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Assignment 2

From: Abaidullah Tanveer

Fundamentals of management
Section c
To: Mahpara shah

Question 1
Consider a decision you made. Write a description of the decision using the steps in the
decision making process as a guide
I will be considering the problem of choosing a university and how I made that decision.
Decisions should never be impulse decisions as especially any important decisions they
should be made with as much carefulness as required for that decision but it isn’t
supposed to take longer than the time limit as in my example of choosing a university I
needed to make the decision within the time limit of the admission dates of the
universities. Basically decisions are a choice among two or more things

1. Identifying the problem

The first step in the decision making process in the actual identification of the problem at
hand which is needed to be solved for an effective and efficient decision in my case the
problem was selecting a university for my bachelor’s degree

2. Identifying the decision criteria

The Criteria that defines what is important or Relevant to resolving a problem every
decision maker has criteria guiding his or her decisions even if they’re not explicitly
stated The criterion for my decision were many such as the
 Distance form home
 Road map
 Quality of education
 Peer recommendations
 Tuition fees
3. Allocating weights to the criterion
In my case the mostly all the criterions had relatively equal importance as all of them
were required in adequate amount for the selection of the best university for me so all
the criterion had importance of 10

criteria importance
Distance from home 10
Road map 10
Quality of education 10
Tuition fees 10
Peer recommendations 10

4. Developing alternatives
The fourth step in the decision-making process requires the decision maker to list
Viable alternatives that could resolve the problem. In this step, a decision maker needs
to be creative, and the alternatives are only listed—not evaluated just yet
alternatives Distance Tuition Quality of Road Peer
fees education map recommendation
LUMS 5 3 10 9 9
UCP 10 7 8 9 7
University 7 10 6 8 6
of Punjab
IBA 1 5 10 9 8

5. Analyzing alternatives
Once alternatives have been identified, a decision maker must evaluate each one. By
using the criteria established in Step 2.

alternatives Distance Tuition Quality Road Peer TOTAL

fees of map recommendation
LUMS 5 3 10 9 9 36
UCP 10 7 8 9 7 41
University 7 10 6 8 6 37
of Punjab
IBA 1 5 10 9 8 33

6. Selecting an alternative
The sixth step in the decision-making process is choosing the best alternative or the
one that generated the highest total in Step 5. So in my problem UCP got the highest total
score which is 41 this is how the decision should have been made

7. Implementing the alternative

Then the decision is implemented by getting admission in the university of choice which
in this case is UCP.

8. Evaluating the decision effectiveness

The last step in the decision-making process involves evaluating the outcome or result
Of the decision to see whether the problem was resolved. In this case this is done is the
form how much is the university actually suitable for me. Or what to do if we shit to a
new house then we need o do this exercise again if it is needed
Question 2
Find three examples of managerial decision, local organization, what was the problem,
what type of decision the manager took. How the decision could be improvised according to

1. Jalal sons
The food regulation authority filed a case against the company on the base of the
unhygienic conditions and the presence of bacteria and deemed it unfit for human
consumption. The manager took the decision that he checked the ingredients in the ice
cream and then changed it to the required level and excluded the harmful ingredients and
then adjusted the recipe with the help of a chef and started the production of the ice
cream again.
They can improve the decision effectiveness by also introducing new flavors which will
attract more customers’ which could have been possibly affected by the lost sales due to
the case issued against them.

2. Joy land
Joy land was getting many complaints and cases of sexual harassment from their visitors
usual from girls who were complaining about random groups of men which were teasing
them so they solved this problem by stopping the entry of only men to enter so that they
can reduce the numbers of cases of sexual harassment. Which actually worked very well
They can also give some hours daily during day time for the men only groups to enter so
that the number of lost sales can be reduced

3. University of central Punjab

In the current time of crisis (i.e. COVID 19 pandemic) we can see that the provision of
classes inside the university is no longer possible so then the university made the decision
that they should continue the semester online via providing online classes instead of
wasting a whole semester of the students. And they can stay productive and keep up-to-
date with their education.
They can improve their decision by giving teachers training of using the online platform
and also of effective teaching methods that are required for teaching online

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