Modeling and Simulation of A Stepping Motor, 1969.

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111 I. Y . Bar-Itzhack, “Strapdown g p o s in a back-t,o-back configura-
t.ion,” I E E E Trans. Aerospace a n d Electronic Systems. ~ 0 1 .4ES-4,
pp. Sil-Si3 Wovember 1968.
BroxmeGer, Inertial A-acigation Systems. New York: McGraw-
121 C .
;elson. “Understandinz an inert,ialrdatform,” J.Inst. -Val;inution,

Modeling and Simulation of a Stepping Motor

Fig. 1.
Relative positions of stator phases.
Abstract-This short paper presents equations and mathematical
models of a variable-reluctancestepping motor. These models
can be used for the analysis and design of motorperformances
involving single or multiple stepping. The principle of operation
of the stepping motor is also discussed.


In recent years there has been growing interest in t.he application

of steppingmotorsincontrolsystems. The stepping mot.or has
manyapparentadvantages in posit.ioning controlapplications.
For inst.ance, t.he digital nature of its driving sequence permits
it to int,ellace wit.h many types of digitaltransducers, networks, Fig. 2. Torque curve for one phase.
and computew with a minimum of interface hardware. The in-
herent holding torque characteristic of a stepping motor makes it tinuously. In case the machine operates as an ordinary induc-
possible for open-loop operationwithoutexternal detent device. tion or reluctance motor.
However, there has not been a great deal of publication on t.he Exclusive of the old solenoid-ratchet t,ype stepper, most present-
subject of stepping m o t o q especially in the areas of mat.hematical day steppingmotors possess the features outlined previously. Many
modeling and optimal control of the motor. O’Donahue [l] and different trademarks are
available commercially. The names
Kiebul-tz [ Z ] had developed some linear transfer functions for the “reluctance type,” “synchronoustype,” and “unexcited synchro-
stepping mot,or. These linearized representations are inadequate nous type,” are j u s t a few of the common ones.
when the mot.or is used for precision positioning. The paper by
Fredrkcen [3]-[SI dealsmainly withthe optimal control of a DESCRIPTION
two-phase spchronous induction type stepping motor. Chang [i]
The speci6c motor used herefor iUust,ration is t.he variable-
recently published some interest,ing results on the theoretical aspects
reluct.ance steppingmotor SM-036 manufactured by the ‘A‘arner
of a t,ype of variable-reluct,ance stepping motor.
Electric Brake & ClutchCompany. The rotor is unexcited and
A stepping mot.or is a. rotary electromechanical energy converter.
consists of three separate sets of teeth mounted on the same shaft..
It delivers an output in t.he form of discrete angular displacements
Each set is laminated and has ten teeth uniformly spaced. Toot,h
when excited with prescribed electrical signals. In common termi- is t.herefore 36” for all three sets. The teet.hon all three
nology it is a rotating machine which rotates in steps of fixed angles.
The input to such a machine is in t,he form of voltage steps. port,ions of t.he rotor are perfect,ly aligned. The stator of the mot.or
also hasthreeseparate laminatedsections and each sect,ion has
The principle of operation of a variable-reluctance stepping
eight. teeth. The tooth pitch on the stat.or is the same as that of the
motor is essentially t,he same as that of a reluctance machine. It
rotor. A separate winding is provided on each stator section to
therefore invariably has a slotted st.ator and rotor. The electrical
windings needed t,o set up the required magnetomotive force may set up the necessary magnetomotive force. The teeth on one stator
phase are displaced 12 degrees with respect to those of t,he next
be housed on either the st,ator or the rotor or even both. It. is also
stator phase as shown in Fig. 1. Here the teeth of phase C of tl-e
possible to have a permanent magnet in t.he rotor while the main
statorare aligned nit,hthe corresponding rotor teeth.Theteeth
winding is housed on the stator [SI. There are normallyseveral
of phase A of the stator are displaced clockwise by 12” -cithre-
sets of windings present so that the magnetomot,ive force can be
spect t.0 the teeth of phase C . The teeth of phase B of the stat,or
established along different angular directions. The motor can also
are dispiaced 12” clockwise with respect to those of phase A , or 12”
be excited with a sequence of input pulses, in which case t.he out-
put is in the form of several steps. Stepping rates of several thou- counterclochise with respect to those of phase C. When any one
phase of the windings is energized +th a dc signal, the ma.gnetc-
sand steps per second are not uncommon. With the proper alter-
nating signal most. steppingmotors can be made to rotate con- motive force developed will position the rotor such that t.he teeth
of the rotor section under the excited phase are aligned opposite
the teeth on the excited phase of t.he stator. This is the position or
Manuscript received March 3, 1969. minimum reluctanceand t,he motor is in the st,able equilibrium
Theauthors ,are. xith the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Cniversity of Ilhnols. Urbana, 111. position.

