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Morning Session Instructions 1 accordance with the rules eetblsbel by your tat, sou may tie textbooks, Iandboaks, bound ference ‘hatril, sl eny approved battery: sla-powered, slo ealclatorto work this examination. However, no Danke papas, writing tablets unboune seratch paper, ‘orlooge nites are persited. Slicient on fr serach work is provided in the Examination Booklet You ere not permitted to shave or exchange materials vith other examinees However, the books and other ‘esourees used in thls morning sion may be changed Prior tn the afterapon srsion ‘You wil have four hours in which to wok this session of the examination. Your sere wil be dternind by the tmumber of quastions that jou answer ccrectly. There is't total of 0 questions. All 40 quatlons Inust be orld correctly in err to recive fall credit on the fom. There are no optional questions Each question ie worth one point. ‘The rmacnum pesible sere for this section of the exarinalon pt, Partner snot avaiable. No ert wil be gis far methodologs sumptions, or werk written in Your Beaminaion Booklet, Record all of your answers on the Answer Sheet. No credit wile given for anewere marke! ln the Exan Ination Booklet.” Mark your answers with the pencil provided to 308. Marks must be dark and mut com Pletly fll tie bubbis. Record only ane answer per favetion. M you mark more thas ne siswer you Will tot reecve ret forthe question. Ifyou change an answer, be sue the od bubble lesen completely Incomplete erasures may be misinterpreted as answers you Bosh ery, cock your work and make sure that so have followed il istrvctions. Afr checking your Snsvers, you tay torn in your Examnation Boolt tnd Anmver Sheet and enve the extinaion room (Once you lee, yom will not be permitted to return to work or change your answers. ‘When permission has boon given by you proctor, break the seal on the Examination Bootet. Chedk tha all gas are present abd legible. If any yar of your Bx mination Booklet msi, your poctor wll sue sou now Booklet. Do not work aay questions from the ARernoan Sesion luring the fst four hours ofthis exa WAIT FOR PERMISSION TO BEGIN Name See Bramninee number: ‘Bxarsnation Booket nob: Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination Morning Session Sample Examination eeeeeRgaga 9989880088 eeeeeReede 6egGeEeeee wddddeusae eeeeeeeeas 8ee8eege8e8 8Be8660806 eeeeeeREEE Had SaaS dad eeeeeegeee eeeeeaeed eeeeeeeasa eeegeeeeaEs eegeeegane 6e80880000 6eee8e6008 8e688868008 Morning Session 41. Consider the borrow pit grid show The total undereut volume of this eds moet nearly (A) 1300 ya (5) 0 ye? {C) 1900 yas {D) 2100 ya* 2A given ponzolan contsne approxitely 20% eal ‘Shum gue ad lee than 2% carbon da 0.5% lose fom ignition, ‘hierar most ike to be (A) sng () class © Hynes (©) clase F aya () stica fume 23. The design xtra fo # normal weight concrete mix area flows + maximum size of coarse aggregate (CA) in + watarjeaman ratio: 05 + sump fr interior bung columns: 3 into in + speiic rovity of aggregates: 2.70 + specie gravity of cement: 8.15, day vodded weight of CA: 100 by + faenes modus (60): 280, based on ASTM C125, ‘+ water rire bosed on slump and CA. width for anc CA for a snch CA slump (ot) o Tintin 270 250 Sintin 320 00 Singin 380 sa «blk volume of dry rodded CA based on salons Seems mc () rmaximim fin =26 fin =27 in =28 MeeofCA (@) (62) (62) ‘ain 055052080 Yaa 06502 OD Tin 070068. For 27 (of