شرح 4 - 1 Units من منهج Aim High فى اللغة الانجليزية (مستوى رفيع) للصف الاول الثانوى اللغات -ال

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- ‫تسلية‬

In existence ‫ متواجد‬entertainment institutions ‫معاهد‬

planet ‫ كوكب‬diverse ‫متنوع‬
‫ معلومات م‬essential
information ‫ ضرورى‬encyclopedias ‫موسوعات‬
- ‫ينتشر‬
spread rapidly ‫ بسرعة‬archive ‫أرشيف‬
introduce ‫ يقدم‬the globe contribute in ‫يساهم فى‬
‫ال غنى‬ ‫مكتبة‬
indispensable virtual library
‫ عنه‬time- ‫مستهلكة‬ ‫إفتراضية‬
consuming ‫للوقت‬
source ‫مورد‬ resource ‫مصادر‬
– ‫اإلعالن‬
conventional ‫ تقليدى‬advertising ‫الدعاية‬ comfort ‫راحة‬
opportunities ‫ فرص‬browse ‫يتصفح‬ delivery ‫تسليم‬
fields ‫ مجاالت‬responsible for ‫مسؤول عن‬ evolving ‫متطور‬
constantly ‫ بإستمرار‬social ‫إجتماعى‬ constantly ‫بثبات‬
networking – ‫مواقع على‬ ‫باإلضافة إلى‬ ‫زيادة‬
furthermore ‫ذلك‬ dramatic increase
sites ‫الشبكة‬ ‫كبيرة‬
‫يحدث ثورة‬
revolutionize lectures ‫محاضرات‬ blogs ‫مدونات‬
‫مادة ذات‬
available ‫ متاح‬continually ‫بإستمرار‬ quality material
stream ‫ يتدفق‬directory ‫دليل‬ recommendations ‫توصيات‬
– ‫يزيل‬
establish ‫ ينشئ‬criteria ‫معايير‬ eliminate
‫يتخلص من‬
obviously ‫ بوضوح‬catalogue ‫كتالوج‬ copyright
‫يدرج فى‬
format ‫ يشكل‬cataloguing ‫قائمة‬ in decline ‫فى إنهيار‬
profound ‫ عظيم‬surf the net ‫يتصفح النت‬ traditional method
– ‫يقلع عن‬
digital ‫ رقمى‬give up ‫يستسلم‬ produce ‫ينتج‬
victims ‫ ضحيا‬impact ‫تأثير – وقع‬ era ‫عهد‬

- revolutionized= changed something completely, usually improving it.

- continually= happening all the time.
-criteria= the standards that you use to make a decision.
-recommendations= statements that something is good.
and should be tried or used.
blogs= personal records that somebody puts on their website.
conventional= traditional / normal.
time-consuming= taking or needing a lot of time.
carry out= to do a task, job etc.
evolving= developing or making something develop gradually from a simple to more advanced form.
streamed = delivered on the net.
indispensable= very important; impossible to be without.
browse= to look for or read information on a computer.
archives= collections of historical documents.
diverse= very different from each other.
fields= areas of study or knowledge.
encyclopedia= A book with information arranged in alphabetical order.
catalogue= to make a list of something that you can find somewhere.
profound= very important.
archive= a collection of historical documents.
in decline= becoming weaker or less good.
copyright= the legal right to be the only person print ,copy etc. a book, a song or a
computer program.
Impact= an effect.

search ‫يبحث‬ achieve ‫يحقق‬ entertain ‫يسلى‬

documents ‫وثائق‬ acknowledge ‫يعترف‬ examine ‫يختبر‬
update ‫يحدث‬ combine ‫يدمج‬ exist ‫يتواجد‬
telecommunications ‫إتصاالت‬ depend ‫يعتمد‬ explain ‫يشرح‬
insist ‫يصر‬ involve ‫يشرك‬ manage ‫يدير‬
prefer ‫يفضل‬ recommend ‫يوصى‬ reside ‫يقيم‬
organize ‫ينظم‬ parcel ‫طرد بريدى‬ agreement ‫إتفاق‬

Education Words

Nouns Verbs
fees ‫رسوم تعليمية‬ break up‫يبدأ األجازة‬
grant‫منحة تعليمية‬ cram ‫يذاكر بكثافة قبل اإلمتحان‬
marks‫درجات‬ enrol‫ينضم لكورس تعليمى‬
tasks‫مهمات‬ sit‫يأخذ إمتحان‬

1. sit to take an exam.

2. marks what you get to show how good your scool work is.
3. break up to stop classes at school and start the holidays.
4. enroll to put yourself on a course.
5. task a piece of work that has to be done.
6. fees the money you pay to go to schools and universities.
7. cram to study very hard and learn a lot before an exam.
8. grant money that the government pays for students' education.

I'm in my final year at school and our homework tasks are difficult and time-
consuming. Sometimes I also have to cram for my exams because I haven't had
time to study properly! However, I think I can get good marks when sit my final
exams in June. Then, I want to enrol on a degree course. University fees are
expensive. However, if I do well in the June exams I can apply for a grant from the
government. Anyway, I'll worry about that when school finishes and we break up
for the summer holidays. At the moment I'm too busy to think about it!

Word formation: nouns

-ence -ment -ation
existence‫وجود‬ achievement‫إنجاز‬ combination‫دمج‬
dependence‫إعتماد‬ entertainment‫تسلية‬ examination‫إختبار‬
residence‫إقامة‬ involvement‫مشاركة‬ explanation‫شرح‬
insistence‫إصرار‬ management‫إدارة‬ recommendation‫توصية‬
preference‫تفضيل‬ acknowledgement ‫إعتراف‬ organization‫منظمة‬
1. make a list of your preferences, with your first choice at the top of the list.
2. he said that climbing to the top of Mount Everest had been his greatest
3. The live in London but they have a summer residence on the south coast of
4. They gave me a long explanation on how it works but I still don't understand
how to use it!
5. The workers talked to management about more pay but they still haven't come
to an agreement.
6. Please send me an …………… when you receive the parcel.
7. They deny any involvement in the robbery and say they were at the cinema at
the same time.
8. Since the ……………. of the internet, life has become more convenient for
millions of people.

Verb + noun collocations

1. carry out perform a task

2. have catch opportunity

3. compare increase prices

4. write keep a blog

5. meet establish a criteria

6. carry out do a research

7. agree accept recommendations

8. watch record a programme

Exercises on Vocabulary
1) Choose the correct answer:
1. A …………. is a personal website that gives information about what a person
has done?
a. field b. archive c. blog d. note
2. ………….. things are things that are normal or traditional.
a. conventional b. indispensable c. time consuming d. modern
3. If you revolutionize something, you ………….
a. always use it b. change it completely c. break it d. never use it
4. If you make recommendation, you say something is …………….
a. worth trying b. not interesting c. expensive d. boring
5. When you watch a video on the internet, you ………….
a. browse it b. evolve it c. stream it d. damage it
6. Something that is indispensable is …………………..
a. very important b. unimportant c. amazing d. very bad
7. This activity is time-consuming. It ……………………
a. takes time b. doesn't take time c. wastes time d. is useful
8. When you browse on a computer, you look at ………….
a. software b. emails c. websites d. notes
9. A particular area of activity or interest is called……………..
a. a resource b. a field c. an archive d.
10.Criteria are …………. that can help us to make decisions.
a. lists b. levels of quality c. friends
11. Carry…………. is to do or complete something.
a. on b. off c. out
12.If we talk about diverse things, they are ………….
a. the same b. different c. well-known
13.Evolve means to …………….
a. never change. b. change slowly. c. change quickly.
14. If something happens continually, it happens …………
a. again and again b. once c. once a year
15. What do we keep in an archive?
a. papers and documents b. food c. school books
16. The students have to perform a few …………….. on the computer to pass
the information technology exam.
a. tasks b. recommendations c. criteria
17. We had the ……………. to give our opinions after the talk.
a. prices b. opportunity c. blog
18. The petrol companies are continually increasing their ………… and people
are driving less.
a. research b. catalogues c. prices
19. He has got a website and he also keeps a …………..
a. format b. impact c. blog
20. Students have to meet several ………………. before we accept them on our
university courses.
a. prices b. research c. criteria
21. I accepted my teacher's ……………… .. and decided to enrol on a course at
Mansoura university.
a. recommendations b. criteria c. archive
22. We decided to record the………………….. because it wasn't on TV until
very late.
a. prices b. opportunity c. proramme
23. I bought this computer on a friends ……………….
a. recommendations b. residence c. format
24. Winning a gold medal was a great ………………
a. research b. website c. achievement
25. You have to give a clear …………… for your answer.
a. explanation b. involvement c. dependence
26. A ……………. is a book with information arranged in alphabetical order.
a. archive b. catalogue c. encyclopedia
27. I made a ………… of all the things that I can find somewhere.
a. archive b. catalogue c. copyright
28. The sales are in ………………… as they are weaker than before.
a. impact b. encyclopedia c. decline
29. ………….. shopping has become more popular than traditional shopping.
a. Real b. virtual c. Classic d. Past
30. The rise of online and digital encyclopedias had a big …………….. on the
sales of paper ones.
a. inspiration b. impact c. catapult‫ منجيق‬d. benefit
31. The internet is now a/ an (trivial- essential- virtual- traditional) part of our
32. The internet has been in (power- existence- sequence- difference) for about
25 years.
33. Searching for a piece of information through all the documents and books at
traditional libraries was a/ an (convenient- comfortable- time consuming-
effortless) in the past.
34. The internet has become a/ an (traditional- undependable- indispensable-
classical) part of our life.
35. The traditional method of going to libraries and searching through archives
and paper encyclopedias has been in (slope- decline- land- decision)
36. The internet has a (protected- profound – difficult- heavy) impact on our life.
37. online digital encyclopedias have a great impacton ones in the traditional
( style- type- kind- format)
38. Bill Gates is a/ an (witness- electrician- expert- exporter) in the field of
modern technology.
39. The (grant- fees- fare- wage) of the universities in USA are very high.
40. Smart phones have (rationalized- dramatized- economized- revolutionized)
telecommunications and changed the way we communicate with each other.
41. The university awarded her a (fee- grant- mark- task) to study abroad for her
42. You can (browse- sream- update- upgrade) your favourite videos directly on
the internet without downloading them on your computer.
43. She (enrolled- sat- crammed- performed) in a four-year-course in 3D
The rise of online encyclopedias means the end of the (modern- conventional-
digital- indispensable) libraries.
44. A\ An (archive- profile- portfolio- catalogue) is a collection of historical
45. A\ An (archive- encyclopedia- album- catalogue) is a reference book with
information arranged in alphabetical order.
46. Students who ave (access- way- method- port) to a computer and the internet
can do their researches much better and easier.
47. The victims of the success of the ( real- virtual- conventional- manual)
information are normal libraries and paper encyclopedias.
48. To ( enroll- sit- cram- break up) means to take an exam.
49. (Fees- Marks- Rents- Tasks) you get in exams show how good or bad you
50. The images are stored in a digital (format- design- size- layout) within the
51. My father's death had a (good- virtual- digital- profound) impact on
52. Agriculture is in (decline- presence- power- black) in many Third World
countries due to lack of modern technology and water.
53. In fact many publishers have given ( with- up- out- into) producing paper
encyclopedias because people have stopped buying them.
54. A lot of sites now offer (passport- access- accent- gate) to thousands of books
that are not affected by copyright.
55. Going to traditional libraries has been in (particular- decline- black and
white- progress) since the spread of the online digital encyclopedias.
56. Some libraries are (formatting- cataloguing- packing- filtering) their books
and material online and making them available on the internet.
57. The internet helps students to carry (on- of- out- away) their tasks or
58. The internet gives people a good opportunity to make friends from
(reasonable- diverse- identical- similar) cultures. You can make friends from all
over the world.
59. We can shop online at reasonable prices. "Reasonable" means (suitable-
expensive- costly- poor).
60. Despite its short history, the internet has been (falling- evolving- involving-
61. There is a (disgusting‫ – مثير لإلشمئزاز‬inadequate‫ غير مالئم‬- dramatic- poetic)
increase in the users of social networking sites over the last five years.
62. There's no (catalogue- forum- directory- blog) to help us find good sites.
63. We and our teacher (catapult‫ يضرب بالمنجنيق‬- benefit- browse- establish) some
classroom rules at the beginning of the year.
64. Most big companies often (list- form- catalogue- pack) their new products as
a sort of advertising.
65. Online encyclopedias, dictionaries and newspapers all (participate-
constitute- contribute- compare) in providing an enormous virtual library.
66. The new elected president promised to bring about a new (ear- era- season-
duration) of peace.
67. To evolve means to (never change- change slowly- change fast- change
68. The biggest (power- impact- compact- program) the internet has made is on
people's relationships.
69. Our parents always give us a \ an (development- combination- deal-
opportunity) to express our opinions about our family affairs.
70. The the petrol companies are continually increasing their ( programs-
libraries- catalogues- prices), people are driving more.
71. He's got a website and also (upgrades- uploads- keeps- performs) a blog.
72. I followed my teacher's (preference- existence- combination-
recommendation) and decided to enroll on a course to enhance my computer
73. Students have to meet several (conditions- terms- criteria- steps) before we
accept them in our school.
74. When I was studying at Cairo University, I had to stay in a student
(existence- preference- residence- insistence).
75. My sister is studying business and (management- organization-
entertainment- comment).
76. Winning a gold medal was a great (management- existence- achievement-
77. The spread of online digital encyclopedias means the (start- end- era- age) of
conventional libraries.
78. I've applied to more than 5 universities but I've only received an
(recommendation- acknowledgement- opportunities- management) from one of
79. The symbol © shows that something is protected by (copyright- trademark-
power- authors).
80. Although WKIPEDIA site has only been in (dependence- insistence-
existence- preference) for about 12 years, it helped to change the way people
look for information.
81. To (sit- enroll- cram- break up) is to join a course or a college.
82. (Fares- Fees- Rents- Wages) means the money you pay to go to schools or
83. (Fee- Grant- Task- Mark) is the money that governments pay for excellent
students to complete their studies abroad.
84. If something happens continually, it happens (one- rarely- again and again-
85. One of crimes on the internet is (fishing- netting- phishing- shipping), where
bank customers receive e-mails trying to get them to reveal security details.
86. Criteria are (lists- archives- levels of quality- books) that can help us make a
87. We keep (paper and documents- food- tools- clothes) in archives.
88. A particular area of work or interest is called (archive- library- farm-field).
89. Something which is (traditional- digital- critical- indispensable), is very
important and we can't do without.
90. Our consultant has made (criteria- archives- recommendations-
managements) for improving weak learners' progress inside classrooms.
91. When you listen to your favourite music on the internet, you (stream-
browse- evolve- update) it.
92. There's too much (preference- dependence- existence- difference) on cars in
Arab countries.
93. This is the only copy of the book that is in ( existence- dependence- power-
94. I bought my new laptop on my friend's(operation- cooperation- combination-
95. I am (breaking up- carrying out- working out- breaking into) a research into
Bill Gates and I'll present it to my teacher.
96. The reputable‫ حسن السمعة‬companies today give (intelligence- preference-
existence- dependence) to applicants that have IT and computer skills.
97. (Enrol- Sit- Break up- Mark) is a synonym for take and talking about exams.
98. To look at the internet means to ( surf- stream- carry out- upload).
99. Searching through books, documents and encyclopedias in libraries is a / an
(effortless- humble- slight- time consuming) job.
100. She is going to (sit- write- perform- meet) for an examination in
mathematics next week.
101. Internet connections through (upgraded- civilized- conventional- smart)
phone lines are fairly slow.
102. She always writes (letters- notes- blogs- essays) on the internet about
traditional recipes.
103. You may ( upload- download- browse- stream) the internet for many hours
until you find useful sites.
104. The manager's (difference- existence- preference- insistence) on punctuality
put me off the job so I decided to set up my own business.
105. My dad is a businessman. The internet is a/ an (unreliable- trivial-
indispensable- humble) tool for his business. He does everything on it.
106. The tourist guide gives some useful (recommendations- permissions-
accommodations- departments) for good restaurants.
107. Online encyclopedias and dictionaries provide us with an enormous virtual
(library- laboratory- workshop- storehouse).
108.They are (creating- establishing- carrying out- recording) a research into the
effect of facebook on teenagers.
109. Students who get high marks have a (fee- gift- task- grant) to continue their
studies at universities.
110. Most universities have (archived- combined- established- acknowledged)
their own criteria for accepting undergraduates.
111. I sent her a bunch of flowers as a small (achievement- acknowledgement-
entertainment- arrangement) of her kindness.
112. Oil as a source of energy shouldn't be our only (combination- dependence-
existence- residence).
113.Bill Gates' business is mainly in the (range- bank- field- farm) of technology.
114. The (creation- association- cooperation- examination) results will be
announced in September.
115. The technician gave me a long (examination- combination- explanation-
operation) on how my smart mobile phone works.
116. They deny any (entertainment- involvement- achievement- management) in
the robbery and say they were at the cinema at that time.
117. On closer (preparation- creation- examination- cooperation) the vases were
seen to be cracked.
118. Each school has its own (values- criteria- grades- amounts) that are used for
assessing a student's progress.
119. Our school staff always welcomes parental (existence- residence-
involvement- entertainment) to improve their kids' progress.
120. Despite his (existence- insistence- residence- preference) that he wasn't
involved, most people think he is dishonest.
121.Water is a/ an (operation- organization- combination- cooperation) of
Oxygen and Hydrogen.
122. Mr. Ahmed is a good teacher but a weak manager. He lacks (development-
involvement- management- entertainment) skills.
123. Online shopping is very practical for (customs- customers- cosmetics-
casualties) nowadays.
Present tense contrast
The present simple tense ‫زمن المضارع البسيط‬
Formation ‫التكوين‬
 I, We, You, They + v stem. Ex : I play football everyday.
 He, She, It + v.+ ( s, es, ies ). Ex : He always comes to school early.
Usage ‫االستخدام‬
 General facts Ex : The earth moves round the sun.
 Habits Ex : I go to work by bus.
 Timetable Ex : the train leaves at 6 o'clock.
Tense marks ‫الكلمات الدالة على الزمن‬
always ‫دائما‬, usually ‫ عادة‬, often ‫( =غالبا‬frequently) , sometimes ‫ أحيانا‬, occasionally ‫من وقت‬
‫ آلخر‬, never ‫ ( =أبدا‬rarely) ‫( = نادرا‬hardly), every ‫ كل‬.
Negative form ‫النفى‬
( I, We, You, They ) + don't + v stem.
( He, She, It ) + doesn't + v stem.
Ex : She likes tea. ( not ) - She doesn't like tea.
Ex : He doesn't speak French. ( never ) - He never speaks French.
Interrogative form ‫االستفهامـ‬
Question word + do/ does + subject + v stem ?
Ex : I go to the club once a week. ( How often )
How often do you go to the club?
Ex : Salma gets up at 7 o'clock. ( When )
When does Salma get up?
 ‫ الحظ أنه يمكن استخدام‬usually / sometimes ‫أول الجملة أو أخرها‬
-Usually I walk to school. I cycle to school sometimes.
 ‫بعض األفعال عادة ال تستخدم فى األزمنة المستمرة مثل‬
believe / forget / hate / know / like / see / understand / want.
-I know what you mean. I am knowing what you mean.
 ‫ عند تحويل جملة فى زمن المضارع البسيط من مبنى للمعلوم‬active ‫إلى مبنى‬
‫ للمجهول‬passive ‫نستخدم‬:
Object ‫ مفعول‬+ am / is / are + p.p.
- Somebody cleans this room every day. (This room…….)
This room is cleaned every day.
- They make American cars in Detroit. (American cars……..)
American cars are made in Detroit.
Drill yourself:
1. Tamer often ………. up early.
( get – gets – getting – got )
2. The moon ………… around the earth.
( move – moves – moving – has moved )
3. Children …………. Cartoon on TV everyday.
( watch – watches – are watching – have watched )
4. I ………… my uncle every week.
( visit – visits – am visiting – visited )
5. The sun …………… us light.
( give – gives – giving – gave )

The Present Continuous Tense

: ‫القاعدة‬
Subject + am / is / are + verb + ing.

- I …. am
- He / She / It … is
- We / You / They … are
Ex: - I am playing football now.
- She is reading a book at the moment.
- Look, they are playing basketball.
:‫ و ياتى مع الكلمات اآلتية‬,‫ يعبر عن حدث يحدث اآلن و مستمر في الحدوث لم ينته بعد‬
now ‫اآلن‬ at the moment ‫في هذه اللحظة‬ Look ‫انظر‬
Listen ‫استمع‬ at the present time ‫في الوقت الحاضر‬
Ex: - He is watching TV at the sitting room now.
am – is – are ‫ بعد‬not ‫ فى النفى نستخدم‬-
Ex: - The girl isn't singing now.
.‫ يعبر عن حدث مخطط له في المستقبل‬
Ex: - I am traveling to England next week.
‫ـ‬:‫ـ لكن فى المضارعـ البسيط‬،‫ الحظ أن هذه األفعال ال تأتىـ فى زمن المضارع المستنر‬-
- like – dislike – love – hate – want – know – prefer
understand – hear.
Ex: - Mona wants to leave now.
Drill yourself:
1. Look! The children …………. football.
( play – played – are playing – play )
2. Enas …….. a letter on the computer now.
( types – typing – is typing – type )
3. ………… they doing an experiment ? Yes , they are.
( Is – Do- Are- Does)
4. Susan ………… to Italy next August.
( travelled – travel – travels- is travelling )
5. ………….. Heba washing the dishes? No, she isn't.
( Are – Does – Do – Is )
The present perfect tense ‫زمن المضارع التام‬
‫يعبر زمن المضارع التام عن حدث انتهي منذ فترة وجيزة وهناك اثر يدل علي حدوثه‬
: ‫ تكوينه‬-
I – we – you – they ‫اسم جمع‬- + have + P.P
He – she – it - ‫اسم مفرد‬+ has + P.P
- They have watched TV. - We have cooked lunch
- I have studied the problem. - She has booked a room
- Ayman has seen a spider - He has moved to Luxor
: ‫ الكلمات التى تدل علي زمن المضارع التام‬--
( just – already – yet – ever – never – since – for – lately – recently – so far – up till now –
throughout history – over ages ………(
- just – already : ‫و التصريف الثالث‬ ‫تستخدما فى الجملة بين‬.
- I have just ironed my clothes
- She has already swept the floor.
- Yet : ‫تستخدم بمعنى ( حتى اآلن ) وتأتي في آخر الجملة المنفية أو السؤال‬
- They haven't phoned us yet.
- Has she sent the letter yet ?
- He is still painting his room. = He hasn’t finished painting his room yet.
- Ever : ‫نضع بدال منها‬ ‫تستخدم بمعني من قبل وتأتي وسط السؤال وتتبع بالتصريف الثالث وعند االجابة عليها بـ‬
- Have you ever travelled by balloon?
- No, I have never travelled by balloon.
- lately – recently: ‫تستخدما بمعني ( في االيام القليلة الماضية ) تأتيا آخر السؤال‬
- Have you phoned her (lately – recently)?
- I have answered a question recently. (‫)في الجملة المثبتة‬
- They haven't visited us lately. (‫)في الجملة المنفية‬
- Since – for :
Since ( ‫ – تاريخ‬last – o'clock - then – ‫ شهر‬- ‫ … جملة في الماضي – يوم‬etc.)
For ( ‫ – مدة‬the last – hour – a long time – ages ……… etc.)
- Aya has moved to Cairo for seven years. (since)
- Aya has moved to Cairo since 2004.
- It's ten o'clock . she has slept for 2 hours (since)
- She has slept since eight o'clock.
: ) v + ing ( ‫ تكون ماضى بسيط ويمكن ان يأتى بعدها ال‬since ‫* لوجاءت جملة بعد‬
- He hasn’t come since you fired ‫ طرد‬him.
- Since going to Cairo. She has stayed there.
just ‫ مكان‬just now – a moment ago – a short time ago ‫) عند استخدام‬1
. ‫يوضعوا أخر الجملة ويصبح زمن الجملة ماضى بسيط‬
- He has just arrived . = He arrived a short time ago.
. They have just phoned. = They phoned a moment ago -

.‫ يحول زمن الجملة للماضي البسيط‬already ‫ مكان‬before now ‫) عند استخدام‬2

- He has already finished → he finished before now.
‫ → صعب نستخدم الطريقة التالية‬for since ‫) لوكان التحويل من‬3
It ( is – was – has been ) ‫ مدة‬since ‫ماضي بسيط‬
- He hasn't travelled for ages. = It is ages since he travelled.
- He hasn’t studied for along time. = It is along time since he studied.
since ‫ محل‬when ‫ استخدام‬-
‫ فاعل‬last ‫ ماضي بسيط‬when ‫ماضي بسيط‬
The last time ‫ فاعل ماضي‬when ‫ماضي بسيط‬
‫ فاعل‬hasn't – haven't + P.P since ‫ماضي بسيط‬
- He hasn't helped her since she was ill.
= He last helped her when she was ill. = The last time he helped her when she was ill.

-He hasn’t washed since he was ill.

= He last washed when he was ill. = The last time he washed when he was ill.
when ‫ مكان‬was ‫ متبوعة بتعبير زمني عند التحويل نضع‬since ‫ اما لو كانت‬-
- I haven't phoned her since last week (last)
= The last time I phoned her was last week.= The last time I phoned her was a week ago
- Aya hasn’t cooked since 2000. = Aya last cooked in 2000.
for ‫ مكان‬ago ‫ استخدام‬-
‫ فاعل‬+ ( have – has ) + P.P for ‫مدة‬ I have travelled for 2 years ( ago ) .
‫ المدة‬+ + ‫ فاعل ماضي بسيط‬ago I travelled 2 years ago.
‫ فاعل‬+( haven't – hasn't ) + P.P for ‫مدة‬ I haven't slept for 2 hours .
‫ فاعل‬+ last + ‫ مدة‬+ ‫ ماضي‬+ ago I last slept 2 hours ago.
‫ فاعل‬+ ( haven't – hasn't ) + been + v+ ing for ‫مدة‬ I have been learning English for a year.
‫ فاعل‬+ started + v + ing + ‫ مدة‬+ ago I started learning English a year ago.
‫ فاعل‬+ began to + ‫ مدة‬+ ‫ مصدر‬+ ago I began to learn English a year ago.
- ( have – has ) gone to ‫ذهب إلى مكان ولم يعد منه‬
- ( have – has ) been to ‫ذهب لمكان ما وعاد منه‬

- He travelled to Cairo and came back. ( been ) = He has been to Cairo.

- He traveled to London and still there. [ has] = He has gone to London.

‫المضارع التام المستمر‬

The present perfect continuous
‫يعبر عن أحداث بدأت في الماضي ومازالت مستمرة وستستمر في المستقبل‬
[Have – has ]+ been + v + ing ‫تكوينه‬
- I have been reading all day.
- She has been watching TV too much recently.
- They have been learning English since 2005.
- He has been living her for 2 years.
: ‫ما يدل عليه‬
‫ متبوعة بتعبير زمني‬all ‫ كلمة‬-1
‫ شيء او حدث بدا في الماضي والزال مستمرا وسيستمر في المستقبل‬-2
- They have been learning Arabic for 12 years.
- We have been living in Cairo for seven years
- I have been working in this factory since 2000
here ‫ او‬now ‫ لو وجدنا معهما‬since / for ‫ مع‬-3
- Ahmed has been reading for two hours now.
- It has been raining for three hours now.
- They have been living here since 1999.

‫ للتعبير عن نشاط حدث وانتهي ولكن له تاثير علي الحالة الحالية‬-4

- I am tired. I have been working all day.
- He is late, he has been sleeping all night.
- His hands are dirty . he has been repairing his car.
‫ يستخدم المضارع المستمر مع االفعال التي تستغرق وقت طويل مثل‬-5
wait - live – work – travel – read – sleep – stay – mend – swim – stand .
- I have been waiting for two hours
- They have been sleeping for along time

‫ حاالت عدم استخدام المضارع التام المستمر ولكن تستخدم مضارع تام بدال منه‬-
‫ ال يستخدم مع أفعال اإلدراك والمشاعر والحواس والتملك‬-1
- I have remembered what happened all the week.
- All the week I have understood what had been said in class.
‫ عند ذكر عدد مرات القيام بالفعل‬-2
- He has written two letters all the night.
- They have seen that film six times all that week .

The past simple tense ‫زمن الماضى البسيط‬

Formation ‫التكوين‬
 Regular ( v + d / ed / ied ) Ex : I visited Luxor last year.
 Irregular ( went, saw, did ) Ex : I bought a car two years ago.
Usage ‫االستخدام‬
 An action began and finished in the past.
Tense marks ‫الكلمات الدالة على الزمن‬
 ( yesterday, last, ago, one day, once, in 1990, in the past, this morning )
Negative form ‫النفى‬
Subject + didn't + v. stem
Ex : I saw the film yesterday. ( not ) - I didn't see the film yesterday.
Ex : I played tennis yesterday. ( not ) - I didn't play tennis yesterday.
Interrogative form ‫االستفهامـ‬
Question word + did + subject + v stem ?
Ex : They went to the cinema yesterday. ( Where )
Where did you go yesterday?
Ex : I had fish for dinner. ( What )
What did you have for dinner?
Used to ‫اعتاد على‬
Subject + used to + v. stem ….
Ex : I played football when I was young. ( used to )
I used to play football when I was young.
Ex : In the past, Adel used to smoke. ( What )
What did Adel use to do in the past?
Ex : When grandfather was four, he used to ride a bike. ( not )
When grandfather was four, he didn't use to ride a bike.
? ‫ يتم تحويل زمن الماضى البسيط إلى مبنى للمجهول‬passive ‫كما يلى‬:

object ‫ مفعول‬+ was / were + pp + by + subject G‫فاعل‬

- Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. (Hamlet)
Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
Team Work
1) Complete the sentences with the present perfect or the past simple form of the
verbs in brackets.
1. My grandfather _______________ (work) with the company for thirty
years, until he retired in 1998.
2. Sam ___________ (play) foot ball in Spain for three years but he still
can't speak the language.
3. ________ your mum __________ (teach) at your school for a few years
when you were a student there?
4. Alex __________ (not study) maths for ages. He will fail the exam if he
doesn't study soon.
5. We __________ (go) to the beach for a few hours on Sunday.
6. My brother ___________ (work) with my dad for the past six months.
7. I ____________ (play) basketball for the school team but I gave it up
when I left.
8. "Where's John?" "He________ (go) to the shops."
9. Mr Ahmed __________(teach) us English for a year. I really like his
10.My sister ______________ (study) French in Paris for a fortnight last
2) Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

ago did for has have last yesterday yet

1. We went to Italy for our holiday last year.

2. How long ____________ you been here for?
3. We didn't stay with mu grandparents ________ a week.
4. Alan hasn' arrived ____________ .
5. Did they tell you about their plans ____________?
6. How long __________ they play for?
7. How long __________ he known you for?
8. We spoke to him two hours __________.

3) Read the dialogue. choose the correct answers.

Ahmed : ………………….. a new computer yet?
(Did you buy/ Have you bought)
Samir : Yes, I …………………… one last weekend.
( 've bought/ bought)
Ahmed : Where …………………….. it?
( did you buy/ have you bought)
Samir: At the department store. I decided to get a laptop.
Ahmed : Good idea. I ……………….. my laptop for a month and it's really
( had/ have had )
Samir: Yes, you can take them anywhere. …………………yours to
( Have you taken/ Did you take)
Ahmed: Yes, a few times. I ………..…….. it in the information technology
(used/ have used)
Samir: Cool. How much …………………………………………?
( has you laptop cost/ did your laptop cost)
Ahmed I can't remember because my dad ……………… for it
( paid/ has paid)
Samir: Lucky you! I had o use my savings to pay for mine.

5 ) Complete the sentences with the correct present and past simple forms of the
verbs in brackets.
4) 1. When _________ he ________ (arrive) at school?
5) 2. Laila _________ never________ (eat) Chinese food.
6) 3. We __________ (travel) in the Sahara desert last year.
7) 4. Laura _________ (buy) a new laptop yesterday.
8) 5. We ___________ (see) the party last week.
6. I __________ always ___________ (like) modern art.
7. We __________ ( wait) for half an hour and he's still not here.
8. Andy __________ (not finish) washing up yet.

6) Complete the ext with the correct present perfect and past simple
forms of the verbs in brackets.
I'm only 21 but I 1___________ (travel) a lot. I _2__________ (go)
to Egypt last March to see the pyramids. I like the Middle East and I
___________ (visit) a lot of countries there. I _3________ (stay) in
Jordan a year ago and I 4___________ (be) in Syria last summer. Now, I
want to visit Asia. I _5________ never 6 _______ (see) India and I'm
going next month. I can't wait!

