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Analysis of Tunneling-Induced Ground Movements

Using Transparent Soil Models

Mahmoud Ahmed, Ph.D., P.E.1; and Magued Iskander, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE2

Abstract: Ground movements induced by shallow tunnels affect the safety of nearby underground and aboveground structures. Therefore,
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the reliable prediction of these movements is important. A transparent soil model is used to investigate not only the surface settlement profile
induced by shield tunneling, but also the distribution of soil deformation within the soil mass near the tunnel. The observed surface settle-
ments are consistent with the normal probability curve commonly used for predicting settlement, with only the inflection points or trough
width parameters somewhat different. The measured data are consistent with field measurements in that the trough width parameter is
independent of the volume loss and linearly proportional to the tunnel depth. An analysis of the displacement field inside the transparent
soil models indicates that the subsurface settlement trough at different depths can be approximated by a normal probability curve; and the
horizontal displacement can be expressed by the trough width parameter and the volume loss, at the point at which maximum horizontal
displacement occurs at the point of inflection. Additionally, the measurements indicate that subsurface ground movements can be in excess of
the observed surface settlement, which can adversely affect underground utilities. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0000456. © 2011
American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Tunnels; Ground motion; Settlement; Imaging techniques; Correlation; Soft soils; Tunneling; Soil
Author keywords: Settlement; Digital image correlation (DIC); Cross-correlation; Particle image velocimetry; PIV; Soft ground tunneling;
Subsurface; Deformation.

Introduction the ground response to tunneling. These techniques range from

two-dimensional (2D) trap door tests in dry sand (Vardoulakis et al.
Despite much improvement in tunneling technology over the past 1981) to miniature tunnel boring machines that simulate the process
five decades, tunneling inevitably leads to ground movements that of tunnel excavation and lining installation in a centrifuge (Kim
may influence overlaying buildings and nearby utilities. Therefore, 1996; Chapman et al. 2006; Meguid et al. 2008). However these
the reliable prediction of soil deformations attributable to tunneling techniques only measure ground movements at the model bounda-
is required to take the most appropriate and economical counter- ries. The numerical modeling of tunneling has been popular in the
measures to mitigate the risk of damage to surface or subsurface last decade; it permits computing internal deformations throughout
structures. the soil field. However, computed internal soil deformations are
Tunneling-induced ground movements depend on a number of difficult to validate against actual measurements for several rea-
factors including geological and hydro-geological conditions, tun- sons. Sensors possess static and dynamic properties that are differ-
nel geometry, tunnel depth, excavation method, and the quality of ent from those of the surrounding soils, and can thus change the
workmanship (Atkinson and Potts 1977). The relationship between response of the model in laboratory and centrifuge experiments
ground movements and these parameters is neither simple nor lin- by introducing a compliance error. Furthermore, although it is pos-
ear (Attewell et al. 1986). sible to install sensors that record soil movements, ahead of tunnel-
Historically, field observations of surface settlement played an ing operations, the tunneling construction process makes it difficult
important role in developing criteria for predicting expected surface and expensive to do so. Accordingly, such measurements are dif-
settlements. In the last three decades, physical modeling has played ficult to come by.
an increasingly important role in predicting ground movements. The approach adopted in this research makes use of the recently
A variety of modeling techniques have been developed to study developed transparent soil technology and image processing tech-
niques to measure the ground response attributable to tunneling
Engineer, New York State Dept. of Transportation, 21 South End Ave., (Iskander 2010). A tunnel is preplaced in a transparent soil model,
New York, NY 10280; formerly, Doctoral Candidate, Polytechnic Institute which represents saturated sand. Tunnel face support is simulated
of New York Univ., Six Metrotech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201. E-mail: by using an internal pressure, σT , applied inside the tunnel. Tests are conducted by reducing σT in stages until collapse of the soil
Associate Professor, Polytechnic Institute of New York Univ., Six occurs. Because the model is transparent, it can be sliced with a
Metrotech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201 (corresponding author). E-mail: laser light sheet at the location of the tunnel face. Images of the
soil at the tunnel face illuminated by the laser light were captured
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 8, 2010; approved on
September 30, 2010; published online on October 2, 2010. Discussion per-
after each decrement of σT reduction and used to obtain corre-
iod open until October 1, 2011; separate discussions must be submitted for sponding 2D deformation fields. Although this technique might
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and not model tunnel construction precisely in the field; nevertheless,
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 137, No. 5, May 1, 2011. ©ASCE, it is capable of revealing patterns of behavior relevant to the me-
ISSN 1090-0241/2011/5-525–535/$25.00. chanics of internal soil deformations induced by tunneling.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2011.137:525-535.

