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Task {task_ref} - {task_label} Summary

User Inforamtions
This is a list of tags that will be replaced with your informations:
myuser_logo = {myuser_logo}
myuser_lastname = {myuser_lastname}
myuser_firstname = {myuser_firstname}
myuser_login = {myuser_login}
myuser_phone = {myuser_phone}
myuser_fax= {myuser_fax}
myuser_mobile = {myuser_mobile}
myuser_email = {myuser_email}
myuser_fullname = {myuser_fullname}

Project Information :
Project {object_title}({object_ref}), {object_id},
Description :{object_description}
Creation date : {object_date_creation}
Start date : {object_date_start}
End Date : {object_date_end}
Note Private : {object_note_private}
Note Public : {object_public}
Status : {object_statut}

Customer : {company_name}

Task Ref.: {task_ref}

Task label : {task_label}
Task Date Start : {task_date_start}
Task Date End : {task_date_end}
Task Description : {task_description}
Task Duration : {task_duration}
Task Progress : {task_progress} %
Task Note Private : {task_note_private}
Task Note Public : {task_note_public}

Task Ressources :
[!-- BEGIN tasksressources --]
Ressource Company : {taskressource_socname}
Ressource Name : {taskressource_fullcivname}
Ressource Role : {taskressource_role}
Ressource Email : {taskressource_email}
[!-- END tasksressources --]

Task Times :
[!-- BEGIN taskstimes --]
Task time date : {tasktime_task_date}
Task duration : {tasktime_task_duration}
Task time note : {tasktime_note}
Task time user : {tasktime_fullcivname}
[!-- END taskstimes --]
Task files :
[!-- BEGIN tasksfiles --]
File name : {tasksfile_name}
File date : {tasksfile_date}
[!-- END tasksfiles --]
[!-- BEGIN projectfiles --][!-- END projectfiles --]
[!-- BEGIN projectcontacts --][!-- END projectcontacts --]

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