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Zero Speed Sensorless Position Detection for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines

A. S. Budden, D. Holliday and P. H. Mellor

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
University of Bristol, Merchant Venturers Building,
Woodland Road, Bristol, United Kingdom, BS8 1UB

Abstract— A real-time, sensorless, zero speed position sensing II. BACKGROUND

algorithm for permanent magnet synchronous machines is pre-
sented. The strategy is applicable to any brushless permanent Techniques deriving rotor position without a mechanical
magnet machine that exhibits magnetic saliency. It is compu- sensor can be divided into two main categories. The first of
tationally simple and fast and can be used with machines that these categories contains those techniques that use the shape
exhibit distorted saliencies. Experimental results show that the of the back EMF waveform in the machine to derive the
position measurement scheme exhibits excellent agreement with
position [2]–[7]. These techniques take different forms. Firstly,
results obtained using a resolver.
there are those techniques that simply estimate rotor position
I. I NTRODUCTION either by detecting the zero crossing of the back EMF [2] (for
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSMs) offer brushless DC drives) or by modelling the whole waveform [3]
many advantages over other machine types, including a high (for brushless AC drives). In the latter case, accuracy can be
power to weight ratio and simplicity of control [1]. To drive improved at the expense of increased complexity by imple-
these machines rotor position information is needed. This menting an observer to allow dynamic correction of the model
normally requires a shaft-mounted sensor which adds consid- parameters. As well as simple model correction routines [4],
erable cost to the system, increases the number of electrical these observers can also be implemented as extended Kalman
connections required between machine and controller and filters [5] or with artificial intelligence based systems [8], [9].
reduces the overall reliability of the system. In order to over- Due to the proportional relationship between rotor speed
come these problems, it is desirable to develop a ‘sensorless’ and the magnitude of the back EMF, these techniques are only
position detection technique to estimate the position of the viable when the machine speed is sufficient to produce an EMF
rotor without the use of a mechanical sensor. Sensorless that is measurable above the noise floor [10]. They cannot be
techniques involve application of signal processing techniques used at zero speed.
to extract the necessary information from the voltages and The techniques in the second category [10]–[17] rely on
currents in the machine, which can be measured using simple saliencies resulting either from the design of the machine
and rugged transducers at the point of supply and which or from magnetic saturation. These saliencies modulate the
are already present as a means of detecting machine fault inductance of the machine windings as the shaft rotates. The
conditions and for use in current control strategies. varying inductance can be measured at any speed [16] and this
There are two separate conditions that need to be considered latter technique therefore forms the basis for the development
when developing a PMSM drive without mechanical position of the method described in this paper.
sensors: It is important to note that in practice it is desirable to
• Medium and High Speed
use saliency based techniques only at the lower end of the
• Zero and Low Speed
speed range. Detection of the saliency requires an additional
component to be added to the fundamental drive voltages and
When the machine is being driven and the speed is sufficient
this reduces the available DC link voltage and could introduce
to produce a measurable back EMF, the drive currents can be
undesirable torque ripple at high speed.
used to detect the rotor position. However, when the machine
is stationary, there is no back EMF being generated and hence III. N OMENCLATURE
an alternative means of position sensing is necessary.
This paper presents a sensorless technique that measures A. Symbols
rotor position at zero speed and which is applicable to any Table I details the nomenclature used in this paper. The
PMSM that exhibits magnetic saliency. The technique is reference frames mentioned in the table are discussed in
computationally simpler than many of the existing sensorless section III-B.
strategies and is capable of operating with machines that
exhibit distorted saliencies. For any given PMSM the method B. Reference Frames
provides a ‘saliency fingerprint’, the apexes of which are In permanent magnet synchronous machine control, three
sufficient to provide rotor position information for a PMSM main reference frames are generally used. The first of these is
driven in brushless DC mode. For brushless AC operation, a the abc reference frame, which is related to the three phases of
simple curve fitting and interpolation procedure can be applied the motor. Due to the complexity of dealing with three phases,
to the fingerprint to enable high resolution position information this is often translated into the αβ two phase stator reference
to be obtained. frame, using the well known Clarke transformation [18],