concrete mix, th absolute volumes ofthe water, cement, coarse ageregate (CA), an fine aggre agate (FA) are most nearly (A) 425 4° water, 8.05 AP coment, 10.46 fC, 0.2089 FA (B) 481.49 water, 1.52 A cement, 1046 RCA, 02.8 FA (©) 425 05 water, 152. coment, 1127 RY CA, 6 &° FA (D) 481 £2 water, 8.05 1° cement, 202 °C, 52 &° FA “4. A small construction fim receives a $100,000 chee for veel wld equipment. The owner decides to ie ‘net the money for 10 years in an accou with an 8% interest ae. Tn sulin, $20,000 ls nested evry year tthe sme intrest rate. In 10 yar, the total ammount Of money in the nec wil he act nearly (a) $280,000 (B) S515,000| (©) $120,000 | (D) $105,000 4 (8, Float is defies the (A) continuation of an ectivty with the longest ‘ration (B) tino extension of an actisty withthe shortest ration (©) time ditfenco between late Bosh ed Ine (D) the amount of tine an atvity ean be delayed ‘without delaying any sicseing ntivities 6. Consider the following table at network, uation tivity “(days ae Bocas eg eg Bocas. ar) eae. Using the critial path method, how many days are ned o complete this projeet? (A) 16 days (B) irda (©) aay (D) 2 dave 7. Consider the soldier beam shoring system shown, I 5S anchored to ao linetone maveral throng a ci la 12 long, in damerdiogeal che. The bond Strength between the atehor shaft and he meet 10 ps The unfuctored anchor expacity ofthe teback system Ie togt near (a) To idpe (B) 150 Ripe (©) 220 Kin (0) 650 pe 18. A large backhoe bucket has a capacity of 2 and a cycle tue of 0 see. ‘The production volume ina 10 hour day with oue-hour func break and two 5 minute breaks mot realy (A) 640 ye (8) 1900 9? (©) 1200 yas {D) 10 9d 8. A gravity retaining walls olding soi al with the properties shown, ‘The ola setive force per unit length ofthe wall most neatly leo alt tion real (A) aoxN/m (B) 50 kN/m (©) 7oaN/m (D) 80 eN/m 40, A sand iis pred on top of nga it shown, Asse thatthe i infite in exten, At the end of ‘he contoidation proves, the intense in vate fe tive stress at point A dust the planet of the sand Sil ss most nearly (A) ola)? (8) 60 KN/a (©) 100 kN/m® (b) 120 eN/m? 14. An impermeable dam impound water ove a sol with properties shown, Th widch othe dam arom the water ow is $00. The quay of seepage under ‘he dan is most eaely ani AG Raa xs0tme vi V7) | eereateberoce (A) 15% 10° mje (B) 25% 10-? m/e (C) 15% 10-7 m/s (D) 25% 10-* mf 12. A square foundation spore a colamn load of 00 KX. The sil beneath the footing br generally bo rmogeneous. Ifthe foundation bearing presure from this lo reduced foc 400 kPa t 100 kPa (tbe ool ‘un ad remaining constant), the change in stresat 3 ‘pth of $m below the foundation cancer wil be mt nearly (A) decrease in sre of 20 kPa (B) decreas in Stes of 10 KPa (©) nero in srs of 10 KPa (D) sn merase in stress of 20 KPa 413. A retaining wal is shown. For the gven con tions, the factor of safety neat overtuaiog most aly (a) 1. (B) 23 (© 25 (0) 54 44, During excraton in saturated sol for «building {otaationy a slope with the sol properties given xa crotod. Assming to-ope faire, the eae factor of safety forthe stably af this slope is mast nextly (a) 10 @) 15 (©) 35 ) 50 6 cite em 15. The remit fom a series of det shvor tts on ny sll are shown i the table, normal ses shes stro test oumber "TAPaj (Pa) T w % 2 10 108, a 280 15 The principal stress onthe failure plane fr test 2 are roe neatly (A) e1 = 100 4Pa and os =250 kPa (B) 01 = 100 kPa and = 350 KPa (©) 