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1.1 Introduction

Prebet car is a most famous and vital transportation service among students in
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris(UPSI) Tanjung Malim, that allows students to book a ride
for fee. This transportation service is done by UPSI students and local citizens in Tanjung
Malim. It’s not run by any registered transportation network company. Currently, students
don’t have any official and registered platform to book the prebet. The drivers only can be
contacted if the students do have their personal number through Whatsapp and Telegram.
Additionally, students are not secured to book the prebet because no information or details of
drivers were provided in Whatsapp and Telegram. This UPSI Prebet application will be an
official and registered platform under UPSI for the students to book a prebet car. In addition,
this appication will provide the basic details of the driver such as name, car plate number,
photo of the driver, comments and ratings. This UPSI prebet applicatiob will be used by
UPSI students as a safe platform to book a prebet car to reach their destination and to
overcome security problems such as kidnap, rape and accident cases. Besides, it’s a great
platform to gain side income for students.

1.2 Problem Statement

There are some problems with current Prebet Car Service to UPSI Students which is:-

 Students doesn’t have official and registered platform to book prebet.

 Students are not secured to book an unofficial and registered prebet car.
 Students couldn’t reach their destination on time.
 Students doesn’t have driver detail.
 Fee is not stable.

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of the project are:-

 To create a safe and registered platform to book a prebet car for UPSI students.
 To create a platform to gain side income for UPSI students.
 To avoid security problems such as kidnap, rape and accident cases among UPSI

1.4 Scope

 Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

This project will give benefit to this university because it can track the location of the
prebet car and can detect if something bad happens to the students.

 Students
Students can book a prebet car by official and registered platform under UPSI to
avoid security problems such as kidnap, rape and accident cases. So that students will
feel more secured to book a prebet car at any time.

1.5 Feasibility Study

 Operational Feasibility
A measure of how well a solution meets the identified system requirements to
solve the problem. Take advantage of the opportunities identified during the scope
definition and problem analysis phases.

1. Will the solution fulfil the users’ requirements?

Using this application, students can view the driver details and the feedback
before they book a prebet car.

2. How will the solution change the user’s work environment?

Students don’t need to book a prebet car by whatsapp or telegram without
knowing the driver’s details so, using this application they can book by official
and registered application under Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.

3. How do users feel about such a solutin?

The application can be updated easily online and the users can always experience
an up to date system.

 Technical Feasibility
A measure of the practicality of a technical solution & the availability of technical
recourses and expertise. Addresses these major issues

1. Does the proposed technology or solution practical?

All the technology that we have mentioned that we propose to use in our project is
matured and this technology is very user friendly.

2. Do we currently possess the necessary technology?

All the technologies that we develop to use are free and open source, so student is
easily obtainable and available for almost any software platform. Therefore, the
possession of the technology is not having a problem.

3. Do we possess the necesarry technical expert?

Currently no, because our member have known to how develop this UPSI Prebet
application and they will employ their effort & time to the project within their
maximum capacity.

 Economic Feasibility
A measure of the cost-effectiveness of a project that will address three major

1. Is the solution cost-effective?

To make this system, it requires medium cost to buy hardware and software with
the supplier and will be worth for the students and university.

2. Whether the solution will pay for itself?

Our group member has decided to who can develop this system will be paid.
Then, one of our members know to develop this system and she can become the

3. How profitable the solution is?

The cost to develop this product approximately RM 3000 per unit and we sell to
UPSI transportation department RM5000. The profit that we gain is RM2000

 Schedule Feasibility
A measure of how reasonable the project timetable is.

1. Can the solution be designed and implemented during the acceptable time
We already set the time to finish that the project like make the Gantt chart so it
easily to follow Gantt chart and we solve one by one/

2. How much time is available to build the new system?

It takes more than 3 month or 90 days.

3. When it can be built? (Mandatory / Desirable)

While many students book a prebet car by using whatsapp/ telegram without
knowing the driver’s details and its not secured too. So it is desirable to develop
UPSI Prebet Application.


We conducted a survey to know the usage of current Prebet in UPSI among the UPSI
students. So, we choose a closed form questionnaire for the respondents to answer. We
distribute a Google Form and we get 45 respondents, and all of them are from UPSI.

1. Gender




Figure 1

The pie chart in figure 1 shows the respondent demography of the survey conducted
to know the gender for the user of the Prebat System in UPSI. Out of 45 respondent, 35
female are using the Prebet in UPSI which is 78%. The other 22% is male Prebet user which
is only 10 person. So the majority user of the Prebet in UPSI is female.

