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Sunrise and sunset times (location) Calculator

 Home /  Science / Astronomy

Calculates the solar azimuth and elevation angles, sunrise and sunset times, and culmination time.

Input negative degree for west longtitude and south latitude.

If your local time is on Daylight Saving time, select 'ON' from DST mode.

Longitude 79.019516 , Latitude 21.059038 Google Map

Altitude 0 m

Date May  / 25 , 2020 (1900~2099)

Time zone UTC -5 h  (New York:-5, Los Angels:-8)


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Sunrise -   Azimuth angle - degree

Culmination 01:40  Elevation angle 89.9798 degree

Sunset 08:19   Azimuth angle 293.0371 degree

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Customer Voice Questionnaire FAQ

Sunrise and sunset times (location)

[1-5] /56

[1]  2020/05/11 10:26

Male / 50 years old level / An engineer / Very /
Purpose of use
Align new house construction to sunrise/sunsets views over the horizon.

[2]  2020/05/05 16:15

Male / 30 years old level / Others / Useful /
Purpose of use
Want to know how to calculate it for my location

[3]  2020/02/27 01:35

Male / 40 years old level / A teacher / A researcher / Very /
Purpose of use
Calculate sunrise considering observer elevation (at the top of a montain vs at sea level)
[4]  2020/01/19 19:45
Male / 50 years old level / An office worker / A public employee / Very /
Purpose of use
To know when I can get outside to work or walk, and for how much daylight I may have inthe evening when home to
work or walk.
Very useful and accurate, thank you!

[5]  2019/12/27 05:25

Male / 60 years old level or over / Others / Useful /
Purpose of use
I make an annual calendar showing sun and moon rise and set times and share it with local astronomers. I need an
annual table for the whole year for a particular location.
I've been getting this data from the Naval Observatory for years. Suddenly their site is down for 'maintenance' and
won't be back until mid 2020. What's that about?

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