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BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan

General Information (Part 1)

Assignment-1 (Part 2)
Assignment -2 (Part 3)
Assignment -3 (Part 4)
Final Assessment Feedback (Part 5)


 Please complete requested details (Blue shades) on Pages 1 and 3
 Complete the assignment. Write your name and your student ID
clearly on your assignment.
 Submit this document and your assignment to your appointed
trainer/assessor by the due date.
 Assignments with missing student Name & ID will be return.

Student First Name:      THI HUYEN Student ID:      180841951

Surname:      PHAM Commencement Date:   10/  07/2020    
Email:       Skype:
Phone: (     )      

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UPC College BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan – Part 4: Assignment-3 1


Assessment–Including quiz, exam, assignment, logbook and/or reports.

Assessor – The teacher who will mark your assessments.
Assignment – The major written task that you are assessed on.
Competent – A judgement of an acceptable result for your overall unit.
Not yet competent – A result that is not at an acceptable level to pass the
Feedback – Comments and suggestions from your assessor.
Quiz – A short test to measure your understanding of the unit.
Satisfactory – A competent result for one of your assessments.
Not satisfactory – An unacceptable result to pass one of your assessments.
Student ID – A unique number allocated to each student for identification
Submission – Submitting your assessment to UPC (your trainer or assessor).
Re-submission – The second attempt that you submit your assessment to
Trainer– The teacher who will assist you in understanding the work, and
answer ongoing questions during your study.
Unit of Competency (or unit or subject) - A unit of competency is the
specification of knowledge and skill, and the application of that knowledge
and skill, to the standard of performance expected in the workplace. It is the
smallest unit that can be assessed and recognised under the Australian
Qualification Framework.


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Version Document History

Version Date created Author/ Customised History of change

1.0 11/04/2016 Riaz Mahmood New Created

UPC College BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan – Part 4: Assignment-3 2
UPC College BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan – Part 4: Assignment-3 3
PART 4 – Assignment -3


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Assessor Report

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UPC College BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan – Part 4: Assignment-3 4
Instructions to Candidate:
You have to complete this assessment in your own time. Please refer to unit outline for assessment
submission date. Or confirm with your trainer and assessor. You must submit this assessment with any
required evidence attached, before the due date. A follow-up interview may be required (at the
discretion of the assessor). Please read case study and answer question 1 to 4.
In order to ensure flexibility and fairness, if you are unable to attempt this assessment, you may
approach the trainer/assessor for an alternative method of assessments, a further scenario/project
may be used as an alternative approach if negotiated with the assessor.
If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.

Performance objectives
Candidates will demonstrate knowledge and skills required to analyse performance reports, review
performance indicators and take appropriate action to address systems failures and variances to the
business plan.

Assessment Description
In this assessment, candidate will analyse performance data and reports against planned objectives,
implement strategies to refine performance indicators, and address coaching and training needs. You
are also required to develop and recommend processes for the review of systems, procedures and
work methods.

UPC College BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan – Part 4: Assignment-3 5
Respond to performance data
Case study: B&A Toy Warehouse
Evaluating performance measures
After identifying the performance measures, Tony evaluated performance by comparing current
performance against the desired level of performance. This allowed him to determine areas for
improvement to assist the warehouse in achieving its productivity goal.

Area Current performance Performance target to achieve

10% productivity
Time 80 minutes 72 minutes
Average order
processing time
Cost $200.00 $180.00
Average cost to process
an order
Quality 10% Less than 1%
Error rate
Production 50 55
Average number of
orders processed per

Assessment required
1. Review the above case study ‘B & A Toy Warehouse’.
2. Critically analyse the information and write a brief report, responding to each questions in the
case study.

UPC College BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan – Part 4: Assignment-3 6
Questio After completing a comparison of current performance against desired S
n1 performance levels, identify the corrective actions required to achieve the NS
business plan goal of improving warehouse productivity by 10%. What type
of corrective actions do you recommend for each performance
improvement (e.g. interim, adaptive, corrective, preventative or

Area Required corrective action

Time      Corrective quality of order processing system to
Average order processing time be improved, can put an extra staff to ensure faster
Cost      Preventive-unwanted expenses need to be
Average cost to process an order reduced

Quality      Corrective reduce error rate, give more detailed

Error rate attention to orders
Production      Interim-promote more marketing activities
Average number of orders among clients
processed per day

Analyse systems and processes:

After implementing his strategy to monitor and evaluate performance, Tony has identified the areas
that require corrective action. Tony knows that in order to do this, he must first complete a more
detailed analysis of the warehouse systems and processes, and identify the specific steps required to
improve productivity.

