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Course Title: Strategic Marketing
Course Code: MKT4153

Submitted to:
Southeast Business School
Southeast University

Submitted By:
ID: 2017110000034
Section: 1

Date of Submission: June 3, 2020

1. Identify the four long term market positioning strategies that an organization might
strive for. If you were establishing a new catering business, which of the positioning
strategies might you pursue? Why? Explain in details.
There are four long term market positioning strategies, and those are:
1. Technology positioning:
This positioning shows that a firm is on the cutting edge. It’s also the long term market
positioning. Example: Apple position itself as an innovator by using innovative
2. Price quality approach:
It’s justifies various price quality categories of the products. Example: Branded products
changed higher prices.
3. Product or service attribute:
Product or service attribute may include features such as size, color, speed. Example-
Amazon 1 click checkout process. It’s the long term market positioning.
4. Benefit positioning:
It is a stronger basis because it answers the consumer’s question. Like dove positioning-
Natural, soft and beautiful skin.

Organizations and businesses use catering companies for special events and occasions, such as
birthdays, weddings, charity galas and business conferences. As the demand for catering services
increases, entrepreneurs can start catering ventures designed to reach specific target markets. I
can use product or service attribute and technology positioning to spread my catering business.
The positioning strategies are below:
I get clients for my catering business:
Reach Out to New Venues.
Set up Google Alerts.
Contact Real Estate Developers.
Use Social Media to Listen.
Don’t Underestimate Word of Mouth.
Throw our own party.
Advertise my business in trade publications.
2. You are asked to develop and design a campaign to get someone like overweight persons
to exercise. What would be your communication objectives? How would you design it and
which methods or tools will be used to get the maximum impact from market?
Controlling obesity has become one of the highest priorities for public health practitioners in
developed countries. In the absence of safe, effective and widely accessible high-risk approaches
(e.g. drugs and surgery) attention has focused on community-based approaches and social
marketing campaigns as the most appropriate form of intervention. However there is limited
evidence in support of substantial effectiveness of such interventions
To date there is little evidence that community-based interventions and social marketing
campaigns specifically targeting obesity provide substantial or lasting benefit. Concerns have
been raised about potential negative effects created by a focus of these interventions on body
shape and size, and of the associated media targeting of obesity.
More work is needed to develop the most appropriate framework for such policy and legislative
change to improve the nutrition in developed countries. The World Health Organization’s Global
Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health is a guide for developing such a framework .
However others have suggested some specific measures, ones predominantly focused on food
and nutrition. A three-pronged strategy outlined by Frieden et al.
with which such change could be enacted comprises of:
(1) Food pricing adjustments such as subsidies on fruit and vegetables and taxation applied to
energy dense nutrient-poor food;
(2) Increasing exposure to healthy food (and decreasing exposure to unhealthy food) via zoning
and restrictions on the display of foods in locations such as supermarkets, for example;
(3) Improving the image of healthy food (and making unhealthy food less attractive) via
restrictions on advertising and the presentation of caloric contents of restaurant meal.
Community-based programmers, social marketing campaigns and associated media focussing on
the undesirability of obesity are poorly supported by existing evidence, and have the potential for
harm. A more fruitful area for intervention is the enactment of high-level policy and legislative
changes to provide incentives for healthy eating and increased physical activity. Such change
must impact on the ability of the food and beverage industry to encourage unhealthy
consumption. Adoption of healthier eating habits, complemented with increased levels of
physical activity, provides the population-wide strategy most likely to reduce the incidence of
To get the maximum impact from market those tools can be used:

1.  The Foundation:

Corporate image and brand management; buyer behavior; promotions opportunity analysis.
2.  Advertising Tools:
Advertising management, advertising design: theoretical frameworks and types of appeals;
advertising design: message strategies and executioner frameworks; advertising media selection.
Advertising also reinforces brand and firm image.
3.  Promotional Tools:
Trade promotions; consumer promotions; personal selling, database marketing, and customer
relations management; public relations and sponsorship programs.
4.  Integration Tools:
Internet Marketing; IMC for small business and entrepreneurial ventures; evaluating and
integrated marketing program
For present purpose the foundation tools can be used.

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