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A teacher with passion, commitment and dedication to work inspires not only his students but also

everyone that surrounds him. For me, passion is “love what you are doing”. It affects the motivation of
the teachers to do his everyday goal. Passionate teachers can create an effective learning environment.
Thus, it nurtures student’s inquisitiveness and interest in learning. Commitment is also an important
part of successful teaching. Committed teachers always take into consideration if there is student's
development. Lest, for a student, this means that a teacher should always giving his time and willingness
to help. A teacher can also motivate students to do well in class and plays an important role in one’s
development. Being dedicated to work means working as if it is your daily routine. You are doing your
best without asking yourself "why I am doing this?". Instead, you make sure that you are living with
your purpose. That this purpose somehow turn you into this calling and loving everything around you.
Before, I have a simple motto in my life as a teacher. "An effective teacher makes the hard topics easy
for his student". I did not dream to be a teacher for them to feel that they don't know nothing nor
bragging that I am the most knowledgeable person in the four corners of the classroom. I am there,
standing in front of them to battle with their ignorance, remembering that the pupil’s mind is like a
piece of clean paper waiting for me to fill in with knowledge and wisdom that they will need in the
future, to be a life lone learner. An effective and effecient teacher does not necessarily need to have a
high IQ but with the heart to teach. Those who are committed to this lifelong career must also seek new
challenges for us to see that our 30th year of our teaching needs to be engaging as if it is our first. We
cannot escaped from the exhausting task like grading papers, attending meetings, preparing test but if
we focus on the things that motivates our passion, we really cannot limit ourselves and empower our
careers. Educating students is more than just a job for passionate teachers, it is a way of life, a calling
per se. From seeing the students having a hard time solving a math equation or writing a correct
grammar to watching them imagining new worlds from literature books, a teacher acquire great joy
from seeing that their students grow as a person and learn. Unfortunately, while many teachers see this
job as fulfilling as it was to be, some feel that they are in their lowest time of their careers. There are
some that struggles to manage classroom, forgetting the reason why they are in school in the first place.
Not all teachers encounter the “burnouts” phase and problems because of student’s behavior or
parental demands but experiencing these obstacles and be able to maintain their passion and can
effectively educate their young minds.

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