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PTE Prediction

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Repeated Questions
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Repeat Sentence
 020001.A computer virus destroyed all my files.
 020008.A thorough bibliography is needed at the end of every assignment.
 020014.All undergraduate students should participate in the seminar.
All postgraduate students should participate in the seminar.
 020024.Anatomy is the observation of internal and external body structures.
Anatomy is the study of internal and external body structures.
 020029.Applicants for the course preferably have a preference on English and journalism.
Applicants for the course probably have a preference over English or journalism .
 020054.Don’t forget to hand in your assignments by the end of next week.
 020066.Even with the permit, finding a parking spot on campus is almost impossible.
 020068.Exam results will be available next week from the course office.
 020074.He is almost never in his office.
 020091.I missed yesterday’s lecture. Can I borrow your notes?
 020111 If she does speak the language, she is not going to sit around for a translator
If she doesn’t speak the language, she’s not going to sit around a week waiting for a translator.
 020120.In Europe, the political pressure is similar regarding globalization.
 020124.In this library, reserve collection books can be borrowed for up to three hours.
 020127.Interpreters are not readily available in this department.
 020250.The cafeteria closes soon but the snack machine is accessible throughout the night.
 020257.The clear evidence between brain events and behavioral events are always fascinating.
The clear evidence between brain events and behavioral events is fascinating.

 020276.The first few sentences of an essay should capture the readers’ attention.
 020279.The hypothesis needs to be tested in a more rigorous way.
 020292.The maximum production of chocolate is in U.S.
 020306.The office opens on Mondays and Thursdays directly following the freshman seminar
 020317.The Psychology department is looking for volunteers to be involved in research projects.
 020320.The real reason for global hunger is not the lack of food, but poverty.
 020325.The result of the study will be published next month.
 020330.The seminar on writing skills has been cancelled.
 020347.The United Kingdom isaconstitutionalmonarchyandparliamentarydemocracy.
 020368.There will be ample opportunities for ask questions about the presentation.已确认
 020377.Thisisthethirdtimeyou'veaskedforanextensiononthisproject.
 020387.To improve the essay, I decided to include more direct quotes
 020393.Try to explain how your ideas are linked so that there is a logical flow.
 020403.We are delighted to have Professor Robert to join our faculty.
 020419.What is the most effective way of interaction between teachers and students in class?
 020420.When I was in school, I had many of the same problems you do now.
 020429.You can find the student service centre on level one of Home Building
 020440.You should raise your concern with the head of school.
 020448 79.5% of California do speak English at home
39.5% of Californian residents don‘t speak English at home/in the home.
39.5% of California residents speak a language other than English at home.
 020452.In consultation with your supervisor, your thesis is approved by the faculty committee.
 020463.He was constantly looking for ways to bring industry and agriculture closely together.
 020471.Basketball was created in 1891 by a physician and a physical instructor.
 020475.Newspapers across the world reported stories of presidents.
 020478.I don't like cheese and tomato sandwiches on white bread and orange juice.
I would like a cheese and tomato sandwich on white bread with orange juice.
 020480.To answer such a complex question with a simple yes or no is absolutely impossible.
Answering this complex question with a simple yes or no is absolutely impossible.
 020485.Student loans are now available for international students.
 020496.Care needs to be taken for vulnerable groups during the periods of turmoil
Care needs to be taken for vulnerable groups in the times of something.
 020499.Please explain what the author means by sustainability.
 020500.She doesn't care about anything but what is honest and true.
She doesn't even care about anything but what is honest and true.
 020522.Organic food is growing without applying chemicals and no artificial additives.
 020524.The bookstore is located on the main campus behind the library.
 020525.The professor will be the last speaker this evening.
 020528.The time table for next term will be available next week.
The time table for the new term will be available next week
 020530.The US ranks the twenty-second in foreign aid, given it as a percentage of GDP.
 020534.All of our accommodations are within a walking distance to teaching buildings.
All of our accommodations are within a walking distance to the academic buildings.

 020539.Biographical information should be removed before the publication of the results.