Exercises on Grammar
1) Choose the correct answer:
1- It always …………………. here in January.
is snowing b) snows c) snow d) snowing
2- How long has your sister ………………. abroad?
a) work b) working c) worked d) works
3- Frank often ………….. late at the weekends.
a) gets up b) get up c) is getting up d) has got up
4- We ……………… Hany's birthday present and now we're going to make him
a cake.
a) buy b) are buying c) have bought d) buys
5- The moon …………. 27 days to travel around the earth.
a) takes b) take c) is taking d) will take
6- They ……… their car for about five years.
a) have b) are having c) had d) have had
7- Tom …………. lunch at the moment. He'll be finished in five minutes.
a) is eating b) eat c) eats d) eating
8- The climate …………. gradually ………………. over the last fifty years.
a) have ___ changed b) will___ change c) are___ changing
9- We ……………… with our grandparents while our house being decorated.
a) are staying b) stays c) stays d) have stayed
10-The use of computers in schools …………. quickly in recent years, and it still
a) grow b) growing c) has been growing d) grows
11-I ( watched – watch – am watching - watching ) TV every evening.
12-Sameh often (is having – had – has - having ) lunch at 2 o'clock.
13-The Earth ( rises – is rising – rise - rose ) in the east.
14-What time ( did – do – are - is ) you usually leave school?
15-Munir ( doesn't – didn't – never – don’t ) goes to bed early.
16-The sun ( gives – gave – is giving - given ) us heat.
17-He (sometimes – rarely – often – always) goes to the cinema. He goes once a
18- He ( walk – walks – walked ) to school every day.
19- Salma ( visits – visit – is visiting ) us every week.
20-The moon ( go – went – goes ) round the earth.
21- Ali often ( do – does – done ) his homework at six.
22- I sometimes ( sweeps – sweep – swept ) the floor.
23-She always ( make – made – makes ) her bed.
24- He never ( go – went – goes ) to school late.
25-We always ( play – plays – played ) football at seven on Friday.
26-Every morning, Ahmed ( drink – drank – drinks ) a cup of tea.
27- What time (do – does – doing) you leave for school every day.
28- She (write – wrote – writes) many letters every day.
29-In Egypt, it (rains – rain – rained) in winter.
30-Mr. Ahmed (live – lives – live ) in Mansoura.
31- Mr. Mohamed (teaches – teach – taught) us English.
32-They (meet – meets – met) in the club every week.
33- Have you met the manager ( just – yet – never – since ) ?
34- Dalia has practised her hobby ( just – yet – for – since ) a long time.
35- Reham (visits – has visited – is visiting – visit ) London recently.
36-They ( has been – have gone – have been – going ) to the USA. They are in
Cairo now.
37-She (has left – left – is leaving – will leave) for work an hour ago.
38- The writer (has finished – didn't finish – isn't finished – hasn't finished) his
book yet.
39-Samir and Nagy (were – have been – has been – will be) friends all their
40- I have known him ( just – yet – for – since ) we joined the university.
41-Noha has (already – yet – never – since) cleaned her room. It looks nice now.
42-Adel ( has graduated – graduated – will graduate – graduates ) from
university in 2003.
43-We ( living – lived – have lived – are living ) in Cairo since 1970.
44-He has met many people since he ( has arrived – arrived – arriving – arrive )
at his office.
45-He ( just has – already has – has just – never ) come back home.
46-When ( did – have – are – were ) you last see him?
47-I've ( just – never – for00 – since ) been to Europe. I wish I could.
48-The sun ………… in the east.
( rise – rises – rising –rose )
49-She ……….. TV now because she has nothing to do.
( watches – watched – watching – is watching )
50-Soha ………….. the floor now.
( sweep – sweeping – is sweeping – sweeps )
51-What …………… doing at the moment?
( are they – they are – were they – they were )
52-Soha……….. the floor every Friday.
( sweeps – sweep – is sweeping – swept )
53-What ………… on Saturdays?
( are they doing – do they doing – do they do – they do )
54-At the present the government ……………. a lot of hospitals.
( build – building – is building – had built )
55-Ramy ……….. his teeth every morning.
( brush – brushes – is brushing – brushing )
56-I know that he ……………. in the garage at the moment.
( work – working – is working – works )
57-…………….. he wear a watch?
( Do – Does – Is – Are )
58-…………….. he wearing his watch now ?
( Do – Does – Is – Are )
59-We …………… with our eyes.
( see – are seeing – saw – seen )
60-Our family …………… in Mansoura.
( live – lives – live – is living – was living )
61-water …………… at hundred degrees.
( boil – boils – is boiling – may boil )
62-A: Have you seen Sally lately?
B: No, I (didn't hear- haven't heard- wasn't hearing- hadn't heard) from her
for ages.
63-Due to the rapid development of the tourist industry in our country, more and
more people ( learn- are learning- have learnt- learnt) foreign languages.
64- My brother (has tried- tried- was tried- has been trying) to find a job but it's
very difficult at the moment.
65- My sister and her husband (have been living- are living- was living- had
lived) with us until their flat is ready.
66- She (has finished- has been finishing- is finishing- will finish) secondary
school and now she wants to go to university.
67- I spent all the morning cleaning the dishes. I (have been cleaning- have
cleaned- cleaned- am cleaning) about 90 dishes since then.
68- Parking in the city centre (is getting- gets- would get- will get) more difficult
69- Their plane (took- takes- is taking- has taken) off at 4.30 am yesterday
70. I (am knowing- know- have known- have been knowing) Fatma since we
went to primary school
71. The climate (changes- is changing- changed- would change) gradually over
the last fifty years.
72. The moon (is taking- has taken- takes- will take) 28 days to travel around the
73. A: Are you still working on that biology project?
B: Yeah, it (takes- took- is taking- hasn't taken) longer than I expected.
74. A: Are you sure our Grandma (comes- is coming- coming- have come) this
B: I am positive so you'd better change your plans for the weekend.
75. I can (yet- still- already- ever) remember having to use an old-fashioned
76. My mum doesn't do- isn't doing- hasn't done- didn't do) much cooking
because she always comes late from work.
77. That bike (belongs- is belonging- has belonged- belonging) to me.
78. I (don't understand- am not understanding- am not understood- will not
understand) this sentence. Can you explain it?
79. You still (didn't tell- isn't telling- haven't told- don't tell) me where you
found the money.
80. He (has gone- has been- will go- goes) to Alexandria. Now, He is in
81. He ( has played- played- plays- has been playing) computer games for so
long. He is still playing computer games.
82. My father can't alk on the mobile now. He (drives- drove- will drive- is
driving) his car to work.
83. Hello! (Are you remembering- Do you remember- have you remembered-
Will you remember) me? We met briefly at Mona's birthday.
84. Our plane (takes- is taking- took- has taken) off tomorrow morning at 7
85. The film (starts- is starting- will start- is going to start) at 6 sharp.
86. I (work- am working- have worked- have been working) on this assignment
all day but I haven't finished yet.
87. Their plane …………….. off at 4:30 a.m. yesterday.
a) has taken b) took c) takes d) is taking
88. I …………….. that book. You should read it. It's really good.
a) 've read b) read c) reading d) is reading
89. My brother ………….. interested in football. He plays every weekend.
a) was always b) has always been c) have always been
90. We ………………… to Cairo from Mansoura in about four hours.
a) drove b) have driven c) was driving
91. Last Friday's game ……….. really entertaining.
a) were b) is c) was d) has been
92. Can I borrow your pen? I …………… mine.
a) 've lost b) lost c) lose d) losing

2)Rewrite the following sentences using words between brackets :

1- I haven’t met him for two months. [since]
2- I haven’t eaten in this restaurant for ages. [it is]
3- he is still doing his homework. [yet]
4- It hasn’t rained for years. [the last]
5- He has just arrived. [a moment ago]
6- He started working in this factory in 1990. [since]
7- He has learnt English for seven years. [ago]
8- I last played tennis when I was young. [haven’t ]
9- I've written to my pen friend for 3 years. (since)
10- She went shopping a moment ago. (has)
11- How long ago did you start playing football? (How long have)
12-1 have studied English since 2000. (for)
13-1 really did all my jobs. (already)
14- They moved to Cairo in I9SU and still live here. (since)
15- He is gentle at all the times. ( always )
16- He doesn't come late. ( never )
17- Everything is arranged for my travel to Alexandria tomorrow. (travelling)
18- He doesn't drink coffee at all. ( never )
19- It is arranged that he will fly to London next week. ( flying)
20- Ali played football yesterday. ( everyday )
21- Enas writes her homework. ( Look )
22- Heba watches the match on TV. ( at the moment )
23- Ali is playing football now. ( every Friday )
24- She stands up for her teachers. ( Look )
25- He is good at teaching English. ( teaches)
26- He has been at sea since 2005 (for)
27- I've known him for six years. (since)
28- He began to work for that company in 2000 (since)
29- He started to teach English in 2005 (for)
30- She started to clean the house three hours ago. (for)
31- He began to paint his flat seven days ago. (for)
32- He started to play tennis in 2002 (for)
33- We have arranged to spend our honeymoon in Turkey. (spending)
34- She does a jigsaw with her mother every Friday. (not)
35- He doesn't go to the cinema. (never)
36- He has been at the sea since 2005 (for)
37- It's my habit to watch TV at night. (usually)
38- He doesn't go to the cinema. (never)
39- He is a slow driver. (drives)
40- I finished doing my homework a moment ago. (just)
41. We are late, aren't we? (early)
42- We still haven't had our results. (yet)
43- I haven't gone to the doctor for two weeks. (The last time)
44- Ramy is ill. He became ill on Monday. (Ramy has)
45- It's four years since he had a car. (He hasn't/ for)

Phrasal Verbs
back up ‫ يعمل نسخة إحتياطية‬plug in ‫يوصل بالكهرباء‬
charge up ‫ يشحن بالكهرباء‬set out ‫يرتبـ العمل بطريقة واضحة‬
copy in ‫ يرسل نسخة أخرى من البريد‬sum up ‫يلخص‬
cut out ‫ يفصل‬/ ‫يقص‬ switch on ‫يشغل جهاز‬
drop out of ‫يتوقف عن الذهاب إلى‬ switch off ‫يطفئ جهاز‬
‫كورس قبل النهاية‬
find out ‫يكتشف المعلومة‬ turn up ‫يرفع الصوت‬
hand in ‫يسلم الواجب المدرسى‬ turn down ‫يهدئ الصوت‬
work out ‫يحل مسألة‬ unite ‫يوحد‬
divide ‫يقسم‬ furthermore ‫عالوة على ذلك‬
However ‫بالرغم من ذلك‬ What's more ‫ما هو أكثر من ذلك‬
Firstly ً‫أوال‬ Apart from that ‫بغض النظر عن ذلك‬
For example ‫علىسبيل المثال‬ lastly ً‫أخيرا‬
In addition to ‫ باإلضافة إلى‬to conclude ‫كإستنتاج‬
relationships ‫ عالقات‬aspect ‫جانب أو سمة‬
criticize ‫ ينتقد‬society ‫مجتمع‬
ridiculous ‫سخيف‬

1. Back sth up: to make a copy of information on your computer.
2. Charge sth up: to put electricity into a mobile phone or laptop.
3. Copy sth in: to send somebody a copy of an email that you are sending to another
4. Cut sth out: to remove something from a text.
5. Drop out of : to stop going to classes before you finished the course.
6. Find out: to get information about something because you want to know more
about it.
7. Hand sth in: to give a piece of work to your teacher.
8. Plug sth in: to connect a piece of electrical equipment to the electrical supply.
9. Set sth out: to organize your writing or work in a clear way.
10.Sum up: to describe in a few words the main ideas that have been written.
11.Switch sth on/off: to start or stop an electric machine.
12.Turn sth up/down to increase or reduce the sound something makes.
13.Work sth out: to find the answer to something.
14. Can I switch on the TV for a moment? I want to see the weather forecast.
15. Now finish your essay and sum up your ideas in two or three lines.
16. I can't hear you unless you turn the music down.
17. We have to find out what time the train leaves on Saturday.
18. I don't like this sentences. I think we should change it or cut it out.
19. Did you pack up all your documents before you ook your computer to be
20. set out the document in four clear paragraphs.
21. No, he didn't finish university. He dropped out after the first year.
Team Work

1- Complete the text with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.
back up charge up copy in plug in set out switch on

We spend a lot of time using technology these days. I'm always

plugging in my mobile phone to (2) __________ the battery _____. And I
immediately (3) ____________ my computer as soon as I get home to see if I've
received any emails. I also spend ages on my computer. When I send emails or
messages to a friend, I often forget to (4)_________ my friends _____so I have to
send the same message again and again. I'm also frightened of computer viruses and
I (5)___________ my new documents. And I need a lot of time to write a document
because I like to (6)_________ my writing in a clear and attractive way. Technology
is supposed to help us save time but sometimes I think it does the opposite!

2- Match the phrasal verbs with the nouns they are used with.

1. sum up a. the sound on a TV

2. charge up b. homework
3. work out c. a badly written sentence
4. cut out d. documents on a computer
5. drop out of e. a maths problem
6. hand in f. main ideas in an essay
7. turn up g. information
8. back up h. university
9. find out i. a mobile phone
3- There are six mistakes in six of the sentences. Find the mistakes and correct them.
1. Switch _Turn_ down the radio! We are trying to speak.
2. Andy dropped off of university after only six months. ___________
3. You can plug up your laptop here and charge it up. __________
4. It's good, but you need to sum up your ideas in the last paragraph. ________
5. We need to find on a lot of information before we start writing. __________
6. Could you copy in Mr Watson when you send your email?
7. Don't forget to hand out your work before Friday. _______________
8. Remember to back off all your documents before you switch off the computer.

Does the internet unite or divide?

The internet has quickly become part of people's everyday
lives. It has changed the way millions of people work and look
for information. Furthermore, it is developing into a form of
entertainment and today a lot of young people prefer using the
internet to watching TV. However, in my view the biggest impact
it has made is on people's relationships.
Firstly, the people who have most benefited the internet are
people who live abroad, whether for educational or professional
reasons. For example, they are regularly able to keep in touch
with their friends and families back home thanks to the internet.
What’s more, as well as writing emails, they can send and receive
photos and videos, use webcams and make free international
phone calls.
In addition to that, there has been a big increase in the
number of social network sites where people exchange
information with old friends and new virtual friends. Apart from
that, people with hobbies can get in touch with people who share
their interests. lastly, users with a lot to say about something can
even write their own blogs and exchange views with people all
over the planet.
To conclude, in my opinion the internet unites people. So
next time you ‫الربط‬
see someone sitting alone in front of a computer
Words ‫كلمات‬
screen, remember they are probably doing what people have
‫تساعدنك كلمات الربط فى أن تواصل أفكارك أو جملك و لذلك يكون من األسهل للناس أن‬
‫يتابعوا ما تريد أن تقوله‬
giving an example For example, For instance
adding information Furthermore, What's more,
sequencing ideas Firstly, secondly, lastly
summarizing To conclude, To sum up
contrasting ideas However, Apart from that,
despite, although, similarly
Complete the sentences with the linking words and expressions above:
1. A lot of students don't like maths. ______________, they often need to use
maths in their daily lives.
2. ______________ speaking English fluently, my colleagues can also write the
language well.
3. Many sports are popular in Australia, for _____________, cricket, rugby,
swimming etc.
4. _________, we will look at technology in education. Then, we will look
5. ________, the food is good, the service is excellent and I'd be happy to
recommend this restaurant.
Complete the text with the linking words in the box.
You can use some of them more than once

although despite firstly for instance furthermore however

moreover secondly similarly to sum up

Technology experts are telling the world that our reading habits are
about to change thanks to e-books. 1Moreover some of them claim that paper
books are going to disappear very soon. 2___________ the widespread support
that these claim have, I I don't completely agree. In my view, new technology
I the entertainment field usually offers another way of doing things, but it
doesn't mean the for traditional forms of entertainment.
__________ if we look at the arrival of the cinema at the beginning of
the 20 century, we see that lots of people said it was the end of the theatre.
Obviously, this was not true as the theatre is still very popular all around the
world.4 _________ many 'experts` predicted he end of the cinema when TV
was invented, but cinemas continue to attract large audiences.
__________ the music industry and TV companies have survived the
arrival of the internet.6___________ lots of people, especially young people,
listen to digital music that they have downloaded from the internet.
____________ 70% of the music that people buy still comes on CDs.
____________ TV companies continue to have very large audiences
____________ peole are streaming videos on the internet.
___________ there is a market for e-books but in my opinion people
will continue to buy read printed books. Recent history has shown that people
like to have different ways of receiving information and entertainment, not
just one.

Dictionary Corner
1. Bio ‫حيوى‬ connected with living things or human life.
2. Inter‫بين‬ between; from one to another.
3. Micro ً‫صغير جدا‬ small, or on a small scale.
4. Proto‫يدل على أصل الشيئ‬ original
5. Techno‫مرتبط بالتكنولوجيا‬ connected with technology
6. ultra ً‫إلى حد كبير جدا‬ extremely; beyond a certain limit.
1. it's an interactive programme and the viewers can participate by sending text
2. My grandparents hate computers and mobile phones. I think they have got
3. a lot of research is being carried out into bio technology to improve agriculture
and health care.
4. This bicycle is ultra light. You can lift it up with one finger!
5. Have you seen those new microcomputers? They're as small as mobile phones!
6. This new computer has been developed from a prototype that was shown at last
year's exhibition.
Exercises on skills and dictionary work
1. Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:

1. I want to see the weather forecast. Please Sally, (plug into- work- switch on- sum up) the TV.
2. It's a good idea to (sum u- turn up- find out- back up) your files onto a memory stic.
3. To (sum up- switch on- turn up- find out) is to summarize your ideas in two or three lines.
4. Our teacher says that all essays must be (found out- handed in- cut out- turned up) by
5. Every new system communication has been (approved- criticized- energized- summarized)
for being dagerous.
6. The children were (turning up- working out- cutting out- backing up) squares from the scraps
of material‫قماش‬.
7. To (sum up- set out- find out- work out) something means to organize your
writing or work in a clear way.
1) Write two paragraphs of not less than 18 lines on one of the following topics:
a) Should every household have a computer?
b) Computers and the internet have given us better forms of entertainment.

2) Write a dialogue of at least six exchanges on the following situation:

Amr and Khaled are talking about the new computer Khaled bought last week.

Read the following passage and answer the questions: (8m)
Dolphins have become a popular attraction at zoos in recent years. They are
more and more interesting than lions and tigers because they are livelier and
perform tricks like circus animals. But although they are more willing to cooperate
with the trainer than other mammals in captivity, they get bored if they were asked
to do the same trick twice. This is one reason for believing that they are very
Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of them
helping drowning sailors have been common since the Romans. We now have more
reliable evidence of their usefulness than sailor's tales. In South Africa, two
dolphins have been trained to help swimmers in difficulties and drive sharks away
from the beach. The more we learn about dolphins, the more we realized that they
are better organized and their society is more complex than people previously
imagined. They look after other dolphins when they are ill, care for pregnant
mothers and protect the weakest, as we do.
Some scientists have suggested that dolphins have a language system
which is similar to a bat's and which man cannot hear. It is much more probable that
they have an echo – location. Could any of these mammals be more intelligent than
man? The questions cannot be answered. Our aims and interests are different from
dolphins. The more we discover about these remarkable creatures, the less we
appear superior to them.
Answer the following questions:
1- How are dolphins like circus animals?
2- What services could dolphins render to man?
3- What do you learn from the passage about dolphins' life?
4- What does the underlined word refer to ?
5- Most sharks are ....................
a) man's friends. b) man's enemy.
c) dolphins' friends. d) as friendly as dolphins.
6- Dolphins communicate with each other by using ..............
a) words similar to man's. b) sounds like other animals.
c) the language of birds. d) movements of the body.
7- Dolphins are ................
a) as intelligent as man b) more intelligent than man
c) more intelligent than other sea animals d) not intelligent at all.
8- In South Africa, two dolphins were trained so as to…………
a) drown swimmers. b) organize society.
c) give a hand to man in times of need d) tell tales to sailors.

4)-Poetry: (4m)
Shall I compare thee to a summr`s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer`s lease hath all too short a date.
1- From sonnet 18, Paraphrase the above lines.
2- What is the main idea in Milton`s “On His Blindness”? How is this idea

1)choose the correct word(s) in brackets: (8m)

1. ……………. means to look at the internet.
a) stream b) browse c) carry out d) drop out of
2. We have to carry ………….. a task this week.
a) off b) on c) out d) away
3. Students break …………… at the end of the school year.
a) in b) out c) down d) up
4. You have to pay ……. to go to university.
5. An …………. is a place for keeping papers and documents.
6. A ……………. is a piece of work that has to be done.
7. To ……………… means to join a course.
8. A good student gets good ………………… in their exams.
9. Ahmed hasn't been to the supermarket ……………..
a) yet b) never c) already d) last
10. A ……………. is a formal word to describe the place where you live.
a) residence b) encyclopaedia c) impact d) archive
1. Diana usually goes to her office in Oxford every day, but she ……………. at
home this week.
a) work b) works c) is working d) worked
2. A photographer …………… the photos for the book last week.
a) takes b) is taking c) took d) taken
3. Diana …………. an editor since 2007.
a) was b) has been c) is d) being
4. Sam has ………. finished the report.
a) always b) yet c) ago d) already
5. please, Sum …………… the ideas in your essay.
a) in b) up c) out d) down
6. The scientist based his research on different …………….
a) criteria b) criterion c) marks d) flowers

2) Rewrite the following sentences using te words in brackets:

1. It's Hoda's habit to wear contact lenses. (usually)
2. I last swam in a lake when I was six years old. (since)
3. ……
4. ……

3) The Novel

mission ‫ مهمة‬expedition teenager ‫مراهق‬
canoed ‫جدف بالقارب‬ civilians ‫مدنين‬
unlike ‫على عكس‬
self-confidence ‫الثقة بالنفس‬ territory ‫إقليم‬
scorching ‫ حارق‬Zimbabwe ‫زيمبابوى‬ suffer from ‫يعانى من‬
dense ‫ كثيف‬Mozambique ‫موزمبيق‬ confident
self-esteem ‫تقدير الذات‬ signal
southern ‫إشارة‬
‫جنوب أفريقيا‬
Africa ‫الحياة‬
solo ‫فردى‬ marine life
hardships ‫ صعوبات‬various ‫ متنوع‬compass
negative ‫تأثير‬
civil war ‫ حرب أهلية‬capsize ‫يقلب‬
impact ‫سلبى‬
kidnapped ‫ مخطوف‬float ‫ يطفو‬funds ‫أرصدة‬
fled ‫ فر – هرب‬rescue ‫ ينقذ‬obviously ‫بوضوح‬
put off ‫ يقلع عن‬row ‫ يجدف‬life jacket
‫ينطلق فى‬ ‫األعمال‬
valuable ‫ قيم – ذا قيمة‬set off charity
‫رحلة‬ ‫الخيرية‬
waterways ‫ مرات مائية‬across ‫عبر‬ achievement ‫إنجاز‬
unexplored ‫ غير مستكشفة‬undertake ‫ينفذ‬ paddle ‫مجداف‬
accomplished ‫ بارع‬motivation ‫دافع‬ tent ‫خيمة‬
brave ‫ شجاع‬unexpected ‫ غير متوقع‬sleeping bag
adventure ‫ مغامرة‬civil war ‫ حرب اهلية‬GPS system
Papua New
experience ‫خبرة‬ ‫غينيا الجديدة‬
fast-flowing ‫ سريعة التدفق‬awards ‫مكافات‬
‫حامل حقائب‬
backpacking lack ‫نقص‬
1. mission a particular task which you feel you should do
2. unlike in contrast to
3. scorching extremely hot
4. dense containing lots of things very close together
5. self-esteem a good opinion on your own character and abilities
6. solo without other people
7. hardships difficult or unpleasing conditions
8. civil war a war between groups of people who live in the same country
9. kidnapped taken away by force and kept prisoner
10. fled ran away from something
11. put off to make somebody not like something
12. valuable very useful or important
13. waterways a passage of water where boats can travel
14. unexplored that nobody has investigated or put on a map
15. accomplished highly skilled at something


1. In order to escape from the country, the gang fled the country.
2. The food was so bad that it put us off going to that restaurant again.
3. Travelling across the desert at midday is difficult because of the scorching sun.
4. Her self-esteem is very low because she failed the exams.
5. The astronauts' mission is to see if there are signs of water on the planet's surface.
6. People suffered a lot of hardships during the war; they had no shelter and very little food.
7. He's very sporty, unlike me. I can't stand sports.
8. We couldn't see very far because the forest was really dense.
9. Boats used to bring food and supplies to the towns on the waterways.
10. The civil war in the country has caused the deaths of hundreds of civilians.
11. We were the first people to cross the jungle and the territory was totally unexplored.
12. She prefers to travel solo rather than to go with a group of people.
13. The police received some valuable information about robbery from the security guard at the bank.
14. After years of practice Sara is now an accomplished pianist.
15. The businessman has been missing for 3 days now and the police think he has been kidnapped.

1. We set off from home at 7 o'clock in the morning and arrived late in the evening.
2. With the help of life jackets they float on the water until help arrived.
3. He rowed the small boat across to the other side of the river.
4. A big wave capsized the boat and threw everyone into the sea.
5. He was waving his hands to signal for help.
6. You can only undertake a trip to the Himalayas if you receive a lot of support.
7. Ann jumped into the water to rescue the small child from the boat.

well‫بطريقة جيدة‬ something has been successfully done.

hyper‫فوق العادة‬ more than normal.
self‫ذاتى‬ refers to the individual person.
half‫غير مكتمل‬ something is unfinished or almost happens.
multi‫متعدد‬ a large number or amount of something.

1. Her self-esteem is high and she feels confident.
2. he can sing, dance and act. He's multi talented.
3. He's silly half-important man who thinks everyone should listen to what he has to say.
4. Her travel books are multi-written.
5. The children never stop playing. They're hyper active.
6. I was half-asleep in class and I didn't catch what the homework is.
7. That balloon is multi coulored! I can see red, yellow, green ………
8. We are completely prepared for the expedition. We have been multi-traind.
9. You can't leave yet. Your meal is half-eaten!
10. She gets upset very easily. She's hypersensitive.

backpack ‫حقيبة تحمل على‬ kayak ‫ قارب جلدى‬sleeping bag ‫حقيبة للنوم‬
compass ‫بوصلة‬ camping stove ‫ موقد للمعسكر‬GPS system ‫نظام لتحديد الطريق‬
first aid kit ‫صندوق اإلسعافات‬ paddle ‫ مجداف‬map ‫خريطة‬
waterproofs ‫مقاومات المياه‬
tent ‫ خيمة‬matches ‫عيدان كبريت‬
half-asleep ‫نصف نائم‬
half-eaten hyper-sensitive ‫مفرط فى الحساسية‬
hyper-active ‫نشاط مفرط‬
multi-talented ‫ متعدد المواهب‬multi-coloured ‫متعدد األلوان‬
self-important well-trained ً‫ متدرب جيدا‬well-written ً‫مكتوب جيدا‬
conflict ‫ تعارض‬- ‫ صراع‬suffer ‫يعانى‬

1) Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:

1. A gang …………..…… a young girl yesterday. They asked for twenty million pounds to set her
a) capsized b) explored c) kidnapped d) formatted
2. This book is ……………. It is helpful and useful.
a) dense b) scorching c) unexplored d) valuable
3. Travelling across the desert at midday is difficult because of the………….sun.
a) scorching b) unexploredc) achieving d) missing
4. A young woman has been missing for three days now and the police think she has been
a) calculated b) kidnapped c) discovered d)eating
5. The astronauts' ……………….. is to see if there are signs of water on the moon's surface.
a) mission b) capsize c) float d) train
6. The police received some ………………… information about robbery from the security guard at
the bank.
a) scorching b) valuable c) accomplished d) floating
7. People suffered a lot of ……………… during the war; they had no shelter and very little food.
a) happiness b) food c) hardships d) missions
8. He's very sporty, ……………..me. I can't stand sports.
a) unlike b) sensitive c) active d)impotant
9. Rivers and canals are examples of …………………………….
a) deserts b) jungles c) motorways d) forests
10. There was a conflict between groups of people who live in Mozambique. They were in the middle
of a ……………………
a) happiness b) civil war c) firefighter d) camp
11. Boats are used to bring food and supplies to towns on the ………………….
a) jungles b) deserts c) waterways d) fields
12. The …………….. in the country has caused the deaths of hundreds of civilians.
a) civil war b) school c) hospital d) camp
13. This place hasn't been visited yet by people. It's ………………
a) Kidnapped b) revolutionized c)indispensable d) unexplored
14. We were the first people to cross the jungle and the territory was totally ………………….
a) revolutionized b) indispensable c) unexplored d) kidnapped
15. She was ……………. him in every way except for her black eyes.
a) similar b) different c) unlike d)differ
16. He tried to ……….. from the prison yesterday, but he was arrested.
a) escape b) explore c) enter d) stay
17. Hany's …………………….. is very low because he failed the exams.
a) blog b) stream c) blog d) self-esteem
18. We couldn't see very far because the forest was really ………………..
a) accomplished b) hyper-sensitive c) dense d) multi-trained
19. He ……………… the small boat across to the other side of the river.
a) rowed b) put off c) plugged In d) switched
20. Ann jumped into the water to ………………. the small child from the boat.
a) explore b) eat c) rescue d) sleep
21. We have to carry ………….. a task this week.
a) off b) on c) out d) away
22. The food was so bad that it put us ………. going to that restaurant again.
a) out b) off c) away d) on
23. A god student gets good ……………………. in their exams.
24. The adjective ………….. describes someone who is normal and traditional.
25. An …………. is a place for keeping papers and documents.
26. You need matches and a ………… if you want to cook.
a) map b) camping stove c) compass d)kayak
27. You should wear waterproofs if it's ……………………….
a) dry b) hot c) humid d) raining
28. You need a ………… if you want to carry a hot drink with you.
a) compass b) stove c) first aid kit d) flask
29. You need a ……………….. to help someone who is hurt.
a) compass b) first aid kitc) flask d) camping stove
30. You should wear a ………………….. when you are in a kayak or a boat.
a) first aid kit b) sleeping bag c) life jacket d) camping stove
31. You can you a ………………… to find your position.
a) first aid kit b) compass c) life jacket d) kayak
2) Complete the text with words from the list:
half-asleep half-eaten hyper-active
multi-talented multi-coloured self-esteem
self-important well-trained well-written

Before becoming a firefighter you have to do lots of tests. Candidates are

tested to see if they are hypersensitive to the effects of smoke and heat. Candidates
must also pass a 1………………….. eye test to check they can see the differences
between colours. they also test people's2 ……………….., because firefighters have
to be confident when they are in action. However, 3…………………. people are
unwelcome, because firefighting is about teamwork and not about feeling superior
to others. Candidates also have to do some tests that have to be4 ……………… and
Once candidates pass the exams, they attend different training courses. today's
firefighters have to be5 …………………. and use a variety of skills for different
types of emergencies.
However, although firefighters are 6………….., they continue to train during their
career. Firefighting is exciting work and seems like the perfect job for7 ……………
people, but firefighters spend a lot of time waiting for something to happen. and it
often happens at the wrong moment; firefighters frequently have to leave
…………….. meals or get out of their beds when they're9 …………………. to put
out fires. It's definitely not a job for people like routine!
The past simple tense:

The Past Simple Tense

. ‫ يتكون من التصريف الثانى للفعل مع كل الضمائر‬-

: ‫) مثل‬ed / d( ‫ تنتهى بـ‬:‫ هناك أفعال منتظمة‬-
- play played - arrive arrived
- watch watched - use used
)y( : ‫) بدالً من حرف‬ied( ‫) و قبلها حرف ساكن نضع‬y( ‫ األفعال التى تنتهى بـ‬-
- study studied - cry cried
: ‫ مثل‬:‫ و هناك أفعال شاذة‬-
- eat ate - go went
:‫ يعبر عن شئ بدأ و إنتهى فى الماضى و يستخدم مع الكلمات اآلتية‬
In the past last week last month
Yesterday ‫أمس‬
‫فى الماضى‬ ‫الشهرالماضى االسبوع الماضى‬
last year a week ago a month ago a year ago
‫العام الماضى‬ ‫منذ أسبوع‬ ‫منذ شهر‬ ‫منذ عام‬
Ex: - I went to school by car yesterday.
- I didn't walk to school yesterday.
: ‫ فى حالة االستفهام نستخدم‬-
- ‫ كلمة استفهامـ‬+ did + ‫ مصدر الفعلـ‬+ ‫? فاعل‬

- What did you do yesterday?

- Where did you go last Friday?
Yes / No ‫ تكون االجابة بـ‬Did ‫ أما إذا بدأ السؤال ب‬-
- Did you play football yesterday?
Yes, I did. or No, I didn't.
: was / were ‫ وأحيانا ً فى حالة االستفهام نستخدم‬-
- Where was Mohamed yesterday?
- He was at the market.

It is used to express:

1. an activity completed at a specific time in the past.