Evaluation of Ground Movements magnitude of ground movements increases linearly with depth
below the surface. O’Reilly and New further developed a relation-
Peck (1969) proposed that the surface settlement distribution can be ship between the settlement trough parameter, xi , and depth to the
determined empirically by using a normal probability Gaussian tunnel axis:
curve. The properties of the normal probability function and its re-
lationships to the dimensions of the tunnel are shown in Fig. 1. The xi ¼ kH ð3Þ
maximum ordinate of the normal probability curve at the center,
x ¼ 0, is the maximum settlement, Sv max . Thus, surface settlement, where k = empirical constant of proportionality that ranges between
Sv , at any point is 0.4 and 0.7 for cohesive soils and between 0.2 and 0.3 for granu-
lar soils.
ð x 2 Þ A variety of different empirical solutions of the settlement
Sv ¼ Sv max e 2x
i ð1Þ
trough parameter, xi , have been proposed by Mair et al. (1981),
where xi = inflection point, also known as trough parameter. The Attewell and Farmer (1974), Clough and Schmidt (1981), and
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values for xi reported by Peck (1969), Lake et al. (1992), Mair and Atkinson and Potts (1977). Despite discrepancies among the
Taylor (1997), and for tunnels based on reasonably reliable settle- xi -values estimated by each method, they all agreed that xi is related
ment data are shown in Fig. 2. By using his data, Peck (1969) esti- to the tunnel depth and geometry.
mated the value of xi as In practice, the empirical solution given by Peck (1969) and the
parameter k introduced by O’Reilly and New (1982) are most com-
xi H monly used to determine the surface settlement trough induced by
¼ ð2Þ tunneling. However, a significant limitation of these methods is that
R 2R
they require knowledge of the expected ground loss volume, V L ,
where n = dimensionless factor that ranges from 0.8 to 1.0. Later, which is usually estimated as a percentage of the theoretical exca-
O’Reilly and New (1982) collected field measurements from tun- vation volume.
nels in a variety of soils. Their data suggest that the soil deforma- Predicting the magnitude of ground loss is extremely difficult,
tions are directed toward a “sink” located below the tunnel axis at a especially in shield tunneling because it depends on various com-
point close to the tunnel invert. Assuming that (1) all movements in ponents that cause the excavated volume to be larger than the theo-
the soil occur along radial paths toward the tunnel axis; (2) condi- retical tunnel volume, including face loss, overexcavation, pitching,
tion of plane strain; and (3) constant volume deformation; O’Reilly ground disturbance, and tail void closure. Experience can be used if
and New concluded that the width of the zone of deformed ground a history of tunneling and taking measurements exist. When no re-
increases linearly with the increase in tunnel depth, and that the cord exists, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recommen-
dations can be employed (Table 1). In soft ground conditions, it is
typically assumed that the volume of surface settlement, V s , is
equal to the volume of ground loss at the tunnel, V L (Fig. 1). There-
fore, the volume of the settlement trough per unit length can be
estimated by using the property of the normal probability curve
as (Peck 1969)

V s ¼ 2:5xi Sv max ð4Þ

For a circular tunnel of diameter D

V L% D
Vs ¼ π ð5Þ
100 4
Fig. 1. Properties of Gaussian function used in prediction of surface Other principal methods for the evaluation of ground move-
settlement ments include numerical models (e.g., Anagnostou and Kovári
1996; Potts and Addenbrooke 1996; Mair et al. 1996; Addenbrooke
Soft to stiff clay (Mair & Taylor,1997)
et al. 1997; Viggiani and Atkinson, 1995; Bohac et al. 2002; Masin
Soft to stiff clay
Sand, gravel (Lake et al, 1992) (Peck, 1969) and Herle 2005). Clough and Leca (1989) reviewed recent work on
Table 1. Relationship among Volume Loss, Construction Practice, and
Rock, hard clay, sand Ground Conditions
8 above groundwater
Sand, submerged
(Peck, 1969) (Peck, 1969) Case V L (%)