0-7803-9033-4/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE. 2436

B d
Symbol Description
vabc Stator voltage in the abc reference frame ib
vαβ Stator voltage in the αβ reference frame
vdq Stator voltage in the dq reference frame
iabc Stator current in the abc reference frame r
... ... va
q N ia
ωr Rotor electrical speed
θr Rotor electrical position
ωi Angular frequency of injected voltages
ψm Flux in the stator windings due to the
permanent magnets
Rs Stator resistance vc
Ld d-axis stator inductance
Lq q-axis stator inductance ic
p Differential Operator C

shown in (1) for a voltage transformation. For a machine with Fig. 1. Reference Frames, Modified from [4]
a floating star point, the zero sequence component i0 is zero.
 
1 − 21 − 21 450

r  

√ 
vαβ0 = 0 − 2  vabc (1) 400


√1 √1 √1 350
2 2 2
Inductance (µH)

The last of the reference frames is the dq two phase rotor

reference frame. This is linked to the position of the rotor,
θr , and hence the electrical position of the rotor is required
to operate in this frame. The Park transformation from the 250

αβ frame to the dq frame is shown in (2) for a voltage

transformation. 200
 
cos (θr ) sin (θr ) 0
vdq0 = − sin (θr ) cos (θr ) 0 vαβ0 (2) 150
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 0 1 Rotor Electrical Position (radians)

All of these reference frames are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 2. Inductance Variation as a Function of Rotor Position
fig. 1.
ensure that insignificant torque generation results as a conse-
The motor used in the development of the sensorless tech- quence of the injection process. The resulting winding currents
nique is an interior magnet permanent magnet synchronous are measured using Hall effect transducers. The currents are
machine designed for use in a mid-size fuel cell powered converted from the three-phase abc representation to the two-
vehicle [19]. The design is based around an embedded mag- phase αβ form. As a consequence of the magnetic saliency,
net rotor construction and a concentrated wound stator. The the locus of the αβ currents is ellipsoidal, with a significantly
embedded magnets in the rotor result in an inherent magnetic greater current magnitude in the d-axis compared to that in the
saliency that produces a detectable variation in the inductance q-axis (due to the fact that Lq > Ld ). Fig. 3 illustrates these
of the stator windings as the rotor turns, as illustrated in fig. 2. ellipsoidal current loci obtained from static current injection
Therefore, if the inductance of the rotor (or any property of tests where the rotor has fixed angular displacements of 60◦
the system that is directly related to the inductance) can be and 90◦ . The two rotor positions result in two distinct orien-
detected, the rotor position can be derived. tations of the ellipse. This property can be used to determine
rotor position.
Whilst this method of using saliency to detect rotor position
A. Principle has already been proposed [13], the existing techniques gen-
A balanced set of high frequency, low magnitude sinusoidal erally rely upon complicated and computationally expensive
voltages is applied to the machine terminals using a PWM ellipse fitting algorithms [13], where accuracy may be easily
based drive. The frequency and magnitude are chosen to compromised by the presence of electrical noise. Alternatively,

shown in (5) and (6).
cos θr − sin θr Ld 0 cos θr sin θr
Lαβ = (5)
0.6 sin θr cos θr 0 Lq − sin θr cos θr
0.4 L̄ − L̆ cos 2θr −L̆ sin 2θr
= (6)
0.2 L̆ sin 2θr L̄ + L̆ cos 2θr
Normalised iβ

0 where,
-0.2 1
L̄ = (Lq + Ld ) (7)
L̆ = (Lq − Ld ) (8)
-0.6 2
-0.8 The balanced voltage set that is injected into the windings can
be represented by (9)
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1  
Normalised iα − sin(ωi t)
vαβ = Vi (9)
(a) cos(ωi t)
where Vi is the magnitude of the injected signal. Combin-
ing (4), (6) and (9) gives the currents that result from voltage
0.8 injection and which contain the rotor position:
cos(ωi t) cos(2θr − ωi t)
iαβ = I1 − I2 (10)
0.4 sin(ωi t) sin(2θr − ωi t)
0.2 where I1 and I2 are terms dependent upon machine induc-
Normalised iβ

tance, and the frequency and magnitude of the set of injected
voltages [17].