If phase C is energized in Fig. 1, the rotor would be ( i n the

steadystate) posit,ioned as shown in the figure. It can also be
visualized from the same figure that, if the dc signal is switched to
phase A the rotor will rotate by 12", clockwise, and the rotor teet.h
d l be aligned opposite the teethof phase il of the stator.Continuing
in the same way, the input sequence CABCAB. will rotate the -.
motor c l o c k ~ ein steps of 12". Revelsing the input sequence will
reverse t,he direction of rotation. Fig. 3. Schematic represent.ation of one phase of the motor.
The steady-st.ate torque curve of each phase is approximately
as s h o m in Fig. 2. The zerc-degree line represents the axis of any
tooth of the energized stator phase. The nearest rotor tooth axis
will always lie wit.hin 18" on either side of this line. The arrows
on the curve indicate the direction of motion of the rotor. The
position a t f 1 8 ' represents an unstable equilibrium point, since
the slightest shift from this position d l send the motor straight
to 0".
! L

The stepping motor is now t,reated from a single stepping view-

point, andthe equations which govern its performance mill be Fig. 4. Block diagram of one phase of the motor.
Consider first the equation for the electrical circuit of the stator
windings. Let T7 be the applied voltage per phase, R the winding
resistance per phase, L ( e ) the winding inductanceper phase, This torque equation has the same periodic variation wit.h e as t.he
i thecurrent per phase, and 6' the angular displacement.. By static torque curves. By proper adjustment of X the torque ex-
Kirchhoff's volt.age lam-, pression of (9) can be made to represent the fundamentalfrequency
component. of theactual torque. If greater accuracy is desired,
V = Ri + (d/d.t)[iL(O)] = Ri + L ( 0 )( d i l d i ) + i ( d / d t ) L ( e ) higher harmonics in the inductance as well as in the torque can be
included. -4s a first approximationthis particular choice of inductance
= Ri + L ( 0 )( d i l d i ) + i ( d / d O ) L ( B )( d e l d t ) . (1)
is qt1it.e adequate, as indicated by experimental results.
The term L (6',di/d.t represents transformer electromotive force Although the torque expression is given by (9), it has been found
or self-induced electromotive force, and i ( d L / d e ) (e) (de/&) repre- experimentally that for a given angular position of t.he rotor the
sents the back EMF. It is assumed that theinduct.ance is a function torque variesdirectly as t.he current. Accordingly, the following
of the angular displacement e only. relationship can be substituted for the torque developed by t,he
The energy in the air gap can be mitten as motor:

m = +L(e)zl. (2) T = - E sin (loe) (10)