61 = 150 xPaand os = 390 ¥Pa (D) 6) = 150 kPa and os = 490 KPa 46. Siew an hyromster testing shows that sil has the oloving grain size dstebutior. The material pas Ing trough a. 40 ser has a i iit of 4 ad plastcgy index of 18. The AASHTO claaiation for {ssl is percort tine by weight aren giageereiseeet is wy s200 ® 80 @ Ast 8 AST 17. A stoply supported gir spans 0 se wb jected toa ot of three moving wed loads with mag tude ad spacing as shown. What mat nearly the beointe maxima bending moment cas by the mov Ing loads? (A) 510 fekips (B) 500 tke (©) 650 eke (D) 740 kip 18. What s most early the compress fore in mem ‘bee OD in the truss shown, where tensions postive and compression i gate? Sioa nape eer (A) 90 bps (B) 00 Kips (©) a0 bps (D) 20 eps 419, A solid masonry column has «crs section mise suing 82 in x 2 ins "The column subjected to ail expression fore of 110 kip, which indus the weight ff the calumny, wth an eoentiity of im about one tis What fb most nearly the maximum axl com prsson stress cased by thi loading? (A) 02 sipeint (5) 15 p/n? (© 24unr 120. A singly reinforend concrete eas ba the eras setion shown. "Th concrete i normal weight with 8 specifi compresie strength of 4000 pot and i en fineed with four no. 10, grade G0 rears, ‘The design rnoment strength of the sertion i most realy a i | (A) $00 nips (B) Bo RES {C) 850 0ipe (D) HORS 24, A 1M in x 14 in reinforod concrete column bears fn square peead footing that i 8.5 ft 8.5 fein plan, bas an overall thickness of 20 in, end is reinforced trith no, rbars in each deeton, The ootlag i eon Struct of 3000 psi oral weight concrete in seco Ahnce with the ACI $18 spcietion. ‘The masz cate design axa free that could be supported bythe footing based on its punching sear este i ost nearly (A) 850 kine (8) 400 ege (C) 450 kine (D) 800 Kye 22, An ecenrialy loaded connection i made sing highstrength bolts of he sme sine the arrangement shown. Based on linear elastic thcry, the maxim, shear that oecur inthe fastener group caused by the ‘pple force most nearly ule: (A) hips (B) Skips (©) 10 (D) 20 pe 2. A exible plywood daphragmspans sear vals lo- cated on ines A,B, and C, and iseabjected toa lateral Wind lod of 30 Ib/Reseting i tho dzcetion show. ‘The maximum chord fore created in the diaphragms ost natty db sss Sere) ' I ovine (a) enor (®) soot {0 it (b) 2000 24. Loads on s highly strained connection rel 1 slate of ses having equal censle strane on three Grthogunal ews. The connetin made by welding a ductile structural stool sing an appropriate electrode Given that los izes ntl fade initiates a the stressed pot, the resulting falue would be beat de (A) docile () shear lip {C) dleovage {D) layge deformation ‘25, Two tangents are connected by a circular curve 15 shown, The circular curve represents the cntarline fof two lane rural highway that passes throu evel Soundings. "The highway has 12 f anes with 6 fe Shoulders. The carve degree of curvature 2", and the design speed is 40 mph What is most neal the bearing of thera line mostng tbe curve af PT? (rottocee) (A) Nass" (B) Norse" h (© ssrzi0"e (D) 835950" E 26. An unsignlized Tnterction's thre legs are rach to way. Whet is most neaey the total number of an lt points, inlingeromsing, merging, aod verging? (aa (B) 6 (0 2 27. A fowlane remy rane rough rural atone. Each lane 1 f wide. A secet trafic study fr partelar portion of the daly ommute period shows the dre Hloual weckday volume f 240) wpb ia one