 020551.Higher fees cause the student to look more critically at what universities offer.
Higher fees make students think more critically about what universities can offer.
 020574.Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
Don’t hesitate to email me if any questions.
 020584.You should go to reception to get your student card
You can get a student card at the reception.
 020588.Please go straight and turn left to reach the library.
 020592.Your enrollment information, results and fees will be available online.
your enrollment information, results and fee statements will be emailed to your faculty
 020593.Alex captured her hands and forced her to drop the potatoes.
 020606.Student discount cards can be used in the coffee house on campus.
 020625.Generally, students have unusual problems in school.
 020638.Hypothetically, insufficient mastery in the areas slows future progress.
 020653.You can download all lecture handouts from the course website.
 020668.Once more under the pressure of economic necessity, practice outstripped theory.
 020678.The lecture management in Japan will take place in the week seven.
 020689.Proteins constitute at least thirty percent of the total mass of all living organism.
 020695.Please sort and order the slides of the presentation according to topic and speech time.
 020699.We didn’t have any noticeable variance between the two or three tasks.
 020700.You should enquire about the Direct Deposit.
 020702.It’s within that framework that we’re making our survey.
 020705.This small Indian state is a land of forest valleys and snowy islands.
 020713.The sports/sport team members often practice on weekdays and play games on weekends.
 020715.They have enough works to keep them going.
 020716.His lecture is always useful and stimulated.
 020717.In my free time, I would like to read current affairs and newspapers.
In my free time, I would like to read current events and newspapers.
 020719.There is a plan in place for those who have difficulty paying their bills.
 020720.I don’t understand what the comment of my essay means.
 020721.Our fundamental realities, especially national needs, have seen the ability to flourish.
 020722.The student service center is located on the main campus behind the library.
 020725.The new English class will start next Monday morning.
 020727.Negative discourse continues to be predominant in discussion of gender.
 020735.Make sure the Financial Director knows the full details of the Pay Agreement.
 020736.Expertise in particular areas distinguishes you from other a job interview.
 020739.The generic biology technology lab is located at the North Wing of the library.
 020740.The older equipment has been put at the back of the building.
 020749.I would like tomato and cheese sandwiches on white bread and orange juice.
 020750.Students should book a library tour on the first week of the first semester.
 020751.Since the problems that we face are global, we need to find the relative solutions
 020753.In 1880, cycling became a major phenomenon in Europe
 020754.More muscles are used in swimming than other sports
 020757.It is interesting to observe the development of language skills of toddlers.
 020758.We will see if we can get through this without too many interruptions.
 020759.Many of the university’s original buildings are still in use
 020760.The key to success in the exam is to study hard and do well.
 020761.In marketing, short-term thinking leads to many problems./disasters
 020762.We need to read the first five chapters to prepare for next week tutorial. subject
 020763 Robert would live in rural areas in London.
Robert Frost lived in rural areas in New England.
 020764.Internet provides unusual opportunities for students and current events.
 020768.The schedule will be posted on the website before the class starts.
The timetable will be posted on the website before the class starts.

 020773.The trip for the professional training will start soon, so, pack the items before we leave
 020774.The competency in the language in the assignment is to use more formal words.
 020776.Lots of students had money and passport stolen especially at night.
 020786.Before reading Chapter One, you must refer to the lecture notes first.
 020787.It is of interest to most students to take experiential learning course.
 020791.Children are not allowed to be in the lab at any time
 020795.All old university buildings are still in use.
 020796.Our capacity to respond to national needs will determine our ability to flourish.
 020798.My computer was crashed so I could not save my work
 020800.It is argued that students can learn more in collaborative rather than individual tasks.
 020801.Native discourse continues to be predominate in discussion of gender.
 020802.The undergraduates students are taught with a rigorous course in our psychology department.
 020805.Ideally, free trade is beneficial for trading to both two partners.
 020807.The geographic assignment should be submitted by the midday of Friday.
 020808.This is how we deliver health care to millions of people over the world.
 020809.Only those who are over eighteen years of age are eligible to open a bank account in our bank.
 020810.The health center is situated at the corner of the university behind the library.
 020811.The puppets do comedy routines and there is some terrific formation dancing.

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