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N4 Fruits and Project:

Go to the Fruit Section, Material del Curso, object 4 only case study (not the video)
research find 2 similar products to your project product and compare and contrast. Using
3 comparatives and 3 superlatives 6 different adjectives in a paragraph using connectors.
upload your work to assignment: Due date: 8/27

Object 5 only task 1 only points 1 to 4, Using your product for your project upload your
work to assignments Due date: 9/10

Object 9, only task 2 upload your work to: Using your product for your project in the
future 2018 sales T&T Due date: 9/16
Final project: You have to create a new company that will be launching a new product. In a
video presentation

you must:

1. Describe your company

2. Its sector; clothing, technology, food etc.
3. Types of products you sell
4. Target market, social economic level 1,2,3,4,5 or 6
5. Compare your product to 2 different products
6. The 4 P’s of Marketing
7. A graph that describes your future sales for 2018
Introduce your company's new product (no service) and the marketing plan and
strategies to promote it, make comparisons to similar products. Make sure to include
the 4 P's of marketing. Finally, make sure to include a graph that shows how your
figures will improve with the new product. Your video should be between 5-7 minutes.
Upload your video to YouTube and please make sure it is not private. Write an article
that summarizes the video information. Your article should be at least 300 words (No
more than 300 words). Upload the article to assignments with the youtube link. Due
date: 9/17/2016

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