C. Derivation of Rotor Position
To isolate the rotor position information, θr , contained in the
second term of (10) the αβ currents are rotated to a reference
-0.8 frame that is synchronous with the injected voltage set and
-1 then passed through a high-pass filter. The resulting rotated
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Normalised iα and filtered currents are represented by (11).
(b) cos(2θr − 2ωi t)
i = −I2

sin(2θr − 2ωi t)
Fig. 3. Examples from Experimental Data of Ellipses Rotating with Rotor
Position (a) θr = +60◦ ; (b) θr = +90◦ The final stage is to rotate (11) through an angle of
θ = −2ωi t rads to give (12) where the angle of the result is
directly related to the rotor angle. A simple Cartesian-to-polar
relatively complex techniques that use a combination of ma- transformation completes the sensorless scheme.
chine and saliency models with PID controllers have also  
been proposed [15], [17]. In contrast, the method proposed cos(2θr )
i′′ = −I2 (12)
in this paper uses a simple demodulation technique that is sin(2θr )
computationally simple and fast. In most practical motors however, the current loci obtained
at different rotor positions do not follow the same ellipsoidal
B. Algorithm Basis
shape since, due to such factors as stator slotting, the saliency
The standard model for a permanent magnet synchronous profile is not sinusoidal. This results in considerable error in
machine is shown in (3). the estimated position. The distorted saliency can be modelled
Rs + pLd −ωr Lq 0 by modifying (10) to include additional distorting compo-
vdq = idq + (3) nents [17]. This multiple saliency model is shown in (13).
ωr Ld Rs + pLq ψm ω r
If the angular frequency of the injection signal, ωi , is sufficient, cos (ωi t)
iαβ = I1
the resistance of the windings can be considered negligi- sin (ωi t) 
Pn (13)
ble compared to the reactance. Considering only the high- cos (hk θr − ωi t + φk )
+ Ik
frequency components of the system, the machine model may k=2 sin (hk θr − ωi t + φk )
be approximated by [17]: In tracking observer based systems, additional saliency models
vαβ ≈ jωi Lαβ iαβ (4) can be added to the observer for each component in (13)
in order to compensate for the saliency distortion [17]. For
where Lαβ is the result of transforming the dq-axis induc- significantly distorted saliencies, this adds considerable com-
tances into the two phase stationary reference frame [18] as plexity to the already complex tracking observer. In many

applications, the requirement is for simple and robust schemes Measured
to remove the possibility of failure. To achieve this goal, an Estimated
alternative technique is used to compensate for position error.
Through examination of the results obtained from this and

Rotor Electrical Position (radians)

other test machines, it has been observed that the distortion is a
highly consistent effect. A simple and rugged correction proce- 4
dure can therefore be achieved using a look-up table. There are
two possible means of producing this correction table. Firstly, 3
the table can be derived based on comparison of sensorless
and measured results. Alternatively, a self-commissioning test 2

based on voltage injection and a synchronous machine drive

requiring no position feedback allows the entire saliency 1

profile to be captured. The coefficients of (13) can then be

determined [20] using a fast Fourier transform (FFT). Using 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Rotor Electrical Position (radians)
this model in combination with the idealised model of (10),
the correction table can be created in the same manner as with Fig. 5. Comparison of Rotor Position Measurements
the static test system. Table generation is only required once
for a given machine and hence the computation time for a
single test is reduced significantly.
VI. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP Error in Rotor Electrical Position (radians)
The technique has been implemented using an IGBT-based
power converter interfaced to the PMSM drive motor. The
system also includes a resolver to enable determination of the 0.05
accuracy of the method and a locking gearbox used during 0
static testing. For dynamic testing, the locking gearbox can
be exchanged for a brushed DC load motor. In addition to
these hardware components, a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) -0.1
is used to generate the injection signals and also for performing -0.15
all of the processing necessary as part of the realisation of the
A block diagram of the test platform with the gearbox -0.25
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
attached is shown in fig. 4. Rotor Electrical Position (radians)