diction ‘An average of 730 vehicles pases by during the busi ft 15min. What e most weary the pele hour factor (Pury (a) 03 (B) 089 (©) oo (19 2B, The cenerie ofa two lane rural highway includes ‘rear env as shown. The ighway hae 12 anes with 6 fe shoulders, The cusve deger of curvature 2 an the design speed is 40 mph. The curve ls in the viniy of en established Civil War cemetery. The Point on the curve closes to the corner ofthe eatery fas coordinates 124,180.59 N and 256540-70 B. What itmeetnerly the distance from the crve to te corer ofthe cemetary? conto pe SS nt (a) Tro @ Tea (© mie 0) ak 9. Which one ofthe following statements i tre? (A) ADT i the aorage of 2 be tle counts oh lesa every day inthe yea, (B) Feed trafic dey on roadways is caused by trae side freton, (©) Space mean speci always le than or equal te Gime mena sped. (D) Local sets provide more acs than mb iy, and they carry tnore thes BO% of travel ‘volume naionvide 30. A car is traveling ons tworlane marl oad at 45 ‘mph. ‘The road grade ie 8% downhill. A deer appears Tn front ofthe ca and starts to tos the ro. Wht snot nearly the distanoe the cae nedsin order to top in tine to avoid hitting the der? ) wok (B) i708 (©) a0 (D) 0% 9 384, Inthe following table, ADT data for tae move ‘monte between four lations are sven. Points A,B, (Grand D represent the lations along vatous staght highway sections, sown inthe lontration AB rep resents the munber of dally tes from loeation Ato loeation B. BA cepreents the number of daly tsps from B to A, Other combinations of A, By C, and D te interpreted similar An interchange i popes to arcommadats the trae to and fom all lations ‘Whur ls the ast suitable type of interchange? turing volume moved) 0 ac ab BA BD ue. cD cA 15 cB » be 10 De % DA » (A) clover, fat (B) cleat, partial (©) diamond (D) etiona 82, The total cut area and total fil ze. fortwo sae Hons (F and 2) slang a reudway we a flows total out area total ll aren station“ 02) a T ° 2 2 5 2 ‘Use the average end area metho fr earthwork comp tations using 100 stations. What is most nor the ret earthwork vole’? (A) eat 45 ya (B) a aya (©) Al: 100 ya (D) cat: 150 ya 32. A completemic atintad sbvlge process i usd to lorat § GD of brewery wastes with ® COD of 1500 mg/L. The noabiodgradable faction i 110 mg/L COD. The biochemical rection is pends order. ‘The substrate utllantion rate constant based on mixed Figur volte nepended solid (MEVSS) 0.6 L/h at 20°C. The design med liquor suspended solids (MLSS) ie2500 mg/L, and the sls are T9% ola. Acted sludge ie esurned drety tothe ractor fr a din ftuent COD of 200 mg/L. The rector volume is must aly (a) 200.000 (B) 00.00 (©) S100 (B) 700.0 4 134. A culvert system is being designed to pass under {major highway The culver system rast be able to poe the highway frum ruplin a Lin stor. The folowing information has been derived fomn a storm hat produced runoff ove 2 he pele. rainage area mt Mood tiydrgvaph peak dkebarse 9300 f/sec flood hyrograph wou £260 aot What i most neely the 2 hr unit hydeosroph peak discharge? (A) 2300 fine (2) 300 fine (©) $800 #2 /imeee (D) 6800 #2 fine 35. A spray system i designed as pact of an industri proces A 0.8 in diameter noel connected toa 8.15 in Ahaneter pipe wil provide a spray velocity of 8 sce ‘Thecoulicents of velocity and contraction are 0.95 and (80, respectively. The water temperature is 1°F. The Dresure required atthe entrance to the novdle is mast cealy (A) dopa (B) Bt si (C) 