Two years ago, the warehouse implemented a custom-built electronic warehouse management system
(WMS) which has had an enormous impact on productivity. When completing his review, Tony asks the
following questions to ensure that the system effectively supports warehouse operations:
● Has the warehouse achieved the productivity goals that were to be delivered by this system?
● What is the occurrence rate of the system being out of order and impacting on the packing of
● How long does it take to train new staff members to use the system?
● How do the employees who use the system rate its ability in assisting them to process customer
orders efficiently?

Tony also uses the system to generate a series of reports that allow him to analyse warehouse systems
and processes. The reports details:
● number of orders packed per hour, per day

● time required to pack each order

● number of packers per order
● number of boxes per order.

UPC College BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan – Part 4: Assignment-3 7
Tony also documents the process (from order receipt to dispatch) to assist with his analysis, and to
help him to understand the exact process followed in packing an order (see the following page).

Order received by email from customer

Order entered into Order printed and

WMS by provided to Packing
Administration team Supervisor

YES Order sent to Order processed

Is order for a Priority Customer?
Priority Customer within 1 hour of
Packing team receipt

Order processed and
Order placed in
order packing queue

Order processed and


Order sent to
distribution team

Distribution team
wrap and label order
and send to transport

Transport dock team Customer receives order

load order on truck
to deliver to

UPC College BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan – Part 4: Assignment-3 8
Tony also completes the following SWOT analysis to assist with his review.

Warehouse order processing systems and process

Strengths: Weaknesses:
● Warehouse Management System ● Absenteeism.
automates administrative ● Warehouse layout – stock difficult to
components of the process. access.
● Simple process for packing and ● Warehouse supervisors are all junior
distributing customer orders. and new to management roles; they
● Good orientation and induction require intensive coaching and
programs for new staff, to ensure support from Warehouse Manager.
they get up to speed quickly.
Opportunities: Threats:
● Warehouse extension to facilitate ● Forklift licence requirements mean
better layout. that not all staff can drive a forklift.
● Preferred supplier arrangement to ● The above requirements also
be established with temporary require staff to have time away from
workforce supplier, to ensure packing floor to attend training.
provision of temporary labour. ● Industrial action from Union
members due to lack of licensed
forklift drivers.

Performance measures and assessment tools and techniques

At the commencement of the performance year, Tony tasked his management team to complete
balanced scorecards for all warehouse team members, and record the key result areas (KRAs) and key
performance indicators (KPIs) for each role. This was done to ensure that all warehouse employees
understood the performance measures for their role.
The scorecards were last accessed two months ago to complete annual performance reviews.
Tony contacted the Human Resource Manager to obtain a report detailing the KRA’s, KPI’s and
performance ratings for all warehouse employees. He wants to evaluate the performance review
process and the effectiveness of these measures in assisting the warehouse to achieve its operational
plan goals.
Upon reviewing the report provided by Human Resources, Tony discovered:
1. Only 80% of employees have documented KRA’s and KPI’s – 20% of employees do not know what
performance level is expected of them.

UPC College BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan – Part 4: Assignment-3 9
2. KPI’s are not aligned with warehouse goals – employees are not clear on what the warehouse is
trying to achieve.
3. Majority of KPI’s are not written using SMART format – they are not providing employees with
clear expectations on what needs to be achieved and by when.
4. Performance ratings indicate that 50% of employees exceeded performance expectations for the
last performance year, which is inconsistent with warehouse end-of-year results (the warehouse
did not achieve its operational plan goals last performance year

Performance reports
As Warehouse Manager, Tony is tasked with the following human resource KRA’s:

Human Resources Scorecard
Key Result Area Metric
Absenteeism 3%
Turnover 8%
Long service leave liability $2.0 million
Annual leave liability $1.5 million
Employee engagement 85%
Employee attended training sessions 45

Warehouse Human Resources Monthly Performance Report

Report name Human Resources Monthly Report

Department Warehouse
Period 201X Year to Date

Key Result Area Target Actual

Absenteeism 3% 3.9%
Turnover 8% 9.2%
Long service leave liability $2.0 million $1.8 million
Annual leave liability $1.5 million $1.2 million
Employee engagement 85% 83%
Employee attended 45 32
training sessions

UPC College BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan – Part 4: Assignment-3 10
Identifying trends
To assist Tony in understanding the warehouse operations, and to identify where he can make
improvements to achieve performance objectives and measures, Tony graphs the number of orders
processed and absenteeism for each month over the last year.