 The boys played football last Friday.
2. a shorter past action that interrupted a longer one
 It rained while they were playing football.
The Past continuous ‫الماضى المستمر‬
was / were + v. + ing
Usage An action was happening at a certain time in the past.
- I was studying at 5 o'clock yesterday.
Tense marks
( at 7 o'clock yesterday, at 10 o'clock last night, all day yesterday )
Was / were + not + v. + ing
Ex : I was reading a story. ( not ) - I wasn't reading a story.
Ex : They were playing tennis. ( not ) - They weren't playing tennis.
What + was / were + Subject + doing …. ?
Ex : I was studying at 4 o'clock yesterday. ( What )
What were you doing at 4 o'clock yesterday?
A shorter action interrupted a longer one :
As + past continuous + past simple
Just as
- While he was watching a film, the phone rang.
- The light went out as she was reading a story.

Past continuous + when + past simple

- I was reading a story when my father arrived.
- I was walking in the street when I met an old friend.

Two actions happening at the same time :

As + past continuous + past continuous
Just as
- Dad was reading a book while mum was cooking.
- Just as Shady studying hard, Khalid was playing computer games.

If there isn't a subject :

While + v-ing
- While his running, he fell down.

The past perfect ‫الماضى التام‬

Had + pp
- ‫ إذا وقع حدثان متتاليان فى الماضى فإننا نضع الذى بدأ و انتهى أوال فى الماضى التام و الثانى فى الماضى البسيط‬.
- Samy had found the pen which he had lost.
- He went to the doctor because he had been ill.
Tense marks
After ‫الماضى البسيط‬ ‫الماضى التام‬
As soon as + past perfect → past simple
Ex : Soha washed up and then she went out. ( After )
After Soha had washed up, she went out.
Ex : First, I did my homework. Then, I visited my friend. ( As soon as )
As soon as I had done my homework, I visited my friend.
Before ‫الماضى التام‬ ‫الماضى البسيط‬
By the time + past simple → past perfect
Ex : We finished our exams. Then we travelled. ( Before )
Before we travelled, we had finished our exams.
Ex : I had the meal. Then I took my medicine. ( by the time )
I had had the meal by the time I took my medicine.
didn't + v stem → until + past perfect

Ex : After Adel had studied, he watched TV. ( until )

Adel didn't watch TV until he had studied.
Ex : Before I went to the cinema, I had written the report. ( until )
I didn't go to the cinema until I had written the report.

It wasn’t until + past perfect ‫ ماضى تام‬+ that + past simple ‫ماضى بسيط‬
- He found a place. Then he parked his car. (until / it wasn’t until)
- He didn’t park his car until he had found a place.
- It wasn’t until he had found a place that he parked his car.
Before + v. + ing
- Before watching the match, he had exercised hard.
- After doing the homework, he played computer games.
After + past perfect ….. = Having + pp
- After he had done his work, he went to sleep. ( Having )
Having done his work, he went to sleep.
- Having made the dress, she wore it. ( After )
After she had made the dress, she wore it.
No sooner than ‫ حتى‬.... ‫لم يكد‬
Hardly had + subject + P.P. + when + past simple
- After he had known the news, he phoned me. ( No sooner )
No sooner had he known the news than he phoned me.
- As soon as we had finished the exams, we travelled. ( Hardly )
Hardly had we finished the exams when we travelled.

1) Past perfect continuous:

1. to describe an uncompleted action that took place before a second past action.
 The ship had been sailing through the sea for twelve days when a sudden
storm happened.
Look out

Used to & be used to

‫ تــكونمتبوعة بــمصدر و تــشير فـــقط لــعـاداـتو مواـقـففـــىاــلماضى‬used to
I used to travel every summer.
‫ و تــشير إــلىعاداـتو موقـفقــد أـصبحنا معتادينعليهـا‬V__ing ‫ تــكونمتبوعة بــــــ‬be used to
When I lived in London , I was used to driving on the left.
He's studied Arabic for five years now and he's used to writing from right to left
1. I didn't …………… to like vegetables but now I like them.
( used – use – using – uses)
2. My brother didn't like London at first, but now he's used to ……… in it.
( living – live – lived – lives)
3. Did you Dad use to ………… cigars?
( smoke – smoking – smoked – smokes)
4. I'm used to ……………. in Japanese, but speaking is difficult.
(write – writing – wrote – writes)

1) choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. We …………………. when my mobile rang.
2. I had an accident when I ……………….. for a long time without stopping.
3. I ……………….. Julia when I was shopping.
4. I saw the film of the book last night. I ……………… the book last year.
5. When we left the house, the sun ………….. and the birds were singing.
6. Sara ………….. at 6 o'clock and then she went for a run.
7. We finally saw the top of the mountain after we ……………… for two days.
8. They …………….. back very late last night.
9. They wanted to rest because they ………….. through the jungle all day.
10.Although the sun was shining, it ………………… at the same time.
11.While we ………………… through the jungle, we heard the sound of monkeys in
the trees.
12.I got into the kayak and then remembered that I ………………….. the paddle in
the tent.
13.We ……………….. for four hours when we met another group of climbers.
14.The wind was blowing harder and harder when suddenly a sandstorm

15.While he ( slept – sleeps – was sleeping ), the phone rang.

16.I was having a bath ( as – while – when ) you phoned.
17.As Noha was studying, mum ( cooks – was cooked – was cooking ) lunch.
18.He was arrested while he ( tries – tried – was trying ) to escape.
19.While Sam was running fast, he ( fall – fell – was falling ).
20.After he had left the factory, he ( going – went – had gone ) home.
21.Before ( watched – had watched – watching ) the film, mum had made a cake.
22.As soon as I ( left – had left – leaving ) the party, I drove home.
23.I took the book back to the library after I ( have read – had read – was reading )
24.As soon as the students ( had done – were doing – were done ) the experiment,
they wrote a report about it.
25.He didn't buy the car until he ( has saved – was saving – had saved ) enough
26.She went to the petrol station because she ( has run – had run – was run ) out of
27.No sooner ( mum had – had mum – has mum ) finished cooking than we ate.
28.They ( didn't take – hadn't taken – hasn't taken ) their dinner until their father
had come.
29.The police had arrived at the house after he ( was phoning – has phoned – had
phoned ).

3- Rewrite :
1. He was watching TV when his uncle came. ( while )
2. He had an accident as he was crossing the street. ( when )
3. During his sleep, his money was stolen. ( while )
4. He was playing football and fell down. ( As )
5. While I was having lunch, the phone rang. ( During )
6. I was sending an email when you phoned. ( What )
7.By the time I arrived at the cinema, the film had started. ( After )
8.They went out after it stopped raining. ( before )
9.I left the house and then it started to rain. ( As soon as )
10.Ali ate his lunch and left home. ( By the time )
11.After he had finished his studies, he got a job. ( Having )
12.As soon as I got money, I bought a camera. ( until )
13.He took the medicine after he had been ill. ( He didn't )
14.I read the message. Then I knew the time of his arrival. ( Before )
15.I didn't go to bed until I had had my supper. ( After )
16.Having handed the report, he handed it to his boss. ( After )
17.He was playing when he fell down. (While)
18.On getting up next morning, he discovered that the boat had left. (When)
19. He was painting the ceiling and he suddenly fell off the ladder. (When)
20.During my supper, the telephone rang. (While)
21.While I was staying in England I visited the Big Ben. (During)
22. First, he finished his work. Then, he left the office. (until)
23. She bought a car after she had learnt to drive. (It wasn't until)
24.The doctor arrived but the patient died. (By the time)
25. I phoned him immediately after he had arrived. (Hardly… when)
26. We watered the garden. Then we cleaned the house. (When)
27. After he had written several letters, he went to bed. (Having)
28. Nabil did his homework, then he watched TV. (After / Before)

Mapping the desert:

‫أرض مقطوعة‬ ‫عاصفة‬
clearing sandstorm desert ‫صحراء‬
‫الشجر فى غابة‬ ‫رملية‬
dune ‫ تل من الرمال‬summit ‫ قمة جبل‬amount ‫كمية‬
‫المشى لمسافات‬
foliage ‫ أوراق الشجر‬tide ‫ مد و جزر‬hiking ‫طويلة‬
‫ أعشاب‬trekking ‫شق الطريق‬
oasis ‫ واحة‬undergrowth ‫متشابكة تحت‬ ‫ببطء‬
oases ‫ واحات‬wave ‫موجة‬
pass ‫ طريق‬jungle ‫غابة كثيفة‬
range ‫ سلسلة جبال‬mountain ‫جبل‬
1. Trees in Britain usually have a lot of foliage because of all the rainwater they get.
2. You can cross the Pyrenees mountain range by following the pass that goes along
La Cerdanya valley from Spain to France.
3. After hiking in the forest we found a clearing between trees and laid out our
sleeping bags.
4. When the tide comes in, the sea covers the beach and when there are big waves It's
dangerous to drive along the coast road.
5. Although we were thirsty, we decided to wait before continuing to the oasis The
strong winds had caused a sandstorm and we couldn't even read our maps. In the
morning we discovered that the wind had formed new sand dune and the desert
landscape looked completely different.
6. We climbed to the top of the mountain and from the summit we could see villages
and beaches along the shore of the Mediterranean Sea.
7. We were trekking through the jungle when we heard a snake moving in the

Match the the words in the box with the definitions.

clearing dune foliage oasis
pass range sandstorm
shore shore summit tide wave

1. A road or way over or between mountains. _______________

2. Bushes and plants that grow around and under trees. _________
3. A small area without trees in the middle of a wood of forest. ________
4. The land at the edge of a sea or lake. _____________
5. A line of mountains or hills. ____________
6. All the leaves of a tree or plant. __________
7. A raised line of water which moves across the surface of an area of water, especially
the sea.___________
8. The rise and fall of the sea that happens twice every day. ________
9. The top of a mountain. ___________
10.A low hill of sand. _____________
11.A strong wind carrying a large amount of sand. __________
12. A place in the desert where there is water and where plants grow.______
Sec 1

Test 2
1)- Composition:
Write two paragraphs of not less than 18 lines on ONE only of the following:
a) The value of practicing sports.
b) How we can make schools more enjoyable for students.
2)- Dialogue:
Write a dialogue of at least SIX exchanges on the following situation:
You `ve been in Cairo Bookfair. You met a well-Known writer there. Write a conversation between you
and him expressing your opinion about his work.
Read the following passage and answer the questions: (8m)
When you think of teaching, you may think of assigning homework and giving grades, These
are things teachers do, but they are not really teaching. Teaching is the process of helping others gain
knowledge, giving instruction in skills and helping others to learn by proving experinces and
demonstration. People teach each other constantly: parents teach children, children teach parents and
friends teach friends. But people are called teachers only when their occupation is teaching. The
primary purpose of teaching is to help students learn what they need to know to live happily and
successfully. In order to achieve this goal, good teachers must first make their students realize that the
subject being taught is useful, interesting or important in some way.
Everyone wants to know. Good teachers point out to their students the ways learning can help them,
so they will learn and insist on going on learning. No one can teach someone who is unwilling to
learn.Teaching and learning depend on each other. Both teacher and students must be active
.participants in order for any teaching to take place
Answer the following questions:
1- What is teaching?
2- Why do students need to learn?
3- How are teaching and learning connected?
4- Why cannot people stop learning?
5-The word occupation in the passege means……………...
a) skill b) thought c) purpose d) job
6- No one can teach someone who is ……………to learn
a) interested b) uninterested c) very old d) old
7- We are all some times ----------
a) teachers b) students c) parents and friends d) teachers and students
8-Everyone wants to know as knowledge has a great………………
a)idiot b)trivial c)value d) valueless

The waves beside them danced; but they (4m)

,Outdid the sparkling waves in glee
,Apoet could not but be gay
:In such a jocund company
,I gazed - and gazed- but little thought
.What wealth the show to me had brought

.Paraphrase this stanza and pick out the figures of speech -1

2- What are the Romantic elements?

Sec 1

5) Choose the correct word(s) in the brackets: (8m)

1-He is a successful businessman who ….. ……..a profit of 100-000dollars a month.
a)does b) earns c)gains d)makes
2- She turned down the part means that she …….…….it.
a)refused b)agreed c)accepted d)respect
3- In Egypt, family…….…….are popular on feasts.
a)gathering b)combitions c)groups d)collections
4-Some animals can……………themselves to the different climatic conditions.
a) adopt b)adapt c)convert d)turn
5- ……….are used for pulling sledges over the snow.
a)Huskies b)Goggles c)Tusks d)Husks
6-Scientists ………...research to prove their theories.
a)conduct b)hold c)make d)carry
7-The project……….in two years.
a) will be completed b)wll complete c)completed d)is
8-I don`t believe people who ……… lies.
a)tell b) say c)talk d)speak
9-Salwa ………. carless.She left her keys in the door.
a)must have been b)must be c) can`t be d)couldn`t have been
10-Nothing happened, ……… ?.
a) did it b)did they c)didn`t it d)didn`t they
11-He asked me what ………..
a)my name was b)my name is c)is my name d)is your name
12-It hasn`t raind ………….April.
a)for b)ago c)since d)in
13-If I ……….younger, I`d work in the new Delta project.
a)were b)am c)have been d)had been
14-The pyramids are …………enormous.
a)absolutely b)very c)extreme d)amazing
15- The ………..is the soft part at the bottom of your ear.
a)earlobe b)earring c)eardrop d)eardrum
16-It has been raining heavily and it hasn`t let ……….
a)out b)up c)down d)on
6)- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets :
1- Many houses have been built for youth to solve the housing problem. ( The Government )
2- Though she is poor, she is generous. ( However )
3- She didn`t revise well so she didn`t answer all the question ( If )
4- He worked in a hotel from 2000 and still working there. ( for )
5- He consulted his bank manger. He wanted to start a business of his own. ( because of )
7)-The Novel :"The Citadel" Answer THREE questions: (6m)
1- Why was Manson asked for an inquiry? How did he defend himself ?
2-"I admire your form of treatment. I can see that oneday you will be a great success!." Comment.
3- Give examples to prove that Manson gave up easily all his beliefs to make money.
4- In Miss Cramb`s case, Manson proved to be a very skilful doctor. Discuss.
8)-THE PLAY :"The Government Inspector" Answer THREE questions:
1- Hlestakov`s letter shows that they had been easily cheated (fooled). Discuss

Sec 1

consciousness ‫ الوعى‬transformed ‫ حول‬mainstream
stood out ‫برزت‬ pump ‫مضخة‬ imagine ‫يتخيل‬
all-round elite ‫ صفوة‬nightmare ‫كابوس‬
impressive ‫مثير لإلعجاب‬ compatriots ‫ مواطنين‬awaiting ‫ينتظر‬
‫يتعايش فى‬
socialize hyperactive ‫ نشاط زائد‬operations ‫عمليات‬
school fees background ‫خلفية‬ feel sorry for ‫بالشفقة‬
make the most
shatter ‫ يحطم‬- ‫ يكسر‬overcoming ‫التغلب على‬ ‫يستفيد‬
option ‫ إختيار‬drought ‫جفاف‬ championship ‫بطولة‬
Paralympics ‫ ألعاب المعاقين‬determined ‫مصمم‬ inspire ‫يلهم‬
motivation ‫ حافز – دافع‬title ‫قتال على البطولة‬ sportswoman
enthusiasm ‫حماس‬ facilities ‫تسهيالت‬ authorities ‫سلطات‬
science lab ‫معمل علوم‬ native speaker ‫متكلم أصلى للغة‬ volunteer ‫متطوع‬
involved ‫مشترك‬ unbearable ‫غيرمحتمل‬ volunteering ‫التطوع‬
youthful ‫شبابى‬ conditions ‫أحوال‬ donations ‫تبرعات‬
shepherd ‫راعى أغنام‬ organizations ‫منظمات‬ impressed ‫معجب بـ‬
servant ‫خادم‬ raise money ً‫يجمع ماال‬ purpose ‫غرض‬
give back ‫يعيد‬ fully-equipped ‫مجهز بشكل كامل‬ particular ‫خاص‬

Sec 1

1. hyperactive Having more energy than normal and unable to keep quiet or
2. shatter To destroy something completely.
3. background The type of family and social class you come from and the
education experience you have.
4. all-around able to do many different things well.
5. fees The money you pay for professional advice or sevices from
doctor, lawyers, schools universities etc.
6. socialize To meet and spend time with friends.
7. pump A machine that is used for forcing a gaz or liquid in a particular
8. Compatriots People who come from the country as you.
9. Mainstream considered normal and used or accepted by most people.
10. impressive causing a feeling of admiration and respect because of the impotance,
size quality, etc. of something.
11. Overcoming succeeding in dealing with a problem.
12. stood out was very noticeable.
13. Consciousness the state of being awake and knowing what is happening around you.
14. elite thought to be the best.
15. transformed changed completely.

1) Choose the correct answer:
1. A compatriot is a person who …………
a. plays in the same team b) studies in the same class
c) comes from the same country
2. Which verb do we often use with the word fees?
a. eat b. pay c. give
3. The richest, most powerful, best educated people in society are part of the ……..
a. mainstream b. elite c. background
4. Somebody who is able to do many different things well has ……..
a. all-round skills b. elite skills c. hyperactive skills
5. Somebody or something that is much better than the others…….
a. stands in b. stands down c. stands out
6. You need a ……to force air air or liquid to move in a particular direction.
a. bomb b. pump c. bang
7. Which word has a similar meaning to shatter?
a. destroy b. create c. cause
8. Socialize means to spend time ………….
a. alone b. with your friends c. at work
9. Your ……… refers to your family, social class and the education and experience you have.
a. consciousness b. mainstream c. background
10. To transform something means to ……………………. it.
a. change b. break c. cook
11. A hyperactive child is always …………..
a. very quiet b. moving c. sleeping
Sec 1

12. The adjective impressive has a similar meaning to …………..

a. amazing b. lazy c. facinating
13. If you can control or defeat somebody or something, you …….. them or it.
a. overdo b. overtake c. overcome
14. A person who has ideas and beliefs that are accepted by most people is a part of the
a. mainstream b. elite c. background
15. If you lose ……… , you can't see, hear or feel things.
a. background b. background c. pump
16.A …………. is a personal website that gives information about what a
person has done?
a. field b. archive c. blog
17. ……………… means to change things a lot.
a) Socialize b) transform c) shatter

2) Complete the sentences with words from the list:

all-round background compatriot consciousness

fees hyperactive impressive mainstream overcome
shatter socialize stand out transform

1. Dina's parents are extremely rich. Her educational …………………… is also excellent. She
two very good degrees from an …………… university.
2. The …………. is broken and we can't get any water up from the well. Better access to water
would …….. our village.
3. ……………….. children need to be outdoors where they can use up all their energy.
4. David is an ……….. sportsman but he is best at athletics. He was very ……… last week
when he won the 100-metre race.
5. The fact that my lawyer was my …….. didn't help. We actually came from the same region
but the ………. he charged were still extremely high.
6. He was very famous and ……….. as an excellent comedy actor in ………….. Hollywood
films in the 1950s, but he also acted in less well known theatre plays.
7. He lost …………….. in a car accident but he soon recovered it. However, He was in hospital
for a long time and didn't …………….. his fear of driving for a year.
8. I prefer not to ……………… with the people I work with. I usually go out with old school
9. his poor exam results …………. his dreams of going to university.

achieve ‫ يحقق‬achievement ‫ إنجاز‬talent ‫موهبة‬

ambitious (adj.) ‫ طموح‬inspiring ‫ ملهم‬lose out ‫يخسر‬
‫يفشل فى‬
incentive ‫ حافز – مكافأة‬desire ‫ رغبة‬fall through ‫التفاوض‬
inspire ‫ يلهم‬encourage ‫ يشجع‬pay off ‫يكون ناجح‬
Sec 1

motivation ‫ دافعية‬create ‫ يبتكر‬build on ‫يبنى على‬

‫ينجح فى‬
persevere ‫ المثابرة‬successful ‫ ناجح‬pull off
‫شيئ صعب‬
keep up – ‫يواكب‬
stimulate ‫ يدفع‬- ‫ يحث‬power ‫طاقة‬
ambition (n.) ‫ طموح‬continue ‫ يستمر‬disadvantage ‫عيب‬
bandage ‫ ضمادة‬plaster cast ‫الجبس‬
crutches ‫ ركائز‬walking stick ‫عصا للمشى‬
plaster ‫ بالستر‬wheel chair

I think I've got a high level of motivation and people say I'm an ambitious
person. However, money isn't really an incentive. I don't want to work just for
money; it must be boring. No, I'd like to achieve something that needs talent, such as
writing a book. Many great writers have inspired me and they make me feel that I
could do something like that, too. My imagination was first awoken by the stories my
father used to tell me and I think if our parents stimulate our minds when we are
young then we'll want to do things later. But of course, interest isn't enough. To be
successful you need to persevere and keep on trying even when things don't go well.

Match the words and the definitions:
inspire to complete something by hard work and skill
achieve something that encourages you to do something
incentive to make somebody want to do or create something
stimulate to continue trying to do or achieve something that is difficult
ambitious enthusiasm for doing something, especially something that involves
hard work
ambition to make somebody feel interested in something
persevere having a strong desire to be successful, to have power, etc.

Sec 1

Phrasal verbs: Success & failure

Lose out to be at disadvantage: We lost out because parents

couldn't send us to school.
Fall through to fail or not happen: The deal fell through
because they didn't have enough money.
Pay off to successful: All his hard work paid off when
he won the race.
Build on to use sth as a base from which you can make
further progress: You must build on your first successful
experience and increase your business.
Pull off to succeed in something difficult: She pulled off a
surprising victory.
Keep up to move at the same speed as sb: If I want to
pass my exams, I must keep up with the good students.

1) Choose the correct answer:

1. All my sister's hard work paid ……… When the company gave her a promotion.
a) on b) out c) off d) at
2. The sale of the house …………….. because the bank wouldn't lend them the money.
a) pulled off b) built on c) fell through d) kept up
3. I had to run faster to ………………. with the other runners.
a) keep up b) lose out c) pull off d) fall through
4. A lot of young people ……………… on the chance of going to university because it's very
a) pay off b) sum up c) find out d) lose out
5. Nobody expected him to win but he pulled it ……………….!
a) out b) up c) at d) off
6. Their success is ……………… the good work of volunteers.
a) built on b) charged up c) turned up d) handed in
7. ………….. down the radio! We're trying to speak.
a) turn b) switch c) find d) back
8. Could you copy ………………. Mr Hady when you send your email?
a) out b) at c) in d) off
9. Students have to carry ………. a lot of tasks when they're at university.
a) at b) off c) out d) in
10. She lost ……….. during the accident., so she didn't remember anything about it.
Sec 1

a) stimulation b) motivation c) consciousness d) achievement

11. If somebody is your ……….. they are from the same country as you.
a)compatriot b) hyperactive c) motivation d) ambition
12. If you have …………. skills, you can do many things well.
a) all-round b) persevered c) achievement d) ambition
13. We put a plaster on a ………….
a) cut b) broken bone c) headache d) sore throat
14. If something is considered to be normal by many people, we say it is ……………..
a) compatriot b) mainstream c) hyperactive d) incentive
15. Build …………… means to use as a base to make further progress.
a) up b) at c) off d) on

Sec 1

Necessity and lack of necessity


 I must do my homework.
 We must study hard. We have an exam.
 I must go to university, so I must study hard.
.‫ عندما يكون اإللزام من جانب المتكلم‬must ‫نستخدم‬
It's necessary for you to arrive on time tomorrow. ( must)
You must arrive on time tomorrow.

 The teacher tells his students that they have to do homework.

 You have to wear a helmet when you ride a bike.
.)‫ من قبل ظروف خارجية (مفروضة على المتكلم‬º‫ عندما يكون اإلزام‬have to ‫نستخدم‬
It's necessary to wear a uniform. ( have to)
You have to wear a uniform.

Lack of necessity
 You don't need a passport to go to Aswan.
 He doesn't have to buy bread. He already has a lot of bread.
 Employees don't have to work overtime.
 It is not necessary to buy bread.
 You needn't buy bread.
It's not necessary to give me the money until Friday. ( have to)
You don't have to give me the money until Friday.

 Employees mustn't be in the restaurant without wearing their
 You mustn't cross the road when the light is red.
 You are not allowed to smoke in hospitals.
Don't talk when you are in the library. (mustn't)
You mustn't talk when you are in the library.

Sec 1

It would be a good idea to ……

It is advisable to ….

It is desirable to ……………

If I were you, I'd ……

You had better …………

You would rather …………

1. It would be a good idea for her to go to the doctor's. ( should)

She should go to the doctor's.
2. It is not advisable to stay up late.
You shouldn't stay up late.

:‫للتعبير عن أنه كان ينبغي عمل شيء فى الماضي ولكنه لم يحدث نستخدم‬
.should have + p.p ‫كان ينبغى أن‬

1) He should have got up earlier. He missed the train.

2) Mona should have done the homework. The teacher is angry.

.shouldn't have + p.p ‫ما كان ينبغى أن‬

‫للتعبير عن شيئا ً خطأ قد حدث نستخدم‬:

1) Sherif shouldn't have left his mobile phone on the floor.1

Sec 1

.‫يمكن أن نستنتج أشياء أو نخمن حدوثها بدرجات مختلفة وفى أزمنه مختلفة‬
.‫) االستنتاج عند حدوث شيء فى الماضي‬1
:‫ نستخدم‬%50 ‫عندما يكون االستنتاج شبه مؤكد بنسبه أكثر من‬

…… It's nearly certain -

.I'm nearly certain …… = must have + p.p -
I think - ‫ أعتقد أن‬/‫ البد أن‬/ ‫أكيد أن‬
……… I guess -

1) I am nearly certain that my father went out. = My father must have gone.
2) I think my mother finished cooking. = My mother must have finished cooking.
3) It's nearly certain that our team lost the match. = Our team must have lost the match.
4) I saw Noha in hospital. I guess she was ill. = Noha must have been ill.

:‫ نستخدم‬%50 ‫عندما يكون االستنتاج ضعيف أي اقل من‬ 

… I don't think -
.I think … not … = might have + p.p -
……… Perhaps - ‫ربما قد كان – من المحتمل أنه قد كان‬

1) I don't think he traveled abroad. I saw him yesterday

= He might have traveled abroad.
2) I think she was not at home. = She might have been at home.
3) Perhaps she baked the cake. = She might have baked the cake.

:‫ نستخدم‬%100 ‫للتعبير عن استنتاج قوى بأن شيئا ً ما لم يحدث بنسبة‬ 

.…I'm sure … not -
.It's very certain …. = can't have + p.p -
…Certainly \ definitely - ‫ال يمكن أن يكون قد‬

1) I'm sure Adel wasn't ill. = Adel can't have been ill.
2) He certainly didn't buy a car. = He can't have bought a car.
.‫) االستنتاج فى الحاضر‬2
.must be + n. \ adj. \ adv :‫استنتاج شبه مؤكد‬ 

.She hasn't slept for 2 days. She must be tired )1

.He teaches pupils very well. He must be a good teacher )2
Sec 1

.might be + n. \ adj. \ adv -:‫استنتاج ضعيف‬ 

.may be + n. / adj./ adv
.could be + n. / adj./ adv
.I'm not sure. He might be at home
.My dad has taken an umbrella so it could be raining
:‫استنتاج أكيد بأنه لم يحدث‬ 
.can't be + n. \ adj. \ adv

1) He has got an expensive car. He can't be poor. = He must be rich.

2) They're blond and they're speaking Russian so they can't be Syrian.

1- He ………………………………...British. He is good at in English.

(must be – can't be - might be - won't be)
2- I can't find my keys. I…………………………… left them at home.
(must be - must have – can't be – won't be)
3- He ………………………………………….eaten the food; I'm not sure.
(must have – may have – might have – will have)
4- She …………………………………………….travelled abroad; I don’t think so.
(must have-may have–might have – will have)
5- It is possible; he …………………………………………got the prize.
(must have – may have – might have – will have)
6- He …………………………………………………drunk the tea. The cup is empty.
(must have – may have – might have – will have)
7- He ……………………….. stolen the money, the safe was locked.
(must have – can’t have – might have – may have)
8- He……………………………………. drunk the tea. The cup is full.
(must have – may have – might have – can’t have)
9- It is probable; he…………………………….. taken the medicine.
(must have – may have – might have – can’t have)
10- It is possible; he……………………………… taken the medicine.
(must have – may have – might have – can’t have)
11- Excuse me! You ……………… to smoke here. It says no smoking.
( must – mustn't – don't have to – should)
12- I think you ……………….. speak to your teacher. She will help you.
( have to – must – should – mustn't)
13- We ………………… work on Saturday. The boss only wants two people.
( ought not to – needn't – have to – must)
14- You ………….. have a driving licence to drive a car.
( should – must – mustn't – have to)
15- I really …………. to stay in and paint my flat this weekend.
( need – needn't- must – mustn't)
16- If you don't feel well, you ………………… go to bed.
( have to – needn't – mustn't – don't have to)
17- They played a football match- It ………….been a battle. I'm sure it was.
a. might have b. can't have c. may d. must have
Sec 1

18- Ali didn't phone us. His plane ………… arrived late.
a. might have b. must c. can't d. may
19- The mobile was ringing in the bedroom. Ali ………… left it at hon.
a. will b. might c. must have d. can't have
20- . He ………… have phoned me because it was late yesterday.
a. should b. must c. shouldn't d. didn't
21- She didn't answer the phone. She ………… have heard it.
a. can't b. must c. should d. shouldn't
22- I .......... have seen the film, but I didn't.
a. must b. should c. shouldn't d. might
23- Amal.......... have gone to the market. I'm not sure.
a. might b. must c. may d. shouldn't
24- Maha ………… swept the floor, but she didn't.
a. may have b. shouldn't have c. should have d. must
25- He ………… have eaten more sweets. They cause teeth to decay.
a. shouldn't b. must c. can d. should
26- Samira should have ………… up the dishes. They smell bad.
a. washes b. wash c. washing d. washed
27- Mona .......... have bought a new skirt as she had many new ones.
a. shouldn't b. might c. should d. must
28. People (should – must – can – mustn’t) use mobile phones while driving.
29. Ali is getting fat. He (shouldn’t – must – can – don’t) eat too much rice.
30. We (should – shouldn’t – haven’t – mustn’t) visit our sick friends.
31. Drivers (should – must – can – mustn’t) stop their cars when the traffic light is red.
32. To drive a car, one (shouldn’t – must – can – mustn’t) get a license first.
33. Every Egyptian (shouldn’t – must – might – don’t) be careful about the security of Egypt.
34. You (shouldn’t – ought – should – mustn’t) wash your hands before having your meals.
35. You (shouldn’t – can’t – should – mustn’t) help your neighbours.
36. Visitors of a library (shouldn’t – can – should – mustn’t) make noise.
37. If you are in Egypt, you (shouldn’t – can’t – should – must) attend my wedding.
38. You (shouldn’t – must – should – mustn’t) be careful when you cross a road.
39. We are going to China next month but first we (have to – ought to – needn't- must) get a visa
from the embassy to enter the country.
40. I (shouldn’t – can – should – must) get fit if I want to run in next year's marathon.
41. Cars can't turn right here. You (should – shouldn’t – haven’t – must) go straight on.
42. Dad doesn't like his job. He (has to – shouldn’t – haven’t – must ) work late every night.
43. I really (has to – shouldn’t – haven’t – must ) stop eating cake. It's bad for my teeth.

2- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets :

1- He didn’t answer the telephone. He was asleep. I’m sure. (must have)
2- He didn’t come to the party. He forgot, I’m not sure. (may have)
3- He isn’t at home. I’m sure he is in his office. (must)
4. He was late for school. It was necessary to come early, (shouldn't have)
5. She didn't do her homework, It was necessary to do that. (should have}
6. It was possible that Hoda came on time. (might have)
7. I'm sure Ahmed won the race. (must have)
8. She failed the monthly tests. She was advised to study hard. (should have)
9. It was possible that Nora visited Italy, (might have)
10. You really should see a doctor. (advice)

11. It not necessary to return the money now. Give it to me when you can.
Sec 1

(don't have to)

12. It is necessary to pass a driving test if you want to drive a car. (have to)
13. It is not necessary for them to come to the talk this evening, but it will be interesting.
14. I'm sure Olga is Russian. (must)
15. I think Sara is from Liverpool. (could)
16. I'm sure Anne isn't on the course. ( can't)
17. I'm sure Hany left school. Classes finished an hour ago. (must)
18. I think Anne stayed at home. She didn't feel well yesterday. (may have)
19. I'm sure she didn't see the film. She didn't know what happens at the end.
(can't have)

20. It was necessary for him to take a taxi as he was late. ( He )

21 Is it necessary for him to attend the party ? ( Does he )
22. You mustn’t park here. There is a “No parking” sign. ( allow )
23. It’s necessary for us to take a taxi to get there on time. ( must )
24.You mustn’t smoke here. ( smoking )
25. Samira bought some eggs. At home she found plenty of eggs. ( needn’t )
26. It is not necessary to do your homework tonight. ( needn’t )
27.I advise you to work hard to succeed. ( should )
28. It wasn’t necessary for him to accept her invitation to dinner. ( needn’t )
29. Turn off the lights before going to bed. ( should )
30 Why did you come late? ( should have )
31. You shouldn’t waste your time. ( advise )
32. Why did you smoke here? ( shouldn’t have )
33. I didn’t know the time of the meeting and you didn’t tell me. ( should have )
34.Why did you leave your bike here? ( shouldn’t have)
35. It is advisable to read a lot in your spare time. ( should )
36. Why didn’t you tell me the fact? ( should have )
37. It is inadvisable to waste your time in doing silly things. ( shouldn’t )
38. Rubbish mustn't be thrown in the street . ( Do not )
39. Don't put hot cups on this table . ( shouldn't be )
40. It’s very cold. He was walking along road without a coat. ( shouldn’t have )
41. It is not necessary that parcel yourself. The shop will send it. ( you don't )
42. It is not necessary to write the report today. ( have )
43. He took a taxi. It wasn't necessary to do so. ( have )
44. It is necessary for him to drive us to the cinema. ( had to )
45. It will be necessary for us to get up early. ( We )
46. It was not necessary to walk. He took us in his taxi. ( We )
47. It wasn't necessary for him to accept her invitation to dinner. (needn't)

Sec 1

make/ give a look forward

presentation on ‫ يقدم عرض‬microphone ‫ميكروفون‬ ‫يتطلع إلى‬
to + v.ing
banner ‫ علم‬/ ‫ راية‬stage ‫ خشبة المسرح‬gossip ‫نميمة‬
‫مسند ورقى‬ ‫يغادر من‬
flip chart spotlight ‫ ضوء كشاف‬go off ‫مكان إلى أخر‬
(be) out of
lectern ‫ منضدة للقرأة‬audience ‫الجمهور‬ ‫مستحيل‬
projector ‫ممثل عن شخص‬ *‫الشروق‬
‫ شاشة عرض‬representative ‫أو شركة‬ dawn * dusk
screen ‫الغروب‬
speaker ‫ متحدث‬anecdote ‫ حكاية شخصية‬come across ‫يقابل بالصدفة‬
dyslexia perseverance ‫ مثابرة‬attitude ‫إتجاه‬
‫صعوبة القرأة‬
boredom ‫ملل‬ punishment ‫عقاب‬ advice ‫نصيحة‬
advise ‫ينصح‬ belief ‫معتقد‬ believe ‫يعتقد‬
canvas ‫قماش‬ canvass ‫يفحص بدقة‬ device ‫جهاز‬
devise ‫ يصمم‬- ‫يبتكر‬ extend ‫ يبسط‬- ‫يمد‬ extent ‫مدى‬
analysis ‫تحليل‬ antibiotic ‫مضاد حيوى‬ criteria ‫معايير‬
‫النظافة‬ ‫الخوف‬
dilemma ‫معضلة‬ hygiene phobia ‫المرضى‬

flip chart lectern stage spot lights microphone

1. A banner is a long piece of cloth with words or signs on it, which can
be hung up or carried on two poles.
2. A stage is a platform in a theatre or concert hall where actors,
musicians and speakers perform.
3. Spotlights are lamps that can send bright light onto a small area
4. A projector screen is the large flat surface on which films are shown.
Sec 1

5. A microphone is a piece of electric equipment that you speak into

and that makes sounds louder or records them.
6. A flip chart is a large pad of paper on a stand with sheets that can be
turned over, used for presenting information at meetings.
7. A speaker is a person who makes a speech into a group of people.
8. A lectern is a stand for holding a book or notes when you are giving
a talk.

An anecdote

The right attitude!

Walking home from school the other day, I started thinking about
all the homework I had to do. I must have had at least three hours work
ahead of me, and I wasn't looking forward to it. When I finally walked
through the front door, I had put myself into a very bad mood.
However, I found my grandmother sitting in our kitchen and I
soon brightened up. She had decided to make a surprise visit and we
quickly started chatting about family gossip. It wasn't long though
before I remembered my homework and, with a sad look on my face, I
explained that I had to go off to my bedroom to study. I stood up to
leave the kitchen like someone being sent to p[rison.
Before I could leave, my grandmother angrily called me back.
"What's all that about?" she asked. "You should change your attitude!
Homework is a chance to learn, not a punishment!"
She then told me all about her childhood. School had been out of
the question as she had had to work from dawn to dusk helping on the
family farm. Education had been just a dream. Leaving the kitchen, I
realized how hard life must have been for my grandmother and how
lucky I was that I didn't have to out to work!

The present participle (V-ing)

 We sometimes use present participle to replace sentences that begin with:
(while, when, as, since, and because)
Sec 1

 We can only use this structure when the two subjects in the original sentence refer to
the same person or thing:
o While I was walking home from school the other day, I started thinking about all
the homework I had to do.
o Walking home from school the other day, I started thinking about all the
homework I had to do.
o If a sentence has two different subjects we can't begin it with a present participle.
o As he doesn't come to training, the coach wants him to leave the team.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. Studying at university, I met my best friend. (while)
2. Working on my project, I forgot to phone Frank. (As)
3. Opening the front door, I realized that we had been burgled.
4. Being ill at home, I didn't know about the homework.
5. Having lots of free time, I decided to study irregular verbs.

6. Driving along the motorway, she heard the news on the radio.
7. It is prohibited to park your car here. (mustn't)
8. I recommend you to stay in bed for three days. ( ought to)
9. It is not necessary to do your homework today.
(don't have to)
Sec 1


ecologist ‫ عالم بيئة‬prompted ‫ حفز‬consumption ‫إستهالك‬

alternative ‫ بديل‬sustainable ‫ مدعوم‬result in ‫يؤدى إلى‬
energy ‫ طاقة‬harshest ‫ أقسى‬serious ‫جاد \ خطير‬
\ ‫محاولة‬
echo-friendly ‫ صديق للبيئة‬measure ‫ مقياس‬attempt
mass-industry ‫صناعة‬
irrigation ‫ الرى‬residents ‫مقيمين‬
personal ‫ شخصى‬shade ‫تظليل‬ clean fuel ‫وقود نظيف‬
‫تحلية (ماء‬ ‫مختلف‬
transit ‫ اإلنتقال‬desalination radical
system ‫ نظام‬conventional ‫ تقليدى‬bill ‫فاتورة‬
power ‫ طاقة‬specialize ‫ يتخصص‬commuters ‫مسافرين‬
renewable ‫ متجدد‬enrolments ‫ إدراجات‬fuel ‫وقود‬
sceptical of\ ‫ غير‬-‫شاك‬ ‫سكان‬
non-renewable ‫غير متجدد‬ city-dwellers
about ‫متيقن من‬ ‫المدينة‬
solar panels ‫ ألواح شمسية‬predictions ‫ تنبوءات‬adviser ‫مستشار‬
‫اإلحتباس‬ ‫مسافرين‬
sunlight ‫ ضوء الشمس‬global warming commuters
resources ‫ مصادر‬peninsula ‫ شبة جزيرة‬efficiency ‫كفاءة‬
‫طواحين‬ mass ‫إستهالك‬
wind turbines ambitious ‫طموح‬
‫الرياح‬ consumption ‫ضخم‬
‫كمية الكربون‬ ‫طعام غير‬
‫يمكن السكن‬
inhabitable carbon footprint ‫ المنتجة من‬raw food ‫مطهى‬
‫فيه‬ ‫الفرد‬
‫ال يمكن‬ ‫نقطة تحول‬
uninhabitable household ‫ منزلى‬turning point
‫السكن فيه‬
industrial ‫ صناعى‬energy-saving ‫ موفر للطاقة‬give up ‫يتوقف عن‬
‫مصابيح‬ ‫يحصل على‬
revolution ‫ ثورة‬light bulbs obtain
‫تعمل بالطاقة‬ ‫ممرات‬ ‫مزدحم‬
steam-powered bicycle lanes congested
‫البخارية‬ ‫الدراجات‬
opportunities rush hour ‫ساعة الذروة‬

Sec 1

Language notes:
1. Uninhabitable: not possible for humans to live in.
2. Measure: a way of describing the size, amount, etc. of something.
3. Alternative: different from what is usual or traditional.
4. Sustainable: using natural energy and products that harm the envoroment.
5. Specialize: to study one particular subject.
6. Sceptical: doubting that something is right.
7. Desalination: The removal of salt from sea water.
8. Enrollments: successful applications to become members of a course, university etc.
9. Harshest: most difficult for people to bear.
10.Conventional: normal or ordinary.
11. Irrigation: providing water to grow plants and crops.
12.Residents: the people who live in a place.
13.Renewable: that can be replaced naturally.
14.Shaded: protected from direct light.
15. Prompted: made someone decide to do something.

1. Households can reduce their fuel bills by using energy-saving light bulbs.
2. Most commuters depend on motorized transport to get to work, such as buses and
3. During the industrial revolution the use of manual labour was replaced by steam-
powered machines.
4. The energy consumption of electronic goods has resulted in a serious waste
5. Some families have stopped travelling by air in an attempt to reduce their carbon
foot print.
6. The mass industry is always looking for new sources of clean fuel.

Suffixes come at the end of a word. Suffixes usually change the meaning of a word.
1. The suffix –ize combines with adjectives to make verbs.
 Special specialize
 Modern modernize
 Industrial industrialize
 Commercial commercialize
2. The suffix –ant combines with verbs to make nouns.
 Immigrate immigrant
 Assist assistant
 Participate participant
 Inhabit inhabitant
Sec 1

3. The suffix -al combines with nouns to make adjectives

 Nation national
 Region regional
 Convention conventional
 Environment environmental
 Sceptic scptical

1. The Arctic environment is one of the ( most scorching- hottest- most humid-
harshest) environments in the Earth.
2. ( Irrigation – mainstream – enrolment- sustainable) of the fields is mostly done from
the river Nile.
3. What ( prompted- - socialized – pumped – shattered) you to change your plans?
4. We use a ( microphone- speaker- pump- projector) to push air into a bicycle wheel
or football.
5. The ( residents – participants- transports- customers ) of the town were against plans
to build a shopping centre in the neighbourhood.
6. The (residents – participants – transports – customers) were against plans to build a
shopping centre in the neighbourhood.
7. The ( desalination – anticipation – pollution – desertification) of sea water is an
expensive way of obtaining drinking water.
8. Some countries depend on the (desertification – anticipation – pollution –
desalination) of sea water because fresh water is fresh there.
9. Solar power and wind power are examples of ( regional – nonrenewable- renewable
– uninhabitable)
10.( Enrolment- development- encouragement- comment) for the new university course
begins next Monday.
11.( Enrolment- development- encouragement- comment) on our computer course may
be completed by phone.
12. The house was ( uninhabitable- inhabitable- sustainable- renewable) nobody could
live there because it was falling down!
13.( Desertification- Desalination- Dramatization- Dyslexia) means to get drinking
water from sea water.
14.My brother wants to ( specialize- criticize- energize- motorize) in astronomy
studies. He wants to be an astronomer.
15.If you want to reduce your electricity bill, you should use energy saving light
( bubs- plugs- bulbs- bugs)
16.The mass( revolution – congestion- consumption- irrigation) of electronic goods has
resulted in serious environmental problems.
17.Joan ( took in – gave up – took off- did up) cooking and now raw food instead.
18.Future scientists who will be (specialized- criticized- energized- motorized) in fields
such as renewable energy resources will save our plant.
Sec 1

19.Few people can bear to live in the North Pole. It's extremely ( local- harsh- smart-
20.My sister decide to ( commercialize- specialize- modernize- economize) in
environmental studies at university.
21. Trees offer ( shade- shift- shop – shark) from the sun especially in hot countries.
22.(Contributed- Conventional- commercial- converted) methods of using energy have
often harmed the environment.
23.My train in the morning is always packed with (planners- commuters- dwellers-
lanes), going to work and university.
24. Sorry We're late, but the roads were really (specially- congested- empty- harsh) and
then we had problems finding a parking pace!
25.The beaches are full of (commuters- planners- city dwellers- lanes) on day trips at
the weekends.
26.(Inhabitable- Crowded- Sustainable- Uninhabitable) places are places that are
difficult to live in.
27.The council is creating more (opportunities- planners- bicycle lanes- dwellers) so
more people can leave their cars at home and get some exercise going to work.
28.A (customer- resident- commercial- conventional) is a person who lives in a place.
29.In some cities, you can cycle in bicycle (routes- roads- lanes- trails).
30.I use public (transport- network- broadcast- forecast) for my daily trip to the office.
31.Bicycle(routes- highways- patios- lanes) make journeys safer for cyclists.
32.There are more employment (transports- opportunities- resources- sources) in the
33.A wind (turbine- machine- panel- planet) is a modern windmill for generating
34.Global warming will make the central regions of the planet (comfortable-
inhabitable- sustainable- uninhabitable)
35.Our school has launched a campaign (promote- ……………….
36.The residents in the USA can't continue (generating- congesting- consuming-
shading) natural resources at the same rate or they will run out.
37.Masdar green city is (painted- shaded- walled- skimmed) to keep out the desert
38.It's very expensive to (modernize- specialize- obtain- pollute) drinking water from
sea water.
39.A city offers more entertainment (opportunities- sceptical- conventional- planes)
than a small town. There's always more to do.
40.I don't start work until 10 o'clock so it means I miss all the (big hour- free hour-
harsh hour- rush hour) traffic and I always get there quite quickly.
41.How did the town (volcanoes- crises- planners-species) allow them to build such a
wide road in the middle of the square?
42.Some people are (sceptical- scorching- valuable- dense) about the human causes of
climate change.
43. (Dense- Scorching- Valuable- Sceptical) means having doubts that something is
true or may happen.
Sec 1

44.The UAE is building a (renewable- specialized- habitable- sustainable) city that

doesn't damage the environment. It's called Masdar.
45.Waste water will be recycled and reused for crop (building- eating- reading-
46.(Pollution- Premonition- Reclamation- Prediction) is main cause of climate change
and global warming.
47.A solar (planet- wall- panel- plant) is a device that changes energy from the sun into
48.The government has carried out major (premonition- promotion- irrigation-
transplantation) projects to increase the green area.
49.I have to buy trainers from a company that (specializes- modernizes- criticizes-
inhabitant) in shoes for people with big feet.
50.It was a small agricultural town but it has been (criticized- industrialized-
economized- environmental) and is now full of factories.
51.There are some (regional- mechanical- physical- periodical) differences between the
north and the south of the country.
52.It's an old house but the bathroom has been (specialized- modernized- criticized-
economized) and the kitchen is new too.
53.The shop (assistant- inhabitant- regional- industrial) was very helpful and gave me
some good advice on which TV to buy.
54.I wouldn't call him boring. I'd just say he's ( inhabitant- bandage- conventional-
55.There are about 16 million (inhabitants- oases- canvass- sheep) in Cairo. It has the
most population in Africa.
56.There were a lot of ( residents- participants- commuters- desalination) in the
competition to design the new logo.
57.(Economical- Sceptical- Environmental- Educational) problems will in crease if we
don't stop using our cars so much.
58.A lot of people in the planet are (city dwellers- oases- villagers- alternative) they
choose to inhabit cities.
59.There are more educational and employment (opportunities- sceptical-
conventional- planes) in the city than in the village.
60.City ( planners- sheep- stages- banners) are busy trying to create sustainable
61.(Congested- Empty- Highway- Free) roads are one of the principal problems of
modern cities.
62.The government is encouraging to use public transport during (hard- rush- hot-
dying) hours.
63.It's a good idea to rent bicycles to (wheelchairs - enthusiasm- commuters-
ambitions) to make their daily trips from home to the office and back again.
64.The government has built bicycle (roads- routes- lanes- plains) to make the journey
safer for cyclists.
65.Industrial countries have caused all the ( local- environmental- critical- sceptical)
problems that affected our planet badly.
Sec 1

66.The house we have bought is very old and we're going to (local- economize-
modernize- criticize) it.
67.They're planning to (socialize- motorize- criticize- industrialize) the area to create
more jobs.
68.Solar (labels- pantries‫ مخازن‬- plants- panels) are used to power satellites.
69.Most commuters depend on (socialized- motorized-criticized- industrialized)
transport to get to work, such as buses and trains.
70.Some families have stopped travelling by air in an attempt to reduce their carbon
(fingerprints- ear prints- earrings- foot prints).
71.The energy (consumption- opportunities- routes- commuters) of electric goods has
resulted in a serious waste problem.
72.During the industrial (percussion- revolution—combination- immigration) the use
of manual labour was replaced by steam-powered machines.
73.In big cities, traffic jams are frequent during the (hot- rush- harsh- hard) hours.
74.Police are questioning the (applicants- residents- councilors- customers) in the
region where many burglars have happened recently.
75.Industrial countries have caused all the (local- environmental- critical- sceptical)
problems that affected our planet badly.
76.People who travel to and from their work are called (pilgrims- monads- commuters-
globetrotters‫) رحالة‬.
77.The (mass- steal- steam- stream) industry is always looking for new sources of clean
78.(Enrolment- launching- Rushing- Opening) for the new course begins next Monday.
79.(Real- virtual- classic- past) shopping has become more popular than traditional
80.The internet is now a/an (trivial- essential- virtual- traditional) part in our life.
81.The internet has been in (power- existence- sequence- difference) for about 25
82.Searching for a piece of information through all the documents and books at
traditional libraries was a/an (convenient- comfortable- time-consuming- effortless)
job in the past.
83.Online TVs and newspapers (shelves- archives- tiers‫ طبقات‬- fields) are crowded with
material that you can stream or download easily.
84.Kira Salak is a/an (biologist- astronomer—archeologist- explorer) with a mission
she wants to find the undiscovered corners of our planet.
85.GPS (searches- looks- stands- refers) for Global Positioning System.
86.Traveling across the desert at midday is very difficult because of the (shivering-
scorching- freezing- chilly) sun.
87.A lot of civilians died because of the (civic- civil- civilian- civilized) war.
88.The wife of a businessman has bee (arrested- kidnapped- retained- imprisoned) from
her home in order to demand a large sum of money.
89.The smell of hospitals always puts me (up-= down- off- away).
90.We couldn't see very far because the forest was really (deep- shallow- bare- dense).

Sec 1

91.Trees in the tropical area usually have a lot of (clearing- foliage- waves- dunes)
because of the rainwater that they get.
92.When I hurt my knee, I put a (wheelchair- stick- crutch- plaster) on the small cut
and rested for a day.
93.When I broke my leg, I use a pair of (crutches- shoes- wheels- boots) to help me
94.Sally's parents are extremely rich. Her educational (backbone- backyard- backpack-
background) is excellent.
95.A ( planner- publisher- participant- resident) is a person who takes part in a event or
96.Governments should ban transporting goods by air in an attempt to reduce their
(carbon fingerprint- carbon paper- carbon dating- carbon footprint).

There are four ways to talk about the future:

The Future Simple Tense

The future simple Tense
1) We use will to speak about:
i) Spontaneous decisions: We use will to speak about decisions made
at the time of speaking.
ii) Offers and promises: We use will to make offer and promises.
iii) Predictions: It is often used with verbs like believe,
expect, hope, think, etc.

: ‫ التكوين‬-
will + ‫مصدر الفعلـ‬
: ‫ الكلمات الدالة عليه‬-
- The future / tomorrow / next week ……

: ‫ مثال ذ لك‬، ‫ يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث سوف يتم فى المستقبل أو التنبؤ‬-

- They will spend the summer in Alexandria.
- The weather will be cold tomorrow.
: ‫ عند اتخاذ قرار سريع أو عمل ترتيبات‬-
- We will meet at 5 o'clock.
- We've run out of time. We'll finish this tomorrow.
: ‫ عند اعطاء وعد أو تقديم عرض أو التهديد أو حقيقة فى المستقبل‬-
- Wait, I'll help you carry that. - ‫وعد‬
- I'll open the window. - ‫عرض‬
Do you want me to make you a cup of tea? (Will)
-Will I make you a cup of tea?
- I'll tell the police if you do that again. - ‫تهديد‬
- Mr. Mohamed will be 30 next February. - ‫حقيقة‬
‫ فى الحالة األولى‬if ‫ تستخدم فى جملة جواب الشرط مع بعض الروابط التي تعادل‬.
Sec 1

( If – after – before – as soon as – when – until ) ‫ مضارع بسيط أو مضارع تام‬+ will + inf
- We will start as soon as she arrives.
- When she has cooked, she will sleep.
- They won't pray until they wash.
- Shall -
: ‫ فقط للتعبير عن‬I , we ‫ تستخدم للتعبير عن المستقبل مع الضميرين‬:
? Shall we have a party - ‫ االقتراحات‬-1
? Shall I clean your table - ‫ لعمل العروض‬-2
I shall buy a car soon - ‫ للتعبير عن المستقبل‬-3

‫يأتى المستقبل البسيط مع األفعال التالية‬

Think – expect- hope- sure- probably- perhaps – almost- certainly

1- Don't worry. I ( lend- am lending- will lend- should lend) you the money you need.
2- I think it ( is- is being- is going to be- will be)
3- If you get high marks, I ( will buy- is buying- is going to buy- buy) you a valuable present.
4- I think you (will be- is going to be- is being- will) very good at squach.
5- Don't pick up the phone. I (answer- am answering- will answer- am going to answer) it.
6- A: I have found Sally's keys.
B: Good. I (will tell- be telling- am going to tell- tell) him when I see him.
 Let's go to the park. (Shall)
 Her aim in life is to become an engineer. (will)
 Do you want me to make you a cup of tea? (Will)


The future with going to

2) We use going to speak about:

a) Predictions: We use "going to" to make predictions based on the present
evidence that you have.
b) Plans: We use "going to" to about personal plans that we have
decided to do.

: ‫ التكوين‬-
‫ فاعل‬+ am / is / are + going to + ‫مصدر‬

: ‫ يعبر عن توقع فى المستقبل القريب مبنى على وجود دليل‬-

- What is going to happen?
- It's very cloudy, I think it's going to rain.
Sec 1

: ‫ يستخدم المستقبل القريب للتعبير عن‬-

Plans- Intentions - decisions

I am going to travel to Cairo tomorrow. (I intend to travel to Cairo)
My mother is going to buy a car. (She planned to buy a car)
I am going to make a cake. (I have arranged to make a cake)
They are going to study English. (They have already to study English)
Are you going to clean the house? ( Do you intend to clean the house?)

1- My plan is to spend the summer in Alexandria. (going)

2- I intend to buy a new car for my wife. (going)
3- He has planned to visit his uncle next week. (going)
4- I've arranged to give my wedding party next week. (going)
5- I expect it will be hot tomorrow. (going)
6- My friends and I intend to play football next Friday. (going)
 There's not a cloud in the sky; it (is going to be- are being- are going to be- will be) another
sunny dy.
 A: Look at that boy!
B: Oh yes! He (climbs- will climb- is going to climb- climb) the tree.

The Present Continuous Tense

(am, is, are) + v__ ing
It used to:
a future arrangement and prearranged plans :
-The school inspector is coming on Thursday. (It's arranged)
- He's arriving at 10 o'clock. (He has arranged this)
-"When are you leaving for Rome?"
-I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon."
-Mark is meeting us at the cinema at 7.
- He's flying to India next Monday. (He's got his tickets)

1- The school inspector has arranged to come on Sunday. (coming)

2- Everything is arranged for us to play a tennis match next week. (We are)
3- She has arranged to fly to Spain next Monday. (flying)
 I'm saving money as I ( buy- am buying- will buy- am going to buy) a new car.
Sec 1

The Present Simple Tense

‫ يعبر عن شئ سيحدث فى المستقبل ونسبة تأكد حدوثه عالية لوجوده فى جدول مواعيد‬-
- The plane takes off at two tomorrow.
- The final exam takes place next May.

3) We use the present simple tense to speak about:

a) Timetables: We use it to talk about events that have been
-The concert starts at 9:15 p.m.
-When does the train to Tanta leave?
-It leaves at 7 o'clock.

1- My French lesson (is starting- starts- has been starting- start) at four o'clock this afternoon.
2- The conference (starts- will start- is starting- is going to start) on Monday and lasts three days.
3- The film (would start- starts- is starting- is started) at 7:30.
4- The ferry (leaves- is leaving- leave- leaving) at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.
5- The football match (begin- begins- is beginning- is going to begin) in a few minutes. We'd better
hurry up.


The Future continuous Tense

Will/ shall + be+ V___ing

*‫ فى وقت معين فى المستقبل‬ºً‫للتعبير عن حدث سوف يكون مستمرا‬
I'll be watching TV at 5 o'clock tomorrow.
The girls will be cleaning the house at this time tomorrow.

Sec 1

1- This time next week, I (will ski- is skiing- will be skiing- will have skied) in Austria.
2- A: Are you looking forward to your holiday?
B: Oh, yes! This time next week I (lie- will lie- will be lying- am lying) on the beach.
3- I can't come shopping on Saturday morning because I'll (work- going to work- be
working- have worked).
4- Don't phone me later than midnight because I'll ( be sleeping- going to sleep- slept-
have slept).

The Future Perfect Tense

Will + have + p.p

‫ للتعبير عن حدث سوف يكتمل حدوثة قبل أو فى خالل فترة معينة فى المستقبل‬º‫ يستخدم‬
 Mr. Samy will have finished his work by eight o'clock.
 By the year 2020, most schools will have installed interactive white boards.
 I'll have cleaned the flat in two hours from now.
 This time tomorrow, the painter will have painted the room.
Key words:-
By + (2020/next ……..+ certain time)
In (a year- two years)
Within (an hour/ two weeks time)

1- I ( will have finished- will be finishing- will finish- am going to finish) my homework
by six o'clock.
2- By the end of the year, the two pandas (will live- will have lived- are going to live- are
living) in the nature reserve for two years.
3- By next Monday, protesters (will camp- will be camping- will have camped- are camping) outside the
nuclear power station for a whole week in an effort to draw attention of the public to dangers it poses to

Future Passive forms:

 Will + be + P.P
The house will be painted next week.
 am- is- are+ going to be+ P.P
We are going to be told about the date of the meaning.
 Will have + been +P.P
The project will have been done by next year.
 Am- is- are _ being +P.P
We are being visited by our uncle next week.

Sec 1

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- It’s arranged. We (are going-will go-go-shall go) to the Red Sea this summer.
2- A: Have you tided your room yet?
B: No, but I promise I (do- is doing- will do- doing) it this afternoon.
3- I think my brother (is-is going to be-is being-will be) a doctor. He’s very clever.
4- A: Look at that boy!
B: Oh yes! He (climbs- will climb- is going to climb- climb) the tree.
5- My lesson (finishes-is finishing-is going to finish-was finishing) at four o’clock this
6- I (meet-am meeting-will meet-is going to meet) a friend from Cairo on Monday. I’ve
arranged that.
7- He (will fly-is going to fly-is flying-will be flying) to London tomorrow. He’s got his
8- You (will break-would break-have broken-should break) it if you aren’t careful.
9- We won’t start the meeting until you (arrives-had arrived-will arrive-arrive).
10- The concert this evening (starts-will start-is starting-is going to start) at 7.
11- We (start-have started-will start-started) the meeting as soon as he arrives.
12- When he (visits-will visit-visiting-visit) me tomorrow, I’ll tell him all about my new
13- I think it (will rain-is going to rain-is raining-rains). The sky is cloudy.
14- (Are you playing-Do you play-Shall you play-Do you go to play) tennis after
school today?
15-We (have-are having-were having-would have) a party next Saturday. Would you
like to come?
16-I’ve decided that I (will tidy-tidy-am tidying-am going to tidy) my room this

15- My grandma (will be- is- was- has been) 70 next Monday.
16- My cousin is (travelled- travel- travelling- traves) to Athens next week.
17- A: The phone is ringing!
B: I (will answer- are answering- am going to answer- answer) it.
18-The conference(starts- will start- is stating- is going to start) on Monday and lasts for three
19- We been to the travel agent and we have decided we (visit- will visit- be visiting- are going to visit)
London next month.
20-It's predicted that in the next decade, people (will be- are- are being- are going to be) on space
21.I'm sure that you (enjoy- are enjoying- will enjoy- are going to enjoy) yourself in Cairo. I hope
22.Don't neglect your work, otherwise the manager ( fire- will fire- is firing- is going to fire)
23.The sky is cloudy. I think it ( is going to rain- will rain- is raining- rains).
24.By the end of this year, We ( will have lived- live- will live- are going to live) here for 8 years.
25.I'm sure it (isn't snowing- is n't going to snow- haven't snowed- won't snow) at the weekend.

Sec 1

26.What time (is –are- does- do) the train go to the station?
27.I've decided that I (have studied- will study- is tudying- has studied).
28.Don't worry. I ( am going to- will- am being – have) help you cook lunch.
29.I think people (will live- are living- are going to live- live) on other planets one day.
30.Yes. I have already decided. I ( buy- will buy- am going to buy- 'm buying) a laptop.
31.Don't cross the road now! That car ( isn't going to stop- isn't stopping- won't stop- doesn't stop).
32.Our plane (arrive- arrives- is arriving- is going to arrive) at two o'clock on Friday.
33.Don't pick up the suitcases. I ('ll carry- 'm going to carry- 'm carrying- carry) them.
34.Don't worry. I ( won't forget- am not forgetting- don't forget- 'm not going to forget) to bring the
money tomorrow.
35.This is Sami's last year at school. This time next year He (will study- is studying- will be
studying- is going to study) at university.
36.My dad will be in London next week. He ( is going to work- is working- will be working- is
working) there until Friday.
37.That's the phone. I ( answer – am answering- would answer- will answer) it.
38.The lamp is loose. It (falls- is falling- will fall- is going to fall). Take care.
39.I'm saving money as I ( buy- am buying- will buy- am going to buy) a new car.
40.A: What time does the train leave?
B: It (will leave- are leaving- leaves- left) platform 4 at half past three.
I'll (be sending- have sent- send- are sending) all the letters by the time I leave the office.
41.My lesson ……………… at four o’clock this afternoon.
a) finishes b) is finishing c) is going to finish d) was finishing
42.I ……………… a friend from Cairo on Monday. I’ve arranged that.
a) meet b) am meeting c) will meet d) is going to meet
43.He ……………… to London tomorrow. He’s got his ticket.
a) will fly b) is going to fly c) is flying d) will be flying
44.You ……………… it if you aren’t careful.
a) will break b) would break c) have broken a) should break
45.We won’t start the meeting until you ………………
a) arrive b) had arrived c) will arrive d) arrive
46.The concert this evening ……………… at 7.
a) starts b) will start c) is starting d) is going to start
47.We ……………… the meeting as soon as he arrives.
a) start b) have started c) will start d) started
48.When he ……………… me tomorrow, I’ll tell him all about my new book.
a) visits b) will visit c) visiting a) visit
49.I think it ……………… The sky is cloudy.
a) will rain b) is going to rain c) is raining d) rains
50. A: The phone is ringing. B: I ……………… it.
a) answer b) am going to answer c) am answering d) will answer
51. ……………… tennis after school today?
a) Are you playing b) Do you play c) Shall you play d) Do you play
52. We ……………… a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?
a) have b) are having c) were having d) would have
53. My plane ……………… at 7:30 in the morning.
a) is leaving b) leaves c) will leave d) is going to leave
54. I can't see you tomorrow we ……………… our relatives.

Sec 1

a) visit b) are visiting c) visits d) is visiting

55. Watch out. The baby ……………… fall.
a) is going to b) will c) would d) is
56. My German lesson ……………… at four o'clock this afternoon.
a) is starting b) starts c) has been starting d) start
57. I can't talk at the moment. I ……………… my homework.
a) am doing b) shall do c) do d) have done
58. My plane ……………… at 10 o'clock tomorrow.
a) is leaving b) shall leave c) leave d) leaves
59. I am studying medicine. I ……………… a doctor.
a) may be b) am going to be c) am being d) be
60. I expect that he ……………… the match.
a) wins b) will win c) is going to win d) is winning
61. Perhaps they ……………… visit us next Saturday.
a) are visiting b) are going to visit c) will visit d) may
62. Somebody is knocking on the door. I ……………… and open it.
a) am going b) will go c) have gone d) go
63. She ……………… to Spain next Monday. Everything is arranged.
a) is flying b) flies c) fly d) would fly
64. What are your plans for tomorrow? – I ……………… tennis with a friend.
a) am going to play b) play c) have played d) shouldn't play
65. He's driving at breakneck speed. He ……………… an accident.
a) has b) would have c) is going to have d) is having
66. Watch out! You ……………… the glasses.
a) are dropping b) drop c) are going to drop d) would drop
67. ……………… help me with this heavy bag, please?
a) Will you b) Are you going to c) Do you d) Should you
68. Don't worry. I ……………… you the money you need.
a) lend b) am lending c) will lend d) should lend
69. Look at those black clouds. It ………………
a) rains b) is raining c) is going to rain d) isn't raining
70. She has decided that she ……………… medicine.
a) is studying b) is going to study c) was studying d) will be studying
71. Be careful! You ……………… your coffee.
a) will spill b) are spilling c) are going to spill d) spill
72. That's the phone. I ……………… it.
a) answer b) am answering c) would answer d) will answer
73. When your father comes back from his trips, he …………. you a nice present.
a) will bring b) should bring c) brings d) brought
74. It …………….. to rain. I'll take my umbrella.
a) is going b) will go c) goes d) am going
75. My grandfather …………… us next Friday.
a) will visit b) visit c) would visit d) visited
76. She …………………. a party next Thursday

Sec 1

a) has b) had c) has had d) is having

77. ………………… you going to visit your friend tonight?
a) Will b) Are c) Were d) Have
78. She ………….. to mend her dress the day after tomorrow.
a) will b) has gone c) is going d)
would go
79. We are ………………… to look at some ancient places.
a) go b) gone c) going d) went
80. We hope that there ………. be many tourists from many countries in the near future.
a) would b) could c) will d) can
81. The Egyptians …………… grow more food in the future.
a) will have to b) had to c) could d) were be able to
82. I don't know if he …………….. meet me at the station.
a) has b) had c) will d) did
83. Nader .......... 20 next week.
a) is being b) will be c) is going to be d) is
84. They have prepared everything for the wedding. Salah and Soha ....... married next
a) will get b) getting c) are going to get d) would get
85. The captain said, "One of the engines has broken down. I ........ the plane."
a) am landing b) am going to land c) will land d) land
86. 14- The national team is attacking hard. They .......... a goal.
a) will score b) were scoring c) will be scoring d) are going to score
87. We've run out of petrol. I ............ some.
a) am getting b) will get c) going to get d) would get
88. A: You see that old lady who can't lift her bag? B: I ........... her with the bag.
a) am helping b) helped c) will help d) am going to help
90. We will ( have played- be playing- play- play) tennis at 5 o'clock tomorrow
91.A: Are you looking forward to your holiday?
B: Oh, yes! This time next week I (lie- will lie- will be lying- am lying) on the beach.
92. most students ( will have stopped- will be stopping- will stop- are stopping) writing
on paper by the year 2020.

2- Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1- We decided to go to the theatre. (going to)
2- They intend to fly to Rome next week. (are)
3- He plans to spend the summer holiday in Greece. (going to)
4- I threaten to punish you if you make noise. (will)
5- Do you want to visit Luxor next month? (Will)
6- The scientists at NASA have arranged everything to launch Apollo. (launching)
7- My plan is to spend the summer in Alexandria. (going)
8- Mona has decided to buy a new dress (going)
9- We all expect his success. (succeed)

Sec 1

10- The old man is staggering. He is likely to fall down. (going)

11- I intend to buy a new car for my wife. (going)
12- It has just come into my mind that I take my family out for dinner. (will)
13- I don't want her to come. (hope)
14- They predict that it will be fine tomorrow . (going)
15- Will you build a block of flats? (going)
16- We have arranged to take her to hospital. (going)
17- I'm going to leave tomorrow afternoon . (decided)
18- They have decided to build a new hospital. (will)
19- I'm going to build a house . (intend)
20- We are traveling tomorrow. (arranged)
21- He had a lot of work to do. So he (not finish) it all by the time I get home. (correct)
22- I can't come to the cinema on Monday afternoon. I ( revise) for my exams. (correct)
23- do you intend to learn French? (Are you)
24- Do you want me to make you a cup of tea? (Will)
25-The scientists at NASA have arranged everything to launch Apollo. (launching)
26- he made all arrangements to fly to Paris next week. (flying)
27- Sally has got exams at the beginning of next June. (taking)
28- Our flight arrives at 10 tomorrow. (By 10:30 ….)

Skills writing Dictionary corner

deforestation ‫ إزالة الغابات‬scenario ‫ سيناريو‬experts ‫الخبراء‬
desertification ‫ التصحر‬prediction ‫ تنبوء‬recycling
overpopulation participate in ‫ يشارك فى‬frighten ‫يخيف‬
‫إستصالح‬ ‫هبوط‬ ‫بائع‬
reclamation prices fall greengrocer
‫األراضى‬ ‫األسعار‬ ‫الخضار‬
contamination ‫ تلوث‬debate ‫ مناظرة‬green belt
Sec 1

‫توقعات ( مبنية‬ ‫برقوق‬

)‫على معلومات‬
academic year ‫ عام دراسى‬greengage
premonition ‫ هاجس‬blog ‫ مدونة‬the greens
greenhouse ‫اإلحتباس‬ ‫تهديد‬
survival ‫ بقاء‬threat
effect ‫الحرارى‬

1. There isn't enough housing in the city for all the people that need it because of
2. Deforestation has destroyed large areas of tropical forest in South Africa.
3. The artificial islands in Dubai are a form of land reclamation because were
constructed by humans.
4. Land in central Spain is getting drier and drier and desertification will become a
serious problem.
5. Contamination of rivers is often caused by factories.

Forecast: Saying with the help of information what will probably happen in the .1
.Premonition: A feeling that things may happen in the future .2
.Scenario: One way that things may happen in the future .3
Prediction: Saying what you think will happen .4

1. Greengrocer: a person who sells vegetables.

2. Green belt: an area of countryside round a city where building is not allowed.
3. Green card: a document of permission to live and work in the USA.
4. Greengage: a kind of green fruit.
5. The greens: related to ecological issues.
6. Greenhouse effect: an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases
in the atmosphere that ause global warming.
7. Green: a) inexperienced
She's only been with the company for a month and she is still very green.
b) ecological
These products aren't very green; they damage the environment.
c) greens = vegetables
My brother doesn't eat his greens.
8. Black look: Angry
Sec 1

He gave me a black look.

9. Blue: Sad
Listening to that music makes me feel blue.

1. A black belt A judo student.

2. A black eye A boxer.
3. A blue print An engineer.
4. A greenfield site A city planner.
5. A red card A referee.
6. A red carpet An important visitor.
7. White-collar An office worker.
8. A yellow line A driver.

1. The land ( deforestation- desertification- overpopulation- contamination)

project is ambitious and expensive.
2. Some experts think our planet could become ( inhabitable- uninhabitable-
artificial- natural)
3. The land is getting drier and hotter, and (deforestation- desertification-
overpopulation- contamination) is changing the environment.
4. Chemicals from the factory have caused water( deforestation- desertification-
overpopulation- contamination).
5. A future without rainforests is an unpleasant ( pollution- prediction- scenario-
6. There are too many people in the cities, (deforestation- desertification-
overpopulation- contamination) is a big problem.
7. A leading ( ecologist- economist- futurist- psychologist) is in charge of the
desertification study.
8. Ecologists' (premonition- prediction- scenario- forecast) is that temperatures
will continue to rise.
9. The water in the rivers has been( continued- compared- contaminated-
changed) by factories.
10. The (premonition- prediction- scenario- forecast) for the next few years is not
11.(Pollution-Deforestation- Global warming- Overpopulation) has caused a
housing crisis in cities.
12. Through land reclamation we have created (normal- natural- real- artificial)

Sec 1

13.Students are going to hold a (quarrel- argument- debate- entry) about

unemployment next week.
14.(The greens- Green belt- Greenfield- green card) is an area of countryside
around a city where building is not allowed.
15.(The greens- Green belt- Greenfield- green card) is a document of permission
to live and work in the USA.
16.The (greens- green belt- greenhouse effect- green card) is an increase in the
amount of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere that cause global
17. In one (premonition- prediction- scenario- thought), the sea levels will rise
every year.
18.I had a (premonition- prediction- scenario- thought) that there was going to be
a terrible storm today.
19.The greatest threat to polar bears(conventional- skeptical- survival- mortal)
comes from climate change, which is causing the Arctic ice to shrink.
20.The worst time to drive in the city is the ( break time – rush hour- lunch time-
show time) when everyone is going to work or home.
21.Conditions in the desert are very (harsh- prompt- easy- soft) and not many
people choose to live there.
22.Cyclists are recommended to use the bicycle (ways- lanes- lines- pavements).
23.The town (planners- dwellers – cyclists- ecologists) are in favour of the new
motorway that will connect them with the capital.
24.The company has replaced the old computers and (socialized- criticized-
modernized- commercialized) all the equipment.
25."And now for the weather (premonition- prediction- scenario- forecast) for
this weekend. There will be rain on …….".
26.The water is undrinkable because of the (contamination-deforestation- global
warming- overpopulation) from a nearby chemical factory.
27.We need to invest in energy that is (fossil- conventional- renewable-
non-renewable) and doesn't pollute the planet.
28. Thousands of trees have been lost because of the ( premonition- prediction-
irrigation- deforestation).
29. Germany is a big country and there are a lot of (regional- political- chemical-
renewable) accents.
30.I want to study engineering and (socialize- criticize- economize- specialize) in
road construction.
31.Many crowded cities suffer from (premonition- overpopulation- scenario-
32.When I broke the glass, my mum gave me a really (green- red- blue- black)
33.I have updated my blog and add a / an (view- opinion- entry- exit) recently.
34.Our cities are very crowded because of (pollution- overpopulation-
deforestation- contamination).

Sec 1

35.Factories are the main cause of water (reclamation- contamination-

population- desertification).
36.Many countries in Africa are getting drier and drier. They suffer from
(overpopulation- contamination- desertification- reclamation).
37.An office worker is a (white collar- blue collar- white belt- red carpet).
38.The referee showed the (white collar- blue collar- red card- red carpet) to the
footballer for his bad behavior.
39.(Scenario- Prediction- Premonition- Forecast) is a feeling that something
unpleasant is going to happen in the future.
40.The experts say that tablet computers will (refuse- repair- replace- reclaim)
pens and pecils.
41.Students can stream their lessons from their school (plug- blog- glue- carpet)
on the internet.
42.A/ An (entry- chunk- portion- joint) is a piece of information that can be
written in a diary, a blog or a website like facebook or twitter.
43. My schedule is very(flexible- comfortable- hectic-fluffy) this week. I have to do
a lot of work.
44.Masdar is a/ an (ecological- economical- personal- psychological) city in the
45. We need some (ecologists- economists- volunteers- psychologists) to run the
charity organization.
46.A (blog- bug- plug- fug) is personal records that somebody puts on their
website saying what they have been doing.
47.We can buy vegetables at the ( greengrocer's- florist's- bookshop- chemist's).
48.Experts predict that the prices of tablets will (drop- fall- down- descend) in the
49.She was charged with spying after she was caught trying to steal the (footprint-
white collar- blueprint- red card) of the project.
50. Parents will be (forming- participating- programming- shaping) more in their
children's education in the future.
51. Ordinary people are as good at (doing – making- performing- shaping)
predictions as experts.
52.The weather (prediction- scenario- premonition- forecast) says that it will be
sunny tomorrow.
53.(Scenario- Contamination- Deforestation- Reclamation) has destroyed large
areas of tropical forests in South America.
54.I had a (phobic- hectic- economic- realistic) day at work so I went to bed very
55.Masdar is going to be a model (psychological- ecological- economical-
chemical) city.
56.(Green- Blue- Red- White) teachers need a lot of training and workshops to be
able to stand on the latest teaching techniques.
57. Listening to this music makes me feel (red- blue- pink- green). It's very
Sec 1

58.When I was young, I didn't use to eat (whites- greens- browns- blacks).
59.Some sprays and air fresheners are not very (blue- white- green- black); they
cause damage to the ozone layer.
60.A ( black belt- red carpet- red card- back eye) is associated with an important
61.My brother has been doing judo for a long time. He has got a (black belt- red
carpet- red card- black eye).
62. Green graduates mean that they are (happy- sad- inexperienced- angry).
63.We will roll out the (black belt- red carpet- red card- black eye) for the
minister and his visitors.
64.A (black belt- red carpet- blueprint- black eye) is a photograph of an early plan
for a building or machine.
65.(White collar- green collar- Blue collar- Red collar) means relating to people
who work in offices.
66.Reduce your carbon dioxide ( blueprint- footprint- fingerprint- copy) by using
public means of transport instead of your private car.
67.(Critical- Sustainable- Comfortable- Compatible) agriculture ensures that
environmental-friendly farming methods are employed.
68.Fossil fuels are (alternative- sustainable- renewable- nonrenewable) energy
resources, so we can't rely on them to meet our increasing energy needs.
69.Will you join (environmental- commercial- critical-rational) movement which
plans to play an active role in reforestation programmes?
70.Climate change is considered one of the most important (carbon footprint-
environmental movement- environmental degradation- environmental issues).
71.He had a (premonition- prediction- scenario- forecast) of danger as he walked
into a dark building.
72.One possible (premonition- prediction- scenario- forecast) is that we will close
the schools down in case of the disease spread.
73.To stop water (desertification- reclamation- deforestation- contamination), we
must stop chemicals from factories entering drinking water.
74.(Desertification- Reclamation- Deforestation- Contamination) means to take
back land from the desert with careful irrigation and planting of trees.
75.Economists are making negative (premonitions- predictions- scenarios-
forecasts) about the financial situation for the next year.
76. The most likely (premonition- prediction- scenario- forecast) is that we wil
move into a new house.
77. We suffer from (desertification- reclamation- overpopulation- contamination).
We don't have enough food to feed all these people.
78. If we overuse the land, it will die and nothing will grow there. This is what we
call (desertification- reclamation- overpopulation- contamination).
79.Desertification means to (plant- water- cut down- fertilise) trees.
80. The (blueprint- footprint- fingerprint- white collar) design for the new library
has been approved. Construction will start next spring.

Sec 1

81.They are going to ( construct- connect- locate- inhabit) a new underground

across the city.
82.The first (commuters- inhabitants- pilgrims- merchants) of the region built an
irrigation system to support rice cultivation.
83.Most (commuters- city dwellers- planners- boxers) use public transport to get
to work.
84.I'm quite (conventional- skeptical- special- environmental) about the idea and
don't think it will work.
85.(Reclamation- Desertification- Deforestation- Irrigation) is often caused by
farming activity that destroys the earth.
86.He's really (specialized- conventional- socialized- skeptical) and doesn't like
taking risks.
87.The shop (customer- assistant- inhabitant- expert) explained how it worked, I
didn't understand a word.
88.The worst case (premonition- prediction- scenario- forecast) is of natural
disasters that cause hunger across the planet.

3) Write two paragraphs of not less than 18 lines on one of the following
c) Should every household have a computer?
d) Computers and the internet have given us better forms of entertainment.

4) Write a dialogue of at least six exchanges on the following situation:

Amr and Khaled are talking about the new computer Khaled bought last

Sec 1

Read the following passage and answer the questions: (8m)

Dolphins have become a popular attraction at zoos in recent years. They are
more and more interesting than lions and tigers because they are livelier and
perform tricks like circus animals. But although they are more willing to
cooperate with the trainer than other mammals in captivity, they get bored if
they were asked to do the same trick twice. This is one reason for believing that
they are very intelligent.
Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of
them helping drowning sailors have been common since the Romans. We now
have more reliable evidence of their usefulness than sailor's tales. In South
Africa, two dolphins have been trained to help swimmers in difficulties and
drive sharks away from the beach. The more we learn about dolphins, the more
we realized that they are better organized and their society is more complex
than people previously imagined. They look after other dolphins when they are
ill, care for pregnant mothers and protect the weakest, as we do.
Some scientists have suggested that dolphins have a language
system which is similar to a bat's and which man cannot hear. It is much more
probable that they have an echo – location. Could any of these mammals be
more intelligent than man? The questions cannot be answered. Our aims and
interests are different from dolphins. The more we discover about these
remarkable creatures, the less we appear superior to them.
Answer the following questions:
1- How are dolphins like circus animals?
2- What services could dolphins render to man?
3- What do you learn from the passage about dolphins' life?
4- What does the underlined word refer to ?
5- Most sharks are ....................
a) man's friends. b) man's enemy.
c) dolphins' friends. d) as friendly as dolphins.
6- Dolphins communicate with each other by using ..............
a) words similar to man's. b) sounds like other animals.
c) the language of birds. d) movements of the body.
7- Dolphins are ................
a) as intelligent as man b) more intelligent than man
c) more intelligent than other sea animals d) not intelligent at all.
8- In South Africa, two dolphins were trained so as to…………
a) drown swimmers. b) organize society.
c) give a hand to man in times of need d) tell tales to sailors.
Sec 1

4)-Poetry: (4m)
Shall I compare thee to a summr`s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer`s lease hath all too short a date.
1- From sonnet 18, Paraphrase the above lines.
2- What is the main idea in Milton`s “On His Blindness”? How is this idea

4)choose the correct word(s) in brackets: (8m)

5. ……………. means to look at the internet.
b) stream b) browse c) carry out d) drop out of
6. We have to carry ………….. a task this week.
b) off b) on c) out d) away
7. Students break …………… at the end of the school year.
b) in b) out c) down d) up
8. You have to pay ……. to go to university.
5. An …………. is a place for keeping papers and documents.
6. A ……………. is a piece of work that has to be done.
7. To ……………… means to join a course.
8. A good student gets good ………………… in their exams.
9. Ahmed hasn't been to the supermarket ……………..
a) yet b) never c) already d) last
10. A ……………. is a formal word to describe the place where you live.
a) residence b) encyclopedia c) impact d) archive
7. Diana usually goes to her office in Oxford every day, but she
……………. at home this week.
b) work b) works c) is working d) worked
8. A photographer …………… the photos for the book last week.
b) takes b) is taking c) took d) taken
Sec 1

9. Diana …………. an editor since 2007.

b) was b) has been c) is d) being
10. Sam has ………. finished the report.
b) always b) yet c) ago d) already
11. please, Sum …………… the ideas in your essay.
b) in b) up c) out d) down
12. The scientist based his research on different …………….
b) criteria b) criterion c) marks d) flowers

5) Rewrite the following sentences using te words in brackets:

5. It's Hoda's habit to wear contact lenses. (usually)
6. I last swam in a lake when I was six years old. (since)
7. ……
8. ……

Sec 1

Sec 1

geography ‫ جغرافيا‬religion ‫دين‬ season ‫فصل‬

main town ‫ مدينة رئيسية‬size ‫حجم – مقاس‬ grow ‫ينمو‬
square ‫ مربع‬fishing village ‫قرية صيد‬ temple ‫معبد‬
traffic ‫ مرور‬good for ‫جيد لـ‬ population ‫سكان‬

1- Pam White sat patiently in the car, then looked at her watch. “I’m sure Martin won’t be long,”
she thought. “He said he would be here in an hour.”
2- Later, Pam wanted some air and left the car. She jumped when she heard a loud noise. “What’s
that?” she cried. It was an animal in the trees above her head.
3- Pam walked to where Martin had gone into the jungle. She was hoping to find his footprints. She
looked at the ground, but she couldn’t see anything. “I mustn’t leave the car,” she thought.
4- At the same time, Martin was trying hard to walk through the thick jungle. He was beginning to
feel afraid. “It’s getting very dark. I must get back to Pam,” he thought.
5- Then Martin looked down. There were footprints on the ground. He said loudly, “Great. I’ll
follow these footprints. They’ll take me to the road.”
6- Martin began to run, but then he came to the pool where he had been before. He was following
his own footprints. “I’m completely lost,” he said. The sun had disappeared. It was night.

a. Thailand is a big country in South East Asia with an area of about half a million square
kilometres. It has got three countries to the north of it and one country, Malaysia, to the south.

b. Thailand has got the sea to the west and the east and there are lots of fishing villages in these
areas. Most of the land is mountains in the north and south but the centre of the country isn’t very
high and is good for agriculture.

c. The weather in Thailand is often hot and humid. There are three seasons. The first is called the
hot season and is from March to May. The wet season is in June, July and August. The cool, dry
season is from September to February.

d. The capital of Thailand is called Bangkok. It has a population of about nine million people. It’s a
modern city with lots of traffic, although there are older buildings as well. Chieng Mai in the north
and Korat in the centre are other big towns.

Sec 1

e. Farming is important in Thailand. Rice is the most important crop which is grown. Fruit and
vegetables are also grown. The main exports are rice and wood and the most important imports are
machines, cars and other vehicles.

f. Most people in Thailand are Buddhists. Because of this, there are a lot of Buddhist temples.
There is a small number of Muslims in Thailand as well. Most Muslims live in the south of
Thailand, near Malaysia.
Expressing feelings )1 ‫التعبير عن المشاعر‬

Fear ‫الخوف‬ surprise ‫الدهشة‬ hope ‫األمل‬ worry ‫القلق‬

I m afraid of -1 1- Good heavens! I hope you get well -1 I’m rather worried -1
I m terrified of -2 ‫يا الهى‬ .soon … about
I m frightened of -3 2- What a (lovely) .‫أتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل‬ I’m concerned -2
‫ اننى خائف من‬surprise! … I hope you find -2 … about
‫يالها من مفاجئة‬ I hope you will be -3 ... ‫اننى قلق بشدة على‬
.better soon
.‫أتمنى أن تشفى قريبا‬
… I hope you -4

1- Write what you would say in the following situations :

1- Your friend is going to take an exam .
2- Your friend is ill .
3- You see a wild dog coming towards you .
4- You waited for your friend and he came late .
5- Your uncle is in hospital . You visited him .
6- You see a lion getting out of its cage and running out in the zoo .
7- Your friend tells you that you have got the prize .
2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
1- I ................... have any money.
a. hard b. hardly c. lately d. late
2. The jungle was so …………….that it was difficult for me to walk through.
a. heavy b. thin c. light d. thick
3. Noha is ill. She …………….take her medicine.
a. must b. must have c. may have d. might have
4. Pam White walked to ……………. her husband had gone into the jungle.
a. when b. what c. how d. where
5. In the jungle, we can see ……………. on the ground.
a. footprints b. fingerprints c. legs d. hands
6. He feels .......... when he sees his father who is kind.
a. angry b. worried c. happy d. afraid
7. Argun palms weren't only ........ in the north of Egypt but they were also found in the south.
a. situated b. located c. found d. lies
8. .......... is the most important crop in Thailand.
a. Cotton b. Vegetables c. Fruit d. Rice
9. Most of the land is good.......... farming.
a. for b. in c. at d. on
10. Most Muslims live in the .......... of Thailand.
a. east b. west c. south d. north
11........... weather is hot and humid.
a. Her b. Its c. It's d. It
Sec 1

12. Bangkok has a population of.......... nine million people.

a. over b. under c. about d. just
13. The main .......... of Thailand are machines and cars.
a. exports b. sales c. goods d. imports
14........... capital is Bangkok.
a. It b. Its c. It's d. Her
15. The .......... of most of the people in Thailand is Buddhism.
a. religion b. culture c. location d. situation
16- I don't.......... like bananas, but I also like oranges.
a) alone b) lonely c) only d) one
17- Nader is used to ............. alone..
a) live b) living c) lived d) lives
18- The crew of the ship want............... immediately.
a) sail b) sailing c) to sail d) sailed
19- Ahmed went to bed when he felt...................
a) tiring b) tire c) tireless d) tired
20- Ayman and Rami were worried because ............. train was late.
a) theirs b) their c) there d) there's
21- Keep ............... please.
a) quite b) quiet c) quietly d)quit
22- I'm sorry, sir, I haven’t .................. the Arabic book.
a) bought b) brought c) thought d) taught
3- Read and match :
1- Samy went to bed because  take off on time .
2- We decided to  but she also likes sweets .
3- The pilot wanted to  he felt too tired to watch the film .
4- Salma wanted to sleep early , so  go to the cinema .
5- Soha doesn’t only like biscuits  cleaned the room .
 everybody tried to be very quiet.
4- Read and correct the underlined word(s) :
1- The doctor fixes engine . ( .......................... )
2- A mountain is lower than the valley . ( .......................... )
3- He was trying hardly to mend the car . ( .......................... )
4- The plane took out on time . ( .......................... )
5- Cairo is a town . ( .......................... )
5- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning :
1- He hoped to find his footprints . (hoped that)
2- She looked every where but she didn't find the ring (although)
3- The sun disappeared and night came . (after)
4- I'll follow the footprints . They will take me to the road . (If)
A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Omar : I'm looking forward to the summer holiday .
Salma : Me too . Where will you spend it?
Omar : …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Salma : Oh ! I love the beaches at Mersa Matrouh . That will be fantastic
Omar : ………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
Salma : For two weeks .
Omar : …………………………………………………………………………………………. ?
Sec 1

Salma : By bus
2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Someone asks you what seas are near Egypt.
2- Your dad is going to have an operation. Express worry.
3- You tell a friend you think you're going to win a prize. Express hope.
4- You tell your father how you saved a little boy who fell in the swimming pool.
B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- Sami used to a) the ladder to change a bulb.
2- The boy fell into a pond b) dry desert.
3- Khalid said he had gone c) smoke heavily.
4- Most of the land in our country is d) and got wet.
5- Salma climbed up e) to the cinema the day before.
f ) to smoking.

4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Alexandria is a famous, beautiful coastal city which is situated in the north of Egypt. Being on
the Mediterranean coast opposite many Asian and European countries made it Egypt's first port.
So, it is an important trade centre for import and export.
Besides, Alexandria has always been the first summer resort, where people spend their holidays
enjoying the sea and its fine weather. It had been known long before Sharm El Sheikh became what
it is now. Sharm El Sheikh is for the elite whereas most people consider Alexandria as their
favourite resort.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Where is Alexandria situated?
2- What made it an important trade centre?
3- Why do people go to Alexandria in the holidays?

B) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

4- The underlined words, "its" refers to ...............
a) Sharm El Sheikh b) Alexandria c) summer d) the sea
5- The underlined word, "the elite" means .............. people.
a) all b) the poorest
c) a great number of d) a few rich
6- Alexandria is ............. Sharm El Sheikh as s summer resort.
a) less popular than b) as popular as
c) more popular than d) not as popular as
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1- The area of this city is one thousand............... kilometres.
a) cubic b) square c) long d) far
2- Dalia used ........... with a pencil when she was young,
a) write b) writing c) to write d) to writing
3- I'm............ about him. He's going to be all right.
a) hopeless b) hopeful c) fearful d) worried
4- She said she ............. come to the party the next day.
a) will b) has c) would d) had
5-............... deals with the earth, continents and countries.
a) History b) Maths c) Geography d) Science
6- The Red Sea is .......... the east of Egypt.
Sec 1

a) on b) to c) in d) at
7- This country has a /an ............... of two million people.
a) location b) production c) area d) population
8- He won't only travel abroad, but he will............ get married.
a) too b) to c) also d) two

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets :

1- First, he exercised, then he had a shower. (As soon as)
2- Sahar bought meat and cooked it. (not only)
3- I want very much to start my new project. (look forward to)
4- She was in the habit of wasting money but now she isn't. ( used to )

7- Read and correct the underlined word :

1- Rawia told me she has made a mistake. ( ………………. )
2- Bangkok is the capital of Malaysia. ( ………………. )
3- He didn't only came late, but he also forgot his books. ( ………………. )
4- A desert is a hot area with lots of trees and animals. ( ………………. )

8- Write an e-mail to an internet friend, Stewart, who wants to visit Egypt.

Your name is Ali and your e-mail address is, ali2010 @ yahoo. com.
- Guiding points;
- Start the e- mail. - Ask how he is.
- Tell him about the fine weather and monuments ‫آثار‬.
- Tell him there are many beautiful beaches.- Encourage him to come.
- Ask him to e- mail back. - End the e- mail.
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions :
1- What creatures did Axel expect to see on Lidenbrock Sea?
2- How did the Professor find out the depth of the Sea?
3- What did Axel think the dark shape was?
4- What did they see in the island?

B) Complete the following sentences :

biology ‫علم األحياء‬ Dungal oasis ‫واحة دنقل‬ young tree ‫شجيرة‬
biologist ‫عالم أحياء‬ a group of ‫مجموعة من‬ British ‫بريطانى‬
a part of ‫جزء من‬ huge ‫ضخم‬ a team of ‫فريق من‬
greener ‫أكثر خضرة‬ all over Egypt ‫فى أنحاء مصر‬ return ‫يعود‬
lab ‫معمل‬ look after ‫يعتنى بـ‬ switch off ‫يغلق جهاز‬

 Almost = nearly (adv ) ‫تقربيا‬

 - It's almost / nearly 8 o'clock .
 Flat ( n ) ( British ) ‫شقة‬
 Apartment ( n ) ( American ) ‫شقة‬
 Surprised ( adj ) ) ‫مندهش ( لوصف شخص‬
- I was very surprised when I saw him playing football in the street.

Sec 1

 Surprising ( adj ) ) ‫مدهش ( لوصف غير العاقل غالبا‬

- Have you heard that surprising news ?
 Do the shopping ‫يقوم بالتسوق‬
 Go shopping ‫يتسوق‬
- Mother often does the shopping on Friday .
– We went shopping early yesterday .
 Fall ( fell – fallen ) ‫يقع‬
- He fell down and broke his leg .
 Feel ( felt – felt ) ‫يشعر‬
- I feel happy today .
 Fill ( filled – filled ) ‫يمأل‬
- Fill the tank with water , please .
 Bore (n) ‫شخص ممل – كثير الكالم‬
 - He is a bore . I can't bear ‫ أتحمل‬him .
 Bored (adj) ‫زهقان – مصاب بالملل‬
 - I am bored with this film .
 Boring (adj) ‫ممل – يبعث على الملل‬
 - It's a boring film .

: so ……… that - )‫ لدرجة أن (للتعبير عن النتيجة‬/ ً‫جدا‬

‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل‬+ + so + adj. \ adv. + that ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫فعل‬

1) He is so rich that he buys a new car every day.
2) The questions are very hard. So, I can't answer them. (so …. that)
- The questions are so hard that I can't answer them.
3) Hany didn't buy the camera because it was very expensive. (so …. that)
- The camera was so expensive that Hany didn't (couldn't) buy it.
-:‫ من الممكن استخدام التركيب االتى للتعبير عن النتيجة‬:‫تذكر أن‬
‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل‬++ too + adj. \ adv. + to ‫مصدر‬

1) The tea is too hot to drink.

2) The test is too hard to answer.

: neither …... .nor ‫ وال‬.......‫ال‬ ‫تستخدم لربط جملتين منفيتين‬

:‫مع الجمل التى لها فاعل واحد وفعالن نستخدم التركيب األتى‬

‫ فاعل‬++ neither ‫ الفعل األول مثبت‬+ + nor‫الفعل الثانى مثبت‬

.Heba didn't cook. She didn't clean the house )1

.Heba neither cooked nor cleaned the house -
:‫) وال يتكرر كاألتي‬neither(‫) فإنه يأتى قبل‬be( ‫إذا كان فعل الجمله‬
.Ali wasn't hungry. He wasn't tired )1
.Ali was neither hungry nor tired -

‫) واالفعال‬neither(‫) فإننا نضع الفعل المساعد قبل‬will come – has eaten(‫إذا كان فعل الجمله يتكون من كلمتين مثل‬
)nor(‫األخرى بعد‬
.Noha hasn't done the homework. She hasn't read a story )1
.Noha has neither done the homework nor read a story -

Sec 1

:‫ مع الجمل التى بها فاعالن فعال نفس الشيئ "لهما نفس الفعل" نستخدم التركيب التالى‬

+ Neither‫ الفاعل األول‬+ + nor‫ الفاعل الثانى‬+ ‫فعل مثبت‬

.Hany wasn't angry. Fady wasn't angry )1
.Neither Hany nor Fady was angry -

: either …….…or‫ أو‬........ ‫إما‬ ‫تستخدم لربط جملتين مثبتين‬

- We can set off today or we can set off tomorrow.
We can set off either today or tomorrow.
- Salma is going to school or she is going to the club.
Salma is going either to school or to the club.
- Rewrite use ( neither nor ) :
1- She hasn't studied. She hasn't tidied her room.
2- Ramy can't swim or play tennis.
3- I didn't go to the club or the garden.
4- We don't have a car or a computer.
5- They weren't at home. ,They weren't at the cinema.
- Read and match
a. The phone was so expensive 1 that Samy switched off the TV.
b. Soha was so hot 2 that Ahmed wanted to keep it.
c. Sally walked so slowly 3 that she drank six glasses of water.
d. The film was so boring 4 that she missed the bus home.
e. Salma’s picture was so nice 5 that he went to sleep in his chair.
f . Hesham was so tired 6 that Nadia decided not to buy it.
2 Make sentences with so… that…
a. It was very dark. Ahmed couldn’t see very well.
b. The dress was very beautiful. Nadia bought it for Soha.
c. Salma was very hungry. She wanted to eat two sandwiches.
d. The streets were very busy. It took Hesham 40 minutes to drive to work.

Narrator: Nadia and Salma went shopping last Thursday. As they were going home, they passed an
electronics shop. Salma looked at the radios, TVs and CDs in the window. There was a child’s
mobile phone there. As soon as Salma saw it, she thought it
was so nice that she wanted to have it. She pointed to it and said to her mother: Salma: Mum, I’d
like that mobile phone. It’s not expensive. Can you buy it for me?
Narrator: Nadia told Salma that she was too young for a mobile, so Salma was sad. Then
Nadia told her to calm down. Salma was so tired and cross that she began to cry. At home, Salma
said she was sorry, so Nadia brought her a glass of orange juice, then she read her a story to make
her feel better.
1- What did Salma want from the electronics shop?
a. a CD player b. a radio c. a phone
2- Nadia refused to buy it because …
a. it was for children. b. it was expensive. c. Salma is too young.
3- Nadia did two things for Salma. What was the second?
a. She bought a phone. b. She read a story. c. She gave her a drink.
Nadia: When Sara was coming home from school one day, she saw a small CD player in an
electronics shop near her flat. Sara liked listening to music and asked her mother to buy the CD
player. Her mother said it was so expensive that she didn’t have enough money. Sara was unhappy

Sec 1

about this, but she smiled and said she didn’t mind not having the CD player. Two months later,
Sara’s mother gave her a present. When Sara opened it, she was so surprised that she nearly
dropped it. Her mother had given her a CD player that was better than the one Sara had seen in
the shop window. Sara was very pleased.