70 psi (D) Tosi 36, An irrigation canal mist supply 1060 8 /s6e of eater ata uniform depth of 6. Tho canal has 10 ft sree, rectangular eens setion and constricted of brie to make uso of local bulding materials, The slope ofthe cana that will met the spl aay (a) 10% (B) 13% (©) 23% (D) 340% ‘37. A small basin consists ofthe cover types given in the folowing table vit area (1) ‘igh nftration residential, Ye, ‘moderate afltration 3 180.000 paved roads and parking 2 300,000 According tothe NRCS method, th ol storage capac ity i ont early (a) Loin (B) 2510 (©) 80m {b) 45m 38. A pain sedimentation tank renames 100% of a ‘sordy material with @ mean spocie gravity of 22, 9 ton diameter of 65 10-> fy and an operating ee perature of 90°F. ho system has deteaton tine of 2.5 he and a flow of 18 f8/se. ‘The aren ant depth of theta, spectively, ate most ueaity (A) 10000 R213 & (B) 200082 Th {C) M000 R216 {D) 16,000; 10 oie scion 11 39, Waster design flow fora wastrstrtreatment 40 Sulfur dw sto be used to dechlrnate an ef plant iso be based on population for domestic sewage, vent containing chlorine residual of 6 mg/L as Ca lus industrial wastowater, star water, andl infltra” ‘Th design fw i 0 Ls. The amount of ulti dase 2 ntaneas rane ining el maton ‘parameter ‘value loki iain —— Sao par mie iackwe Soe © wid any oy ofan ees exces fnleration rte {above normal) 600 pal/dy-in-mi callecton ystern properties 5.mi of 2 nie 1G nl of 120 pipe 22 mi of Sin pipe Industrial waste 1,00 gal/seday "The design maximum daly flow is most nearly (a) 1 GD (8) 1. MaD {© 2 cD (D) 25.4GD 12 sive Ue EXAMINATION STOP! DO NOT CONTINUE! "Th concludes the Morning Sesion of the examination. ym Sins early, eek yo morale se that youhave flowed all instructions. After checking your vers, yo my arn in your examination hone el ‘saver sect and leave the examination oom, Once you Tene, som wll not be permitted to ret to work of cng your answers, Solutions Morning Session 4. Caleulate the average depth of undeent,D, by sum feing the underew depths st each ofthe corners and Aiviting the total by the momaber of errs, Calealate te undercat volume, V, by multiplying the are by the sverage depth of undercut, sverage depth id arm of underent volume simber (2) ft) 8) 1 m0 20578 2 1m 20a 3 200-288 THD 43500 2506500 5 3500-20000 Ce totl 4528 = OW? aa aie 5a 279 ya? (1300 a?) ‘Te answers (A). 2, Pyashe a atively expensive substitute for Pot= Tend cement. Is prise Is abont 9 thied of Portland c= iments, In concrete, an LOT (les an ignition) of 2% or lea it desired, it an LOY of es than 3% steeple 2 low loss om gion means thatthe organic mater is present inthe poszlen (cermentitions materi). (Cass Piya as higher LOW and easton conte han ‘hse C fy, ad iis usually less fn 10% cleus fide. Clas F ys also abso etrined it from he concrete paste ad iy therefore, sot recommended fa important structures, but may be wed on intern oor sabe Cass Cys has ore cement-ikeeanpounds lower [LOl, git mote strength than Clos Pfyash, aad iy therefore desirable on bridge deck, reining ells, nd ther portant etrutures Class fast has 10% to S05, cae oxide, les than 256 carbo, and les than 1.5% LOL, Class C yank isa pozzoln. Tt can be used In place of cement yas mach 0% by weight ‘The answoris(B). 