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Pir Mehr Ali Shah

Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi

Office of the controller of Examinations
Mid Exam / Spring 2020 (Paper Duration 48 hours)
To be filled by Teacher

Course No.: ANTH-706 3(3-0) Course Title: Archaeological Anthropology

Total Marks: 18 Date of Exam: 20-06-2020
Degree: M.Sc. Anthropology Semester: 2nd Section: A
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Obtained/
Total Marks
Total Marks in Words:
Name of the teacher: Shagufta Hamid Ali
Who taught the course:Signature of teacher / Examiner:

To be filled by Student

Registration No.: 19-Arid-2123… Name: Adnan Yaqoob

Answer the following questions.

 Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work done
by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas from different
sources and expressing them in your own words will be encouraged.
 Your answer file must be in Word (.doc). No any other format will be accepted.

Q.No.1. In lectures we have studied three-age-system by Christian Jurgensen Thomsen. What do you
know about three-age-system in archaeology? What are two changes in the archaeological record
that signal the beginning of Stone Age and two changes in the archaeological record that signals the
beginning of Bronze Age? (Marks 4)

The period of time, the Bronze Age, and therefore the Iron Age are three time of history
recognized by the style within which individuals made devices and weapons. Distinctive
antiquated civic establishments created at various paces. So you will have one gathering of
early individuals utilizing bronze apparatuses, while another gathering was all the while
utilizing stone instruments. Those with better devices had an plenty simpler time
vanquishing different gatherings of people. the fabric accustomed make instrument and
weapons undoubtedly had an impression on day by day life in old occasions.
Stone Age:
Stone Age man did not have sharp hooks or solid sharp teeth. He wasn't bigger or more
grounded than different creatures. He was unable to run sort of a deer or an eland. To
endure, early man imagined and made stone and bone weapons and devices. With these
instruments, early man could slaughter and trap those creatures he required for food. With
stone tomahawks and lances, he could safeguard against those creatures that concept he is
also food. Since a big number of the apparatuses he made were made out of stone, this can
be called the period of time. The time period is taken into account to possess started around
2,000,000 years back, and finished at some extra point the finish of the last period around
ten thousand years prior.
Bronze Age:
The Bronze Age in antiquated China began around 1700 BCE. this is often when men found
out the way to mine copper and tin to create bronze weapons. Bronze may be a blend of
10% tin and 90% copper. Bronze weapons are lots more grounded than stone weapons. The
revelation of bronze changed a substantial number of things. For a specific something,
diggers and skilled workers were expected to mine tin and copper, to form bronze weapons.
That implied ranchers needed to work out the way to deliver more food than they required
in light of the very fact that not one and all was cultivating. That implied weavers and potters
were expected to decorate the excavators and skilled workers, and to provide earthenware
compartments to the ranchers to use to store food. there have been numerous new
innovations once the Bronze Age started in old China. a good many of us were still ranchers,
yet work was getting sorted out.
Iron Age:
The Iron Age followed the Bronze Age. This was the timeframe when individuals made
devices of iron. Iron devices were more grounded than bronze instruments. Weapons were
all the more remarkable. Iron weapons started within the geographic area and in south-
eastern Europe around 1200 BCE. They didn't appear in China until around 600 BCE.

The Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and also the Iron Age are called the three-age framework.
The years allotted to each one amongst these ages are ballparked, a theory - they're not
exact on the grounds that various civic establishments created at various velocities. In any
case, thinking back through time, every antiquated human progress went however a Stone
Age (stone instruments and weapons), at that time a Bronze Age (bronze apparatuses and
weapons), at that time an Iron Age (iron devices and weapons). Weapons showed up in
various civic establishments at various occasions through development, exchange and
triumph. When better weapons showed up, that they had a significant effect.
Two changes within the beginning of stone age:
 Hunter gatherers society with little or no Agriculture is evolved.
 Nomadic lifestyle with the provision of food, groups or fairly small size
 Tools made from stone, wood, clay or animal parts like bone and skins were
Two changes within the beginning of Bronze age:
 It brought permanent class divisions not only practically but also militarily.
 Metallurgy smelting casting and alloys were major mode inventions of that
 Evolution of European societies.
Q.No.2. Most of the ancient monuments of architecture were created as tombs. However, these
places were not only used to bury the dead rather their functions were different than the present
graves. We have looked at Pyramids of Giza in the class. Now describe the architecture, burial
practices and other uses of Pyramids of Giza in past and present. Also explain the efforts, community
involvement, relationship between the dead and living, and the belief system associated with it.
(Each underlined part should be explained in no more than two sentences) (Marks 7)