Good practice in firm ground; tight control of face 0.5
pressure within closed face machine in slowly
4 raveling or squeezing ground
Usual practice with closed face machine in slowly 1.0
2 raveling or squeezing ground
Poor practice with closed face in raveling ground 2
0 Poor practice with closed face machine in poor 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(fast raveling) ground
Poor practice with little face control in running 4.0 or more
Fig. 2. Variation of settlement trough parameter, xi , and tunnel depth ground


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2011.137:525-535.

the application of FEM to soft ground tunneling. They pointed out
that tunneling has proved to be difficult and complex for FEM mod-
eling because it often involves many parameters that could be
poorly estimated if both the soil and the construction procedure
are not properly modeled. Peck’s (1969) normal probability curve
continues to be the most widely used predictive measure for fitting
settlement troughs and has been adopted to compare results of this

Experimental Modeling Technique

Transparent silicas suitable for simulating the geotechnical proper-

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ties of a wide range of soils have been developed (Sadek et al.

2002). The developed transparent clays (Iskander et al. 1994,
2002a) have been used to model a number of geotechnical prob-
lems including flow around wick drains (Welker et al. 1999), pile Fig. 3. Tunnel modeling technique (photo courtesy of the writers)
penetration (Gill and Lehane 2001; Ni et al. 2010), ground
improvement using sand columns (McKelvey et al. 2004), and off-
shore foundations (Song et al. 2009). The developed transparent soil and connected to the pressure board. The tunnel support pres-
sands used in this study have been used previously to study pile sure, σT , was increased such that σT ¼ σS at the beginning of the
penetration (Liu and Iskander 2010) and shallow foundations test. The tire was placed on to the top of the transparent soil, which
(Iskander and Liu 2010). was well leveled to assure a uniform pressure distribution. The tire
One of the materials developed to simulate the behavior of sand covered all area on the top of the tunnel face, with its center (hole)
is particulate materials resembling angular white sand, 0.5–1.5 mm, placed at a distance > 4D from the tunnel face, a distance deemed
called SG1. In this study SG1 is saturated with a matched refractive far enough according to the Attewell et al. (1986) study of settle-
index fluid to achieve transparency. Detailed properties of SG1 and ment along tunnel axes.
the pore fluid are available in Iskander et al. (2002b). SG1 proper- In addition to the tunnel container, the setup also included a
ties for the test conditions are summarized in Table 2. Cohu 2622 black and white charge-coupled device (CCD) camera,
A Plexiglas acrylic model (Fig. 3) 30.48 cm (12 in.) long, a 35 mW Melles Griot laser light source, a line generator lens, a
25.4 cm (10 in.) wide, and 20.32 cm (8 in.) high was used to con- loading frame, a test table, and a PC for image processing (Fig. 4).
tain the transparent soil. The dimensions of the model were chosen The camera has a resolution of 640 × 480 pixels and is controlled
in such a way that the influence of the boundaries was minimized. by the PC through a Matrox Meteor 2=4 frame grabber. A macro-
The tunnel was modeled by a PVC tube 2.54 cm (1 in.) in diameter zoom lens with a variable focus length from 18 to 108 mm was
and preinstalled inside the model at a depth of 12.7 cm (5 in.). This mounted on the CCD camera.
allowed testing tunnels with cover-to-diameter ratio, C=D, ranges The tests were conducted by reducing the tunnel pressure, σT , in
from 1 to 4.5. A 0.3 mm thick latex membrane of negligible stages until collapse occurred. After each decrement of tunnel pres-
strength was attached to the end of the tube to represent the tunnel sure, the model was sliced optically by using a laser light sheet to
face. The membrane was left slack to prevent the mechanical in- illuminate the plane of measurements inside the model, and an im-
fluence on the displacement of the face. The tube (tunnel) was then age was captured by the CDD camera. Later, these images were
filled with air under pressure to simulate the tunnel support pres- processed to obtain corresponding deformations relative to pressure
sure, σT , which could be read and controlled by the pressure board. drop and volume loss in the soil mass induced by the tunnel. Com-
In reality, such a support can be achieved by using compressed air, plete strain and deformations fields were obtained from the set of
bentonite slurry, or earth pressure balance (E.P.B. shield). In this images captured during each test.
study, σT was assumed to be constant over the tunnel face, which
best models the case of compressed air support but also provides
valuable information for slurry or E.P.B. shields.
For the application of surcharge or surface pressure, σS , the
Plexiglas acrylic model container was placed between two identical
metal plates (Fig. 3) connected by four threaded rods. A rubber tire
with an internal pressure σS was placed on top of the transparent