67 ‘8. Calculate the constituent material weights using the ‘bacte volume (AV) method, Using the “water required table, a Ya in CA with 8 {Bin to in slurp rege 300 I of mix water “To find the weight of cement vide the water weigh, ta by the cement materials ction, e Ya0s swig =a ne ‘Toft weight of CA, wea, mitiply the dry odes ‘weight by the volume bed oa the ieutssmodahus and the “bulk volune” table ceca (10) sn (27) To find the absolute volume (without fine ageregates, FA), divide the weight of the material by the product of te unit weight of water and the specie gravity of the material, 0 Tot (aa) ao) (eB) Ve! a (ea™) om 51 8 +805 #8 49.60 1 rs Subtotal of volume Find te absolute volume of te Bae ageregate, Aen = 27 RY 178 nS 9.59 In practice, these vokumes would be adjusted scoring {othe workability, durability, and strength propertie real forthe jo, ‘Te answer is 0) 4 ($100, 000)(F/P, 8%, 10) + ($2,000), 85519 ye) = (8100.00)(2.155) + ($2,000)(14.866) = $505,622 ($508,000) The answer (0) ‘5. Float is the amount of time an activity can be de Jayed without delaying any succeeding activities, Hs slo known a “slack tne” Total fost is defined ax the amonst of time that an sctligy in the sities path (eg, post start) can be ‘delayed without delaying the projea. completion date, ‘The anew is (0). 6. "Te ei! path i the logrst path through the Drojost activites For this jo, tum a fur posible ‘enaros 1 ADG =3 +746 16deys 2. BP =649=13 dys 3. AB=$48~ 1 days 4. ACP = 3-45-49= 17 days The longest path takes 17 days, ‘The anewer is (6). 7. Anchorage strength in rock is P= Ab = Darl, 2, Is the unfactored anchor capacity, re the rai of the anchor shat, 8 the length ofthe ars and 4 ste oad strength ofrode. Thisequnton represents the shear stant a he Himestone ont the surface tea ofthe tal. 6in 2S oan Pom ASae = 2erES up (22.0) (2®) (120 BE) (to awcainaem (2) (1 mt) (a) = 3057 ips (600 Lips) The anoweris (6) 8. Cycle ime rf to the amount of tie it tls the ‘muckhoo operator to load, damp, td vig bak to load nother bicket of materi (orate oes nat (5) ate = $$“ (20 yy (10 1 be 035 br —0.25 —* (ome) sions (sd) Treansweris(C) ®. Coulomb's equation for active force on sil should he ut to solve tis problem, (0 the angle between horizontal plan and the Int ‘or face of the cetainng wal, Sine be retaiing wall ‘Src in contact with the sol vertical, 0" sint(o+8) , A @ sntosin( 9( + Y sn aantara) sitar 007 “sin 90° sin (90° — 15°) ac [enti 30? an ar — 1} sin (00> = 15°) (+ 0" oss The ative foe pe unit lngt of walls hire, = (2) (is) aom*oa 2) (8%) = 50.1 N/m (Nn) ‘The answer i (8) 40. Beso the sand fil ¢ placed on tp of the sit Sega the tl am, water pres, eve ae, respectively, ere = (0888) ota -20m gaa w=198 og = 99.9 KN/m? " . Ate placing he son lo top of thesit depot, the total strst beans eue= (#80106 298 BN? (208) 60m % 69 At the end ofthe conslidation procs, the water prs sine th same at before the placoment of the dil 98.1 N/a? =199.9 N/a? “Therefore the eens in fete sts a pint Ais = 100 EN jn? (100 KPa) ‘Te answer i (6) 444, A properly drown fow net should bes tothe Che ebown rat ast have uppranimately he same Np {oN sata, Do aoe spend alot of tine tying to dea 1 ptf Sow net The low at: shows three flow tubes (Ay = 3) and 11 eal drope (Ny = 11). The enti How is = KuRL = Ga #2) 81 m—a1.m)(j) mm) 224510 m/s (25% 10 ws) ‘The anewer i (0) 70 ewer 12 The Bousines stress contour ehart mony be aed tocol this probe leet ron ol» = = o “Ud re : at fe taste t hadee. j ee a Fors.cohama led, N of SKN and a beating presse, 1. of 00 KN/m?, the width of eh que footing is N_ [SOEN aa fX— [SOR Ve" \ 05 ~ 144m ‘Therefore, Tam 20 ‘Te reeling ctr fom the Bonsineg chart 5p The reuling sees i oy = 0.05 005 (1) = 1Njnt For the 100 N/m? foudation beating pressure, Therefore, ‘The resulting factor from the Bouin stress contour chart Op. The wsling sree i ss 04-02)(00 SS) = 301N/n? "The change instr at 31m below the center of the fondation is ‘The aneweris (6). 