From elementary electromechanical energy conversion principles where K is adjustedto make this expression ident,ical withthe
[SI, the torque in a singly excited rotational system is given by fundamental component of the ercperimentally obtainedtorque.
E.rperiments have s h o m t h a t t h e torque expression in (lo), com-
T = (a/ae)[F(i,e)] (3) bined wiith the existing variat.ion of the inductance, gives very
where 8 ' is the energy of t.he system expressed in t,erms
satisfactory simulation result,s.
of i a.nd e. Therefore, (3) is written An ex3ension of the model can now be made to the case when
initial conditions are present and also forthe mult.iple stepping
T = 1'2
2~ ( ~ / w c L ( ~ ) I . (4) operat.ions.
The parameters of each of the three wiudings are ident.ical except
This torqueis then applied to t.he rotor and its equation
of motion is for their angular dependences. Letthe origin be chosen as t.he
eqnilibrium position of phase A . Then the inductance and torque
T = Jr(d2B/dt2) + f r ( d t(?5/)d t ) for this phase are given by
where J , is t,he rotor inertia, and f, denotes the rotor frictional L.d = L1 + L2 COS (100) (11)
coefficient. It is assumed that J , also includes the effects of any
inertial load. Figs. 3 and 4 show t.he schematic representat.ion and Ta = -Kidsin(12)
the block diagram for implementing ( l ) , (4),and (5). Phase B has its equilibrium point 12" ahead of the origin, and
At this point the form of the inductance L ( 8 ) is still undefined. phase C has its equilibrium point 12' behind the origin, assuming
I t is known that it varies from a maximum value L , at. the equili- that the sequence ABC represents forward motion. Therefore, the
brium point to a minimum value L,in midway bet,nwn two inductances and torques for phases B and C are
equilibrium points. As a first approximation, let t,he inductance of
one phase of the motor begiven by LB = L,+ ~2 COS [lo(e - 12) 1

L(e) = Ll + Ln COS (loe). (6) = + L?

L COS (loe - 120') (13)

The boundary values can be satisfied by choosing LI and Ln such L~ = L~ + L~ COS (loe + 1200)
L1 L2 = L ax + (7) TB = -kis sin (ioe - 120') (15)

L1 - Ln = Lmin. (8) Tc = -kicsin (ioe + 120"). (16)

Also, the torque generated by this is The electrical circuits of the t,hree phases are isolated and each
has its own set of governing equat,ions. The torques developed by
T = +?(dL/dO) = -Rzzsin (100).
(9) thethree phases, however, add algebraically andtheirreadtant

Time-Optimal Control of a Stepping Motor

Abstmct-Time-optimal control for multiplestepping of a

variable-reluctance type stepping motor is discussed. A controller
with phase-position feedback is designed and built for theminimum-
time control of the motor. Experimental results showed that the
controlled motor is capable of travelingaprescribed number of
steps in near minimum time by the injection of one or two single
pulses and the proper adjustment of the lead angle of the feedback
sensors. High-speed responses such as 300 steps in 100 ms from
to stop have been achieved experimentally. E;: k%