Table 2. Tests Conditions and Properties of SG1

Parameter Value
Surcharge pressure 69 kPa
Unit weight 8:53 kN=m3
Friction angle 36°
Particle size range 0.5–1.5 mm
Particle shape Angular
Specific gravity 2.2
Modulus of elasticity 32 MPa
Cohesion 0 Fig. 4. Experimental setup (photo courtesy of the writers)


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2011.137:525-535.

Soil Displacement Measurement it is necessary to make certain assumptions and to formulate a sim-
plified model for tunnel construction. The unsupported length be-
The interaction between laser light and transparent soils produces a hind the face is assumed equal to zero, which is a reasonable
distinctive speckle pattern. This speckle pattern manifests the inter- assumption for shield-driven tunnels. The self-weight of the soil,
actions among the transparent soil matrix, impurities, entrapped air, γ:C, above the tunnel is small and thus, neglected. A surcharge,
and the laser. Small particle movement will result in a change in the σs , is applied at the surface. Plane strain is assumed. To insure that
speckle distribution in the plane of measurement. If the deformation the surcharge pressure was well distributed at the surface, an image
is small, the contrast distribution resulting from the speckle effect was captured before and after the surcharge pressure was applied
will follow the particle movement. Images captured before and after and then processed by DIC. The uniformity was assured by the
deformation were analyzed by using the cross-correlation function displacement vectors showing uniform consolidation of the trans-
(DIC), which is a classic pattern recognition technique based parent soil.
on using the correlation function to locate the best matching posi-
tion of two images and thus predicting movements. Sadek et al. Surface Settlement
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(2003) studied the accuracy of DIC application in transparent soil

