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“Faites-lui mes aveux” from ​Faust​ by Charles Gounod

● Why did you (or your director or studio teacher) choose the piece?

My Studio Teacher and I chose this piece because we both agreed that it was a great
aria for a Mezzo Soprano that not only showcased both acting ability but vocal ability
with different emotions. It has a short recit section and the language is doable.

● Why do you have a passion for this particular piece? What is it about this piece that
should inspire others to learn and perform it?

I have a passion for this particular piece because it represents a character I relate with.
A character that It is also ​Based on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's ​Faust, Part One
which is a great piece of literature. It also shows a wide range of Mezzo Soprano
emotions and colors and can be interpreted in various ways based on story which shows
the love the character Siebel has for Marguerite.

● Describe the piece to us, focusing on a specific section or sections in regard to any
musical elements that seem important to you (melody, harmony, rhythm, texture,
tessitura, timbre, text setting, etc.). If you have time, some biographical/historical
information about the composer would be a good point of discussion too.

Siebel gathers flowers to give to Marguerite. He hopes that they will convey his love to
her, but they die as soon as he plucks them. He remembers the evil man who he met
earlier (Mèphistophélès) and believes that he has been cursed by him. So, he dips his
hands in holy water to remove the curse and goes back to picking flowers.

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