyadi tail. used if tubal spasm is due to
fibrosis. When the Tubal Block is
B)Uttarbasti in Cervical disorders: due to adhesions Kshar taila
 Cervical Erosions- The commonly Uttarbasti is given.
used preparations in cervical  Hydrosalphinx- The commonly
erosions are medicated ghrita like used preparations in this
Triphala Ghrita, Phala Ghrita, conditions are Nirgundi Taila,
Shatavari Ghrita. Cervical Yashtimadhu Taila, Til Taila.
Erosions can be treated by using
Ropana drugs in Uttarbasti. Time of administration:
 Cervical Mucous disorders- It can The previous infections should be ruled
be treated with preparations like out and cured completely before giving
Jatyadi Ghrita, Shatavari Ghrita. Uttarbasti. It is given after the
ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

administration of two or three Asthapana one angula in urethral passage[15] while

Basties. It is administered during in women the nozzle should be inserted
Artavakala or Ritukala (after menstrual up to four angula(finger breadth).
bleeding stops). During this period the
mouth of uterus is open and it readily Basti Dravya:
receives the fluids injected.[13] It should According to Sushruta, Kashaya or Taila
be carried out under aseptic precautions can be used for Uttarbasti. In charak
in operation theatre. Samhita, charaka insists the use of only
taila in uttarbasti.
Uttarbasti Yantra:
It has a bag for holding the preparation Quantity and frequency:
and a nozzle for injecting the fluid. The The quantity mentioned by Charaka is
length of nozzle with pipe should be 14 half pala (20gms).[17] Charaka insists
angula with the measurement of patient’s uttarbasti three times a day for three
fingers. The tip should be resembling the days. Sushruta has given separate
pedicle of jasmine flower and the opening measurement for both sexes. For males
should be made in such a way that a the amount of decoction is one Prasrita
mustard seed should pass.[14][15] In women (96gms) and two Prasrita (192gms) for
the Pushpa (nozzle) should be 10 angulas females. [17] The sneha should be taken in
in length. Circumference should be of double quantity for uterine douche or
size of urethral canal. In ancient days the cleaning. [18]
Acharyas had suggested the use of Decoction: Male- 1 Prasrita(96gms)
bladder of sheep, pig or goat for giving Female- 2 Prasrita(192gms)
batsi. In their absence skin of bird’s neck
or bottom of leather water bag can be Sneha: Male- 1 Prakuncha
used.[16] Charakacharya have given the (48gms)
use of Ajabasti (Bladder of Goat)[17] In Female- 1 Prasrita(96gms)
young girls the nozzle should be inserted
ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

Method of Administration of 4. Sim’s speculum

Uttarbasti: 5. IUI cannula / infant feeding tube
1. Women should be given supine 6. 5cc syrienge
position with thighs flexed and 7. Sterile phalaghrita
knees elevated. 8. Cotton
2. The nozzle is inserted in urinary 9. Gauze pieces
or vaginal passage slowly and 10.Gloves
steadily. 11. Towel clips
3. In 24 hours two, three or four 12. Kidney tray
bastis are given. After resting for 13. Good light source.
three days again the procedure is
repeated for the next three days. Poorva Karma:
4. Karnikas (rings) should be 1.Vaman
introduced and vaginal openings 2.Virechana
pressed properly, then the basti 3.Dashamoolaniruha and Anuvasanana
bag should be pressed On alternate day for 3 to 5 days
Pradhan Karma
Contraindications: 1. Lithotomy position
1. Cervical cancer 2. Painting and draping
2. Virginity 3. Cleaning of vulva and vagina with
3. Vesicovaginal fistula savlon and betadine
4. Hypersensitive disorders 4. Insertion of sim’s speculum and
anterior vaginal wall retractor .
Instruments required for uttarbasti 5. Proper visualization of external os with
1. Sterile drepping and painting material light source
2. Swab holder. 6. Insertion of IUI cannula.
3. Anterior vaginal wall retractor
ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