The pyramid was built as a tomb fir Fourth Dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu consist of mainly
3pyramids kings chamber, queen's chamber Grand gallery and other subsidiary false tomb
chambers. It stands about 450 feet high with an estimated 2.3million blocks of limestone and
granite, weigh about 2.5 to 15tons each. Originally pyramids were encased in highly polished slabs of
white limestone. Some people believe the pyramids capstone were gold plated as well. Casing
stones and inner-chamber blocks are fitted together with great precision.

Burial practices:

The afterlife for ancient Egyptians was a perfect reflection of life that they lived here. Rituals include
body mummifying, casting magic spells and burial with all the necessary goods like fruits furniture
jewellery.. thought to be needed in after life. Egyptians believe in an afterlife.

Uses of pyramids:

Researches are using these pyramids for making efficient solar cells, sensors, even experiments are
done for the radio waves dissipation. They are also keen to develop renewable energy even Russia
has discovered that they can trap electric and magnetic energy in their magnificent chambers.

In past they built them as tombs for the king’s and queens of different sizes and shapes.


Supporting workers, carpenters water carriers and skilled laborers must work in a great collaboration
in moving cutting assembling and transporting huge amount of stone to construct such a gigantic
and monumental pyramid. Looking at the tomb gives a evidence that a great work force had worked
in multiple shifts for building it in a period of 20years.

Community involvement:

Pyramids were built for religious purposes in Egypt as they believe on afterlife so they are very much
involved in this and having a deeper affiliation somehow as they thinks the dark area of nightsky
around which stars appears is a gateway to heavens and one part of the dead body is in direct
orientation with that part of the sky. Indeed they were a symbol of their power and golden time.
Relationship between the dead and living

For Egyptians when someone physical body is expired, ki” is the second self which lives in every
human being, he should remain on earth so he could enjoy his eternal life for this proper eternal
essentials are very important to them and in this way they can live close to their family and friends.

Belief system associated:

Pyramids were built for religious purposes as a tombs for the dead ones. They were one of the
civilization who do they believe on after life. They believe ki” is the second self lives in every human
enjoys his life when human body expires.

Q.No.3. In the class, we have looked at research design in archaeology. Select any archaeological site
from Pakistan and formulate a basic level research design. Following elements of research design
should be included: Statement of the research problem, one research question or hypothesis,
methods to be used to collect data, archaeological method(s) that you will use to analyze the data,
and where will you publish your work. (Marks 7)

Research Design
In research design, basically the problem us defined, it’s feasibility tested and the entire background
for the project is carefully researched.
Research statement:
Architecture of Mughal era monumental structure; Lahore fort and Shalimar Gardens, Lahore
Research hypothesis:
History of the world is a sequence of unique events, culturally and intellectually, the old architecture
is somehow identical to the present.
Methods used to collect data:
Researches usually find various sites by observing objects visually by touching the surface of earth or
object which can explain anything related to the understanding of human life.
There are two main ways by which archeologist collect data
• Through their own fieldwork or survey i.e. direct observation
• Through receiving information already available
• Remote sensing
• Scientific and analytical methods

Methods used to analyze data:

After data collection, there is a need to interpret it using different techniques for acquiring a more
precise results. Some techniques are mentioned which are used in architectural projects and in soil
excavation i.e of garden.
 Stratigraphy
 Chrono typology
 Dendrochronology
 Rectified photography
 Photogrammetry soil
 Drones
In a ideal world, no research project is complete until the final results are published. But the process
of learning and in learning where we observe and discover new things in an never-ending process.
Research paper describes the output of our research. Once we have carried out enough research
work and have sufficient material, we can start writing our manuscript which can be published in a
book, research paper or a news article.
Good Luck 

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