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5/2/2019 5 Reasons Women Make Better Hiring Managers than Men | Jobsoid Blog

5 Reasons Women Make Better Hiring Managers than

Kelly Barcelos | June 16, 2017 | in Recruitment Process

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HR is among the top 10 best paying jobs for women across the globe and despite the
fact that men still hold the vast majority of the highest paid jobs, 71% of all highly
paid HR posts are held by women today. In fact women’s domination of the HR
landscape is now extending to the CHRO ranks in the US, the UK as well as Europe
and this leadership pipeline is unlikely to change. But why are there more women in
the HR world than men? What makes them better than their male counterparts when
it comes to hiring?

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5 Reasons That Justify why Women Make Better Hiring

Managers Than Men

1. Women Have Excellent Communication Skills

Listening is the most critical skill for managing employees and women are any
day better listeners than men. This is why women are more open to discussions
while men simply want to take action. Men communicate better through
productive activities rather than constructive conversations so when it comes to
hearing different perspectives and empathizing with problems, men fail to build a
meaningful relationship which is crucial to establishing accountability and loyalty.

2. Exhibit Higher Levels of Engagement

Rewards and recognitions reinforce employee engagement and retention.
According to a survey by Gallup, 41% of female hiring managers are more
engaged at work compared to 35% of their male counterparts regardless of their
age, experience, marital status and whether they have children at home.

It is essential that good managers are able to develop the skills and capabilities
of their teams because those who lack a sense of purpose are most likely to
remain disengaged which increases the attrition rate over time. Women are more
astute when it comes to activating passion and motivating team members. This
passion and motivation builds long-term loyalty and boosts productivity.

3. Encourage Personal Growth and Development

Women HR managers de nitely hold a competitive edge over their male
counterparts when it comes to appreciating good work, encouraging personal
development, and providing feedback. According to a research study that was
published in the Harvard Business Review, female hiring managers outperformed
male hiring managers in 12 out of 16 management competencies, one of which
was encouraging personal growth and development in others.

A few of the parameters included in this test were on-the-job training, feedback,
and career counselling. When employees are allowed to learn and grow, receive
recognition for good work and positive feedback, they feel valued and perform

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4. Put Constant Efforts into Self-Improvement

Women have competitive zeal, tend to work harder, are more tenacious and are
resilient to setbacks. They put in extra efforts into self-development and are
always eager to improve their ef ciency and enhance their existing skills to drive
better results.

This in turn boosts company productivity and pro ts. The unique managerial
skills and multitasking capabilities of women make them more likely to contribute
towards the company’s current and future success.

5. Easily Adapt to Advancing Technology

This might sound surprising to some but research studies have con rmed that
women have greater analytical abilities and an enhanced capacity to coordinate
processes and procedures while complying with company strategies. They have
the power to change their weaknesses into strengths especially when it comes
to advanced HR technology.

They blend their unique understanding of how people and processes work with
power of technology to survive and succeed in modern workplaces. Women are
now using cloud-based recruitment software to expand their social media
recruiting (
mistakes-and-6-ways-to-get-them-right/) reach, for short listing candidates, for
scheduling interviews, for communicating with potential employees and for
ensuring a positive candidate experience.

They are leveraging fully-loaded applicant tracking systems to save their time,
take data-driven decisions, boost their work ef ciency, and to cut down
recruitment costs. Women are the high-achievers who can make a massive
difference if your company is seeking to strengthen an existing team that can
take your brand to the next level.

As women gain more strategic roles and continue to rein the HR world, the only
change that will remain constant in the coming time is the evolution of HR
technology. Make this shift successful with Jobsoid – a user-friendly, feature-rich
applicant tracking system ( that can simplify your
sourcing process and streamline recruitment tasks from start to nish.
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Sign up ( for a free trial today and empower your HR

workforce to do more with less!

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Kelly Barcelos is a progressive digital marketing manager specializing in HR and

is responsible for leading Jobsoid’s content and social media team. When Kelly is
not building campaigns, she is busy creating content and preparing PR topics.
She started with Jobsoid as a social media strategist and eventually took over
the entire digital marketing team with her innovative approach and technical

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