Instructions in WP

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1543 OF 2019

It is submitted that the present writ petition was filed under

Mandamus, for declaring the inaction on the part of the 3 rd respondent

in granting police protection to the petitioner by considering his

representation/legal notice dated 18.11.2018 to prevent the breach of

peace by taking necessary action against the persons disobey the court

orders such as permanent injunction as illegal and arbitrary and for a

consequential direction to the respondents to give police protection to

the petitioner.

It is submitted that the writ petitioner herein filed the writ

petition by stating that the unofficial respondents have been

restraining the petitioner in entering into their fields and threatened

them with dire consequences and also abusing them in filthy language.

He further stated that he has permanent injunction orders against the

said property in O.S.No. 149/2012 on the file of the Senior Civil Judge,

Hindupur. Against the said orders, the unofficial respondents filed an

appeal vide A.S.No. 16/2017 on the file of the Hon’ble Additional

District Judge, Hindupur, and obtained interim orders for suspension of

orders in the said suit. Basing on the same, the petitioner herein send

legal notice dated 18.11.2018 to the 3 rd respondent for providing police

protection to him. But the respondent failed in doing so.


It is submitted that the petitioner herein send the legal notice

dated 18.11.2018 to the 3rd respondent police station through

registered post and the same was received by the police personnel of

the said police station on 20.11.2018. After receipt of the said notice

and going through the same, the 3rd respondent herein tried to contact

the writ petitioner herein to enquire into the matter with a view to

initiate necessary action against his notice. But the writ petitioner

herein is unavailable since then.

It is petinent to mention here that as the petitioner has not

coming further in connection with the enquiry and did not cooperate

with the 3rd respondent herein. If the peittioenr herein cooperated with

the enquiry and submit the necesary orders if any passed in connection

with the providing police protection, this respondent will provide

police protection to the petitioner and his family at the needy time.

Without appearing before the respondent police and not submitting

any orders regarding the providing of police aid, this respondent is

unable to go further. Hence, the allegations levled against the

respondent police are incorrect

It is further submitted that the respondent police did not commit

any illegality or irregularity as alleged by the writ petitioners herein in

not providing police protection to him. If the petitioner herein

submitted any orders passed by the competent authority, for providing


police protection or if any orders will be passed by this Hon’ble Court, I

will proceed with further by providing police aid to the writ petitioner


Hence, these instructions.

Yours faithfully,

Station House Officer,

Date: 19.02.2019 Amarapuram Police Station,
Ananthapur District.

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