The observed vertical surface settlement, Sv , at various stages dur-
models. The results indicate that the calculated deformation using
ing the tests was normalized by the tunnel diameter, D, for four
the developed system has an error on the order 0.1 pixel, which is
different tunnel depths, as shown in Fig. 6. Cording (1991) noted
equivalent to a deformation of 0.01 mm for the optical setup em-
that the width of the transverse settlement trough for tunnels in
ployed in this study.
granular soil depends on the magnitude of settlement, with larger
For displacements measurements with the DIC, the camera im-
settlements tending to cause a narrower trough width. Results
ages were divided into rectangular regions called interrogation
shown in Fig. 6 verify this mechanism; deeper tunnels tended to
areas or interrogation windows. For each of these interrogation
produce lesser settlement and a wider trough than shallow ones.
windows, the image before and after each decrement of tunnel pres-
In the experiment, volume loss was imposed manually by lowering
sure were correlated to produce an average particle displacement
the tunnel pressure, so it was difficult to achieve the same volume
vector. Doing this for all interrogation windows produced a vector
loss to compare tunnels with different H=D ratios, particularly be-
map of average particle displacements. The position of the peak in
cause the relationship between pressure drop and volume loss is
the correlation plane corresponds directly to the average particle
non linear. Transparent soil models results were compared with
displacement within the interrogation area investigated. The vector
the empirical solution proposed by Peck (1969) and incorporated
from the center of the region to the peaks of the cross-correlation
by O’Reilly and New (1982). The measured and predicted surface
function gives the magnitude and direction of the relative move-
settlements are presented in Fig. 7 for four depth-to-diameter
ment between two images. An advanced form of DIC that employs
(H=D) ratios for a volume loss of 2:25%  0:25%. This ratio
window shifting and window sizing called adaptive cross-
was selected for presentation because it is a volume loss that is
correlation (ACC) has been used (Liu et al. 2004). ACC is imple-
typical of the expectation for shield tunneling in saturated sand
mented in Flow Manager software, which is the software used in
(Mair and Taylor 1997 and Huang et al. 2009). The predicted
this research.
movement was based on the measured volume loss obtained from
The parallax effect observed by White et al. (2003) was checked
the analysis of the transparent soil models; therefore, excellent
during camera calibration. An image consisting of a rectangular
agreement exists between the measured and computed surface set-
pattern of crosshair targets was placed in the plane of measurement
tlement. A k-factor is required by O’Reilly and New (1982) for
(the laser sheet plane). A scaling factor was determined by com-
predicting surface settlement. In our tests, calculations for k were
paring the measured and distance between cross hairs according
derived by using Eq. (3) from xi , which was measured from the
to Taylor et al. (1998) and Paikowsky and Xi (2000). Unlike the
settlement troughs shown in Fig. 7 and found to range from
White et al. (2003) setup, our camera was positioned perpendicular
0.27 to 0.31. However, these values were slightly different than
and centered to the plane of measurement (Sadek et al. 2005).
the k-values that produced the best-fit to our data. The k-factors
Therefore, the image is slightly distorted, except at the center of
that resulted in the best-fit to our data ranged between 0.24 and
the image. A maximum shift of 0.01pixels (0.005 mm) was mea-
0.26. The measured settlement trough parameters, xi , were plotted
sured. Therefore, the parallax effect was deemed negligible.
along with data reported by Peck (1969), Lake et al. (1992),
and Mair and Taylor (1997) in Fig. 8. The measured trough param-
Results and Discussion eters were in good agreement with data reported by Lake et al.
(1992) for tunnels in sand. The measured data (Fig. 6) also confirm
The three-dimensional (3D) problem can be idealized by con- Peck (1969), O’Reilly and New (1982), and Lake et al. (1992) sug-
sidering a circular rigid tunnel of diameter D driven at a depth gesting that xi is independent of the volume loss and linearly pro-
H (Fig. 5). To understand the influence of important parameters, portional to H, where an equation of xi ¼ kH can always fit the
measured data. The measured data are also consistent with Mair
and Taylor’s (1997) data in clays. Peck’s (1969) data showed con-
siderably wider troughs for tunnels in submerged sand. Never-
theless, the transparent soil models’ data satisfy Peck’s (1969)
C Lining recommended boundaries for an estimated settlement trough
parameter in sand given by the range xi ¼ 0:25–0:45H.
H Although the tests were performed under drained conditions, the
σTT results were compared with empirical methods that use the esti-
mated volume loss to fit Peck’s Gaussian curve. The Gaussian
curve may be different for drained and undrained situations. For
tunneling in undrained ground, the volume of the settlement trough,
Vs, is more or less equal to the ground loss attributable to soil mov-
Fig. 5. Important parameters in tunnel construction
ing into the tunnel face, V L . However, Vs tends to be somewhat


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2011.137:525-535.

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Fig. 6. Variation of surface settlement profiles with volume loss

smaller for drained excavations (Cording and Hansmire 1975) be- Subsurface Settlement
cause dilation may result in soil expansion such that Vs < V L , de-
The typical displacement vectors observed in transparent soil mod-
pending on the soil’s density. Mair and Taylor (1997) reported that els are shown in Fig. 9 for four tunnel depths. Soil movements in
these differences tend to remain small, and it is reasonable to as- and around the tunnel face tend to manifest at the surface in a sink-
sume that Vs ¼ V L . Therefore, the volume loss used for compari- hole extending from the tunnel axis. Vertical soil movements below
son was obtained by measuring the volume of the settlement trough the tunnel invert were found to be minimal. The entire movement
in AutoCAD. was confined above the tunnel level. In tunnels with a shallow

Fig. 7. Predicted and measured surface settlement profiles


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2011.137:525-535.