13. {En this cate, the ony fore that tend toes vera ing the weight ofthe wall, W. ‘The omy farce that tends to overturn the wall the active free, Py ‘The walls ange of fetion, 5,30", the active force can be ealeulaed using the Rankin theory. (The s- uated dnety i vod, nels the maximum density fora drained condition, "Saturated does not mpean Se a= bok = (2) (0) conor Tes)n recat — “The overturnng moment per unit lng of walls Ebene nl (m3) (82) = 1267 N/m sensu (w -09 The welt ofthe wall W, 5 equal to W; plas Ws, Wy = HD rence (60m(10m) (24 = 120EN/n Wa= MD rence =(2)oamosm (0 90 N/m ovuTione ox 71 The seit moment per wit ng of walls TC Meceine Wie + Ware (120%) 0+ (00m 330 KN mm “The factr of safety against overturning about the toe (point A ofthe iusteation) cam be expressed 38 The answer () 44, Since is OF, the Taylor slope stability chart ean ‘be used to Solve this problem ope eal doa) Sure: Set Mecano, NAVEAC Dein Mata D1, My “The depth thai ot veto tasce Detention of he pea he Bt on blow thn aw, tthe Spe hh He dept ot : D_30m in 0% 05 a “The Taylor chart shows that, fora depth factor of OS an a slope angle, of 55, the stability number, No, ies, 72 civic pe eam "The ese factor of sty for he slope is ie oa (saxon (oom =241 (25 Festa ‘The specific weight eno reds by the specific weight of water bicause there no pote pesmie (Le, the si 1s above the water table). The sls nt submerged, so the effective spele weight snot seed, ‘The answer (0) 18. A strength envelope can be constructed using the ata given. Mobis cic an then be const ta sent to the strength envelope at pint 2, ae sewn, From this arrangement, the majee and iinor prin pl sess ao found tobe 95 Pa (a, 100 KPa) ad 550 kPa go spire ‘The aneweris (8) $6. This problem roquras use of the American Associaton of Stale Highway ond Transporation OF ficials (AASHTO) classileation tale for soil aad so ngsregae mixtures The percentages of material pati the no. 10,20, 40, sd no. 200 aves are 0, 10 (200 min) 45% 0. 40 (0425 mm) 35% 0,200 (0.075 mim) 25% Tho qu it (LL) an pastiiy Index (PD) of the material passing the no._ 40 siewe are 34 and 13, = Spectively Therefore, working fom eft to right on the AASHTO classifiation chat, the aypropriassuluroup for this sol 25, The AASHTO classifeation alo contains a nuanber in patentee. This number isthe group index Foe su ‘Broun A206 and A-27, the group inden is Jy = 01(Fixo ~ 15) -10) Papi te percentage of oi passing the no, 200 seve ‘Tho group index i abeays reports to the meat whe umber. (It ie ealealated toe negative, then ie reported a 20) 0.1( Fp ~15)(PI~ 10) (.01)28~ 15)019- 10) 8:39. (0, coset whole namber) ‘Therefore, the inl AASHTO claseation fr thie sit e200) ‘he aneer (A) 417. The resultant i 2 kp force leat from the leo loa, Pe LA (g(0) + (8 hs) 20) + (16 22) Sim Skip 10 pa a158 jon 208 Li} ‘The absolut maximum bending tne orcas ander the 16 Kips load when the distance fom mdspan to Whips is oqudstat fom madpa to remtart Thu, the distance rom midepan to 18 kiss we-1358 an : ; = ‘The reaction at the right support ie found by summing moments about the lf support (52 hipeyt0 425 0) “The bending