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Security: An Imperative in the Cognitive Era

Robert (Rob) Dyson

Partner - Global Security Services Competency Leader (SSRC)

© 2016 IBM Corporation

Cognitive computing is the
simulation of human thought
processes in a computerized model

The goal of cognitive computing is

to create automated IT systems that
are capable of solving problems
without requiring human assistance

How can cognitive computing

help solve information security

© 2016 IBM Corporation 2

What is the information security problem?

Average business impact Attacks created by well Attacks are complex and Security programs are not
of a typical security financed organized crime use internal and external agile and adaptable to
breach = or nation state operations techniques to exploit today’s evolving threats
$Millions + 12,000 security
Loss of Trust events per second! Often Undetected!

Result: Information security is a top priority for most companies and governments

Impact type and business outcome

Brand Reputation Financial Operations
Publisher website hacked and Retailer’s 110 million cards and Bank hack resulted in US $40 million Destructive malware wiped out over
defaced in hacktivism attack customer data records breached; withdrawn from ATMs within a 12 30,000 computers of the world’s
CEO and CIO resigned hour window largest oil production company

© 2016 IBM Corporation 3

Security Challenges
Are we compliant
with all of our
security laws &
What are my
real IT Am I spending
security risks? the right
amount of
resources on
How are the security?
impacting the
business? I really just need
one view of my
security situation
that is relevant to
the business at
all times

© 2016 IBM Corporation 4

To answer these questions security solutions must be adaptable to
changes in threats, IT and business

Harmonization of all data - non biased deterministic

How can everyone Operationalizing best outcome

Insights be more right… Business

….more often? Predictive
What could happen? Best outcome?

What has happened?

© 2016 IBM Corporation 5

Watson is Cognitive Computing
Analyze unprecedented
amounts of unstructured
Watson understands me. data
Interprets and
Watson engages me. understands
natural language
Watson learns & improves over time.
Watson helps me discover.
Watson establishes trust.
Watson has endless capacity for insight.
Watson operates in a timely fashion. & learns Generates &

© 2016 IBM Corporation 6

Some use cases of cognitive security solutions

• Enhance regulatory
compliance governance • Eliminate false positives • Establish an enhanced data
processes faster and with more taxonomy
• Align security control precision • Maintain alignment with the
requirements with corporate • Enhance relevance of log data taxonomy
IT control framework monitoring rules
• Align policies with control • Enhance incident analysis

Risk Management &

Data Security
Compliance SOC
Data Discovery and
Parsing Regulations & Security Log Analysis
Categorizing Obligations

© 2016 IBM Corporation 7

How cognitive computing can enhance risk management & compliance
The identification and management of regulatory obligations is a key use case and foundation to support
end-to-end regulatory change management

Use Case User Scenario Description

Parsing Watson will help Risk & Compliance to better understand and parse specific
A Regulations obligations from existing and new regulations on an automated basis.
1 Identify and
Manage Categorizing Watson will enable obligations to be more swiftly categorized into the firm’s
B Obligations compliance framework and compared across similar sets of obligations
Obligations Watson will enable establishment of a standard obligation baseline enabling
C Managing Obligations
comparison to new or changing regulatory requirements.

Compare Propose Decision on

Identify IT Parse Regulations Categorize into
Requirements across Global Standard Global Standard
Regulations into Obligations Compliance
Obligations Changes Changes

1 2 3 4 5 6

© 2016 IBM Corporation 8

Knowledge Extraction Process
Identify and Manage Regulatory Obligations
“An Ontology formally represents knowledge as a
hierarchy of concepts within a domain, using a shared
vocabulary to denote the types, properties and
interrelationships of those concepts” - Wikipedia


1 UNSTRUCTURED TEXT 2 WATSON (Natural Language Processing)

Regulation Obligations)

© 2016 IBM Corporation 9

Practically this means Watson learns as it ingests, parses and classifies

Initial Regulations Parsed and Classified Regulations

….utilizing its cognitive learning process and the growing body of defined
obligations to help understand obligations from new documents being ingested
© 2016 IBM Corporation 10
Security Solutions leveraging cognitive computing is a smarter risk
management approach
Focused on building trust and value amidst uncertainty

Act with confidence

Empower decision makers with
context-rich, right time intelligence

Understand your exposures

Enable greater insight and business agility
with predictive analytics and advanced

Govern, manage and protect  Cognitive Computing is just now being leveraged
your data to solve complex security problems
Ensure you have the right data for
value-added results and the governance  The computer will be able to generate questions or
processes to ensure compliance and
protect ion answers to questions that humans could never do
 The value will be significant!

© 2016 IBM Corporation 11

Legal notices and disclaimers
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Statement of Good Security Practices: IT system security involves protecting systems and information through prevention, detection and response to improper access from within and outside your enterprise. Improper access can result in
information being altered, destroyed, misappropriated or misused or can result in damage to or misuse of your systems, including for use in attacks on others. No IT system or product should be considered completely secure and no single product,
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