There has been some misconception that all one needs to make a
stepping motorwork is to apply a pulse train at its input.I n reality,
the control of a stepping motor is a complex subject. For instance,
a stepping motor which normally has a speed of several hundred
steps per second when controlled by an open-loop control scheme
can be made to run at speeds as high &s 10 000 steps per second
Fig. 5. Block diagram of t.he complete system. with a proper feedback control scheme.
The applications of a st.epping motor can generally be classified
into t.he following three categories:
1 ) Singk Stepping: The mot.or is required to advance one step
acts on therotor. Therefore, t.he t.otal torque is given by
a t a time, within a prescribed time interval. Occasionally, oscillation
T = +
!i“~TB + Tc. (17) and overshoot are allowed. In stringent cases, t,he response should
be a deadbeat, and minimum time is desired.
The block diagram for the ent.ire motor system is s h o r n in Fig. 5. 2) Wdtipb Stepping:The motor is to travel a prescribed number
Given the proper sequence of inputs, V A , VB, and V C , the model of steps in the shortestpossible time.
developed mill provide the response of the motor to t.hese inputs. 3) Constant Speed Drive (Slewing):The motor is to reach a
prescribed const,ant speed wit.hin a certain time interval.
I n this paper, the multiple stepping control problemsare discussed.
For the single-stepping operation an analog computer is adequate The model SM-048 motor manufactured by the Warner Electric
to simulate t-he performance of the motor using t.he block diagram Brake & Clutch Company is used for the experiment. The motor
of Fig. 4. However, for multiple-stepping, the block diagram of is of the variablereluctance type. It has 16 teeth in each of its
Fig. 5 should be used. Furthermore, in this case, since the three three phases. Therefore, t.he tooth pitch is 22.5”. Since there are
phases of t,he motor are energized sequent.idy,andthe initial three phases, each step of the motor corresponds to 7.5”.
conditions of the phases must. be matched at the snitchinginstants,
a digital computer is needed. TheIBM 360 continuoussystem MULTIPLE STEPPING
modeling program (CSMP) was found to be quit.e suitable for this It is apparent that repeating the single-stepping scheme would
purpose. The model and the computer simulation are used for t.he not be time-optimal for multiple stepping operations. In principle,
design of the t,ime-optimal control of the stepping motor. a timeoptimal open-loop control for traveling a number of steps
COXCLUSIOSS can be obtained by applying a forward pulse sequence t o generate
ma.ximum positive torqueandthen at some spec& instant of
A mathematical model forcomputersimulation of single and t,ime the pulse sequence is reversed in order that maximum nega-
operations of a variable-reluctance stepping tive torque is exerted on the motor shaft causing the motor to
motor has been developed. The model has been proved to be quite stop at the desired position. However, an apparent difficulty arises
accurate and versatile when it is implemented by the IBM 360 since a different control pulse scheme must be used for a different
CSMP. Many pract.ica1application problems involving the stepping desired h a 1 number of steppings. Furthermore, for an open-loop
motor have been solved using the development present.ed in this control, the pulses must be applied at a predeterminedrate. If
paper. the load on the motor changes or if all three phases of the motor
REFEREKCES do not generate exactly the same amount of torque, the motor can
exhibitinstability due t.0 inaccurate switching. ThediEculty of
111 J. P. O’Donahue, “Transfer function for a stepper mot,or,” Confro2
Engrg.. vol. 8. pp. 103-104. h-ovemher 1961. implement,ation and the instability problem can be overcome by
121 R . E . vjeburtz, “Thestep motor-the nextadvanceincontrol using a phase-positional feedback to determine the properphase
systems, I E E E T r a n s . Automatic ConlraZ, 3-01. AC-9. . . 9s-104,
January 1964. switching. A block diagram of the closed-loop control scheme is
[SI T . R . Fredriksen, “Closedloopstepping motor application,”Pre-
orints. . 1965 (Tror. N. Y.). DD. 531-538. shown in Fig. 1. The feedback sensors sense the position of the
-- new^JACC demlopventsand’ ‘applications of theclosedloop
stepiing motor, Prepnnts. 1966 JACC (Seattle. Wash.).pp.767-775. motor and send out a pulse every 7.5” or one step. Fig. 2 shows the
- , “Direct digital process control of stepping motors,” I B M J . position of t.he two photosensors relat.ive to theslot.ted disk mounted
Res. D e t e b p . . v01. 11, March 1967.
__ “Applicat.ion of the closed-loop stepping motor,” I E E E Trans. on the motor shaft.
Aummatic Control:, vol. AC-13, pp. 464-474, ,October 1968.
S . S. L. Chang, An analysls of the stepping motor-what can i t
do.” Proc. 196s A-EC. DD. 36-41.
IS] P . ’ J . Lawrencz and L T A . Agu, “A new unexcitedsynchronous
machine,” Proc. I E E (London), vol. 110, no. 7. P. 1275, 1963. Manuscript receiwd March 3, 1969.
191 A . E .F h g e r a l d ,and C . Eingsley, Jr., EEeclric Machinery. New Theauthors are. withthe Department. of Electrical Engineering,
Pork: IvlcGraw-Hill, 1961. Uniremty of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.

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