2. Course

cour s es



3 3
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

20 05 00 02 14 20 02 10 17 33 58 14 35 59 23 10 19 22

Figure 2

Based on the Figure 2, 11 out of 45 respondents are from AT20, and 3 respondents are
from AT05, and another 3 respondents are from A2000. 6 respondents are from AC10, and 5
respondents are from AT14. There are 2 respondents from each of the course like AE02,
AT35, AT19 and AT22. From the courses like A2002, AE14, A2520, AH17, AT33, AT58,
AT59, AT23, AT10 there are only one respondent from each course. So, we can conclude
that majority of our respondents are from course AT20.

3. Semester


20 21



4 4
2 2
one two three four five six seven

Figure 3

Based on the Figure 3, the user of Prebet in UPSI from Semester one is 3 out of 45
respondent which is 7%. User from the Semester 2 is 9% which is 4 out of 45, Semester 3 is
20%, which is 9 out of 45, Semester 4 is 21 persons out of 45 respondents, which is 47%.
User from the Semester 5 is 9% which is 4 out of 45 respondents. Semester 6 is and Semester
7 have only had 2 respondent each, which is 4% each. So that we can conclude that majority
of the Prebet users are from Semester 4.

4. Faculty




10 11

4 5
2 3
0 1 1

Figure 4

Figure 4 above shows that respondent from the FSKIK is 18 person which is 40%,
and from FBK is 3 person, which is 7%, FSM is 11 person, which is 24%, FSSK is 1 person,
which is 2%, FSK is 5 person which is 11%. Respondents from FPM is 9% which is 4 out of
45 respondents, FPE is 2 person which is 5% and FMSP is 2% which is only one person out
of 45 respondents. So, we can conclude that majority of the respondents are from FSKIK.

5. Do you have ride and book prebet car before?

Do you have ride and book prebet car before?


Figure 5

Based on the Figure 5 above, everyone have clearly stated that they have ride a Prebet
car before. 45 out of 45 respondents have agreed for that statement.

6. How do you book prebet car?

How do you book prebet car?




Figure 6

Based on the Figure 6, 24 % which is 11 out of 45 respondents says that they are
using Telegram to book a Prebet. 34 out of 45 respondents which is 76% using Whatsapp to
book a Prebet. So, here we can conclude that majority of the respondents are using Whatsapp
to book a Prebet.

7. How often do you ride a prebet car?

How often do you ride a prebet car?




ques h



0 1 1 1 1 1
often everyday 3 times a once a week twice a week when needed

Figure 7

Based on the figure 7, 40 out of 45 respondents which is 89% have said that they
often use the Prebet. Five out of 45 respondent choose some other options. One of them have
said that they use Prebet everyday. Another one has said that they use Prebet 3 times a week.
One respondent has stated that they use Prebet once a week, one have stated that they use is
twice a week, and the last one said that they use it when they need it.

8. Do you think prebet car service offered satisfactory and guarantee your safety?

Do you think prebet car service offered satisfactory and

guarantee your safety?



Figure 8

From the figure shows that 8 25 out of 45 respondents which is 56%, agreed for the
statement that the Prebet Car service offered satisfactory and guarantee their safety. 20 out of
45 respondent which is 44% , disagree with the statement by answering NO. So, here we can
conclude that majority of the respondents are agree with the statement.

9. What are weaknesses that you can explain about the current prebet system?

What are weaknesses that you can explain about the current
prebet system?

no safety
no specific platform
26% expensive



Figure 9

Based on the Figure 9, 23% of the total respondent says that there is safety for them to
use current Prebet. Then, 20% of the respondent stated that there is no specific platform for
them t book a Prebet. 26% of the respondent, stated that the price for the Prebet is not fixed
and too expensive. Other than that, 265 of the respondents also stated that the current Prebet
is not coming on time and always late. 5% of the respondents gave some other reasons like,
the current Prebet driver take more passangers at a time, and the place that they drop the
passengers is not suitable. So the majority of the respondent stated that the expensive price be
the weakness of the current Prebet.

10. If the prebet car system is established, do you agree?

If the prebet car system is established, do you agree?

may be


Figure 10

Based on this pie chart above 35 respondents out of 45 which is 78% answered YES
to agree the statement for the Prebet System to be established. 7 out out 45 respondents
which is 15%, answered may be, and 7% which is 3 persons out of 45 respondent answers no.
So that we can conclude that majority of the respondents answered agreed for this statement.

11. What are the elements that need to be in the system to improve current system?

What are the elements that need to be in the system to improve

current system?

12% driver detail
fixed price


Figure 11

Based on the above Figure, 22% of the respondent requested the driver details to book
a prebet. 29% of the respondent requested for the fixed price for every Prebet booking. 15%
of the respondent requested to see and track the location of the Prebet Driver. 15% of the
respondent requested for the safety in the improving system. 12% of the respondent requested
to see the rating given by the other customers or passengers. 7% of the respondent requested
the other needs like they want to get the notification from the Prebet system. So, here we can
conclude that 29% of the respondent requested to see the fixed price before book a Prebet.