Soft to stiff clay (Mair & Taylor,1997) Similar observations of subsurface settlement profiles above
Sand, gravel (Lake et al, 1992) Soft to stiff clay tunnels in silty sands below the water table in Taipei were made
10 (Peck, 1969)
Transparent soil models by Moh et al. (1996) and in loose sands overlain by a firm-to-
stiff clay layer by Dyer et al. (1996). Measured displacements in
Sand, submerged Rock, hard clay, sand
8 the transparent soil model were consistent with available measure-
(Peck, 1969) above groundwater
(Peck, 1969) ments and can be approximated by a Gaussian curve (Fig. 11).

6 Values of k obtained from measurements of xi for the subsurface

profiles for four different tests for volume loss, V L ¼ 2  0:25%,
4 are shown in Fig. 12. The measured data are plotted along with data
from Moh et al. (1996), Dyer et al. (1996), and calculated k-values
2 from Eq. (7) for the test condition. The transparent soil modeling
results were found to be in good agreement with the data reported
by Dyer et al. (1996) in sand. However, the k observed by Moh
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 et al. (1996) in silty sand and calculated per Mair et al. (1993)
2i/D by using Eq. (7) were somewhat different. This is primarily because
Fig. 8. Variation of measured settlement trough parameter, xi , with tun- Eq. (7) is based on the data of subsurface settlement profiles for
nel depth plotted with available data tunnels in clay (Mair and Taylor 1997).

Internal Strains
depth (i.e., less than or equal to 3D), movement at the tunnel level is The vertical component of strain is important for analyzing the af-
transmitted to the surface, whereas deeper tunnels, at depth greater fect of tunneling on buildings and underground utilities. Vertical
than 3D, show less transmission of movement from the tunnel level strains were calculated by using MATLAB functions originally de-
to the surface. This fact is illustrated by the contour of vertical dis- veloped by Eberl et al. (2006) and modified by the writers. The
placement shown in Fig. 10 for four tunnel depths with volume vertical strain for four tests conducted with a volume loss, V L ¼
loss, V L ¼ 2  0:25%. Similar displacement patterns have been re- 2  0:25% is shown in Fig. 13. The calculated vertical strains
ported by Cording et al. (1976), Atkinson and Potts (1977), Wu and ranged between 2.2% at the tunnel level to 1.3% at the surface.
Lee (2003), Kimura and Mair (1981), and Mair et al. (1993) for a This result emphasizes the importance of predicting subsurface
variety of soils. Mair et al. (1993) showed that the subsurface set- movements because they tend to be of greater magnitude than sur-
tlement profiles in clay can also be approximated in the form of a face displacements, especially in deeper tunnels (i.e., H > 3D).
Gaussian distribution in the same way as surface settlement pro-
The dilation of dense sand at a low confining stress is usually cred-
files, according to the following equations:
ited with the reduction of surface displacements. This phenomenon
xi ¼ kðH  zÞ ð6Þ is observed in very dense soils but is usually neglected in the design
of tunnels, with adverse effects on tunnel liners (Leca et al. 2000).
Conversely, in loose or compressible soils, settlement could be
0:175 þ 0:325ð1  Hz Þ larger at the ground surface than at the tunnel depth. In any case,
k¼ ð7Þ dilation is not expected to affect the predicted surface settlement in
1  Hz
this study because the equivalent ground loss volume was not esti-
where z = depth below the ground surface, above a tunnel of mated but computed from the measured settlement trough, assum-
depth H. ing no dilation or contraction of the soil.

Fig. 9. Displacement vectors observed in transparent soil models (V L : 2–2:5%)


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2011.137:525-535.

