Expository Essay

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The manipulated speech of the media

Society is a fragile ecosystem that is now indirectly and subtly influenced by the media.

This can be seen reflected in the plot of the chapter the wunderkind where the scenes dazzle and

dazzle people with the correct lies and actions that will eventually blind voters to the madness

right in front of their faces.

In this way, we can see in the first instance American policies, influenced by the media,

and as voters of that country they prefer the style that the substance of the problems that

surround the United States. Thus, with the influence of social networks and the media, Raff

Hanks, a campaign representative, who seeks to claim his career, and Oliver, a young eleven-

year-old youtuber, manage to manipulate people, giving importance to their interests. cultural.

In a second order, we can see how, through compassion, the protagonists of this chapter

seek to persuade the audience, and in this way, voters forget the painful scene of the presidential

debate. Here we see that words move people and it is an excellent strategy for an influencer to

use at their convenience to gain followers. Here people recognize their emotions through a

moving scene where Oliver's dog cancer disease is recounted.

On the other hand, the social media has been used to provoke millions of movements

around the world in such a way that ideas can be defended. This can be seen with the campaign

dance launched by Oliver to promote his campaign and thus gain more popularity and finally

achieve the presidency. Here we see how government positions and other entities resort to

sentimentality, culture and discourse to embellish false truths.


Thus, we can conclude that currently the mass media manipulate society, alluding to

different marketing strategies, whether it be persuasion, resort to piety, or being an influencer to

achieve objectives that benefit the few. and how he manages to see himself in the plot of the

chapter where finally the only victor is the young manipulative youtuber who uses his popularity

and speech to captivate followers.

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