8.3 This Might Be The Answer: The Future of Books

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3 This might be the answer

READING 4 Author Douglas Adams was against e-books. □
5 The story from the music business shows that □
1 Read the article below. Choose the correct option to
we can use more than one type of technology.
complete the sentences.

1 The article is mainly about the publishing business / 3 B B i g Listen to three people talking about reading.
science o f reading. Match the speakers with their preferences (a, b or, c).
2 The article includes the opinions of several readers / writers. Speaker 1 □ Speaker 2 □ Speaker 3 □
3 The article strongly supports one side / looks at both
sides of an argument. a prefers e-books b prefers printed books
c uses both equally
2 Read the article again. Are these statements true (T) or
Listen again. Match the two parts of the
false (F)?
1 In 2007, there were more than 100,000 books □
Speaker 1 □ Speaker 2 □ Speaker 3 □
available for Kindle.
2 Some readers worry about one company having O a reads while relaxing and also on business trips,
too much power. b is worried about the possible negative health effects of
3 Most people believe that e-books will completely [J an e-reader,
replace printed books. c reads before and after work.

The future of books

In 2007, Amazon sold the first Kindle - with access to they read. People also enjoy shopping online for books
90,000 books - and changed reading forever. It wasn't that they can buy and read immediately.
the first electronic book reader, just the first to succeed.
Perhaps surprisingly, electronic books haven’t replaced
Not everyone was happy. Children’s book writer and printed books even though e-book sales have increased a
artist Maurice Sendak said, ‘I hate those e-books. They lot through the years. According to research by the Pew
cannot be the future,’ Many people agreed. Readers Research Centre, 88% of Americans who read e-books
dislike e-books for a variety of reasons: they don’t feel also read printed books. And early in 2015, newspapers
as nice as paper; they don’t smell as good as traditional surprisingly began reporting that books printed on paper
printed books; you can’t read them in the bath; you can’t were coming back and that e-books would soon be dead.
give them to a friend; you can’t underline the good bits
So who will win? Will e-books destroy print, or wiU print
with a pencil; they’re too expensive. Some readers fear
prove that it always has been and always wiU be the best?
that e-books will completely replace traditional ones and
Amazon will completely control publishing. Is it possible that the both types of book have a place?
Author Douglas Adams once wrote, ‘Lovers of print are
Despite some people’s doubts, e-books sold well.
simply confusing the plate for the food.' This means that
According to author Franz S. McLaren, ‘Life without a
words and ideas are important if they’re in an e-book,
Kindle is like life without a library nearby.’ Readers love
or if they are in a printed book. The type of book doesn't
having hundreds of books in a single device. This is
matter so much.
especially important for people who travel as much as
We may be able to learn from history. In the 1980s, when
record companies began selling music on audio CDs,
many people believed that old-fashioned vinyl (a type
of plastic) records would disappear. When MP3 music
became popular in the 1990s, people said it would replace
CDs and vinyl. But the truth is that all three are stiU
available, each well-liked for different reasons. The singer
Moby said it weU: ‘A great song is a great song, whether
it's on vinyl or CD o r ... or MP3.'

E-books are definitely part of the future, but they probably

aren’t the only future.

VOCABULARY Describing devices WORDBUILDING Synonyms
5 Look at the photos. Complete the descriptions with the 7 Match each word in bold with its synonym (a-h).
words given.
I’m avoiding expensive toys this year and trying □
to save my money.
Electronic communication is incredibly fast. □
I want to buy a good-looking phone for under €200. □
The shop offers support for customers with new □
I sold some of my old hardware because I didn’t □
need it.
I forgot the digital key for my online bank account. □
My tablet was inexpensive, but it works very well, □
Most of my friends sleep with some kind of device □
next to the bed.
attractive e password
equipment f help
high-priced g digital
Device 1: in diameter looks runs on
gadget h reasonably priced
This device '_____________ a small battery. It’s 30 mm
., and it - . great. What is it? 8 Choose the correct option to com plete the sentences.
It’s a ' 1 I can’t remember my device / password, so I can’t log in,
Device 2: comes costs need store wide 2 This phone is attractive / inexpensive - less than €100.
3 When it breaks, we usually replace a digital l<ey /
This device can ®_____________ music files and
hardware rather than repair it.
photographs. It doesn’t ®_____________ any batteries
4 We spent a lot of money on new equipment / support,
because it connects to your computer. It’s 20 mm
including new computers.
^______________ It ®______________in two colours and
5 I can’t afford a high-priced / reasonabiy priced laptop,
_____________15 euros. What is it? It’s a __________
but I want a reliable one.
Device 3: allows in length made of measures 6 That’s a reasonabiy priced / good-iooi<ing watch, Did
weighs you pay a lot for it?
This device is ” _____________ plastic and metal. It 7 My company has a gadget / heip desk that tries to solve
_____________ 5 g and _____________ 15 cm computer problems.
_______________It . you to write. 8 Do you read more digitai / expensive books or paper ones?
What is it? It’s a ___
6 Look at the photo. Is each statement true (T) or false (F)?
9 Match the expressions in bold with the meanings (a-f).

1 We’ve fixed your phone, and it’s as good as new. □

2 I feel like a new person! □
3 Hi! It’s good to see you! What’s new? □
4 Esteban is new to the team, so he may have □
a few questions.
5 Lyle was promoted? That’s a new one on me! □
6 I have a brand new tablet computer, but I don’t □
know how to use it.
a recently joined
b completely unused
c very fresh, relaxed and rested
1 They’re about 170 mm long. □
d in perfect condition
2 They run on a battery. □
e unexpected
3 They’re about 155 mm in diameter. □
f happening in your life now
4 They come in different colours. □
5 They’re made of plastic. □
6 They allow you to correct mistakes easily. □


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