0.7 0.9
3 1.1

0.6 0.6
1.5 0.9
2 0.9 1.8 2 1.2
x10 -2
1 2 x10 -2


25 mm 25 mm
0 0

5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Normalized distance from tunnel centerline Normalized distance from tunnel centerline
0.51 0.3 0.16
5 0.3 0.4 0.4
0.65 0.63
4 0.5 0.5 0.2 4
3 0.95 3 0.75
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2 2 x10 -2

1.1 x10 -2
1 1
25 mm 25 mm
0 0

5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Normalized distance from tunnel centerline Normalized distance from tunnel centerline

Fig. 10. Contour of vertical displacement (V L : 2–2:5%)

Ground Displacement Vectors displacement in transparent soil models indicate that, for tunnels at
H ≤ 3D, the ground displacement vectors were found to be directed
Deane and Bassett (1995) analyzed subsurface movement measure- toward a point below the tunnel axis and closer to the tunnel invert.
ments for two sections of the Heathrow Express trial tunnels in Conversely, for tunnels at H ≥ 4, the ground displacement vectors
London clay. They concluded that the displacement vectors were were found to be directed toward the tunnel axis (Fig. 14).
directed toward a point midway between the tunnel axis level and
the invert level in one case, and toward a point at, or possibly even Horizontal Displacements
below, the invert in the second case. For tunnels in sands, Cording Damage to structures and services can arise from horizontal
(1991) suggested that the assumption of ground movements movements. However, relatively few case histories exist of tun-
directed toward the tunnel axis may lead to significant underesti- nels for which horizontal ground or structural movements are
matations of horizontal ground movement at the ground surface measured. Attewell (1978) and O’Reilly and New (1982) pro-
near the edge of the settlement trough. The measurements of total posed that, for tunnels in clays, ground displacement vectors are

Fig. 11. Observed subsurface settlement profiles (V L : 2–2:5%)


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2011.137:525-535.

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Fig. 12. Variation of k with depth for subsurface settlement profiles

directed toward the tunnel axis. This leads to the following x = horizontal distance from the tunnel axis; H = tunnel depth;
relationships: and xi = settlement trough parameter.
x Sh max is theoretically equal to 0:61kSv max . This theoretical value
Sh ¼ S ð8Þ was confirmed by field observations in a variety of soils (Cording
H v
and Hansmire 1975; Attewell 1978).
  Hong and Bae (1995) reported horizontal displacements at the
Sh x x2
¼ 1:65 exp  2 ð9Þ ground surface for a 10 m diameter tunnel built by using the new
Sh max xi 2xi Austrian tunneling method (NATM) in predominantly sandy soil.
where Sh = horizontal displacement; Sh max = maximum horizontal Their data are presented with the horizontal component of the mea-
displacement that usually occurs at the point of inflection; sured displacement in transparent soil models in Fig. 15 together

Fig. 13. Vertical strain inside transparent soil models (V L : 2–2:5)


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2011.137:525-535.

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Fig. 14. Direction of ground displacement vectors (V L : 2–2:5%)

Fig. 15. Distribution of horizontal ground surface movements

with Eq. (9) for the test conditions. The distribution of the plotted • The effect of the pore water pressure was small because of the
data is in reasonable agreement with Eq. (9), except in the region small size of the model.
near the edge of the settlement trough (i.e., x ¼ 2–3xi ), where • The soil-tunnel interaction was studied with one tunnel size
ground surface movements are generally very small. only, like most studies. The use of different tunnel sizes would
confirm the lack-of-a-size effect.
• SG1 has a smaller unit weight than natural soils but has a similar
Limitations of this Study stress-strain behavior. The discrepancy in unit weight may affect
the scaling of stress-based problems such as scaling of face sup-
Although the tunneling process can be well modeled by transparent port pressures to natural soils. For deformational problems such
soils, the use of the described procedure has the following as the ones presented in this paper, it is believed that the role of
limitations: geometry is more significant than that of self-weight, but small
• The study was performed at a low confining stress, so the effect differences in failure geometry may occur because of the dis-
of dilation may have been overemphasized. crepancy in unit weight. At any rate, a surcharge has been used


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2011.137:525-535.

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NSF support under Grants Nos. DGE 0337668 and DGE 0741714 Netherlands, 229–232.
is gratefully acknowledged. Research using transparent soils is pre- Hung, C. J., Monsees, J., Munfah, N., and Wisniewski, J. (2009). “Tech-
sently funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) nical manual for design and construction of road tunnels.” Rep. FHWA-
Grant No: HDTRA1-10-1-0049. NHI-09-010 prepared for U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Parsons
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