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Chapter # 7 (Electrochemistry) Class 9

Q.1.What materials do you need to electro plate copper onto an iron nail? Make a diagram
showing how these materials should be arranged.
Materials required:
i) A battery and conducting wires.
ii) Beaker
iii) Iron nail
iv) Aqueous solution of copper sulphate
v) A small copper metal rod.
Just we draw an iron nail instead of shoe in the below figure. During the electrolysis copper
anode dissolves forming Cu+2 ions which move towards the cathode (iron Nail) and a layer of
copper metal will be deposit on nail.

Q.2.Describe the process that is occurring in the following illustration. Shoe has steel strips.

During electrolysis copper anode dissolves forming Cu+2 ions which move towards the cathode
(Steel strip of shoe) and a layer of copper metal will be deposit on strip.
Following reactions will occur at electrodes:
At Anode : Cu(s) -------------> Cu+2(aq) + 2e-
At Cathode: Cu (aq) + 2e- ---------------> Cu(s)

Sir Amjad Ali-55348203 (Chem.-IX-Chap 7-Think-Tank)
Q.3.Following redox reaction occurs in the voltaic cell illustrated below:

Ni +2 (aq) + Fe (s) 
 Fe+2 (aq) + Ni + (s)

Identify the anode, cathode and indicate the direction of flow of electrons.
i) Anode is a iron (Fe) electrode.
ii) Cathode is a nickel (Ni) electrode.
iii) Electron will flow from anode (Fe) to cathode (Ni).
OR Figure can be labeled in its answer.
Q.4.Design an experiment to demonstrate cathodic protection from corrosion.
Take a iron cylinder and connect it magnesium ribbon with the help of copper wire. Immersed
both in water taken in a 1000 cm3 beaker. After few days magnesium will be corroded while iron
cylinder will remain intact / free from corrosion.
Since Mg is more reactive so it will oxidize and saves iron from corrosion.
Mg(s) --------> Mg+2(aq) + 2e-
Fe+2(aq) + 2e -------> Fe (s)

Sir Amjad Ali-55348203 (Chem.-IX-Chap 7-Think-Tank)

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