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Final Reading= Sleeve Reading+(Thimble Reading)(Least Count)- Zero Reading

Least Count=
No . of Thimble Divisions
Zero Reading
3 Types:
No Zero Reading, if sleeve axis lines with the zero line (of the thimble)
Zero Reading=0

Negative Zero Reading, sleeve axis lies below the zero line
Zero reading= −( Thimble reading)(Least Count )
Use interpolation if needed.
5 mm (1) 26.5 mm (2) somewhere in between 50 mm and 50.5 mm (3)
What is between 50.25 and 50.50 mm? (4)

Case 1 used the scale

Case 2 approximated to a decimal between two values
Case 3, 50 mm- 50.5 mm=0.5/2= 0.25. Add 0.25 to 50 mm or subtract 0.25 to 50.50 mm, that is their
midpoint value
Case 4, 50.25-50.50= 0.25/2= 0.125. Add 0.125 to 50.25 mm or subtract 0.25 to 50.50.

Positive Zero Reading- sleeve axis lies above the zero line
Zero reading= (Thimble reading)(Least Count)

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