Some Proverbs : ‫بعض األمثال‬

- Good things come to those who wait ‫الصبر مفتاح الفرج‬

- Out of sight out of mind ‫البعيد عن العين بعيد عن القلب‬ -
When the cat’s away, the mice will play ‫إن غاب القط لعب الفأر‬
- Ali’s well that ends well. ‫المهم اللى يضحك فى اآلخر‬
- If at first you don't succeed, try, try again ‫الحياه مع اليأس واليأس مع الحياة‬
- A friend in need is a friend indeed ‫الصديق الحق صديق الشدة‬
- Silence is golden. ‫السكوت من دهب‬
Read and match
Today we have the second part of the story about the ancient tree.
Match each paragraph 1–5 to the best sentences a–e.
a- Going back to Dungal
b- Argun palms have not disappeared
c- A discovery by university students
d- Looking after argun palms is important
e- Looking for trees which travellers had found
1- Although they are unusual, argun palms have neither died nor disappeared.
A number of trees have been found in the last 50 years.
2- In 1963, biology students from Cairo University went to the Dungul Oasis. There, they found
a big argun palm with lots of fruit. They also found seven small young trees.
3- In 1995, biologists returned to the location in Sudan where British travellers had seen argun
palms in 1863. The biologists found 14 large and 15 young trees. A year later, they found 100
more trees nearby.
4- In 1998, a team of scientists returned to the Dungal Oasis. Unfortunately, the large argun
palm had fallen down but the seven young trees were growing and there were another 30
young trees nearby.
5- Biologist Haitham Ibrahim says argun palms are an important part of Egypt’s history, so we
must look after them: “In ancient times, Egypt was greener and there were more argun
palms. When I visited Dungal in 2005, four of the palms had died since my visit in 1998.
If we lose more, what will happen then?”

- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

1 Scientists and students ……………….. an argun palm in 1963.
a found b have found c had found d were finding
2 They found the tree while they ……………….. the Dungal Oasis.
a have visited b had visited c used to visit d were visiting
3 Before this, some scientists thought most argun palms ………………..
a dead b had died c died d have died
4 In 1998, another group of scientists ……………….. to the Dungal Oasis.
a have returned b returning c returned d returns
5 In ancient times, there ……………….. more rain and less desert.
a has been b was c is d would be

Sec 1

6 In ancient times, argun palms ……………….. all over Egypt.

a found b were found c had found d were finding

- Read and match :

1- The film was so boring is fail .
2- The dress was so beautiful that I switched off the TV .
3- He refused to buy the car from the electronics shop .
4- The opposite of succeed that mother bought it for her daughter .
5- I bought a new computer because it was cheap .
because it was expensive .

- Choose the correct answer

1- I will drink neither tea ( or – nor – but – and ) coffee .
2- I will ( either – neither – both – but ) go to the zoo or visit the Pyramids .
3- I can play neither football ( or – nor – but – and ) tennis .
4- The tea was ( too – either – neither – so ) hot that I couldn't drink it .
5- We can begin our journey ( neither – either – both – but ) now or in the evening .
6- He must ( neither – and – but – either ) pay the money or go to prison .
7- The weather was so ( rainy – bad – cold – wonderful ) that we went on a picnic .
8- The film was so ( boring – exciting – good – interesting ) that I slept during it .
9- Samy didn’t buy the car because it was ( silent – young – expensive – comfortable )
10. Dad ( turned on – turned off – switched off – changed ) TV to listen to the news .
11. Some people go to shopping centres to have a look at the clothes shown inside
( doors – wood – shop windows – jungles ) .
12. Salma bought a ( gold- glass – computer – paper ) from the electronics shop .
13. "Silence is gold" . It is a ( medicine – verb – proverb – noun ) .
14. On his birthday , his friends gave him some ( water – presents – paper – milk ) .
15. Nora was so surprised that she nearly ( dropped – fell – felt – failed) the glass .
16. The doctor gave the patient some medicine so he felt ( sad – mad – better – silent ) .
17. They played the football match in Cairo ( office – clinic – workshop – stadium ) .
18. The thieves ( made – smashed – gave – put ) the glass with a stick .
19. The scientific study of living things is ( history – biology – biography – geology ) .
20. Can you find the ( location – station – nation – situation ) of Egypt on this map ?
21. The streets were so ( easy – busy – nice – fine ) that it took Hesham a long time to
drive to work .
22. ( Biologist – Biology – Artist – Doctor ) Haitham Ibrahim says argun palms are an
important part of Egypt's history .
23. It is ( habit – usual – unusual – ordinary ) for her to go to school late. She likes to be in
time .
24. ( Oasis – Garden – Valley – Club ) is a place in a desert where there are trees and
25. It is a good ( letter – note – idea – message ) to go for a walk .

Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

1- You want some more sugar for your tea .
2- It's too hot . You ask your brother to open the window .
3- You want to use your friend's telephone .
4- You are in a hurry . You ask your friend to go with him in his car .

Sec 1

Read and correct the underlined word(s) :

1- There is one oases in that desert .
2- I switched on the TV because the film was boring .
3- He is busy to study the poem .
4- The street from Cairo to Alexandria has been broadened .
5- He wants to eat sandwiches because he is thirsty .

Good Luck

insect ‫ حشرة‬away ‫بعيدا‬ shout ‫يصيح‬

mud ‫ طين‬lazy  active ‫كسول×نشيط‬ hurt ‫يصيب‬
somewhere ‫ فى مكان ما‬greedy satisfied ‫طماع×راض‬ village ‫قرية‬
against ‫ ضد‬injure ‫يجرح‬ husband ‫زوج‬
all night ‫ طوال الليل‬cover ‫يغطى‬ protect ‫يحمى‬

uncomfortable ‫ غير مريح‬out of mind ‫فقد عقله‬ policeman ‫شرطى‬

flash ‫ وميض‬top ‫قمة‬ toy plane ‫طيارة لعبة‬
torch ‫ كشاف‬sight ‫ ابصار‬-‫رؤية‬ press ‫يضغط‬
force ‫ قوة‬responsible for ‫مسئول عن‬ order ‫يأمر‬

- ask for help ‫يطلب المساعدة‬ - at the pool ‫فى البركة‬

- drive away‫يقود سيارته بعيدا‬ - protect …. against‫يحمى من‬
- by the pool ‫بجوار البركة‬ - for half an hour ‫لمدة نصف ساعة‬
- cover in / with‫يغطى بـ‬ - at the village‫فى القرية‬
- on a tree‫على شجرة‬ - jump out ‫يقفز خارج‬
- in the jungle‫فى األدغال‬ - jump back ‫يقفز إلى الخلف‬
- go into ‫يدخل‬ - afraid of ‫خائف من‬
- go in a car ‫يذهب بالسيارة‬ - far away ‫بعيدا‬
- go with‫يذهب مع‬ - out of‫خارج‬
- set off‫يبدأ رحلة‬ - in the car‫فى السيارة‬

- Lose , lost , lost (v) ‫يخسر – يفقد‬ - He lost his money .

- Get lost = lose the way ‫يضل الطريق‬
- Miss , missed , missed (v) : )‫يفوته (شئ – يفتقد أو يوحشه شخص‬
- He missed the bus , so he went to school ate .
- Arab ( n / adj ) : ) ‫عربى ( صفة – اسم‬
- Arab countries ‫ الدول العربية‬must help each other .
- Arabic (n) : ‫اللغة العربية‬
- We study Arabic at school .
- ( alone - on – ( my – his – her....) own
‫قبل الضمير المنعكس‬by ‫ بدون مساعدة ونضع‬/ ‫عندما نقول أن شخصا ما قام بعمل شئ بمفردة‬
- He did everything by himself ( on his own – alone ) .‫بمفردة‬
- She travelled to Italy by herself ( on her own – alone ) .‫بمفردها‬
- We had ( = spent ) a nice time . = We enjoyed ourselves . ‫ قضينا وقتا ممتعا‬.
Sec 1

- Have a drink – cake – food .‫ شراب‬/ ‫عند الدعوة لطعام‬

= Help yourself / yourselves . ‫ تفضل الطعام أو الشراب بنفسك‬.
Reflexive pronouns ‫الضمائر المنعكسة‬
‫ضمير فاعل مفرد‬ ‫ضمير منعكس‬ ‫ضمير فاعل جمع‬ ‫ضمير منعكس‬
I myself‫بنفسى‬ we ourselves
he himself She herself
You yourself You yourselves
it itself they themselves
Lesson 3:
- Read and answer
Today we have the second part of the story about a photographer.
a. When did Pam decide to go for help?
b. What did she do before she drove away?
c. Why didn’t Martin want to stay by the pool?
d. Why did he cover himself in mud?
e. What did Pam do in the village?
f . Why didn’t people speak to her?

Pam saw neither people nor cars on the road. A When it was so dark that she couldn’t see, Pam
said to herself, “I have to go for help. Martin must have injured himself.” She took a shirt from the
car, left it on a tree by the road, and then drove quickly away. In the jungle, Martin thought, “I
can’t find the car. I don’t mind being in the jungle, but I must find somewhere safe. I can’t stay at
the pool. Dangerous animals drink here.” He covered himself in mud to protect himself against
insects. Then he walked from the pool and climbed a tree. He would have to stay there all night.
Pam drove for half an hour and saw neither people nor cars. Suddenly, there were lights. She
stopped the car at the village, jumped out and shouted, “Help! My husband is lost in the jungle!”
People ran to her but no one said anything. Then Pam understood that no one spoke English.

Make sentences
a. Pam saw neither people - nor see the car.
b. Pam could neither help Martin - nor on the ground.
c. Martin could neither hear Pam - nor Arabic.
d. Martin was neither safe by the pool - nor cars on the road.
e. People spoke neither English - nor find him.

Lesson 4:
1- Pam White could not make anyone in the village understand her. She decided to leave. She
jumped back in the car and set off again.

2- Twenty minutes later, she arrived in a large town. She found a police station where one of the
officers spoke English. He ordered ten policemen to go with Pam.

3- The police followed Pam in her car to the place near the waterfall. They had torches to help them
look for Martin. Pam soon found the shirt which she had left on a tree in order to show the place
where Martin had gone into the jungle.

4- Martin was uncomfortable in the tree. He was afraid he might fall if he slept, so he listened to the
sounds of the jungle. Once he heard an elephant going to the pool.

Sec 1

5- After four hours, he suddenly heard voices and saw lights far away. He climbed to the top of the
tree and pressed the flash of his camera. The policemen saw the light.

6- The voices came nearer, then someone called, “Mr White, can you hear me? Have you hurt
yourself? Are you OK?” Martin shouted down, “I’m fine, thanks.” He was safe!

1- Finish the following dialogue:

between Seif and Mohsen who are discussing their plans for the holiday :
Seif : Where are you going to spend the holiday ?
Mohsen : ( 1 ) ....................................................................................................................... .
Seif : Luxor is wonderful . You're lucky . How ( 2 ) ………………………………......... ?
Mohsen : We're going to stay there for ten days . What about you ?
Seif : ( 3 ) .................................................................. because my father is still ill .
I'm going to read some new stories and play computer games .
2- Choose the correct answer :
1- He covered himself in ( earth – mud – land – sugar ) to protect himself against insects.
2- My little sister ( injured – crashed – lived – saved ) herself when she played with the
knife .
3- The floor is ( consisted – covered – injured – dried ) with a beautiful carpet .
4- The teacher was sure everyone had ( failed – saved – thought – understood ) the
lesson .
5- The boy saw the wolf and ( shouted – cried – said – spoke ) for help.
6- The traveller had been got ( lost – covered – changed – refused ) in the jungle .
7- The girls answered the test ( herself – yourself – themselves – myself).
8- He drove the car ( himself – myself – herself – itself ) .
9- She ( decided – pressed – followed – contained ) to leave now .
10- The officer followed the thief and ( thought – caught – bought – wrote ) him .
11- They had ( torches – pencils – knives – dishes ) to help them find the boy in the dark
jungle .
12- I'd like to listen to the ( air – voice – noise – sound ) of the jungle .
13- She is ( crazy – easy – lazy – clever ), she rarely finishes her work early .
14- Please , help me to ( pull – ride – mount – push ) the car to the workshop .
3- Read and correct the underlined word(s) :
 As he walked slow , he missed the train . ( …………………… )
 She hurt her while cutting the apple . ( …………………… )
 He can neither read or write . ( …………………… )
 While he plays , he fell down . ( …………………… )
 It was so dark that she could see . ( …………………… )
 Her husband lost in the desert . ( …………………… )
 He arrived the school in time . ( …………………… )
 We listened a loud in the street . ( …………………… )
 I looked after my pen but didn't find it . ( …………………… )
 Pupils teach at school . ( …………………… )
 She looked at her mirror to see the hat on her . ( …………………… )
4- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning :
1- He didn't play football and didn't watch TV . (neither)
2- She looked at the mirror to see what is wrong . (herself)
3- She was very busy . So she stayed late in her office . (so...that)
4- He couldn't see because it was dark . (so)
5- He didn't go to the garden and he didn't visit his grandmother. (neither)
6- It is very heavy , so I can't carry it . (so...that)
Sec 1

7- He was so ill that he didn't go to school . (too)

8- He may go to the cinema and he may go to the library . (either)
9- He was very tired and went to sleep . (so)
A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Sara is at the metre station for the first time.
Sara : Which platform is the metro to Maadi ?
Clerk : You are on the wrong platform. You have to go to the opposite one.
Sara : (1) ………………………………………………………………...................... ?
Clerk : Climb down these stairs and follow the instructions on the walls.
Sara : (2) ………………………………………………………………...................... ?
Clerk : Yes, there is a ticket office there.
Sara : (3) ............................................................................................................. ?
Clerk : Only one pound.
Sara : Thank you, sir.
2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Your teacher asked why you came late.
2- Tell your father you were very tired and couldn't study.
3- You tell your mother that your sister, Soha, didn't wash the dishes and didn't sweep the floor.
4- A friend asks you why you didn't watch the new film.
B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- Ramy slept early a) in a jungle.
2- She neither came early b) at home.
3- The car is so expensive
4- Once upon a time, c) I met an old man who gave me some advice.
5- You can find many animals d) because he was tired.
e) nor did her work.
f) that I can't buy it.

4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Water is the source of life on earth. No living creature can do without it. Man, animals, plants
and whatever has life need water for different daily purposes. It is quite clear that plants die if
there is a lack off water. Animals drink it and wash in it. And in some parts of the world, animals
migrate in search of water when there is a drought.
As for man, water is vital to growth and health. If a person doesn't get the adequate amount of
water daily, he may suffer from different diseases. Cooking, washing and other domestic activities
depend mainly on water. In the future, war between countries will be for the sake of water.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why do plants need water?
2- When do animals migrate ?
3- What's the importance of water to man?
B) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
4- The underlined word " it " refers to ...................
a) lack b) water c) plant d) life
5- The underlined word, " adequate" means .........
a) too little b) too few c) enough d) many
6- A person should drink water every ....................
a) week b) day c) month d) Friday
C) Usage and Writing
Sec 1

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Martin went into the ............. to take a photo of the waterfall.
a) season b) tree c) jungle d) pool
2- The tree is ............ high that he can't climb it.
a) as b) so c) very d) too
3- Pam was ............. about her absent husband.
a) happy b) worried c) pleased d) delighted
4- As he was ............ fast, he hit an old man.
a) drive b) drove c) driving d) drives
5- After mum had .............. the soup, it became tasty.
a) seasoned b) flashed c) burnt d) ate
6- He ............. checked the e-mail nor collected the children from school.
a) either b) neither c) that d) so
7- Do you ............. to lending me a camera, please?
a) object b) mind c) refuse d) decide
8- She .............. to cooking in the evening.
a) used b) is using c) is used d) uses

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1- Maha fed her little brother and took him to school. (not only)
2- Dad was very sick, so he didn't go to work. (so ....... that)
3- Mary fell over. She was climbing up the stairs then. (As)
4- He made up his mind to buy a car. (decided)

7- Read and correct the underlined word:

1- A desert is full of thick trees, plants and animals. ( ………………. )
2- He fell up his bike and was injured. ( ………………. )
3- Mona used to staying alone at home. ( ………………. )
4- Ali not only has driven fast, but he has also hit a child. ( ………………. )

8- Write a Letter – to your friend, Samy who lives In London telling him you will go there to do
postgraduate studies. Your name is Ayman and your address is 102, Nawal St, Giza.
• Guiding points:
- Start the letter. - Ask how things are.
- Tell Sari why you will go there. - Ask him to find a house for you.
- Ask him to write back. - End the letter.

D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- What creatures did Axel expect to see on Lidenbrock Sea?
2- How did the Professor find out the depth of the Sea?
3- What did Axel think the dark shape was?
4- What did they see in the island?
B) Complete the following sentences:
1- To make a raft, Hans ............................................................................................ .
2- Axel fainted again when ..................................................................................... .

Sec 1

for ages ‫لمدة طويلة‬ advice ‫ نصيحة‬together ً ‫معا‬

tonight ‫الليلة‬ compare break
‫يقارن‬ ‫فسحة‬
historical film ‫فيلم تاريخي‬ matter ‫ أمر‬timetable ‫جدول‬
revision ‫مراجعةـ‬ enough ‫ كاف‬each night ‫كل ليلة‬

plan ‫يخطط‬ prepare ‫يجهز‬ concentrate ‫يركز‬

like a race ‫مثل السباق‬ energy ‫طاقة‬ relax ‫يسترخى‬
silent ‫صامت‬ upset ‫منزعج‬ rest ‫راحة‬
healthy diet ‫طعام صحى‬ artist ‫فنان‬ the best ‫األفضل‬
fizzy drinks ‫ مشروبات غازية‬irrigate ‫يروى‬ formal ‫رسمى‬

* concentrate on ‫يركز على‬

* get ready for ‫يستعد لــ‬
* worried about ) ‫قلق على ( بخصوص‬
* on ‫ معروض‬at the cinema ‫فى السينما‬
* in five minutes ‫بعد خمس دقائق‬
* add .......... to ‫ إلى‬........ ‫يضيف‬

- One day's revision = Revision for one day ‫مراجعة ليوم واحد‬
- Would you like to + V ‫ = ? مصدر الفعل‬Do you want to + V ‫? هل تريد أن‬.. ‫مصدر الفعل‬
- Have a break = Take a break ) ‫يحصل على فترة راحة ( فسحة‬ --
Revise a little = Do a little revision ‫يقوم بقليل من المراجعة‬
- Pass the exam ( test ) = succeed in the exam ( test ) ‫يجتاز االمتحان‬
- Fail the exam ‫يفشل فى االمتحان‬
- Making arrangements
I have decided to , I have arranged to , I have planned to , I'm going to + ‫مصدر الفعل‬
I'm going to visit my aunt next Friday.
‫الحديث عن شئ كان ينبغى عمله‬
-S ‫ فاعل‬+ should have + PP ) ‫كان ينبغى أن ( ولكن الحدث لم يقغ‬ - I should have come early .
-S ‫ الفاعل‬+ shouldn’t + have + PP ) ‫ما كان ينبغى أن ( ولكن الحدث وقع‬ - I shouldn’t have come late.

- get + adj = become + adj ‫ صفة يصبح‬.....

e.g. : get tired – get excited – get better ‫ – يتحسن‬get married
- As soon as ( we – you – he ) can = As quickly as possible ‫بأسرع ما يمكن‬
- must + V ‫ ( = مصدر الفعل‬Have to – Has to ) + V ‫مصدر الفعل يجب أن‬
- You must ( have to ) prepare for the exam .
- Make sure = Ensure ‫يتأكد‬

Narrator : Six weeks before the English exam.

Ahmed : Hello, Ahmed speaking.
Mustafa : Hi, it’s Mustafa. Hey, you know that new historical film? Well, it’s on at the
cinema in Nile Street. Would you and Samy like to watch it tonight?
Ahmed : I’m sorry, we can’t.
Mustafa : You can’t?
Sec 1

Ahmed : No, we’re revising for our English test.

Mustafa : Revising? Why? The English test is not for ages.
Ahmed : Yes, I know. But Samy and I always start revising early. We do a little revision
each night before the exams. We always revise together. We’ve got a
timetable. We’re revising English tonight and Arabic tomorrow.
We can see the film on Friday though, when we have a break.
Mustafa : No, I’m going to a different film on Friday. Oh well, it doesn’t matter.
I’ll phone Ayman.
Ahmed : OK. Well, enjoy the film.

Correct the information in the sentences.

a. Mustafa tells Ahmed about a new CD.
b. Ahmed can watch the film but doesn’t want to.
c. Ahmed is going out with Samy.
d. They are revising Arabic tonight and English tomorrow.
e. Mustafa is going to see the historical film on Friday.

Narrator: The evening before the English exam.

Ahmed : Hello?
Mustafa : Hi. It’s Mustafa here.
Ahmed : Hello, Mustafa. How are you?
Mustafa : Very busy and very worried.
Ahmed : Oh dear, why?
Mustafa : It’s the English exam tomorrow.
Ahmed : Yes, I know.
Mustafa : You know you told me that you revised with Samy.
Can you come and revise with me? I need someone to help me.
Ahmed : It’s the day before the test, Mustafa!
Mustafa : Yes, I know. I should have revised earlier. Anyway, can you come?
Ahmed : I was going to watch a film tonight.
Mustafa : But Ahmed, I don’t know what to do. I’m worried I’ll fail.
Ahmed : Don’t worry, Mustafa. I’ll revise with you. I’ll be at your house in about 15 minutes.
Mustafa : Great! Thanks!
Ahmed : No problem. See you soon.

- Listen and put a ✔ or a ✘ :

The evening before the English exam …
a. Mustafa is worried about the English test.
b. Ahmed thinks one day’s revision is enough.
c. Ahmed says that he won’t help Mustafa.
d. Mustafa agrees to go to Ahmed’s house.

- Discuss, then read and match

a. The right things to eat and drink ( )
b. Planning how to use your time ( )
c. A good place to work ( 1 )
d. Exercise is useful ( )
e. Not getting too tired ( )
f . Taking breaks can help you concentrate ( )
g. Finish revising before the exams ( )

Sec 1

h. Start revision as soon as you can ( )

- An exam is like a race. You have to prepare in order to do the best you can. Here are some ideas:
1- When you study, try to find somewhere quiet and comfortable to work where you can leave your
2- Make sure you begin to revise early. Don’t leave everything until the last week. Revising the
night before will not help very much.
3- Think carefully about your revision. How long have you got? Which subjects do you need to
revise most? How much time do you need for each subject?
4- Plan to finish revision before your exams. This gives you time if a subject is more difficult than
you thought. It also gives you a break before your exams.
5- Eat a healthy diet, not just sweets and cake! Too much tea or fizzy drinks can make you feel
nervous and stop you sleeping. Drink water or juice.
6- Work for about sixty minutes, then change subjects. Take breaks of five minutes every hour and
move around. This will help you concentrate.
7- Twenty minutes of exercise like walking two to three times a week will relax you and help you to
8- Don’t work late or through the night before an exam. Go to bed early. Get as much rest as you

1- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

1- You advise your younger brother to go to bed early .
2- Your father tells you not to drive too fast and you accept his advice .
3- You advise your friend who is a heavy smoker .
4- Your mother advises you not to waste your time . You don't accept her advice .
2- Read and correct the underlined word(s) :
a. He is pleased because his father is in hospital . ( …………………… )
b. He agrees his friend's invitation . ( …………………… )
c. He enjoys to watch television . ( …………………… )
d. We import cotton to other countries . ( …………………… )
e. He got full mark because his answers were wrong . ( …………………… )
3- Read and match :
1- You'd better wear a jacket , a. carry those eggs .
2- Be careful when you b. more milk . There's none in the fridge .
3- You've been very careless , c. Salma . It's cold today .
4- I should have bought some d. too few people to carry them .
5- There are a lot of bags and e. your writing is full of mistakes .
f . I can't buy it .
4 - Choose the correct answer :
1- A person who draws , paints and plays music is ( an artist – an engineer – a doctor –
a mechanic ) .
2- Meat from cow is ( leaf – beef – teeth – team ) .
3- I watched ( an educational – a scientific – a historical – a mechanical ) film .
It was about ancient Egypt .
4- Students should ( advise – revise – compare – share ) their lessons before the exams .
5- We are all getting tired . Let's take a ( break – cake – search – cook ) for ten minutes .
6- Someone who writes about events in the past is a ( scientist – carpenter - mechanic – historian ) .
7- Have you connected the ( fire – wire – bulb – wood ) to the telephone .
8- Nermin is still ( upset – happy – find – pleased ) about her dad . He is ill in hospital .
Sec 1

9- Mum decided to ask her doctor's ( promise – way – advice – picnic ) to get better .
10- Did you get the ( right – fight – healthy – white ) answer ?
11- We are going to ( watch – search – look – search for ) a new flat .
12- Taking breaks can help you to ( concentrate – decorate – use – make) on your
lessons .
13- It is a good idea to make ( time game – time watch – timetable – time bomb )
for revisions .
14- Wait here until I give you some new ( books – stones – questions – instructions )
to be followed .
15- The guide asked the tourist if his flight was ( comfortable – clever – lazy – mad ) .

follow ‫ يتبع‬exercise ‫تدريب‬ discuss ‫يناقش‬

rules ‫ قواعد‬confident ‫واثق‬ check ‫يفحص‬
instructions ‫ تعليمات‬building ‫مبنى‬ usual ‫معتاد‬
equipment ‫ معدات‬relaxed ‫مسترخى‬ toilet ‫حمام‬

learner ‫ متعلم‬rhyme ‫قصيدة‬ notes ‫مذكرات‬

diagram ‫ رسم توضيحي‬aloud ‫بصوت مرتفع‬ project ‫مشروع‬
mind ‫ عقل‬card ‫بطاقة‬ good marks ‫درجات جيدة‬
walk along ‫ يمشى بطول‬coloured pens ‫أقالم ألوان‬ list ‫قائمة‬

- by himself‫بنفسه‬ - in different ways‫بطرق مختلفة‬

- at the moment‫فى الوقت الحاضر‬ - keep ….. in mind ‫يتذكر شيء‬
- on the day of the exam‫فى يوم االمتحان‬ - think about / of‫يفكر فى‬
- worry about‫يقلق بشأن‬ - in the right order‫فى الترتيب الصحيح‬
- get to‫يصل إلى‬ - write on cards‫يكتب على بطاقات‬
- on the exam paper‫فى ورقة االمتحان‬ - in your free time‫فى وقت فراغك‬
- on the other hand‫من ناحية أخرى‬ - in your own words‫بأسلوبك الخاص‬
- spend ( money ) on‫ينفق ماالً على‬ - useful for ‫مفيد لـ‬
- spend ( time ) on‫يقضى وقتا فى‬ - harmful to ‫ضار لـ‬
Soha : You will be more relaxed and more confident if you prepare yourself before your exams.
Here are some simple rules to follow:
Ahmed : One. Go to bed early when you have exams the next day. You may not get the best results
if you are very tired during your exam.
Soha : Two. Make sure you eat breakfast before an exam. This will give you energy. You should
concentrate on the exam, not worry that you are hungry.
Ahmed : Three. Ask your teachers what equipment you will need for your exams. Write a list. On
the day of exam, check the list and take the right equipment to school. Pens and pencils can break,
so always take two or three of each with you.
Soha : Four. If you worry about being late for your exams, this will not help you to be calm and
confident. Leave home about 10 minutes earlier than usual and make sure you arrive at school on
time. Get to the exam room ten minutes before the exam.
Ahmed : Five. Remember that you will sit for a long time during the exams. Wear clothes and
shoes which are comfortable and aren’t too hot or too heavy. Make sure you go to the toilet before
the exam.
Sec 1

Soha : Six. If you do get nervous before exams, drink a glass of water, exercise or sit calmly by
yourself. On the other hand, don’t have conversations about the exam just before you start. Other
people may make you more nervous.
Ahmed : Seven. When you get into the exam room, read the instructions on the exam paper
carefully. Make sure you understand what to do.
Soha : Eight. Finally, try to finish all the questions. Never spend too much time on one question
so you don’t have enough time to finish the other questions.

- Read and then put a ✔ or a ✘ :

1- Different learners remember things in different ways. Some people remember what they see. If
you are like this, draw diagrams and pictures, or colour your notes. This will help you to keep
things in your mind. In the exam you’ll “see” your notes and remember what was there. Read
about different ways to prepare and study for exams.
2- Other learners revise better through exercise. For example, walk or run along and think about a
subject that you have been revising. In the exam, think about where you walked or ran. This will
help you remember information in the right order.
3- Other people remember what they hear. If you are like this, read your notes aloud when you
revise and talk about the subject with other students. Make little rhymes about important points. In
the exam you can “say” the rhyme in your head to remember the information.
4- Be active when you revise. Don’t only read but also do something with the information:
• Study your notes for a few minutes each day. It’s quick and easy.
• Show important ideas in the notes by using different colours.
• Write important points on cards. Revise them in your free time.
• Choose important points and write them in your own words.
• Cover notes, then write what you remember. Learn any points that you forgot.
• Copy diagrams without words, and complete them without using your book.
a. If you remember what you see, take notes and draw diagrams into your exams.( ✘ )
b. Running or walking can help you to think about work. ( )
c. You must always study quietly. ( )
d. Say your rhymes aloud during an exam. ( )
e. Cards, coloured pens and notebooks are all useful for revision. ( )
f . You must always copy diagrams carefully with words from the book. ( )
1- Choose the correct answer :
1- You ( shouldn’t – should – shouldn’t have – should have ) help the poor .
2- You'd better ( have gone – went – to go – go ) now .
3- If I were you , I ( study – will study – would study – would have studied ) more .
4- If I were you , I would ( slept – sleep – have slept – sleeping ) early .
5- You're late , you ( shouldn’t – 'd better – better – are ) hurry up .
6- You ( 'd – 're – 've – 'll ) better eat healthy food .
7- If you are worried about your exam , this will not help you to be (mad - fat –confident
- hot ) .
8- Ask your teachers what (machine – subject – rhymes – equipment) you will be examined in .
9- Wear clothes and shoes which are ( hard – bad – difficult – comfortable ) .
10. When you get into the exam room , read the (instructions – words – notes – pictures )
on the exam pages carefully .
11. Do you have a ( plan – list – test – link ) of your friend's names ?
12. (Forget – Advise – Catch – Remember) to answer all the questions before you leave
the exam room .
13. After several days , the plan (weakly – strongly – madly – finally) took off at 6 o'clock
14. Please keep quiet . We are having a ( flight – fight – conversation – nation ) to take
part in .
Sec 1

15. You must take rest when you get ( tired – angry – hungry – comfortable ) .
16. If you get ( nervous – pleasant – better – hopeful ) before exams , drink a glass of
water , exercise or sit calmly by yourself .
17. What ( date – minute – second – watch ) do your exams start ?
18. When are you going to start your ( break – revision – job – rest ) for the exams ?
19. It is a good idea to ( point – forget – remember – make ) a revision timetable before
the exams .
20. Do you ( remember – forget – remind – use ) best by seeing , listening or exercising ?
2- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning :
1- If I were you , I would visit him . ( should )
2- You'd better finish your homework before sleeping . ( should )
3- You should help others . ( If )
4- You should't make noise . ( If )
5- You should do more exercises . ( If )
6- He is too old to walk . ( so )
7- History is an interesting subject . ( which )
3- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You advise your friend not to be late for school .
2- Your friend advises you not to make noise . You accept his advice .
3- Your friend advises you to sell your mobile . You don't accept his advice .
4- You advise your sister to study hard .
4- Read and correct the underlined word(s) :
 If I were you , I won't go . ( ………………….. )
 You should visited him tomorrow . ( ………………….. )
 You'd better to stay with us . ( ………………….. )
 You shouldn't shout at him yesterday . ( ………………….. )
 The question was easy so I couldn't answer it . ( ………………….. )
 It is a history film about Mohamed Ali . ( ………………….. )
A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Nabil : Hello, Ahmed! What's wrong with you?
Ahmed : Hi, Nabil! I feel nervous.
Nabil : Why do you feel nervous?
Ahmed : …………………………………………………………………………………………
Nabil : Be calm and confident. Think carefully about your revision.
Ahmed : ………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
Nabil : By planning to finish revision before your exams.
Ahmed : Thank you for ………………………………………………………………………..
Nabil : Best wishes for you.
2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Samy thinks that Ismailia is one of the cleanest cities in Egypt and you agree.
2- Mona is so cold because she is wearing just a blouse.
3- You ask Sayed about his option about the school staff.
4- You are sure of getting the full marks.
B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- Reda told the mechanic a. to go up into the air. …………….
2- "Set off" means b. in order to listen to music. …………….
3- I bought a CD player c. for winning the match. …………….

