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1. Individual as subject International Law

2. Piracy
3. Extradition
4. Private International Law
5. Continental Shelf
6. General Assembly of Uno
7. International Court of Justice
8. Outer Space Treaty
9. De Facto Recognition
10. International law
11. Sanctions
12. Recognition of government
13. Asylum
14. EEZ
15. Dualism
16. Outer Space
17. ICJ
18. Security Council
19. Modes of acquisition of Statehood
20. Nationality
21. UDHR ( Universal declaration of human rights)
22. Laws of Air
23. Sovereign Immunity
24. Facta Sunt Servanda
25. Double veto of permanent members in U.N.O
27. Nature of International law
28. Prisoners of War
29. Diplomatic privileges and immunities
30. Outer space treaty
31. Common Heritage of Mankind
32. IBRD
33. Jus cogeus
34. Veto
35. Sovureign equality of states
36. Non – intervention
37. Treatment of alieus
38. Extradition
39. Five freedoms of the air
40. Universal Jurisdiction
41. EEZ
42. IMF
43. Pacta sund servanda
44. WTO
45. Universal Jurisdiction
46. ICJ
47. Extradition
48. Belligerency
49. Extradition
50. Persona man grata
51. Jus cogens
52. Custom
53. Monism
54. Reservation
55. Innocent passage
56. General assembly

1.Deccribe various sources of International law

2. Vienna convention of Diplomatic relations

3. Describe the role of Security council in pacific

settlement disputes

4. Explain the various modes of termination of treaty


5. Public international law and private international law

6. Describe various modes of acquisition and loss of

territory by states

7. Explain the composition, powers and functions of

General Assembly of UNO

8. Define a treaty

9. Define Recognition and explain different types of


10. International Court of Justice

11. Give an account of the law relating to diplomatic

privileges and immunity.

12. Theories of Monism and Dualism

13. State briefly the various peaceful means of settling

international disputes

14. powers and functions of the U.N. Secretary General

and examine his new role und the altered condition of
political structure of u.N.O.
15. Write an essay on the kinds and consequence

16. Freedom of the seas

17. Universal declarations of Human Rights

18.Relation between Municipal Law and International La

19. Give an account of territorial sea

20. Different type of Recognition

21. Principles of UNO.

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