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Detailed Lesson Plan

Music I

I. Objectives

A. Pupils will be able to learn the meaning of timber or tone.

B. Pupils will be able to differentiate unique timbers of variety of instruments.

C.  Pupils will be able to identify how instruments make their own sounds through whistling,
strumming, and or bowing.
A. Topic: Dynamics: An Important Element of Music

B. References:

C. Materials Needed: Pictures of famous singers, PowerPoint presentation, and worksheets

III. Learning Procedure


A. Preparation
 Opening Prayer  (assigned pupil will lead the prayer)
 Morning Greetings
Good Morning, pupils!  Good Morning, Ms. Saura! T
What is the date and weather today? Today is June 8, 2020, it’s a cloudy day.
 Checking of Attendance
As I call your name say present, okay?  Yes Ma’am.
Alyssa (and so on and so forth) Pupil Alyssa: Present Ma’am

B. Motivation
 Posting of Pictures in the black board for
a fun recitation

T: Do you somehow know these

P: Yes Ma’am.
T: Anyone from the class can name one
*Pupils raising hands*
person and tell me their job?
P: (One student will pick the second picture and
recite that it’s Justin Bieber and he’s a singer)
P: (Another student will pick the first picture
and recite that it’s her favorite singer Taylor
Swift and she’s also a singer)
P: (Another pupil will raise her hand and pick
the last picture and recite that it’s Sarah
Geronimo and a singer as well)
T: Wow! You seem to love these people.
So, pupils, as your classmates recited a
while ago, did you find any similarities P: Yes Ma’am. They are all singers.
among these personalities?

T: Very good! They are all singers which

means they love ….

T: Another very good! Seems like you P: Music!

have eaten a lot of breakfast this
morning. P: *pupils giggles*

C. Presentation
T: Upon reciting a while ago, what do you *one pupil raises hand*
think our lesson is about for today? P: Is it music?

T: Yes it’s about music. Music’s important P: Ma’am Saura, what is Timbre? It’s my first
element, Timbre. time hearing it.

T: Good question. Some music are loud, P: Yes ma’am. Lullaby is a quiet song.
quiet, and medium in tone right?

T: Yes. Since you are all attentive today

we will shortly tackle the dynamics of
D. Discussion and Analysis
P: When we say dynamics in music, it
refers to the volume of a sound or note.

*powerpoint presentation: slide 2

*pupils are listening attentively and carefully*

T: Here are the different dynamics of a

*pointing a pupil to stand up and read*
T: Can you read me the first 4 dynamics? P: Mezzo forte-medium loud
Forte- loud
Fortissimo- very loud
Fortisissimo-very, very loud
T: Very good. You may now sit down.

T: What about the last 4 dynamics? *one pupil raises hand*

P: Mezzo Piano- medium quiet
Piano- quiet
Pianissimo- very quiet
Piannississimo- very, very quiet

T: Very good. You may now sit down.

They are separated right? The first 4 are
in loud sound while the last four are the
quiet ones.

T: In order for better understanding the P: Fruit Salad, Ma’am

dynamics of a music. We will sing a song.
Any suggestions?

T: Okay. Fruit Salad is a nice song. P: Shall be done, Ma’am.

So we will apply the first 4 dynamics
while singing, okay?

T: We will start with mezzo forte which is

medium loud

(1) *Teacher and Pupils will sing together

in mezzo-forte*

“Water melon, water melon

Papaya, Papaya
Banana, Banana
Banana, Banana,
Fruit Salad, fruit salad”

T: good! Next is forte which is loud

(2) *Teacher and Pupils will sing together

in forte tone*

T: Nice: Next is fortissimo which is very


(3) *Teacher and Pupils will sing together

in fortissimo*

T: Super! Next is fortississimo, very, very


(4) *Teacher and Pupils will sing together

in fortississimo*

T: You guys are superb! P: Okay Ma’am. It will now sound like a lullaby.
Now, how about we try it in quiet tone?

T: You bet. Hehe Now let us start again

with mezzo piano which is medium quiet.

(1) *Teacher and Pupils will sing together

in mezzo-piano*

(4) *Teacher and Pupils will sing together

in piano*

(4) *Teacher and Pupils will sing together

in pianissimo*

(4) *Teacher and Pupils will sing together

in piannississimo*

T: Wow! That was superb my dear pupils!

I see that you really are learning very
good. You may now take your sits and
rest your vocal cords. Haha

E. Generalization
 Recapping
T: What are the first 4 loud dynamics of a *pointing a pupil to stand up and read*
music? P: Mezzo forte-medium loud
Forte- loud
Fortissimo- very loud
Fortisissimo-very, very loud

T: What about the 4 quiet dynamics of a *one pupil raises hand*

music? P: Mezzo Piano- medium quiet
Piano- quiet
Pianissimo- very quiet
Piannississimo- very, very quiet

F. Enrichment Activity
*work sheets will be distributed*
I. Fill in the Blanks
1. _____ is medium loud in sound
2. _____ is medium quiet in sound
3. _____ is loud in sound
4. _____ is quiet in sound
5. _____ is very loud in sound

IV. Homework

In your notebook, write the symbols of the following:

 ______ Mezzo forte-medium loud

 ______ Forte- loud
 ______ Fortissimo- very loud
 ______ Fortisissimo-very, very loud

 ______ Mezzo Piano- medium quiet

 ______ Piano- quiet
 ______ Pianissimo- very quiet
 ______ Piannississimo- very, very quiet

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