3.1 Methodology

The system development methods used are structured approach. System development
is organized into phases, with deliverables and milestones to measure progress. We are using
data flow diagrams (DFDs) to show how the system stores, processes, and transforms data.
We are using this diagram because the DFD will be describes adding and removing, which is
a function shown in the DFD. A data flow diagram (DFD) shows how data moves through an
information system but does not show program logic or processing steps and a logical model
that shows what the system does, not how it does it. During requirements modeling, we used
questionnaires techniques to gather facts about the system, and now we learned how the
various people, departments, data, and processes fit together to support business operations.
Then we create a graphical model of the information system based on our fact-finding results.

3.2 Techniques

The Analysis phase describes the techniques used to do the process of collection data.
This process consists of a group of repeatable processes that utilize certain techniques to
capture, document, communicate, and manage requirements. The techniques used to collect
data and the model used is the ways analysis is done. Analysis of Technique method used to
find and collect information from sources that can be trusted. There are three aspects of the
technique used which is through observations, interviews and questionnaires. Fact-finding
technique is a formal process of using research, meetings, interviews, questionnaires,
sampling and other technique to collect information about system problem, requirements, and

preferences. For our project we have choose questionnaires as a technique to find deeper
information about the problem and getting the objective clear. As per questionnaires, we had
collected responses from UPSI students.


The questionnaire is one of the means used to collect information for analysis that can
answer the research questions. There are 2 types of studies on the survey questionnaires
which is form enclosed and open form of the questionnaires. Open form questionnaires
allows a respondent to answer in open text format such as they can answer based on their
knowledge, feeling and understanding. It means that response to the questions is not limited
to a set of options as in enclosed questionnaire. We choose both closed form and open form
questionnaires. We distributed this questionnaire by Google Form to UPSI students by
whatsapp, telegram and siswa email.

3.3 Tools

Based on the following is the hardware amd software that we use for the project:


1. Laptops

2. Mouse

3. Printer

4. GPS Device


1. Microsoft Powerpoint

2. Microsoft Word

3. Microsoft Excel

4. Google Chrome

5. Google Doc

6. Whatsapp

7. Telegram

8. Appy pie software

3.4 Context Diagram

3.5 Data Flow Diagram

3.6 Process Description Tools
UPSI Prebet Apps has limited user scope which is just for student UPSI to use this
system. To use this system student must insert their account info include online payment info
in register or login for pay the bills. Then the student must be insert the destination, the
system will be find the nearest prebet available. If not prebet is not available the admin will
track the prebet and give some suggestion to the student.

Decision Table

Action and Conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Register Y Y Y Y N N N N
Insert Destination Y Y N N Y Y N N
Prebet Available Y N Y N Y N Y N
Allowed to Ride X
Not allowed to ride X X X X X X
Make payment to admin X
System will track the X
prebet and give suggestion

Simplified Table:-

Action and Conditions 1 2 3

Register Y Y Y
Insert Destination Y Y N
Prebet Available Y N Y

Allowed to Ride X
Not allowed to ride X
Make payment to admin X
System will track the X
And give suggestion

Decision Tree

Allowed to ride and
Prebet available Make payment to admin
Insert destination

N System will track the

Student prebet and give suggestion
Not register

Not allowed to ride

Structured English

If student register and

If student enter the destination and
If prebet available then
They allowed to ride and make payment to admin
If student register and
If student enter the destination and
If prebet not available then
System will track the prebet and give suggestion
Else If
Student are not allowed to ride


4.1 Framework and Architecture of the Project

Based on multiple factors that need to be consider for creating a framework and
architecture of UPSI Prebet System. Such as, the total cost that need to be use, initial cost and
the operational cost for the lifetime of the system. One of the factors that should be consider
on how we expand the system is scalability. It is possible to do so if we take a different
approach and identify the problem that will occur if there is any additional implementation
for the system. These factors are considered in our project beforehand.

Servers that we use for our system which are relatively a small project should look upon
a budget to buy and maintain the system.

We focus on client-based processing where all the processing will be done by the client
because of the small server that we use. We choose the client-server model which the central
server provides data to a number of networked devices to all who’s connected to the internet.

Client server style for our system works with a system of request and response. The
client sends a request to the server and the server will respond with the desired information.
A server also can only accommodate a limited number of client requests at a time. So it uses
a system based to priority to respond to the requests.

4.2 Interface Design

4.2.1 Main page interface

 This is the main page interface of UPSI Prebet System.

 In this page, there are three button which is Student button and Driver button.

 If user clicks Student button, it will go to the Student log in page.

