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(1) Please follow this template when submitting your peer review of the reports of other groups. Please make a cop
(2) Everyone is going to review the reports of other groups on the same topic. For example, consider group 1, 2, 3,
(3) Everyone need to submit a peer review. This is an individual assignment.
(4) The blue highlighted parts are supposed to be filled by you.

topic number

title of report 1
The Linux Network Stack

Please provide a one sentence summary of the presentation.

This presentation provides an overview of how TCP is implemented within Linux systems in the kernel.

Please provide an overall score (from 1 to 5).


How about the technical correctness and technical depth of the report? List a few of the strengths and weaknesses
(A) Document goes into a good depth about the different internals of the Linux network systems, including how informa
(B) Document only focuses on one direction (receiving packets) of the network stacks, but does not have information ab
(C) Provides a good amount of detail to how the sk_buff struct is created from the link state layer, especially with egress

Is the report easy to read and easy to follow? Does the report convey ideas fluently? Which part makes it difficult to
(A) Certain sections, such as II.B. feel like the author is just reading out pseudocode as text, without explaining what is g
(B) The layers are provided in a bit of a scattered manner; providing the sections in a top-down or bottom-up approach
(C) Certain acronyms or terms are listed, but are not described. For example, author provides terms like "AF_UNIX", but

title of report 2
An Introductory Diagnostic of the Linux Network Stack

Please provide a one sentence summary of the presentation.

This presentation provides a summary of the different layers of the OSI stack, and how information is passed through ea

Please provide an overall score (from 1 to 5).


How about the technical correctness and technical depth of the report? List some of the strengths and weaknesses
(A) Presentation provides description of the layers, but does not describe how the layers are implemented within Linux
(B) Presentation stays at a very high level for all topics, not going into any depth about how specification information is
(C) Missing key topics such as how Linux handles packet/frame queueing in the link/transport layers or sk_buff struct d

Is the report easy to read and easy to follow? Does the report convey ideas fluently? Which part makes it difficult to
(A) Certain sections, such as the TCP characteristics sections are provided in bullet points, while providing a paragraph
(B) The writer just provides definitions for certain sections, such as the definition of the system calls, but does not expan
(C) The ideas are not provided in depth; the paper simply provides very general descriptions of how a system is built wi

Please just copy and past these table blocks for reviewing other reports.
g your peer review of the reports of other groups. Please make a copy of this spreadsheet in your Google Drive and edit it. You
other groups on the same topic. For example, consider group 1, 2, 3, and 4 are working on topic 1 and you are in group 1, you
his is an individual assignment.
be filled by you.

reviewer's name
Steven Tran

author's names
Miguel Bouza, Matthew Pham, Jackie Chieng, and Jack Troyer

e presentation.
TCP is implemented within Linux systems in the kernel.

nical depth of the report? List a few of the strengths and weaknesses of the report from a technical perspective.
different internals of the Linux network systems, including how information is transferred from the NIC, the socket interface level, e
ceiving packets) of the network stacks, but does not have information about how packets are created and sent out from the NIC.
sk_buff struct is created from the link state layer, especially with egress_queue details.

Does the report convey ideas fluently? Which part makes it difficult to understand?
thor is just reading out pseudocode as text, without explaining what is going on.
d manner; providing the sections in a top-down or bottom-up approach of the stack may be better.
e not described. For example, author provides terms like "AF_UNIX", but does not describe what they are used for.

author's names
Luis Montano, Tuan Do, Wes Felkins, Carter Chamberlin, Paul Kando

e presentation.
ferent layers of the OSI stack, and how information is passed through each layer.

nical depth of the report? List some of the strengths and weaknesses of the report from a technical perspective.
ers, but does not describe how the layers are implemented within Linux systems, which is the topic.
topics, not going into any depth about how specification information is encapsulated and moved throughout the system.
es packet/frame queueing in the link/transport layers or sk_buff struct details.

Does the report convey ideas fluently? Which part makes it difficult to understand?
stics sections are provided in bullet points, while providing a paragraph might flow better and help the reader understand the bigger
ain sections, such as the definition of the system calls, but does not expand on the definition to provide why it is done this way.
er simply provides very general descriptions of how a system is built without providing more details of the implementation.

or reviewing other reports.

dsheet in your Google Drive and edit it. You shall not be able to edit this template.
king on topic 1 and you are in group 1, you need to review three reports written by group 2, 3, 4.

reviewer's group

author's group

rom a technical perspective.

rred from the NIC, the socket interface level, etc.
ets are created and sent out from the NIC.

ay be better.
ribe what they are used for.

author's group

rom a technical perspective.

h is the topic.
and moved throughout the system.
ter and help the reader understand the bigger picture.
ition to provide why it is done this way.
g more details of the implementation.

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