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Welcome to Civic

Education classroom
Presented by Mr Uche .I.I
The Nigerian constitution

 Meaning of the concept

 A constitution can be defined as a while body
of fundamental laws, rules , regulations, upon
which a country is governed .
 It can also be defined as a document that
contains the fundamental rules and principles
by which a country is governed

 A constitution guides both the ruler and the

ruled in the country .
 The main aim of writing and documenting the
Constitution is to promote freedom, equality
and justice and also the unity of Nigerians.
 Violation of any provision of the Constitution are
punished according to the provisions of the
Types of Constitution

 Written constitution
 Unwritten constitution
 Flexible constitution
 Federal constitution
 Unitary Constitution
 Rigid constitution etc

 Important facts about the Constitution

 There are eight chapters of the Nigerian
 There are 320 sections of the Nigerian
 There are 7 schedules in the Nigerian
 Chapter three captures the Citizenship status
while Chapter Four captures the Fundamental

 Highlight five ways by which the Constitution

Can be safeguarded.
 Define the term , constitution.
 All assignments should be submitted via
08065529250 beofee the end of class
proceedings today .
 Stay safe and remain blessed.

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