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CODM PLAY : The origin story of the poltergeist class.

(Part 1)

*In codm, the director had a girlfriend but he thinks that she is cheating on him. He is in his bedroom
right now thinking about his life choices*

Director : uuuhhhhhh……… I think she is cheating on me. Or maybe its just me. It also could be the fact
that I trigger the community a lot, and she also plays codm. U know what I will play some codm right
now with all the bugs and glitchs off for me and turn up all the bugs and glitchs for my enemies. I want
to get kills.

*Gets into the game lobby and he sees one player who has an exclusive skin that his girlfriend has. He
puts his chat on all mic and listens to the world chat in the lobby, only to find that it’s her girlfriend, but
he also notices that there is a male voice. He eavesdrops the conversation and senses that she is into this
random dude and she mentions babe to him.

Director : (In a cofused voice) Babe?........ what the hell?.........

*The girl is chatting with this man about the director and she is on all mic*

Man : So what about this director dude, like did u finally dumb him?

The girl : nah, not now, I mean I will do it later. Like I want to make sure that he understands the lesson
for triggering the codm community so much. The pain that the players receive after every fucking nerf of
the gun just so that u can sell a particular skin and rob their money is so unethical. He needs to learn
that the hard way about what it is like to loose something u love.

Man : True. He nerfed msmc just because I wrecked him in a mp match with that the gun, what a noob,
and now he basically buffs its recoil just to sell the skin, and then nerfs it back again. That’s just robbery
of my money. He did the same thing with the s36.

Girl : hmmmmm………. Yeah, must do that. I do feel guilty, but then I need my revenge. U know how
much I used the msmc in pro tournaments? Like a lot. Plus I know that he is using me as well.

Man : Good. Anyways, the match is about to start.

*The director listens to the conversations and he is shocked to find that out. He is determined to kill
them. So he uses the mechanic. The flight path is through the platform. The girl and the man all land
there, and even with a lot of glitchs and bugs and high ping on their screen, he gets absoutel destroyed
by the pistol. He is hard broken and angry. He exits the game and goes to a nearby bar for a drink and
he is re thinking his life choices while having 2 to 3 shots of vodka and some whiskey.*

Director : (sobs while he is speaking) why………why is ……..why did it happen to me……… she betrayed
me. I wanted to her………….. this is not good………. My life is fuckeddd……………… like why………. WHY
WHY. (wipes his tears and gets starts to gasp a lot of air which is filled with rage) I am going to destroy
her………. (in a menacing voice) She thinks she is a pro player…….. ohhh no no no no no………. I will shoe
u a pro player……. And that’s me……… cause I made this fuckking game…… and I can do whatever the
fuck I want…………… and I have an idea on how to fix that. This is going to be my perfect revenge.

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