Sec 1

4- The mobile was expensive d. not to change the oil. …………….

5- Our school team got a prize e. so I refused to buy it. …………….
f . to begin a journey. …………….

4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

I really have a wonderful break time at school. It comes in the middle of the school day after the
third lesson. It is usually between 11 and 11:30 in the morning.
Break time is quite important because it makes us fresh again for the coming lessons. We never
stay in our classes during the break. Some students have a walk in the playground. Others open
their lunch boxes and start eating together.
I really enjoy myself during the break. After eating, I go to the school library where there are
plenty of good books to read or borrow. Other times I go to the music room to train for the school
party. As soon as the bell rings, we rush to our classes with fresh minds.
A- Answer the following questions:
1. When is the break time?
2. Why is break time important?
3. What do students do during the break?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. The break lasts for…………………………
a) a quarter of an hour b) half an hour c) an hour d) an hour and a half
5. Students…………………………in classes during the break.
a) don’t stay b) always stay c) revise d) study
6. When the bell rings, students go to their classes………………………….
a) slowly b) lazily c) quickly d) friendly
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Some places aren't very interesting to visit, so ………………. tourists visit them.
a) many b) much c) a few d) a little
2- Maher is used to ………………. for a walk every morning.
a) go b) have gone c) be going d) going
3- I'm sure he ………………. help me as he is helpful.
a) will b) might c) can't d) won't
4- Next year, a new public library ………………. near our house.
a) is going build b) was built c) will build d) will be built
5- Ali suddenly ………………. and no one could find him.
a) disagree b) disappeared c) discovered d) disappointed
6- The food tasted hot because the cook had added a lot of ………………. .
a) salt b) tobacco c) pepper d) paper
7- The pilot said that he was ready to ………………. off.
a) take b) put c) turn d) switch
8- Much water a day is ………………. from the Toshka lakes to farm land.
a) irrigated b) pumped c) exported d) reclaimed

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1- Adel received a mobile call while he was watching TV. (during)
2- He is a clothes designer. He makes clothes. (who)
3- Mr. Maher was very busy. he forgot to eat his lunch. (so …. that)
4- Omar bought his mother a new handbag. He gave her a flower. (not only)

7- Read and correct the underlined word:

Sec 1

1- We are looking forward to spend a nice holiday. ( ………………. )

2- Mother asked her children to be quite. ( ………………. )
3- They prepared the lunch by theirselves. ( ………………. )
4- She couldn't finish her work because she was tiring. ( ………………. )

8- Write a paragraph of five sentences about

“Your dream for the future".
(dream – be a tour guide / good at – languages / like – meet tourists / travel – many places /
interesting job)
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
I - How did Hans make the raft ? Why did he make it ?
2- What did the professor do to measure the depth of the sea ?
3- Where did Axel find the knife ?
4- Why was the compass needle moving in all directions ?

B) Complete the following sentences:

1- When Axel saw the sky, he knew that ............................................................................ .
2- The fish caught by Hans was strange as ......................................................................... .

Vocabulary :
amazing ‫ مذهل‬- ‫مدهش‬ slide down ‫ ينزلق‬calculate ‫يحسب‬
discoveries ‫اكتشافات‬ ground ‫ أرض‬cheerfully ‫فى ابتهاج‬
get lost ‫يضل الطريق‬ disappear ‫ يختفى‬filled up ‫يمتلئ‬
the rest ‫الباقى‬ sharp rocks ‫ صخور حادة‬eagerly ‫بشغف‬
group ‫مجموعة‬ beneath ‫ تحت‬slope ‫منحدر‬
lie ‫يرقد‬ lost steep ‫شديد االنحدار‬
‫فقد الوعى‬
rescue ‫ينقذ‬ consciousness intend to ‫ينوى أن‬
thunder ‫رعد‬ awake ‫ يستيقظ‬mushrooms ‫عيش الغراب‬
noise ‫ضوضاء‬ wonder ‫ يتساءل‬beach ‫شاطئ‬
waves ‫أمواج‬ wander ‫ يتجول‬strange ‫غريب‬
shore ‫شاطئ‬ explore ‫ يستكشف‬unlike ‫عكس‬
human voice ‫صوت آدمى‬ insist on ‫ يصر على‬sunlight ‫ضوء الشمس‬
imagine ‫يتخيل‬ amazed ‫ مندهش‬moonlight ‫ضوء القمر‬
call ‫ينادى‬ stretch ‫ رقعة ممتدة‬tower ‫برج‬
apart ‫بعيدا‬ huge cave ‫ كهف ضخم‬raft ‫قارب‬

‫ مذهلة‬º‫اكتشافات‬
Amazing discoveries
I don't know how long I lay there, but I was awakened by a noise. It sounded like thunder or
waves crashing on the shore of a sea. Where did it come from? I listened carefully. but heard no
more. And then I heard a noise that sounded like a human voice. I could make words. I thought I
heard my name and the word "lost". Was I imagining things? But no – I heard my name again. It
was my uncle's voice. “Uncle Lidenbrock!" I called out. Seconds passed like years. Then I heard
these words" " Axel! Axel! Is it you?"
Sec 1

“Yes, yes! I am in complete darkness." "Axel, my boy, be brave. listen to me. We are in a big hall.
All the passages lead into this hall. We can hear each other because sound travels down the passage
into the hall. Call to me again and I will calculate how far apart we are." I called again and my
uncle replied when he heard me. It took twenty seconds for my voice to reach my uncle. From this ,
he calculated that we were 6 kilometres apart.
" That's not so far," my uncle said cheerfully. "Walk down the passage and we shall soon
welcome you . It will not take long. On your way, my boy!"
I was filled with hope now and I set off eagerly. But I was very tired. The slope was very steep. I
started to slide down the passage. I went faster and faster. I could not stop. The ground disappeared
beneath my feet. I was falling down a well. My head hit a sharp rock and I lost consciousness again.
When I awoke, I was lying against a rock. My uncle was watching me . when I opened my eyes ,he
gave a cry of joy. “He’s alive! He's alive!" he cried. "Yes," I answered, weakly. He held me in his
arms. " My dear boy," he said , " thank God you are safe."
My uncle told me to sleep. I slept for a long time. When I awoke, I wondered if I was still
dreaming. There were no lamps, but there was light coming from somewhere. And I could hear a
noise like the one that I had heard while I was lost. It was the sound of waves breaking on the shore
of a sea.
Where was the light coming from? What was that sound ? I wanted to get up and explore, my
uncle wanted to stop me, but I insisted on going.
At first I saw nothing. I closed my eyes. They were not used to the light. When I opened them
again , I was amazed. " The sea!" I cried. " Yes," said my uncle. " I have named it the Lidenbrock
Sea." A great stretch of water lay before me. There was a beach of golden sand. There were waves
breaking on the beach. The light was strange. It was cold and white, unlike sunlight and moonlight.
There was a sky with white clouds. High above the clouds there was a roof of rock. We were in a
huge cave.
I walked with my uncle along the shore of this strange sea. There were towers of sharp rock in
the water. Along the shore there was a forest of trees which looked like giant umbrellas. As we got
closer , I saw that they were giant mushrooms.
We saw other plants which were much taller than they were on the surface on the earth. My
uncle was excited. " It is magnificent!" he cried . " Look and admire , Axel. You will never see
anything like this again."
On the shore we also found the bones of animals which had long disappeared from the earth. We
wandered for hours along the shore of this wonderful sea. We saw the tide rise and fall. Even here ,
the sea answers the call of the moon.
My uncle told me he intended to cross the sea. When I asked him how he intended to do this , he
smiled. " Hans is making us a raft. Come and see."
Hans had cut down some of the trees and tied them together to make a raft. Tomorrow we
would start to explore the Lidenbrock sea.

1- What awoke Axel after he fainted?

- A noise like thunder or waves.
2- What words did Axel hear when he came to himself?
- He heard his name.
3- Whose voice did Axel hear when he woke up?
- His uncle's voice.
4- Where was Professor Lidenbrock?
- He was in a big hall.
5- Why could they hear each other?
- Because all the passages led into the place where Axel was.
6- How long did the voice take to reach the hall?
Sec 1

- 20 seconds.
7- How far was Axel from his uncle and Hans?
- 6 kilometers away.
8- How did the Professor calculate the distance between them?
- He asked Axel to call him again.
9- Why did the Professor ask Axel to walk down the passage?
- To find them.
10- Why did Axel faint again?
- Because his head hit a sharp rock.
11- Why did Axel slide down the passage?
- Because the slope was very steep.
12- Why did the Professor give a cry of joy?
- Because Axel was still alive.
13- What did Axel see when he awoke?
- Strange light, big sea and a roof of rooks.
14- How was the light in the huge cave different?
- It was cold and white ( unlike sunlight or moonlight ).
15- What did the Professor name the sea?
- Lidenbrock Sea.
16- Where was Lidenbrock Sea?
- Inside the earth.
17- What did they see on the shore of the Sea?
- Golden sand, bones of animals and giant mushrooms.
18- What was different about the plants they saw?
- They were taller and bigger.
19- What did the trees look like?
- Giant umbrellas. They were mushrooms.
20- How would the Professor explore the Sea?
- By using a raft.
21- How did Hans make the raft?
- He cut down some trees and tied them together.

1- The Professor asked Axel to call again to ….. calculate the distance between them.
2- Axel fainted again when……. his head hit a sharp rock.
3- The Professor gave a cry of joy ………… because Axel was still alive.
4- When Axel awoke, he saw…… strange light, big sea and a roof of rooks.

Vocabulary :
explorer ‫مستكشف‬ exist ‫ يعيش – يوجد‬fountain ‫نافورة‬
wind blew ‫هبن الريح‬ lizard ‫سحلية‬ get closer ‫يقترب‬
try fishing ‫يحاول الصيد‬ terrified ‫مرعوب‬ shape ‫شكل‬
tie ‫يربط‬ iron ‫حديد‬ avoid ‫يتجنب‬
hook ‫خطاف‬ lift ‫يرفع‬ ground ‫أرض‬
line ‫صنارة‬ burst ‫ينفجر‬ trembled ‫اهتزت‬
pull ‫يشد‬ flame ‫لهب‬ lightning ‫البرق‬
Sec 1

deck ‫سطح القارب‬ inland ‫بالداخل‬ flash ‫تومض‬

flat head ‫رأس مستوية‬ tusks ‫أنياب‬ storm ‫عاصفة‬
tail ‫ذيل‬ attack ‫يهجم على‬ lower the sail ‫ينزل الشراع‬
fossil ‫حفرية‬ fiercely ‫بعنف‬ mast ‫صارىـ السفينة‬
creature ‫مخلوق‬ monster ‫وحش‬ geyser ‫نافورةـ ماء ساخن‬
voyage ‫رحلة بحرية‬ fight ‫يحارب‬ range of hills ‫سلسة تالل‬
tug ‫شدة‬ twist ‫يلف‬ skull ‫جمجمة‬
extinct ‫منقرض‬ gradually ‫تدريجيا‬ pale yellow ‫أصفر شاحب‬
die out ‫منقرض‬ pain ‫ألم‬ mammoths ‫فيلة منقرضة‬
shepherd ‫راعى غنم‬ roaring noise ‫صوت زئير‬ herd ‫قطيع‬
Crossing the Lidenbrock sea
‫عبور بحر ليدنبروك‬
The wind blew our raft along quickly. By the end of the next day we had left the coast far behind.
We had travelled 145 kilometres on the Lidenbrock sea.
Hans decided to try fishing. He tied a hook on to the end of a rope, put some meat on it, and threw
it into the sea. At first nothing happened. Perhaps there was no life in these waters. But then Hans
felt a tug on the line. He pulled it in and landed a fish on the deck of our raft. It had a flat head ,but
no tail. The strangest thing was that it had no eyes. My uncle examined it carefully. " This fish
belongs to a family of fish which no longer lives on Earth," he said." This fish is extinct."
I was very excited by this news. To think that we had caught a fish that only existed as a fossil on
Earth. I wondered what other wonderful creatures we would meet on our voyage on this sea. We
might see lizards or whales or birds that lived on the earth millions of years ago! I started to dream
of these fantastic creatures.
It was wonderful to be out on the open sea. Our days in the darkness of the rocks under Sneffels
seemed far away. My uncle tried to find out how deep the sea was. He tied a pickaxe to the end of a
long rope and threw it into the sea. It did not touch the bottom. But when we pulled it up, Hans
pointed to marks on the pickaxe." Teeth." he said. What terrible monster had bitten into the iron of
the pickaxe? We looked at each other in fear.
Night came again and I fell asleep. However ,I was awakened suddenly. The raft had been lifted
out of the water. A huge sea monster had thrown us into the air. As we looked , we saw two other
sea monsters. They were coming towards us. Were they going to attack? I picked up my gun , but it
would be useless against these creatures. We could not escape. We were terrified. Surely this was the
end of our journey beneath the Earth. But the sea monsters did not attack us. They attacked each
other. They fought fiercely. Huge waves threw our raft up and down. The fight lasted for two or
three hours. We watched in fear. Which monster would win this fight? And would it then go on to
attack us? We had no change of escaping.
Suddenly the two sea monsters disappeared beneath the sea. Then the head of one of them
appeared again. It twisted its long neck from left to right. It looked as if it was in great pain. The
waves rose higher and higher. Gradually it moved more slowly. At last it stretched out on the
surface of the water. It was dead.
We continued our voyage. We were glad to escape the anger of the sea monsters. For 2 days we
sailed on. Then, on the 3rd day , we heard a roaring noise. We saw a huge fountain of water rising
from the sea. It was many kilometres away. Was it another sea monster? If so , it must be even
bigger than the ones we had already seen. I wanted to sail as far away as possible. But my uncle had
other ideas. He told Hans to go straight ahead.
As we got closer , we saw a huge dark shape in the sea. It was as high as a mountain and at least
two kilometres long. I was terrified. I had never seen an animal as big as this. Suddenly , Hans stood
up and pointed to the shape. " It 'a an island " he said. And the fountain of water is a geyser.
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We landed on the island and began to explore it. We were careful to avoid the geyser. The ground
trembled under our feet and it was very hot. My uncle named the island after me.
Soon we set sail again , leaving Axel Island behind us.
After a few hours , there was a change in the weather. I could see dark clouds coming towards us.
Lightning flashed behind the clouds. I turned to my uncle. " There 's going to be a storm" I said . "
We should lower the sail and take down the mast."
"No, never," my uncle cried. " Let the storm take us away! " immediately the storm hit us. The
rain poured over us. The raft was thrown up in the air. Then the wind blew us forward at a great
speed. For 3 days we were at the mercy of the storm. A ball of fire suddenly appeared in the sky. It
was coming straight towards us. It burst as it hit the raft. Everything was covered in blue flames.
Then I fainted and remembered no more. When I woke up , the storm had stopped and the sea was
calm. In front of us we could see a shore. We had crossed the Lidenbrock Sea ! We landed and
rested on the shore.
Next morning we set out to explore the shore. We walked inland and soon came to a range of
hills. The bones of extinct animals lay all around us. My uncle found the skull of a human. It was
amazing: men had lived on the shores of this sea thousands of years ago!
We came to a forest of strange trees. The forest was not green, but pale yellow, like the colour of
sand. The trees had no lower branches and you could see through the forest.
Suddenly , I stopped and put my hand on my uncle's arm to warn him. I could see huge shapes
moving about in the trees. When I approached ,I saw giant animals. They looked like elephants, but
they were much bigger and they had longer tusks. I recognised them from pictures in my science
books. They were mammoths, which had died out on earth thousands of years ago! When my uncle
saw them ,he wanted to approach them, but I did not want to get any closer.
" These animals are dangerous ," I said. " No man would risk his life with them." " You are
wrong, Axel." My uncle replied." Look over there. I can see something that looks like a man." He
pointed to one of the giant trees. A man was leaning against it. He was more than 3 metres tall and
he had long hair. He held a long stick in his hand. He was looking after the herd of mammoths just
as a shepherd looks after his flock of sheep. We stood there for a few moments , unable to believe
what we had seen. But what if this giant shepherd saw us ? I was afraid and I pulled my uncle's
arm. " come on" I cried .
" Back to the raft " For once , my uncle did what I asked him to do. We ran as fast as we could to
the Lidenbrock Sea.

1- How far did they travel on Lidenbrock Sea?

- 145 kilometres.
2- How did Hans try fishing in Lidenbrock Sea?
- He tied a hook to the end of a rope, put some meat on it and threw it into the sea.
3- What was strange about the fish Hans caught?
- It had a flat head, but no tail or eyes.
4- What creatures did Axel expect to see on Lidenbrock Sea?
- Lizards, whales or birds which lived on earth millions of years ago.
5- How did the Professor find out the depth of the Sea?
- He tied a pickaxe to a rope and threw it into the sea but it didn’t reach the bottom.
6- What did he find when he pulled the pickaxe?
- He found the marks of a monster's teeth.
7- How was the raft thrown into the air?
- By a huge sea monster.
8- What did the two monsters do?
- They fought fiercely for 2 or 3 hours.
9- What was the result of the fight?
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- One of the two monsters was killed.

10- What was the fountain of water?
- A geyser.
11- Where did the geyser come from?
- From an island.
12- What did Axel think the dark shape was?
- A huge animal.
13- What was the dark shape?
- An island.
14- What name did the Professor give to the island?
- Axel Island.
15- What did the storm do to the raft?
- It blew the raft at a great speed.
16- How long did the storm last?
- 3 days.
17- What appeared in the sky?
- A ball of fire.
18- What happened when the ball of fire hit the raft?
- It burst ‫ انفجرت‬and Axel fainted.
19- What did they see in the island?
- Forests of tall trees that were pale yellow and bones of extinct animals.
20-What did the Professor find on the shore?
- A skull of a human. That meant people had lived there before.
21- What giant animal did they see in the forest?
- Mammoths which were extinct on the Earth.
22- How did Axel know about the mammoths?
- From pictures in his science books.
23- What was the tall man they saw at the forest?
- He was a shepherd who looked after the mammoths.
24- How tall was the shepherd?
- More than 3 metres.
25- Why did the Professor decide to leave the forest?
- Because they were afraid of the shepherd.

- Vocabulary :
shine ‫يلمع‬ initials ‫ الحروف األولى‬heart ‫قلب‬
bend down ‫ينحني‬ excitement ‫إثارة‬ delay ‫تأخير‬
knife ‫سكينة‬ break down ‫يحطم‬ explode ‫ينفجر‬
steel ‫صلب‬ deserve ‫يستحق‬ explosion ‫انفجار‬
therefore ‫و لذلك‬ gunpowder ‫بارود‬ return to ‫يعود إلى‬
blade ‫نصل – حد‬ exclaim ً ‫يصيح متعجبا‬ count ‫يعد‬
rough ‫خشن‬ blow up ‫يُفجر‬ complete ‫يُكمل‬
carve ‫ينحت‬ hole ‫حفرة‬ darkness ‫ظالم‬
at the foot of ‫أمام‬ pack ‫يحزم – يحشو‬ speed ‫سرعة‬
cliff ‫صخرة‬ fuse ‫فتيل‬ prevent ‫يمنع‬
entrance ‫مدخل‬ by midnight ‫قبل منتصف الليل‬ in any case ‫على أية حال‬

Sec 1

dark tunnel ‫ نفق مظلم‬light - lit ‫ أشعل‬- ‫ يشعل‬discovery ‫اكتشاف‬

doubt ‫ شك‬beat with fear ‫يدق في خوف‬

The great explosion

‫االنفجار العظيم‬
As I ran along the shore ,I saw something shining in the sand. I bent down and picked it up. It
was a knife. I showed it to my uncle. "This is your knife, Axel. You must have dropped it." "No,
uncle. I did not bring a knife with me. What about you?" " No, my uncle replied. " I have never
seen this knife before. Perhaps it belongs to Hans."
But it was not Hans's knife. My uncle picked it up and looked at it carefully. "This knife has
been here for many years," he said. " It is made of steel, therefore it can only be a few hundred
years old. But the blade of the knife is rough. Someone has used this knife to carve his name on a
stone. And that stone is somewhere near here. We must find it."
The three of us looked allover the rocks around us. At the foot of a cliff we found the entrance to
a dark tunnel. There we saw two letters carved on the rock: A . S .
" A.S., " my uncle exclaimed. "Arne Saknussemm again!" All my doubts about our journey
disappeared. A great travellers had been here before us. He had carved his initials in the rock to
guide us on our was. And I was holding his knife!
I forgot the dangers of our journey. I was not worried about how we would return. Now I was
filled with as much excitement as my uncle. I turned to him. "Uncle, I think that something is
guiding us on our journey, "I said. " Let us enter this tunnel and continue to the centre of the
Earth!" We had only travelled a few metres ,when we came against a huge rock. It blocked our
path, so we could not continue. We looked to the left and to the right of it , but there was no way
past it.
" This rock must have fallen since Saknussemm was here," I said. "If we cannot break it down,
we do not deserve to reach the centre of the Earth!"
Hans and I tried to break the rock with pickaxes, but it was too hard. Then I had an idea.
"Gunpowder!" I exclaimed.” Let’s blow it up with gunpowder!" Hans made a hole in the rock
with his pickaxe. We packed the hole with gunpowder. I made a long fuse out of cloth and laid it
against the gunpowder. By midnight everything was ready. I wanted to light the fuse then, but my
uncle refused.
" Tomorrow," he said. " We need to sleep now." The next day was the most important day in
our journey. I cannot write about it now without my heart beating with fear. At six o'clock I was
ready to light the fuse. There would be a delay of ten minutes before the gunpowder exploded. I told
my uncle I was ready. I lit the fuse and returned to the raft. We counted the time on my uncle's
watch. Five seconds more," he said. " Four …. Three…. Two … one. Now!"
I don't think I heard the explosion .But the shape of the rocks changed before my eyes. A huge
hole opened and the sea became one big wave. It lifted us and threw us forward. In less than a
second we were in complete darkness. The water carried us along at a frightening speed. An hour
passed- perhaps two. We held on to each other to prevent us being thrown off the raft.
It was then that I found out that we had lost everything we owned. Our tools and instruments
and most of our food and water had been swept away by the waves. All we had were some biscuits
and a small piece of meat. I decided not to tell my uncle of my discovery. In any case, there was no
point in worrying about food: we would probably be killed quite soon!
We continued to go faster. It felt as if we were falling. But where were we falling?
1- What did Axel find in the sand on the shore?
- A steel knife with a rough blade.
2- Where did they find the letters A.S.?
- On a rock at the entrance of a dark tunnel.

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3- What did the letters A.S mean?

- That Arne had been to the centre of the earth.
4- When Axel's fears about the journey disappeared?
- When he saw the letters A.S carved on a rock.
5- What prevented them to enter the tunnel?
- A huge rock blocked their way.
6- How did they break the huge rock?
- Hans made a hole in the wall with his pickaxe. Then they filled it with gunpowder.
7- What was used to blow up the rock ?
- Gunpowder.
8- What did they lose during the explosion?
- Most of their food, water, tools and instruments.
9- How did they lose their food?
- because of the waves after the explosion
10- Why wasn't Axel worried about losing the food?
- Because he was thought they would be killed soon.

1- The blade of the knife was rough because …………………….….

Arne used it to carve his initials on a stone.
2- As soon as the gunpowder exploded, …………………………..…
a huge hole opened in the rock and the sea became one big wave.
3- They lost most of their food when ………………………………..….
the waves carried them away at a very high speed.
4- They had to blow up the huge rock because …… it was blocking their way.

- Vocabulary :
waterfall ‫شالل‬ strength ‫ قوة‬eruption ‫ثورة بركان‬
splash ‫ طرطشة‬- ‫رذاذ‬ drive upwards ‫ يدفع لألعلى‬lick ‫يلحس‬
rush on ‫يندفع‬ burning hot ‫ شديدة السخونة‬heat ‫ حرارة‬- ‫يسخن‬
change ‫تغير‬ boil ‫ يغلى‬unbearable ‫ال يطاق‬
drive up ‫يدفع ألعلى‬ shake ‫ يهز‬push up ‫يدفع ألعلى‬
chimney ‫ شق‬- ‫فتحة‬ shook…head ‫ هز رأسه‬cling to ‫يلتصق بـ‬
explain ‫يشرح‬ compass ‫ بوصلة‬terrific ‫رهيب‬
nearly ً ‫تقريبا‬ go crazy ‫ يُجن‬force ‫قوة‬
beloved ‫محبوب‬ go mad ‫ يُجن‬spin ‫يدور‬
Keep up ‫يحافظ على‬ active volcano ‫ بركان نشط‬explosion ‫انفجار‬
lava ‫حمم بركانية‬ ashes ‫ رماد‬slope ‫منحدر‬

In the middle of a volcano ‫فى منتصف البركان‬

We were going over a big waterfall. There was a huge splash as we landed, Then we rushed on as
before. But now there was a change. My uncle felt it too. " We're going up!" he exclaimed. It was
true. The water was driving up very quickly. "We are in a kind of chimney," my uncle explained. "
The water is rising and taking us with it."

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"Who knows?" We must be ready for anything. So let us eat to keep up our strength." Then I
had to tell my uncle that nearly all our food was gone. He said nothing, but I knew what he thought.
We would never see our beloved Hamburg again. As the water drove us upwards, it got hotter.
" Uncle, these rocks are burning hot. And the water is boiling. The rock walls seem to be
moving." My uncle shook his head. He did not want to listen. "But look at the compass, uncle. It's
going crazy!" it was true. The needle of the compass was going from north to south , and from east
to west. My uncle looked at it with interest. He looked very excited. "What's the matter , uncle?" I
asked. " We must be in the middle of an active volcano," he said. "There's going to be an eruption.
And I think it's the best thing that could happen to us. It's our only chance of returning to the
surface of the Earth."
I was sure now that my uncle had gone mad. However, I said nothing. There was nothing we
could do. We continued our journey upwards. It got hotter and hotter. The water under the raft
boiled. Flames licked the walls of the tunnel. We were pushed up with terrific force. We held on to
each other and clung to the raft.
The heat was unbearable now. I lost consciousness and my eyes closed. For part of that time I
have no clear memory of what happened next. I remember explosions, and falling rocks. I
remember the raft spinning around in circles. There were waves of red-hot lava. Ashes rained down
on us. There were flames everywhere. My last memory was of Hans looking at me. His face was
calm as always there was one last explosion and then I remembered no more.
When I opened my eyes again, Hans was holding me. I was lying on a steep mountain slope. I
could see the sky, so I knew that we were back on the surface of the Earth. But where were we?

1- What did Axel tell his uncle about their food? What did the Professor say?
- nearly all their food was gone. The Professor said nothing.
2- What happened to the needle of the compass? Why?
- It went in all direction. Because they were in the middle of an active volcano.
3- What was their only chance of returning to the surface of the earth?
- The eruption of the volcano that would push them up with terrific force.
4- How did the Professor feel when he looked at the compass? Why?
- He was happy because he knew that the eruption of the volcano would be their
chance to return to the surface of the earth.
5- Why did Axel faint when he was in the active volcano?
- He fainted because the heat was unbearable.
6- What could Axel remember about the eruption of the volcano?
- He could remember explosions, falling rocks, waves of red-hot lava and flames
7- What was Axel’s last memory of the eruption of the volcano?
- Han’s calm face looking at him.
8- Where did the three men find themselves in the end?
- They found themselves on a steep mountain slope on the surface of the Earth.
9- What did Axel see when he opened his eyes again?
- He saw Hans holding him and he was laying on a steep mountain.
10- How did they know they were back to the surface of the earth?
- When they saw the sky.
11- Where did Axel find himself when they were back to the surface of the earth?
- He found himself on a steep mountain slope.
12- Where did the volcano through the three men?
- It threw them out on the surface of the earth.

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1- As the raft continued to go up, it got …. hotter … and …hotter … .

2- They returned to the surface of the earth through ………. an active volcano.
3- The Professor didn't find food to eat because ……… nearly all their food was lost.
4- Because of the great heat, Axel ………. fainted.

- Vocabulary :
reply ‫يرد‬ language ‫ لغة‬fact ‫حقيقة‬
ground ‫أرض‬ before us ‫ أمامنا‬change his
‫ البحر المتوسط‬mind
‫يغير رأيه‬
dry ‫جاف‬ Mediterranean
edge ‫حافة‬ wonderful ‫ رائع‬become ‫يصبح‬
crater ‫فوهة بركان‬ make a journey ‫ يقوم برحلة‬share ‫يشارك‬
lake ‫بحيرة‬ enter ‫ يدخل‬welcome ‫يرحب‬
in the distance ‫على بعد‬ exchange ‫ يتبادل‬hold ‫يقيم‬
exclaim ‫يصيح‬ towards ‫ تجاه‬celebration ‫احتفال‬
coast ‫ساحل‬ cause ‫ يسبب‬make a speech ً ‫يلقى خطابا‬
adventure ‫مغامرة‬ excitement ‫فرح‬-‫ إثارة‬in our honour ‫تكريما ً لنا‬
pick fruit ‫يلتقط فاكهة‬ believe ‫ يصدق‬argue ‫يتجادل‬
news ‫أخبار‬ refuse ‫ يرفض‬sorrow ‫حزن‬
The homecoming
"Is this Iceland?" I asked. " No, Hans replied. He was right. The sun was very hot and the ground
was dry. Above our heads was the edge of the crater. This is where the volcano had thrown us out. It
was still erupting. Every ten minutes stones were thrown out. The ground around us was shaking.
When I looked down the mountain , I could see tall green trees. And little gardens. Below that I
could see the blue waters of a sea or a lake. There were small boats on the water. We seemed to be
on an island. In the distance I could see the shapes of other islands. It was all very beautiful. " We
must be in Asia," I exclaimed," on the coast of India or Malaysia. We have travelled right across the
After we had rested , we began to climbed down the mountain. We descended carefully. After our
adventures , we did not want to fall to our deaths. Soon we came to fields full of fruit trees. We
picked the fruit and ate it. It tasted wonderful!
As we were eating, a small boy appeared. He watched us eating. He looked frightened., but my
uncle spoke to him. "What is the name of this mountain, my boy? "he asked. The boy did not reply,
so my uncle asked the same question in different languages. At last , he asked in Italian.
"Stromboli," the boy said and ran away. Now we knew where we were we were on a volcanic island
off the south coast of Italy. We had been thrown out of the famous volcano of Stromboli. The blue
waters before us were the waters of the Mediterranean sea.
What a wonderful journey we had made! We had entered the earth through the extinct volcano
of Sneffels and returned through the active volcano of Stromboli. We had exchanged the cold of the
North for the warmth of the south.
We saw houses below us and we walked on towards the little town. In an hour we reached the
port of San Vicenzo. The people were kind to us. They gave us food and drink. They gave us new
clothes, because our old clothes were no more than rags. We were all happy to have completed our
journey safely. Even Hans was smiling!
After resting at san Vicenzo for two days ,we took a boat to Messina, then another ship to

Sec 1

Marseilles, in the south of France. From there we took a train through France and into Germany.
On September 9th ,we finally arrived in Hamburg.
The return of professor Lidenbrock caused great excitement in Hamburg. Everyone had known
of his plans to journey to the centre of the Earth. Nobody had believed that it was possible. At first
they still found it hard to believe. But the fact that Hans was with us changed people's minds and
there was news from Iceland about our journey.
My uncle became a great man in Hamburg and shared a little in his glory. All our friends
welcomed us back. The city held a celebration for us where the most important people in Hamburg
made speeches in our honour. My uncle told the story of our journey. After that ,he had to tell it
again many more times. People seemed to enjoy hearing it!
My uncle wrote about what we had seen. Other scientists argued with him. They did not believe
such things were possible. My uncle argued with these scientists. He enjoyed himself very much. The
only sorrow was that Hans decided to return to Iceland. My uncle wanted him to stay with us in
Hamburg but he refused. He wanted to go home.
I was sad, too. I loved the big Icelander. He was so calm and sensible. We shook hands for the last
time on the ship that took him to Reykjavik. But I will never forget him.

1- How did Hans know that they were not in Iceland?

- Because the sun was very hot and the ground was dry.
2- Where were the three men when they returned to the surface of the Earth?
- They were on the island of Stromboli, south of Italy.
3- How did they know that they were in Italy?
- They knew that because they met a boy spoke only Italian.
4- What could Axel see when he looked down the mountain?
- He could see tall green trees, little gardens and the blue waters of a sea or a lake.
5- When did the boy answer the professor's questions?
- The boy answered when the professor asked him in Italian.
6- How were the people in San Vicenzo kind to the men?
- They give the men food, drink and new clothes.
7- When did the three men arrive back in Hamburg?
- They arrived back in Hamburg on September 9th.

8- What was that exciting journey they had made?

- They entered the Earth through the dead volcano of Sneffels and returned through the active
Volcano of
9- What did their return cause?
- It caused a lot of excitement and argument.
10. How could the people in Hamburg believe the story of the journey?
- They could believe it because Hans, the Icelandic guide, had been with them and there had been
about their journey from Iceland.
11. How did the people in Hamburg celebrate the professor's return?
- They held a celebration where the most important people in Hamburg made speeches in his
12. What did Hans decide to do in the end?
- He decided to return to Iceland.
13. How did the professor and Axel feel about that decision?
Sec 1

- They were sad. They loved him because he was calm and sensible, but they couldn't stop him.

