White & Dark Blue Minimalist Photo Corporate Monthly Report (2) - Merged

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Kshitij Tripathi Arjun Gupta

Arjun Gupta
President Co-President


World War 3

Shikhar Tripathi Athala Salceldo

POTUS Vice President
Letter from the Executive Board
Greetings delegates,

Though we shall try our level best to give you all a very comprehensive guide, however,
the responsibility of reading between the lines and joining the dots lies on you. We as
moderators can just bring information on the table; it’s on you how you wish to pursue
that information as.

So, in this guide, we shall bring in a wide range of information to your notice, ranging
from official statements to scholarly views however the responsibility of prioritizing
what to focus on and not is totally yours. When we talk of prioritizing information,
what we mean is not to prioritize information according to what you think should be
focused, but prioritizing information according to what your country thinks should be

Before coming for the conference, it is very important to break the larger agenda into
smaller subtopics and ask questions to yourself about the agenda. It is also crucial to
enhance your leadership skills and lobbying capacity since we would give equal
importance to overall participation in committee.

We would take this opportunity to elaborate upon the criteria for judgment which we
will follow in the committee:

1. Research & Analysis 5. Lobbying

2. Impact 6. Points and Yields

3. Guidance of debate 7. Documentation

4. Adherence to foreign policy 8. Verbatim

We shall, to the best of our abilities, ensure that a fair simulation is conducted and there
is ample scope for fruitful and meaningful discussion which paves the way for a
nuanced learning experience.


Shikhar Tripathi Athala Salcedo

(contact.shikhartripathi@gmail.com) (athalasalcedo@gmail.com)
President Vice-President
About the Committee
This committee shall proceed in the format of a futuristic continuous crisis committee.
The crisis at hand is that of the hovering danger of World War III. You, as a member of
this Special Meeting, shall have to analyse this threat and act accordingly, to safeguard
American interest and maintain our stronghold globally.

Members Present
1. Secretary of State: Mike Pompeo 12. Director of National Intelligence:
Richard Grenell
2. Chief of Staff: Mark Meadows
13. Chief of Staff, US Army: Gen. James C.
3. First Lady: Melania Trump McConville
4. Office of Intergovernmental Affairs: 14. Vice Chief of Staff, US Army: Gen.
Lynn Hoelscher Jospeh M. Martin
5. Office of National Security Advisor: 15. Chief of Staff, US Air Force: Gen. David
Robert O’brien L. Goldfein
6. White House Military Office: Keith B 16. Vice Chief of Staff, US Air Force: Gen.
Davids Stephen W. Wilson
7. Secretary of Defense: Mark Esper 17. Chief of Naval Operations: Adm.
8. Director, CIA: Gina Haspel Michael M. Gilday

9. Deputy Director, CIA: Vaughn Bishop 18. Vice Chief of Naval Staff: Adm. Robert P.
10. Director, FBI: Christopher A. Wray
19. Administrator, NASA: Jim Bridenstine
11. Deputy Director, FBI: David Bodwich
20. Deputy Administrator, NASA: James
Current Scenario
★ The year is 2022, President Donald J. Trump has been re-elected.

★ The freeze date is 17th June, 2022.

★ The tension between USA and China, that started in 2020 due to the global COVID-19
crisis, still persists, with the most recent incident being when China shot down an US
reconnaissance drone, in the international airspace over the South China Sea
[14.3984N, 116.2566E], on 16th June, 2022 at around 13:00 pm EST.

★ On 16th June 2022, President Trump tweeted-

“Americans won’t bear the weight of Chinese wrong-doings anymore. Its time we
show the Chinese their real place. It's time to tame the dragon.” 20:48pm EST

★ Following this, an executive order was passed, at 21:30 pm to cancel all the H1-B
visas granted to Chinese citizens, and ban the entry of Chinese citizens on American

★ This led to massive widespread protests by people of Chinese origin, living in the
USA. Majorly affected cities include- New York City, Los Angeles, Las Vegas,
Chicago, Washington DC.

★ The International Community has responded in the following manner:

‣ Narendra Modi, PM of India: “I stand with my friend President Trump. The

step he has taken might look a little harsh but is the need of the hour,
considering the recent advances shown by China.”

‣ Justin Trudeau, PM of Canada: “The USA should take careful steps. No erratic
decision should be taken in a fit of anger.”

‣ Boris Johnson, PM of UK: “China needs to be stopped. It has been doing what
it feels like, for a bit too long. The UK stands with the USA.”

‣ Xi Jinping, President of PRC: “I warn USA! If even a single citizen of Chinese

origin is misbehaved with in the USA, PRC will be there to retaliate.”
1. Handle the ongoing domestic protests.

2. Formulate a plan of action to implement the executive order cancelling all the H1-B
visas of people of Chinese origin and deport them.

3. Formulate a plan of action to retaliate the Chinese action of shooting down our

4. In a covert proceeding, move forward with formulating a plan for attacking the
Chinese mainland.

Committee Proceedings
★ The commi)ee shall proceed as:
1. Opening statement round
2. Moderated caucus on the crisis updates

★ Interjec<ons (Point of Informa<on) shall be allowed during the moderated caucuses

★ The floor for direc<ves shall always remain open.

★ A direc<ve to be sent in a par<cular session, if accepted, shall only be viable and valid for the
update of the upcoming session.

★ You shall be receiving updates, in a frequency that shall be deemed fit by the EB.

★ The following type of direc<ves shall be allowed for the par<cular porMolios:
1. PorMolio Requests- CIA, FBI, NI
2. Military Direc<ves- Armed Forces (All 3 divisions)
3. Plan of Ac<ons- NASA and all the Office holders

★ The Chairperson shall adjudicate on the viability of all the direc<ves.

Format for Directives
Directive Type: PorMolio Request/Military Ac<on/Plan of Ac<on

People/Parties Involved:
Operation Hours and Date: To be put in military format (eg. 2200 hours).

Signed by: Your PorMolio

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