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Standard 4.1- During my PPCE, I gave students a lesson on basic punctuation.

Here are some

excerpts of my resources that supported their learning.


- Show a paragraph that is not punctuated (activity). Ask students to read it, then ask
students what’s wrong with it. E.g. if a proper noun like Sydney is in small letters is
that correct? Why?
- Explain why punctuation is important
E.g. It helps us understand what we are reading, it helps us improve grammar etc.

Standard 4.1- For my self-reflection in this unit, I acknowledged the importance of

identifying strategies that support inclusive student participation and engagement in the
classroom. I have also added an excerpt of my final PPCE report.

I found that building rapport with the EAL/D students was equally important because they
were more likely to engage in conversation once they were at ease. This is why I took the
time to just have a friendly conversation with them so that they got to know me a little
better as well. Through these conversations, a student said that he finds learning English
difficult because he was not given proper English lessons back in Korea. He is also living
with a Korean homestay family which means that he does not need to speak English at
home. Tutoring EAL/D students at BCS has helped me realise that it is essential for teachers
to know their students because it helps them implement teaching strategies for students
with additional needs such as EAL/D students. If I had not volunteered as a tutor at BCS, I
might not have learned to take a student-centred approach to my teaching.

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