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Sir I am not feeling well due to vomiting and severe headache I may not be able to take session if I will

not be able to take it then I am sorry.


In this lecture we have learnt about the electronic analysis of inverter (made up of nmos and
pmos) so in case of DC analysis we have to take input slowly but for output it is not measured
immediately whether it is measure when the input is stabilized but for transient analysis the
scenario is different we have to assume a function of a time for input, hence output changes
respectively. For Dc analysis consider a low voltage for input then Vin will be zero hence nmos
will be off while pmos will be conducting current so output (V OH=VDD). While when the input
voltage is high (Vin= VDD) then it will be opposite to the case of low voltage for input hence the
VOL will be zero. While logic swing output will be the difference btw V OH and VOL . Hence we can
say that:
VGSN = Vin
VSGp = VDD - Vin
The nmos remains in cut off region until following condition is met V in <= VTH hence the pmos will
be the conducting so the output voltage will be equal to V DD. As Vin increases the nFet is on while
the Pfet is still conducting hence we will see decrease in V SGp hence the efficiency of the device
decreases. The pmos remain in cut off region if V in = VDD - |VTp| then output voltage will be zero,
hence it is high logic. To make sure that input voltage does not overlap the output voltage then
we use voltage noise margins
1. VNMH= VOH – VlH
These noise margins tell us about the stability of inputs and lesser the Nosie margin is better
will be the efficiency of the device.

If the input voltage is greater than the voltage at the mid-point then it is considered as the logic
high side and vice versa. If we say that mid-point voltage, input voltage, output voltage is same
then all transistor have equal drain currents. In order to calculate the mid-point voltage we have
to find the mode of operation of the Mosfets.

Consider a Nmos then

Vsat= VGSn - VTH
VGSn= Vin =VM
Vsat= VM - VTH
VDSn= Vout = VM
So, for checking saturation region
Vsat< VDSn
So by putting equations of Vsat and VDSn we get:
Its true, hence the condition is satisfied so we can say that the nmos is in saturation region.

Consider Pmos then

Vsat= VSDp - |VTp|= VDD - Vin - |VTp|
VSDp= VDD – Vout = VM – Vout
Vsat <= VSDp
Put euqations of Vsat and VSDp then we get

- |VTp|<= 0

The condition is satisfied hence the pmos is in the saturation region.

Hence bu putting values and re-arranging them we get final result as
Bn/Bp =[ Kn* *(W/L)n]/[ Kp* *(W/L)p]

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