7. Fix 5cc syrienge filled with 2. Elongated - 1 finger breadh and 4

phalaghrita finger long
8. Slowly push the piston and administer
3 to 5cc of phalaghrita as required. Site of Pichu dharan:[22]
9. Pichudharan. 1. Prathamavarta - Elongated pichu
Paschat Karma: 2. Dwitiyavarta - circular pichu dharan
1. Ask the patient to lie down for 20 to 30
minutes. Duration of Pichu dharan:[22]
2. Avoid biking or travelling just after the 5 to 6 hours up to retention of urine.
procedure. 1.Yonidaha and Yoni kandu[23]
3. Light diet, soup or meat juice in the 2.Yoni Paka[23]
evening 3.Vivritta Yonivyapada[23]
4. Tell the patient to remove pichu after 4.Yoni Paichilya and Yoni Srava[24]
12 hours. 5.Yoni Karkashata[25]
6.Vataja Yonivyapada[26]
c)YONI PICHU DHARAN: (Placing a 7.Pittaja Yonivyapada[27]
Tampoon soaked in medicinal oil or 8.Vamini and Upapluta Yonivyapada[28]
liquid).Pichu is made up of cotton swab 9.Nine Month Pregnancy[29]
2x3 cm (1 inch) is wrapped with gauze 10.Retained Placenta[30]
piece and tied with long thread. It should 11.Yoni Bhransha [31]
be immersed in medicated oil or liquid.
Oils are mostly preferred due to its Procedure of Pichu Dharana
retention ability. 1. Autoclaved pichu should be used.
2. Patient should be given supine position
Shapes of Tampoons:[22] with knees flexed
1. Circular - 1 inch length and breadth 3.The aseptic, sterile pichu soaked in oil
or liquid is inserted into the vagina with
ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

index finger of gloved hands in such a 7.Raktagulma[35]

way that thread of the pichu should come 8.Santati Pratibandhak(Contraceptive)
out of vagina which helps in easy removal
of pichu after 5 to 6 hours. Dhupana Drugs:
Kushta ( Saussure acostus ), Agaru (
d)YONIDHUPAN : (Fumigation of Aqillarla agallocha ), Guggul
vagina with medicated smoke) (Comiphera mukul ), Vacha ( Acorus
Yonidhupan is the practical procedure in calamus ) Vidang (Embelia
which fumigation of vagina is performed Ribes),Nimbapatra Azadirachtaindica )
by giving the disinfected and medicated
smoke. Procedure:
1. A chair having hole in the middle is
Site of Yonidhupan- Bhaya yoni( outer used for this procedure.
surface of vagina ) 2. Patient is asked to sit on this chair after
Time limit of Yoni dhuphan- 3 to 5 voiding the urine.
minutes 3. The dhupan dravyas are lit in dhupan
apparatus which is placed just below the
Types of Yoni dhupan - chair.
1. In the form of treatment 4. The smoke coming from the dhupan
2. For the protection of health. drugs must reach upto the expected
genitalia for fumigation.
Indications 5. Otherwise even Nadi Dhupan can be
1.Shweta Pradara done by giving fumigation to the
2.Yoni Kandu[32] expected genital organs.
3.Apara Sanga 6. We should be very careful while
4.Garbha Sanga [34] performing this procedure because the
5.Upapluta Yonivyapad[35] temperature rises and there may be
6.Sutika Paricharya [35]
ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

danger of burn of the genital organs from 1. Painting or the expected part with
the fumes of the smoke. savlon and betadine.
2. Freshly prepared lepa should be
e) YONI LEPANA (vaginal painting ) applied evenly and uniformly on the
Lepas are used as external application. affected areas.
The finely powdered churna is mixed 3. The lepa should be removed
with water or medicated liquid and paste immediately after drying as the skin is
with uniform consistency is made.This very sensitive organ and very dried lepa
paste is then applied to the expected and kept on the skin can cause allergic
affected areas locally. eactions on the skin like rashes, burning,
irritation of the skin.
Types of Lepas.
1. Pralepa - Thin lepa f) YONIVARTI (Yoniwick)
2. Pradeha - Thick lepa - non drying Vartis are wicks made by mixing finely
3. Alepa - Medium thick lepa. powdered drugs with adhesive drugs or
Site - Prathamavarta /Breast binding agents.