moment under tho 1 kip loos Maus Roe = cua kpgao 2258) = 81 felipe (610 8) Th newer i. 16. ' pee ' 1 LOR sekon teller 18hipe Sum moments about point (Assume clockwise mo- ments pote.) =M (00 8) Re ~ (18 ip) 75 + 60 +45 1 Ry =38 Kips ‘Pas a cnting plane vertically betwoen pane points C ‘and Dy consider the Tet side atthe fee body. Take Imoments abou point Dm Tak (20 8p + (96 hipn( 0&8) — (18 Kis} R) = 0 Fey = 405 hips (-40 kis) The answer (0) 419. Since the rcukant compresion force acts within ‘he mile one-third of the cas cecton, the gros cross Sectional ae iffecive in resisting the combined aia {and bending wtreses| A= Oh= (92 in(02 in) 1028? one _ (92 ys in? Z ry = 87,381 int isthe axial compression force, i the event fd cl the distance from the ester of te column to the ede fae {ho kis _ (1104p a0) "ont Brat int = 0:28 kip/in? (02 kien) Tho anewor ie ( 20, The azea of one no. 10 bar i 1.27 i. ‘The yield eres of grade 6 rebar 60.00 Ibi? ‘The total ‘ompreslt area equited to balance the tension in the rebate is hay _ 0.27108 (0000 Fs) A= o85j (039 («o 2) This is greater than the are ofthe Yeas” (Le ofthe sides of the roa). (216 iyi) 0? Aa ‘rough ‘The design moment strength of the sction & My ‘Taking the moments ofthe iteral compression free bout the contre of tension sted give hte = Spec 9 1s (8 )aresei ae) 0] +055 (8) eo inessin ~(nsin-en- 282) ~(ah) = 837 fkips (340 f-kips) ‘The answer i (2). 24, Allowing 3 in minimum cover pls 1 n bar diame ter Tor the separation between the na, 8 bars i each diretion, the eetive footlg dept d, meanted from the Foting top strfae to the ee of the oc resing ba layer is 16 "The citicl punching sher perimeters at fom the column face: Thos, by 40h +4) = (4) (14 +16 in) 120 For aquate columns, the controling punching shear co city i given in ACT 38 Vin = 4 Fiboad (oyu fon a2 6) = S15488 bf (316 bps) ‘The design fore on tho column is uniformly dstibutad lover the 8 1% 8.5 ft spread foting The punching Shea excludes the debuted force within the tance (42 to every side of the eal face. Thus, Vom usAuis 10-8) (com se) tase ios = 0.0086 ‘Since the Reynolde number i les than 1, Stokes aw applies. or 100% remo, the setting eocty isthe ‘overtlow rate (OF) ori 0011 #3/R see “The aren of the tank x 16388 8 (16000 82) “The dopth ofthe tank is esha (26m $) (oom, a8 con) ‘Te answer is (0). 89. The average dally fw is based on per capita fc tors in the absence of site spec data. Cousnon vlte are 100-126 gal/eapita- day “The average daly domestic flow is Gam = Qa? eu i the per capita daly domastie Bow. P is the umber of people expt). sal n= (125 0m tn (22) sus seo "The india ow in Qo = Gans Qa th daly industrial ow per wit aon. A the fre contributing to inde Hon (200m 52.) 2m 0 ( Mcp Q ‘The exes nftration i Que = Bab EE ie te exces infiltration rte, dit the dlameter of Pipe, and Zs the length of pipe (24 a6 ue (0 tt) (rte me + (6in(22 mi) ie (iam) 293 GD ‘The total annual average day ow x a im +Qnd + Qu 8.125 MGD +20 MGD +0288 GD nals MGD Tie i pay os cw a= Qua (28) eu ocny20 Zpeman concn) The answor is (0). 80 civic Pe eawrl 440, The reactions are Ch-+ 0 = HOC yt er” 80; + HOCL + HL0-= cr +80; +a ‘The does of $0, is Dro, = (0M on) (BE) (, to) Tech) (1 mat sa KHOCL) /, mol $02 ~ («5 sStn6a) (roa) 1 mol HOGI) (5 80. » (aiznoen) ( wre, 1 mg/l ‘The mass per day of $0» i cq (611 38) (£) (#0 3) (Ge) 56.1 kale (60 ka) ‘The answer ls (0).

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