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To begin with let's define what digital literacy is.

In the video we are given a short

explanation, which more or less tells us that DG is the treatment of digital information.
However, in the paper, we have a more thorough description and it is for an individual to be
able to use digital tools to manage, access, transform and create information. As well as in
the video, the paper mentions that these abilities must be taught in order to be used for the
rest of the students lives.

Even though these short definitions might give us an idea of what digital literacy is, to really
understand the different components of literacies that are within said literacy. Both the video
and the paper mention information literacy, which means to find and use information
properly. They also both mention informatics literacy essentially is to be able to correctly use
a computer and principles behind computation. It is also worth mentioning that in the paper
computer literacy also appears and means just being able to use a pc and other related

However, in the paper, network literacy is also mentioned it is related to computer and
information literacy. In short, it means being able to deal with computer network and related
skills. In the video, one of the components mentioned is cognitive proficiency: the ability to
turn info found on the web into knowledge. It could be said that it is the same as Online
reading literacy: being able to answer a question with the internet. Both of them mention the
ability to use different competencies to analyze and create information coming from different
media. In the interview this is called as Multi-Channel Literacy while in the paper, Media

The concept of digital citizenship only appears in the interview and it is to understand that we
live in a world in which reality has merged with the virtual one.
Some other literacies appear in the paper which are not discussed in the video: web literacy
(the skill needed to surf and create websites), social literacy ( different social skills), and,
lastly, communication and collaboration literacy.

In the interview is also mentioned that the teaching center must have certain characteristics
such as vision, resources, and leadership. The teacher must not only be able to teach good
judgment with the appropriate teaching techniques but also know how to use technology in
order for them to instruct the students.

To conclude, I would like to reflect upon what I've learned. I say that digital literacy is vital for
anybody nowadays. We must all possess these abilities in order to function correctly in
society. And as a teacher-to-be is our duty to be digitally literate in order for us to tech the
next generations.

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