Time limit - 3 to 4 hours or until the lepa Time limit of retention of Yonivarti- 2
dries to 3 hours.

Indications: Indications:
1. Yoni shaithilya. 1.Dushta vrana
2. Apara sang 2.Karnini yonivyapad[36]
3. Stana vidradhi 3.Upapluta yonivyapad
4. Yoni Arsha( vaginal Polyp ) 4.Kaphaja yonivyapad[37]
5. Rakta pradara
Procedure: 6. Anartava

ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

Types of Varti used form of medications in this

1. Karpas varti procedure are the kalkas or pastes.
2. Kalka varti
Procedure. It is hot fomentations to all sides of the
1. Painting of the expected area with vagina.
savlon and betadine
2.Varti should be made of size which is Site - Bahya Yoni (external part of
equal to the circumference of index finger vagina)
3. Vartis should be kept to dry in shade
4. There after vartis are wrapped in gauze Time limit of Yoni Parishek- 5 to 10
piece and thread is tied o it. min.
5. Vartis used should be autoclaved.
6. For good lubrication,to avoid pricking Drugs used for Yoni Parishek - Oil or
of the vartis, these vartis should be medicated oil.
soaked in oil, ghrita, honey or milk.
7. Vartis should be inserted into the Indications- YoniVrana, YoniPitika,
vagina in such a way that the thread YoniShotha.
should remain out of the vagina. As soon
as the urgency of micturation occurs the Procedure:
varti should be removed and vagina is 1)Patient should be given supine position
washed with luke warm water. with the knees flexed.
2)Medicated Oil or lukewarm water is
g) YONI PURAN (vaginal packing) poured from the height of 4 to 5 inch over
This procedure is defined as filling the the vagina.
cavity of vagina completely with oils,
pastes, powder or bolus. The commonly i) PINDA CHIKITSA

ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

1. This procedure consist of insertion of  This freshly prepared Pinda is

medicinal boiled drug in the form of then inserted in to the
circular paste wrapped in disinfectant Prathamavarta.
cloth into the vagina. This chikitsa is  It should be removed out after 3 to
Ushna Veeryatmak because of actual 4 hours.
contact with heat.
Site- Prathamavarta. Sthanik Chikitsa can be helpful to prove
like a boon to Stree rogas in Ayurveda
Time limit of Pinda Chikitsa - 3 to 4 when the Vaidyas apply these therapies in
hours ( until frequency of micturation ) there gynecological practice logically
and carefully but ofcourse under all
Procedure: aseptic precautions. Each Sthanik
 Finely powdered medicinal drug Chikitsa hold its own importance and
and water mixed thoroughly shows marvellous results when applied
should be boiled. with proper indications, strict aseptic
 There after oil should be mixed to precautions and extreme carefulness.
this mixture.
 The heating should be stopped REFERENCES:
after the expected paka of 1.Lalchand Shastri Vaidya, editor,
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circular shape with thread at the Ram Acharya, editors.Sushrutasamhita
upper end. with Nimbandhasangraha Commentary
7th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha
Orientalia, 2002,P.35
ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

3.Jaymala Shirke, editor. Ayurvediya 10.Lalchand Shastri Vaidya, editor,

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ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

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ISBN 978-93-5173-179-3 ISSN 2320-7329 Vol. 3 Special issue*- 16th Feb. 2015

Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

A Web based quarterly online published Open Access peer reviewed National E-journal of Ayurved

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Sthanik chikitsa a boon to stree roga in ayurveda
Thorat Priti Vishwanath, More S.K. , Kulkarni C. J.
Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science-2014; 3(2): 1-15


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