 If user clicks Driver button, it will go to the Driver log in page.

4.2.2 Message interface

 If customer clicks on chat button, customer can chat with the driver.

 Customer or driver can’t send an offensive words or the chat can’t be send.

4.3 Input design

4.3.1 log in Student and Driver interface

 This is Student and Driver main menu interface.

 In this page, it has “Welcome” word, username and password to fill in, and login button.

 If the password and username are correct, then the user can login into the system.

4.3.2 Student homepage interface

 In this page, it is for student interface after the user login the system.

 The student will be able to choose car type and location.

 If student choose the car type, the system will move to other interface that user can
choose for 4-seater or 6-seater car.

 Student can key in the location if student tap the location button.

4.3.3 Car type interface

 This page will appear when the user choose the ‘car type’ button.

 The car information, plate number and availability for the seaters will be shown.

 User will be able to select which type of car based on their needs and press the ‘select’

4.3.4 Select location interface

 After select the car type, the interface of selecting the location will appear.

 The map of the location will help the user.

 User can input the destination where she/he from and wants to go into the box provided.

4.3.5 Make payment interface

 Customer can make payment via online with three options, via credit card, payPal and
wire transfer.

 Customer can click on the ‘Next’ button after success the payment.

4.3.6 Driver homepage interface

 When the driver login, this interface will be appear.

 Driver can choose either wants to click on ‘my profile’ button or ‘confirmation’ button.

4.3.7 Customer request interface

 If there’s a customer request for a ride, the ‘new customer request’ text will be appear.

 Driver has the right to approve or reject the customer by click the ‘approved’ or
‘rejected’ button.

4.4 Output design

4.4.1 Driver’s information interface

 The driver’s information will be shown to the customer so that customer can reconfirm to
accept the driver or not.

 Customer can clicks the ‘book now’ button to book.

 Customer also can click to the message icon to chat or want to ask something to the

 Customer also can go back by click the back button if they want to change to another

4.4.2 Request booked interface

 If the confirmation has been made by the driver, the system will show that the request
that booked by customer has approved.

 The “your request has been booked’ text will appear.

 Customer can click make payment to pay via online banking.

 Customer also can go back by click the back button if they want to change to payment

4.4.3 Accept student payment interface

 After settle the payment, ‘The payment has been successful’ words be shown in this

 A ‘thank you’ words also be shown to appreciate the customer.

4.4.4 Driver’s edit profile interface

 If the driver clicks on ‘my profile’ button, their profile will be shown.

 Driver can edit their profile by pressing the ‘edit’ button.

 Driver also can go back by click the back button if they want to see the confirmation

4.5 Database design


5.1 Advantages and Limitations Of The Project

Most students tend to have problems with transportation in UPSI. By using our system,
students can go anywhere by using our Prebet Car System with safety protection. Our
systems will provide the registered driver which comes from UPSI’s student . Our system are
almost the safest private ride, sometimes by a lot. We provide an option for payment, through
cash or online transaction. So if customers don’t have enough money or have big bills, they
can securely pay through online transaction through the system. Our Prebet Car System also
have many vehicle options. 4 seats cars, 6 seats cars are available ride depends on the user

The chief limitation of our system is the occasional unavailability of drivers. All of the
drivers are students. So they may have busy schedule with the classes and have work they
want to. There are locations and times when drivers are unavailable or the wait time for the
customers will be too long. In those cases, customer needs to find other drivers and it may be
time consuming. Our system also not allow the customer to cancel when the driver is near,
despite it may take 10 minutes or more to arrive.

5.2 Discussion and Recommendation

The system needs to be updated for better experience. We will try to make a real-time
feedback on drivers’ trip experience. The feature allows drivers to rate their trip “positive” or
“negative” and then select multiple reasons for their ratings, including location/route,
payments and passenger, with additional drop-down reasons to choose from. We will provide
a quality customer service. With a core philosophy of providing “speed, safety and certainty”
to all its customers,we will take no half-measures, when it comes to ensuring that the
passenger rides in comfort. The driver’s details such as name, phone number, plate number as
well as the pre-determined fare are made available to the passenger to ensure complete


Harry J.R. (2013, February 28). System Analysis and Design, 10th Edition.

Donald Y., Tony W. (2004). System Analysis and Design.

What is Data Flow Diagram? Retrieved from




1. Gender

2. Course

3. Semester

4. Faculty

5. Do you have ride and book prebet car before?

6. How do you book prebet car?

7. How often do you ride a prebet car?

8. Do you think prebet car service offered satisfactory and guarantee your safety?

9. What are weaknesses that you can explain about the current prebet system?

10. If the prebet car system is established, do you agree?

11. What are the elements that need to be in the system to improve current system


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