Orders processed

No. orders processed

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec



Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

UPC College BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan – Part 4: Assignment-3 11
Question 1. Critically analyse the performance against planned objectives S
2  Identify areas of non-performance NS
Tony , the warehouse management system has definitely assist in increasing
the warehouse productivity as it enables a simple process for packing and
distributing customer orders and it gives a good orientation and iduction
programs to new staffs. However, the WHS also caused absenteeism and the
layout makes the stock difficults to access. Supervisors also require intensive
training support from warehouse manager which is hassie.

2. Report on systems failures which contributed to these results

 Consider failures in communication, planning, reporting and training.
Tony encountered failure in communicating the operational plan goals to
his staffs. He should have a clear communication level with staffs and
highlights the importance of detailing the key result areas (KRA) as well as
key performance indicators (KPI) for his management team. The
employees' failure to complete the balanced scorecards goes to show that
his employees are not at all clear of what the warehouse is trying to
achieve which is inconsistent with Tony’s operation aims. When setting
objectives, it is very important to convey to employees about your financial
objectives and set it clear to them that the KPI should be specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic and time specific.
3. Review performance indicators and refine if necessary
 Comment on the suitability of performance indicators and what
changes might be required to achieve organisational goals.
Based on the targeted and actual KRA, results are basically unfavourable
which is a threat to the company. Tony’s goal is to achieve 10% increase in
productivity when actual absenteeism exceeds the targeted percentage of
3%. Turnover rate results are unfavourable as well as it exceeds the
targeted percentage. Tony should develop a corrective action plan
whereby communication with employees should be significantly improved
and personal. By doing so, employees will be able to enjoy working in a
close and motivated team, which in turn, can increase productivity and
reduce absenteeism and the staff turnover rates. It is important to
emphasise on treating employees right and improve the workplace
environment as the employees are the one who helps to operate and run
the business.

Question Underperforming individuals should be trained intensely. Tony should S

3 organise a training period with a certain timeframe as well as propose an NS
expected performance for employees after going through the training, so
that the employees can gauge and improve on their productivity level,
instead of taking the training for granted. Supervisors should monitor the
underperforming individuals as well and report to Tony on any
absenteeism or low levels of productivity so that Tony can consider on
retaining or letting go of certain employees. In order to improve the
company’s productivity, clear communication to employees is essential.
UPC College BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan – Part 4: Assignment-3 12
Tony should communicate clear goals and expectations to his employees.
For targets to be meaningful and effective in motivating employees, they
must be tied to larger organisational ambitions. He should also share
numbers and information to them so that they would know what is going
on within the company as well as how their jobs contribute to the
productivity and profit of the company. When they are informed with
transparent information, employees will feel a greater sense of worth and
an increased sense of ownership, which will improve their performance.


Question 1. Develop a strategy for reviewing systems processes and work methods at S
4 B & A Toy Warehouse. NS
 Proactive management: The strategic plans proposed should be
implemented in a proactive manner wit focus on do it now attitude.
All the tasks simplified to minor actions have to be completed at the
best possible time frame with no excuse to delay
 Quality production: the future of a business depends on the quality of
its products so is the case of Toy warehouse here. If any of the low-
quality products go out to market it definitely makes a negative
impression on the customer.
2. Describe how the implementation of your strategy would lead to
continuous improvement.
The mention strategies play a great role in the companies’ improvement
goals. The change is management attitude would affect each and every
department of the company with focus on organization growth. The quality
improvement of the products makes take an extra money out of the budget,
but it has a great potential in contributing towards the overall sales of the
business in near future.

Assessment Submission Checklist:

Candidate must submit:
 A written report that addresses all 4 questions in the case study.

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UPC College BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan – Part 4: Assignment-3 14

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