Fig. 6. Position Error

DSP Controller


Drive perfectly sinusoidal saliency, this profile would be circular.
Test results have shown that different fingerprints can be
clearly identified for different machines.

Accuracy Check Resolver to Digital Gearbox 0.8

Fig. 4. Test Platform Block Diagram

Normalised i′′y

A balanced set of sinusoidal voltages with a 1 kHz fre- 0

quency was injected into the windings of the PMSM. Applica- -0.2
tion of the sensorless position scheme without compensation
resulted in the position information presented in fig. 5.
The results obtained from the sensorless position measure- -0.6
ment scheme show excellent agreement with those obtained
from the resolver. The error plot of fig. 6 shows that the
maximum error over one cycle is 2.75◦ mechanical. -1
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
To demonstrate the saliency distortion discussed in sec- Normalised i′′x
tion V-C, the ‘saliency fingerprint’ obtained from the one-and-
a-half slots per pole test machine is shown in fig. 7. For a Fig. 7. Saliency Fingerprint

Analysis of the saliency fingerprint allows the technique to single-dimensional table with a relatively low resolution –
be tuned for a particular motor. This improves the accuracy intermediate points can be found by interpolation. For the
of the position sensing algorithm and enables machines with machine discussed in this paper, the correction table is shown
significantly distorted saliencies to be driven in brushless graphically in fig. 10. Due to the simplicity of the look-up table
AC mode. A simple look-up table can be used to correct
for the errors produced by the distorted saliency. This table 3

can be created by analysing the relationship between the

saliency fingerprint and the corresponding points on a circle 2

(of arbitrary size) with the phase information derived from

Lookup Table Output (radians)

the true rotor position. Using the model presented in [17], the 1

mapping can be seen in fig. 8. In this diagram, the dashed lines



Normalised i′′y

0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Lookup Table Input (radians)

Fig. 10. Correction Data

-0.8 structure, the correction process adds very little additional

-1 computation time to the algorithm.
Test results for the full sensorless technique (including the
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Normalised i′′x
machine specific correction routine) have confirmed the overall
accuracy of this system. Fig. 11 shows a comparison of rotor
Fig. 8. Modelled Fingerprint Alignment position measurement results using the correction system. The
small deviations that are visible in fig. 5 can no longer be seen
show the relationship between estimated and actual position. as the correction routine has adjusted the results in order to
They are also all connected to the origin in order to emphasise compensate for errors. The error plot of fig. 12 shows that the
the angular difference between the points. It can be seen maximum error over one cycle has been reduced by nearly
that there is a tendency for measurements to cluster around 70% to only 0.85◦ mechanical.
the apexes of the fingerprint. These apexes correspond to the
‘cogging points’ of the machine and the clustering is the cause 7
of the errors in the position estimate. Corrected Estimate
The same mapping can be plotted for experimental data
captured from static tests on the machine, as shown in fig. 9.
Rotor Electrical Position (radians)

1 4


Normalised i′′y


0 1

-0.4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Rotor Electrical Position (radians)

-0.8 Fig. 11. Comparison of Corrected Position Measurements


-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 VIII. C ONCLUSION

Normalised i′′x
A computationally efficient sensorless rotor position mea-
Fig. 9. Experimental Fingerprint Alignment surement technique that operates at zero speed has been pre-
sented. The technique is applicable to any brushless permanent
Using the phase variation shown in figs. 8 and 9, a correction magnet machine that exhibits magnetic saliency. The sensor-
look-up table can be generated. This look-up table is a less position information obtained shows excellent agreement

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