: Chapter 6 :
- A) Answer the following questions :
1- What did Axel and the Prof. find along the shore of the Sea?
2- Why did the Prof. ask Axel to call to him?
3- Who made the raft? How?
4- Why did Axel faint inside the passage?
5- Why did the Prof. ask Hans to make the raft?
6- Why did Hans cut down some of the trees?
7- What name did the Prof. give to the Sea?
8- Where was the sea?
9- How did they cross the sea?
10. Why did the Prof. give a cry of joy?
: Chapter 7 :
- A) Answer the following questions :
1- What was strange about the fish Hans caught?
2- How did the Prof. know that Lidenbrock Sea was deep?
3- Why did Axel faint during the storm?
4- What was the result of the fight between the two monsters?
5- What did they do when they saw the shepherd?
6- How did Axel recognize the mammoths?
7- How long did the storm last?
8- How tall was the man they saw in the forest?
9- What marks did they see on the pickaxe?
10. What was the dark shape they saw?
: Chapter 8 :
- A) Answer the following questions :
1- What did the letters A.S stand for?
2- How did the initials A.S change Axel’s mind?
3- How were they able to blow up the huge rock?
4- What happened to the raft after the explosion?
5- What did they lose after the explosion?
6- Why was the blade of the knife rough?
7- Why did Arne carve his initials on the rock?
8- How did they lose their food, water and tools?
9- Why wasn’t Axel worried about losing everything?
: Chapter 9 :
- A) Answer the following questions :
1- How did they return to the surface of the earth?
2- What did Axel tell his uncle about their food? What did the Professor say?
3- What happened to the needle of the compass? Why?
4- What was their only chance of returning to the surface of the earth?
5- What could Axel remember about the eruption of the volcano?
6- Where were they when Axel opened his eyes?

: Chapter 10 :
- A) Answer the following questions :

Sec 1

1- How did Hans know that they were not in Iceland?

2- How did they know that they were in Italy?
3- How were the people in San Vicenzo kind to the men?
4- What did their return cause?
5- How could the people in Hamburg believe the story of the journey?
6- What did Hans decide to do in the end?
7- How did the professor and Axel feel about that decision?

1- A) Answer the following questions : ( 2010 ‫) البحيرة‬

1- Why did Professor Lidenbrock ask Axel to call to him again?
2- How did Axel recognise the mammoths in the forest?
3- When did all Axel's doubts about the journey disappear?
4- How were the people of San Vicenzo kind to the Professor, Axel and Hans?
B) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1- Axel fell down while he was walking because......................................
2- The only sorrow was that Hans decided to............................................

2- A) Answer the following questions : ( 2010 ‫) القليوبية‬

1- What animals did the group see on the sea shore ?
2- Where did the volcano throw the three men ?
3- How did Hans and Axel make a hole in the rock ?
4- What was strange about the people that the group saw ?
B) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
5- To help them explore cross the sea , Hans made a .............................
6- There was lava everywhere , so Axel fainted because of the .............

3- A) Answer the following questions : ( 2010 ‫ )الدقهلية‬1- How

did the storm help them on the Lidenbrock Sea?
2- Where did they find the letters A.S?
3- Why was the needle moving in all directions?
4- How did the people in Hamburg honour the Prof. and his men?
(B) complete the following sentences :
2011‫محافظة الدقهلية مايو‬
1- Axel recoginsed mammoths because……………………………………...…. .
2- Hans and Axel broke the stone by ………………………………………………
(1) Finish the following dialogue: (3m)
Hassna is talking to Samar who is wearing a nice dress.
Hassna : Hello Samar. Your dress is very nice; is it new?
Samar : (1) ................................................................................................................... .
Hassna : (2) .................................................................................................................... ?
Samar : I bought it last week.
Hassna : (3) .................................................................................................. ?
Samar : It is 75 pounds.
Hassna : It is very cheap. Can you show me the shop?
Samar : Yes, of course.
(2) Write what you would say in each of the following situations: (2m)
1- Your friend thinks that English is difficult but you disagree politely.
2- Your brother is driving fast. You advise him.
3- Someone smokes at a petrol station although there is a “No Smoking” sign.
Sec 1

4- Your friend tells you he is sorry because he broke your camera.

(3) Read and match: ( 2 ½ m )
1- Hanan asked the driver how much a- to get in touch with friends.
2- This is a bedroom where b- almost not or nearly not.
3- E-mails are an easy way c- not easy to break.
4- Bangkok is the d- it cost to go the train station
5- Hardly means e- capital of Thailand
f – Suad sleeps.
(4) Read the following, then answer the questions: (4 ½ m )
Egypt is a large country in the north east of Africa. Its capital is Cairo. Most of Egypt is dry and
rocky. But the Nile River, the longest river in the world, runs through it. In the north of the Nile
forms a delta before it flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The delta has Egypt’s best farmland. A lot
of people live in Egypt because of the Nile and the water it brings. People have lived there since
ancient times. The ancient Egyptians built large cities and many great monuments, including the
pyramids of Giza. One of Egypt’s great achievements was the building of the Aswan High Dam.
Egypt is considered a leader among the Arab countries. Many of the greatest Arab writers and
scientists are from there.

a- Answer the following questions:

1. What is the longest river in the world?
2. Why do many people live in Egypt?
3. What does the underlined word “there” refer to?

b- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

4. The Nile flows into the ………………… .
a) Mediterranean Sea b) dead Sea c) Red Sea d) ocean
5. ………………. Is the capital of Egypt.
a) Delta b) Giza c) Cairo d) Aswan
6. The delta has Egypt’s best …………….
a) dry land b) farmland c) rocky land d) ice land

(5) Choose the correct answer from a, b. c or d: (4m)

1- The policeman asked the boy if he …………….. anything.
a- have lost b- losing c- had lost d- lose
2- ……………… is an expensive kind of material for clothes.
a- Silk b- Metal c- Gold d- Spice
3- Ammar is my daughter’s son. He is my ………………. .
a- cousin b- nephew c- niece d- grandson
4- Ahlam is used to ………………. Tennis at the club.
a- played b- playing c- play d- plays
5- We …………………… cotton to other countries
a- export b- import c- get d- receive
6- You ……………. park here. It says “No parking”
a- haven’t b- don’t c- mustn’t d- shouldn’t
7- In April 1912, the great ship Titanic sank to the …………… of the sea.
a- top b- back c- font d- bottom
8- I don’t ……………. like vegetables, but I also like fruit.
a- too b- either c- only d- also
( 6) Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning : ( 2 m )

Sec 1

1- I haven’t got many pens in my bag. ( few )

2- It is probable that it will rain tomorrow. (may)
3- We will sell more crops inside and outside Egypt. (More crops)
4- I fell asleep while I was watching the film. (during)
(7) Read and correct the underlined words: (2 m)
1- I think I might had left my mobile at home. (………………)
2- Mansoura is a city when I live. (……………… )
3- Thank you very much from inviting me. (……………… )
4- It was a true story. It didn’t really happen. (……………… )
(8) Write a paragraph of five sentences on : (4 m)
“A place you would like to visit”
You may use the following guiding points.
- The place you would like to visit. - Where is it.
- How can you go there.
- Who you would like to go with. - What you can see there.

9 - a- Answer the following questions: (4 m)

1. What did Hans do to make the raft?
2. How did Axel and Hans blow up the rock?
3. Why did Axel know they were back on the surface of the earth?
4. How did the people in Hamburg receive the three men?

9 - b- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences: (2 m)

5. The Professor tied a pickaxe to a long rope and threw it into the sea to ……………
6- Inside the active volcano, the needle of the compass …………………

1- Finish the following dialogue:

1- Ayman and Ahmed are on the phone. About the match they are going to see at the club next Friday.
Ayman : Hello, Ahmed.
Ahmed : Hi, Ayman!
Ayman : …………………………………………………………… ?
Ahmed : Yes, of course. I'll see it at the club.
Ayman : What time that the match start ?
Ahmed : …………………………………………………………. .
Ayman : …………………………………………………………… ?
Ahmed : Let's meet in front of the club.
2- Mona and Sahar meet in the afternoon, Mona asks sahar about what she is going to do in the evening.
Mona : Good afternoon, Sahar.
Sahar : Good afternoon, Mona.
Mona : …………………………………………………………… ?
Sahar : I'm going to go to the airport this evening.
Mona : …………………………………………………………… ?
Sahar : To meet my father, he is coming from Kuwait.
Mona : …………………………………………………………… ?
Sahar : His plane will arrive at 10 pm.
Mona : I hope he arrives safely.
Sahar : Thanks, Mona. See you.
Sec 1

3- Samy meets his friend Kamal in the street. Kamal is going to travel to France this summer
Kamal : Hello, Sami!
Samy : Hi Kamal! How are things with you?
Kamal : I'm going to travel to France this summer.
Samy : …………………………………………………………… ?
Kamal : By plane.
Samy : …………………………………………………………… ?
Kamal : No, I'm not afraid because it is not the first time for me to travel by plane.
Samy : …………………………………………………………… ?
Kamal : I will spend a week with my uncle. He works in Paris.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

1- Your friend is not studying for the exam.
2- You are in your brother's car. He is driving very fast.
3- You apologize for losing a book that you borrowed from your sister.
4- You meet an old friend you haven't seen for a long time.
5- You ask your older brother to help you carry your bag, as it is too heavy.
6- You visit your friend Aya, who is ill in hospital.
7- You accept your friend’s invitation for dinner.
8- Your friend tells you he is sorry because he broke your camera.
9- You've spilt juice on your friends' bag.
10- Your friend thinks that English is difficult but you disagree.
11- You advise your younger brother not to watch too much TV.
12- You want your cousin to lend you some money.
13- Your brother has parked his car in a “No Parking” area.
14- You hear a terrible crash when you’re talking.
15- You invite your friend to your birthday party.
3- Read and match
1- Hesham told the mechanic a- she had got a lot of homework.
2- Ahmed asked Samy how long b- him some information about Aswan.
3- Nadia asked Soha if c- to check the oil in the engine.
4- Soha told Salma not to d- he had been waiting for the bus.
5- Tom asked Ahmed to e-mail e- it cost to go to the train station.
6- Nawal asked the driver how much f - how she was feeling.
7- Salma asked her mum g- make too much noise.

(A) (B)
1- Hesham was speaking to a man who a) the teacher had given him the night before.
2- This is a bedroom where b) sister was a very good artist.
3- Nadia was in a kitchen when c) had just had a holiday in India.
4- Ahmed was doing homework that d) they both enjoyed a lot.
5- Samy and Ahmed watched a film which e) Salma sleeps.
6- Soha was with a friend whose f ) the phone rang in the sitting room.

(A) (B)
1- Ahmed was so tired after the match a- she thought Ahmed must have borrowed it.
2- Hesham stopped at the supermarket b- but she is also polite to strangers as well.
3- When Soha couldn't see her phone c- nor to take the car to the garage.
4- Nadia neither forgot to phone Hesham d- that he decided not to go to Sami’s house.
5- Salma isn't only polite for her friends e- in order to buy some cheese and bread.

Sec 1

(A) (B)
1- Goods are things a- because I've got too little money.
2- The road was narrow, b- as I've got a lot of money.
3- There is too much pollution here c- "weak"
4- I can't buy the car d- in our city.
5- "strong" is the opposite of e- so the lorry couldn't pass.
f- which people sell and buy.

(A) (B)
1- Ali asked the mechanic a- so I'm going to see the doctor tonight.
2- mother advised me b- his son had an accident at school.
3- I feel sick, c- writing the best poem.
4- Murad was sad because d- not too much.
5- Salma got a prize for e- to check the oil in the engine.
f- to study hard for the exam.

(A) (B)
1- the car was so expensive, a- you will make a lot of mistakes.
2- Nadia was very thirsty, b- I'd wear a jacket.
3- if you are not a careful person, c- that Kamal didn't buy it.
4- although she was tired d- Soha helped her mum.
5- if I were you, e- That she studied hard.
f- so she drank a bottle of water.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:

Ancient Egypt was very dry, and the ancient Egyptians depended mainly on the Nile to water the crops. The ancient
Egyptians could only grow certain kinds of food because of the dry climate. They mainly grew wheat and another kind
of plant with along head, called barely. The ancient Egyptians used the wheat to make bread and soup. The ancient
Egyptians also ate meat. You could go to a butcher shop and buy meat there, just like people do these days. Scientists
have found models of butchers' shops in ancient Egyptian tombs. They enjoyed eating dates. Scientists have also found
seeds which show that the Egyptians grew watermelons, and other kinds of melon.
a- Answer the following questions:
?What main crops did the ancient Egyptians grow -1
2- What did the ancient Egyptians like to eat for dessert?
3- Why couldn't the ancient Egyptians grow many kinds of crops?
b- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Scientists have found ………. seeds in ancient Egyptian graves.
a- mango b- melon c- banana d- orange
2- The underlined word "they" refers to ………..
a- scientist’s b- crops c- ancient Egyptians d- date
3- Barley is kind of …………
a- plant b- date c- meat d- soup
4- Read the following, then answer the questions:
We all know that Columbus discovered America in 1492. However, Columbus may not have been the first person to
visit America. Ancient Egyptians might have sailed to America on large ships made with Lebanese wood. Why do we
think this? Well, there are pyramids in America which look like the pyramids in Saqqara. Also, some historians have
found small pieces of tobacco in Egyptian tombs. Tobacco was not brought to Egypt from America until about 1600, so
some historians think ancient Egyptians must have got the tobacco from America thousands of years ago. But other
historians think that workers who helped to find the tombs may have left the tobacco there.
1- When did Columbus discover America?
2- What made them think ancient Egyptians may have been to America?
3- When was tobacco first brought to Egypt?
4- Ancient Egyptians may have travelled to America using …………
a. camels b. wooden ships c. planes d. small ships
5- The underlined word “there” refers to …………
Sec 1

a. the tombs b. America c. Saqqara d. the pyramids

6- Who may have left the tobacco pieces in the ancient Egyptian tombs?
a. Columbus b. the workers who found the tombs c. sailors d. Americans
4- Read the following, then answer the questions :
Kenya is a big country in east Africa with an area of about half a million square kilometers. Kenya has got
the sea to the east. The weather is hot and humid near the sea, and dry and hot in the north. From April to
June it rains often. The capital of Kenya is called Nairobi. It is a modern city with lots of traffic. In the
countryside, there are mountains and wide open spaces. There are also many wild animals including lions,
elephants, and giraffes. Farming is important in Kenya. Tea and coffee are the main exports, as well as fruit
and vegetables.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- What is Kenya’s capital city called?
2- Name three wild animals found in Kenya.
3- Where is the weather hot and humid in Kenya?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1- Which of the following does Kenya export?
a- giraffes b- coffee c- machines d- gold
2- Kenya has an area of …………….km²
a- 500,000 b- 5000 c- 250,000 d- 1,000,000
3- When is the rainy season in Kenya?
a- March-May b- August-June c- May-July d- April-June
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1- Salma was …. and cried because she had lost one of her toys.
a) stressful b) upset c) clever d) crowded
2- Soha thinks this juice is nice but sally ……..
a) takes of b) disappears c) disagrees d) agrees
3- It's ten kilometers to petrol station. There isn't one……...
a) nearby b) traffic jam c) nearly d) on board
4- Some people like the ……. of the country. Other people really dislike quite life.
a) invitation b) silence c) disappointment d) anger
5- In Samy’s opinion, Egypt has a good football team. Ahmed ……….with him.
a) consists of b) set off c) wishes d) agrees
6- There used to be a lot of ………, but now the smoke from the factory is cleaner.
a) furniture b) spices c) pollution d) silence
7- The airport chemist/ controller/ customer sent a message to Flight 19.
8- The pilot said that he was ready to turn off/ take off /take care of.
9- The weather was good when the planes set off/ solved/ succeed on their journey.
10- Other planes set off/ smashed/ searched for Flight 19.
11- All the planes suddenly disappeared/ discovered/ disappointed and no one could find them.
12- "I don't have many friends, only ……. Good friends, " Emad said.
a) much b) many c) a few d) a little
13- Samy ran to the bus stop because there was ……..time to walk.
a) too much b) too many c) too few d) too little
14- " I'm going to wait for the next bus, " Ahmed said. "There are …….people on this one."
a) too much b) too many c) too few d) too little
15- "I'd like …….. rice, please, mum," Salma said. "I'm very hungry."
a) too much b) too many c) a lot of d) a little
16- " I don't have to do ……... housework," sally said." About ten minutes each day."
a) much b) many c) a few d) a little
17- Ahmed can't meet Samy after school because he has an ……..with the dentist.
a) appointment b) apology c) area d) artist
18- ……… are things which a country sells to another country.
a) imports b) buying c) exports d) trade
19- The blouse was white and made of …………
a) suit b) silk c) spices d) goods
20- A …….. is someone who makes clothes.
Sec 1

a) controller b) manager c) referee d) tailor

21- A big area of desert ………. In the next three years.
a) reclaimed b) will be reclaimed c) is reclaiming d) reclaims
22- The number of people in Egypt …….. by about one million every year.
a) is growing b) was growing c) grew d) will grow
23- The government hopes that more farms ……….. by 2020.
a) opens b) will be opened c) have opened d) is opening
24- There ………..enough farm land in the future without reclaiming land from the desert.
a) Wasn't b) hasn't been c) won't be d) is not
25- In the future, crops from the Toshka valley ……… inside and outside Egypt.
a) Are going to sell b) are selling c) sold d) will be sold
26- Successful ……. are people that sell goods for more than they pay for them.
a) traders b) fishermen c) imports d) caravans
27- The food tasted hot because Nadia had put a lot of …..in it.
a) Beef b) beans c) pepper d) tobacco
28- ………. is an island in the Atlantic.
a) Iceland b) Italy c) Viking d) Mexico

29- A ……… is someone who studies the past.

a) Tailor b) scientist c) controller d) historian
30- An …………. Is the name for a very big sea.
a) Lake b) ocean c) river d) pool
31- The scientist Alexander Fleming ……… a famous medicine.
a) Consisted of b) disagreed c) reclaimed d) discovered
32- Next year, this land …… by a new canal.
a) Will irrigating b) has been irrigated c) will be irrigated d) is irrigating
33- That radio is very nice. It …….. been expensive.
a) Can have b) might have c) must have d) can't have
34- Osman always eats the most bananas and Tarek eats ………… . he doesn't like them.
a) More. b) The fewest. c) The least. d) Less.
35- Egypt ………. a lot of tomatoes from the Toshka valley next year.
a) Exports b) will be exported c) is exported d) will export
36- You …… go in that room! The doctor is talking to a patient.
a) Won't b) mustn't c) don't have to d) might not
37- We'll meet at six in the ……….… car park.
a) Supermarket b) Supermarkets' c) Supermarkets d) Supermarket's
38- Nadia ……..... made a cake. She didn't have any sugar or butter.
a) can have b) might have c) must have d) can't have
39- Salma …….. eaten the cookies. She was a sleep.
a) can have b) can't have c) could d) must have
40- Paul martin wanted ……….a photo of a waterfall.
a) Take b) to taking c) taking d) to take
41- Pam and martin were looking forward ……… in Bangkok.
a) Arrive b) to arriving c) arriving d) to arrive
42- Martin was used ……… into the jungle with no one with him.
a) Go b) to going c) going d) to go
43- Martin saw the sun ………. behind the trees.
a) Down b) to going down c) going down d) to go down
44- Martin could hear the water ………. onto the rocks.
a) Fall b) to falling c) falling d) to fall
45- when you are revising, ……….to bed late at night.
a) not going b) don't go c) didn't go d) hasn't gone
46- after Nadia ………. Her aunt, she went to collect Soha from school
a) was visiting b) must have visited c) has been visited d) had visited
47- Salma said to Nadia, " I'm used ……… my bike now, mum."
a) to ride b) ride c) to riding d) riding
Sec 1

48- As Hesham …….. to work, he remembered that his bag was at home.
a) was driving b) has been driving c) had driving d) drives
49- That driver …… parked his car there. The sign says "no parking".
a) might have b) didn't have c) shouldn't have d) must have
50- Soha is looking forward to … to Greece after her exams.
a) go b) goes c) gone d) going
51- It is important ….. some breaks when you begin to prepare for your exams.
a) have taken b) takes c) to take d) taking
52- My teacher asked me ……..talk in class
a) don't b) can't c) won't d) not to
53- Salma and Amina enjoyed …….at the zoo
a) Themselves b) ourselves c) herself d) yourselves
54- Mother asked Ali to look ….. his little brother while she was away.
( for – at up – after – at )
55- A secretary ….. many e-mails and letters every day.
a) Write b) writes c) writing d) is writing
56- We ………cotton to other countries.
a) Receive b) export c) get d) import
57- Salma was very ….and wouldn't wait until her turn came.
a) Patient b) calm c) impatient d) successful
58- The giraffe has a very long ………….. .
a) neck b) tail c) tongue d) head
59- Primary school ……. six years in Egypt.
a) lasts b) last c) lasted d) was last
60- Ali has just gone to France for a week. He ……….. won’t be here tomorrow.
a) probably b) never c) definitely d) possibly
61- Adel is my uncle’s son. He is my ………….. .
a) Cousin b) nephew c) grandson d) niece
62- An elephant is ……..than a dog.
a) Thinner b) less c) bigger d) smaller
63- My school is …………. the supermarket and the police station.
a) Inside b) between c) over d) in
64- We are sure that he ……by car.
a) Shall come b) are coming c) might come d) will come
65- The thief broke ……… the shop to steal some money.
a) On b) into c) at d) with
66- She is used to …….. tennis at the club.
a) Playing b) played c) plays d) play
67- He missed the train. He ……. earlier.
a) got up b) should have get up c) would got up d) has got up
68- he is a photographer. His job is to …………..photos.
a) draw b) buy c) make d) take
69- This is the place……… historian found the tomb.
a) when b) why c) where d) while
70- ………… is an expensive kind of material for clothes.
a) silk b) metal c) gold d) spice
71- we buy vegetables at the ………
a) chemist's b) baker's c) greengrocer's d) butcher's
72- I am worried ………..my brother. He is very late.
a) of b) about c) at d) on
73- The baby is crying. I can ………. hear my friend on the phone.
a) harder b) hardest c) hard d) hardly
74- People enjoy ………..to many countries during summer holidays.
a) traveling b) visiting c) arriving d) staying
75- the policeman asked the boy if he ……….. anything.
a) have lost b) losing c) had lost d) lose
Sec 1

6- Rewrite using the words in brackets:

1- “Do you like the weather in England, Tom?” (Nadia asked)
2- “How old are you, Salma?” (Tom asked)
3- “What does your father do, Tom?” (Hesham asked)
4- “Have you ever been to England, Soha?” (Tom asked)
5- “Are you going to visit Alexandria during this trip, Tom?” (Ahmed asked)
6- Sami has been revising. He wants to get a good result in his test. (so that)
7- Ahmed went into the kitchen. Nadia was making a cake. (as)
8- Sally went to the bookshop. She wanted to buy a book for Salma. (so that)
9- Soha visited some interesting places when she was on holiday. (during)
10- Ahmed has finished his math’s homework. He’s finished his English homework. (not only)
11- Ahmed has finished his math’s homework. He’s finished his English homework. (as well as)
12- He was a trader and a soldier. (not only)
13- Carl Kunth studied animals and plants. (not only)
14- Paul von Wurttemberg went to Sudan and Egypt. (not only)
15- The English travellers were crossing deserts and jungles. (not only)
16- Argun palms were found in the north and south of Egypt. (not only)
17- Ahmed cleaned the fridge . he put away the shopping. (not only)
18- the weather was very humid. Sally didn't want to walk. (so …. that)
19- Ahmed worked hard at school. He worked hard at home. (not only)
20- I feel asleep during the film. (while)
21- Although Sami is rich, he is unhappy. (but)
22- That man rescued my brother. (who)
23- The English traveler was crossing deserts and jungles. (not only)
The English traveler was crossing not only deserts but also jungles
24- The film was very interesting. I want to see it again. (so ….that)
25- I was walking to school when I met my friend. (while)
26- Samia went to the market to buy vegetables. (so that)
27- Ashraf saw his marks. Then he ran to tell his father. (as soon as)
Sec 1

28- Hala learned to use the computer. Then she taught her sister. (after)
29- he couldn't catch the train because he walked slowly. (if … )
30- Walid stayed at home so that he could write to his friend. (in order to)
7- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- Nadia has decides to visit her aunt tomorrow evening. (……………….)
2- Hesham has been looked forward to relaxing this weekend. (……………….)
3- Salma hears the plane and looked up. (……………….)
4- Ahmed is use to getting good marks. (……………….)
5- Soha sounds hopeless. She thinks she will do well. (……………….)
6- Salma is ill. She mustn't take her medicine. (……………….)
7- Samir has decided plays the match with the team. (……………….)
8- Salma is naughty. She always gets high marks. (……………….)
9- My sister's blouse makes of silk. (……………….)
10- Zaki always swims in the sea. He is a good swimming. (……………….)
11- Ahmed took an English test next week. (……………….)
12- Ahmed used to getting good marks. (……………….)
13- Mona is ill. She mustn't take her medicine. (……………….)
14- Sami is fond of plays football at the club. (……………….)
15- Sally went to the bakery to buy a book . (……………….)
16- Nadia agreed to buy the toy because it was too expensive. (……………….)
17- You must buy goods for more money than you sell them for. (……………….)
8- Write a letter to your cousin Magdy - Tell him that you have won a computer as a prize in a
competition. Tell him how you won the prize, how many persons took part in the competition, and
who helped you to learn to use the computer. Your name is Mohamed. You live at 20 Abbasia
Street, Cairo.
20 Abbasia Street,
25th May , 2011
Dear Magdy ,
How are you and how is your family? I am writing this letter to tell you that I have
won a computer as a prize in a competition, first, I read about the competition in our school
magazine , it was about computer. Forty persons took part in it . My father helped me a lot to be
good at using the computer , I am very happy. Please, write me soon.
With love
Your cousin ,
8- write a paragraph of five (5) sentences on “ Shopping ”. Guiding words:
1- mother – shopping – week 2- butcher – meat
3- greengrocer – fruit – vegetables 4- Baker – bread – cakes 5- Grocer – buy
My mother goes shopping every week . She goes to the butcher’s to get meat . She goes to the
greengrocer’s to buy vegetables. She gets bread and cakes at the baker’s . She goes to the grocer’s
to buy cheese, sugar and tea.

8- write a paragraph of five (5) sentences on “Your school library” Guiding words:
Go – twice a week – floor – different books – librarian – borrow – spend – good time.
My school library

Sec 1

My school library is very big. I go there twice a week. It is on the second floor. I enjoy reading
different books there. The librarian is very kind. He helps me a lot to borrow the books I need. I
spend a good time there.
8- Write a letter to your friend, Tamer, who lives in Alexandria with his family. Ask him to tell you
about his school and his family. Invite him to visit you in Cairo during the summer holidays. Tell him
how he will enjoy this visit. ( your name is sheriff. You live at 30, Makram Ebaid street, Naser City,
Cairo. )

30, Makram Ebaid Street,

Naser City,
25th May , 2012
Dear Tamer,
How are you ? I hope you are fine and enjoying your life . I am writing this letter to ask
you to tell me about your school and your family , I want also to invite you to visit me in Cairo
during the summer holidays. You will enjoy your visit very much , there are a lot of places you can
visit here like the Cairo Tower and the Egyptian museum . I hope you can come .
With my best wishes

9- Answer the following questions :

1- What name did the Professor give to the sea he discovered?

 Lidenbrock Sea.
2- What did Hans make to help the characters explore the sea?
 A raft.
3- How did Hans make a raft?
 He cut down some of the trees and tied them together.
4- What was the fish Hans caught like?
 It was strange. It had a flat head but no eyes or tail.
5- Why did the Prof. throw a long rope with the pickaxe into the sea?
 To know how deep the sea was.
6- What would have happened if they hadn't broken the rock down?
 They wouldn’t have come back to the surface of the earth.
7- Where did the three men find the letters AS?
 At the entrance to a dark tunnel.
8- What did the letters AS mean?
 (They stand for Arne Saknussemm) That Arne had gone to the centre of the earth.
9- When did the characters' doubts about the journey disappear?
 When the saw the letters AS.
10- What was the effect of finding the initials on Axel?
 All his fears about the journey disappeared.
11- Why did the Prof. think they were in the middle of an active volcano?
 Because the needle of the compass went in all directions.
12- Why did Arne Saknussemm carve his initials on the rock?
 To guide who would follow him to the centre of the earth.
13- Why did Lidenbrock and Axel love Hans?
 Because he was calm, quiet and helpful.
14- Which character do you like best in the story? Why?
 Hans. He was calm and helpful.
15- How did Axel blow the rock up?
 First, he used a pickaxe. Then, they blow it up by gunpowder.

Sec 1

16- What did Axel and his uncle find along the shore of the sea?
 A skull of a human. That meant people had lived there before.
17- What did Axel find in the sand on the shore? Why was it rough?
 A steel knife. Arne had used it to carve his initials on the rock
18- How did Axel recognize mammoths?
 From the pictures in his science book.
19- Why did they hold a celebration for the characters in Hamburg?
 Because they made the journey to the centre of the earth.
20- What made the people in Hamburg believe the story of the journey?
 Hans had been with them and news about their journey from Iceland.
21- What marks did the terrible monsters leave on the "pickaxe"?
 Teeth.
22- Why didn’t Axel remember much about the last explosion?
 Because he fainted.
23- What were the sea monsters doing in the sea?
 They were attacking each other.
24- What did Hans decide to do at the end of the journey?
 He decided to go home ( to Iceland ).
25- Where did the active volcano throw the three men?
 On a steep mountain slope. On the surface of the earth.
26- When did the explorers realize that they were in Italy?
 When the boy spoke only in Italian.
27- How did the three men return to the surface of the Earth?
 Through an active volcano.
28- What did Axel see in the forest?
 He saw the mammoth and a shepherd.
29- Which mountain were the explorers thrown out of?
 On a mountain in Italy (Stromboli).
30- What did the group lose while going down on water at a great speed?
 They lost most of their food, drinks and tools.
31- What was about the size of the trees and plants that they saw?
 They were taller and bigger than the plants on the earth.
32- What happen after the explosion?
 The sea became one big wave and it took them forward at a great speed.
33- What was the giant shepherd doing?
 He was looking after the herd of mammoth.
34- What was the last memory that Axel had of the volcano?
 Han’s calm face looking at him.
35- Why was the light at the Lidenbrock Sea strange?
 It was cold and white.
36- Why didn’t the little boy answer the professor first?
 Because he didn’t understand him.
37- What made Axel faint during the storm?
 A ball of fire hit the raft.
38- Why could Axel's uncle hear his voice?
 Because all the passages led into the place where he was.
39- How did the eruption of the volcano save them?
 It helped them to return to the surface of the earth.
40- What fantastic creatures did Axel expect to meet on the Sea?
 Lizards, whales or birds which lived on earth millions of years ago.
41- How was Axel awakened after he had fainted?
 A noise like thunder or waves of a sea.
42- Why wasn't Axel worried about losing all their food and water?
 Because he was thought they would be killed soon.
43- How far apart were Axel and his uncle?
 6 kilometres.
Sec 1

B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences :

1- Axel's voice helped the Professor to calculate …………….…………
how far apart they were.
2- The Professor and Axel felt sorry when Hans decided to return to
Iceland because …..……..…
they loved him very much.
3- They entered the earth through the extinct volcano of Sneffels
and returned through ……….…
an active volcano of Stromboli.
4- The gunpowder exploded after…………
10 minutes.
5- When Axel saw the sky, he knew that …………………………
They returned to the surface of the earth.
6- As soon as the characters had exploded the rock, ………………..
a huge hole opened in the rock and the sea became one big wave.
7- The giant mammoths, Axel saw, looked like elephants, but.........
they were bigger and had longer tusks.
8- The mushrooms looked like ……
giant umbrellas.
9- Mammoths are ……………
big elephants with long tusks on their noses.
10- The strange sea was named after Lidenbrock but the island……
was named after Axel.
11- Hans caught a fish that existed only as a .........
fossil on the earth.
12- The sea monster's fight lasted for …………
2 or 3 hours.
13- There was lava everywhere, so Axel fainted because of ………
the great heat (the unbearable heat)
14- They were not in Iceland because ………………
the weather was hot and the land was dry
15- The volcano had thrown the three men out of the crater and
they returned ………….
to the surface of the earth
16- Lidenbrock gave a cry of joy because .........
Axel was still alive.
17- Because of the volcanic eruption, the explorers ………
returned to the surface of the earth
18- A geyser is a…………….
hot water fountain.
19- The return of Professor Lidenbrock caused ...............
a great excitement and argument.
20- Axel picked up his gun to shoot the monster, but it would be ......

Good Luck
Sec 1


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