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EE Se) @WKLINGER. KLINGERmilam PSS High-Temperature Gasket Material for Temperatures up to 900°C and higher KLINGERmitam PSS ‘malerial: KLINGER — The global leader in static sealing aS ae eee] @KLINGER. KLINGERmilam PSS The many, varied demands placed on gaskets ‘Acorn perception i thatthe sarkabliy ofa gasket for any Given application depends ypon the maximum temperature and pressure conditions, This is not the case. Selecting gaskets with pT diagrams The Kingee pT dagram provides guidelines for detaining the sulabilty of particular gasket _meleral fora specific application based on the opeating lemperatre and pressure only ‘Additional stesses such as Suctuating load may sigificantiy alec the suitability ofa gasket inthe application and must be considered separately. ‘Always eet othe chemical tesislance ofthe gasket tothe tid. Thickaess reduction under ‘prossura and tompsrataro This diagram shows the thick ess seduction ofthe ssatng itr under Mange cor pression and simultaneous tem- perature sdnissicn Excessive thickness redus- tion wt lange connections feads to unreliable operation since the bok tension decreases too much A thickness decrease ‘of apptax. 20 ~ 2586 can ‘nonmaly sil be tolerated. Maximum tomperaure ard pressure values alone cannot elng a matral's suitability or an application These limits ae ‘dependent upon a maltipiiy af ‘actors as shown inthe gram ‘opposite. is always advisable to consider these factors when selecting 2 meer fra given anplcaton ‘Areas of Application @ havea on, the gasket sera is normally suitable then a minimum gasket load of 40 MPa is quarenieed. ® tn area two, the gasket ‘materials may be suitable bul & technical evaluation is recommended ® ‘naa thee, dono install the gasket without a technical evaluation The diagram therelore helps to elo the ma permissible contact pressute (Og) depending onthe ‘temperature This allows conect dimensioning of the sealing jin. aa ee) @KUINGER KLINGERmilam PSS Information for your safety Tightess at high temperatures tnortant notes: ‘Asa conseauance o the high Tighiness at high temperauzes is Growing environmental and sally requirements on tightness («9 measured with the Klinger stability awareness leads to constantly leakage class L 0,01), respeciively lest al diferent lemperalares and increasing requirements an the high surface pressures must often be internal pressures. Mirogen is used tightness of fange connections. applied to the gasket as the ntermal as test madium, The load and ihe Therefore, it becomes more and more pressures inaease. The planned temperature are kept consiant at important forte users fo choose the lange connecions must derelor be ‘increasing internal pressure. The roast suitable gasket forthe respec- examined for thot subi fr such ‘holding tine for each measuwed value tive appitaton and instal operating conditions wither they are is wo hours. A new gasket is used corectl to ensue atthe desired actually suésble to wistand tas0 foreach individual fad and tempera- tightness is reached. (ads without undve mechanical ture, Tighiness is measured with a sit0s8 ‘mass flow meter, The sealing oint remains taht whan ie contcl pressure encoun The pressure is contaled by @ ‘ed during the operation condition is pressure regulator. neater than te requited minima contac pressure and the max permissible contac pressure ofthe sealing joint i not exceeded during operating coon. ‘More dense compressed but not overly compressed gaskois wd Jonge life than thse with srater pressures, Man exclusively static oad an ‘he installed casket cannot bs quaren- ted orf tension variations can be ‘expected doing intermitent operation ‘hen sealing materials rust be wsed Ut do nol exhib excessive erbrt- erent under temperature (2.0 KLNGERoraphit Lamina, KLINGER PSS, KLINGERop- ‘chem, KLINGERtop-sit) In such cases, the ssaling thickness should be kep as thin as ‘echnicaly possible and seta The mutipt use of gates generally discouraged fr safety reasons. (eee | (KLINGER. KLINGERmilam PSS Chemical resistance table Bedi Medians Bodiam ‘ee ‘oatalieiyie = Chori TH Lendocaate @ Sadum dnde . destide 1 Chvonicacd, Lad usmale (© Sedum ganide e ‘etic acid oder 1m Givinaid © Linsesd of (© “Susi fydogenceborab_@ Aeabicaib 10% (© Decten 160 © Magnesiam sulfate © Sedlriiytaice © ealcacid 10% (© Coptsing tas into WH) © MER Bute Sedum lar oO esta Condesa valor © Meine Sedum sual . Peale Compe eae eel ekatol Sedum sul © ‘ic oc Cope auto (© Mell chit Sat © x Gesol ‘alifere cio a Sach Aas 0 Srdokeanal (© Minera wi No.t © Seam @ Konia @ Docaline (@ Hinert vi No.3 © Saiced e ‘Mariner hae (© Dbexyieier 1 Mococtlmabase Sua e Munn chisie © Diba pinta ce Mopha © Sultan 20m e ‘ewan @ Diasoi e Hatra gas Sune acid 7 e Aamoniancaionde ——@ inet amanda Nino beens © Sula 00% O ‘eawoni erie eo Ditys vapor © Salk dide 2 ‘Annona hytogenofoaine @ Dilfer = Octane (@ Sulwicasié, ‘Amon iy Opn tin rarer) @ Obiceoid © Saleen ao 2 aya © Fthaae © Oka © Teario acid 2 Jalios 1m Ehenel nlc © Fares) @ $ocn (piece) = Eby ae Byam © Tatariczcé 2 econ 2 ‘By aoa 1B Palnitie aot Teach oI dein Sipe = Peatae © Tabaln e ‘ooh a © Etileno corte Parola © Tou oe Borin elloride © Ebylondanine Palau ai a Tianamer a @ Brune Eten ohh (@ Pachivayene a Tihfaatyens a Boric acd © Firoresiicioaoid © Phosol © Tiahrobana ° Bruel Fouad Phasphoreaeid © Tape e Bia kama @ fasmanids Pitas ci © then e i Polaco eae © Vinyl asctate oe Polasium carole Water Potaeum cea @ Heta- gis @ Petssim ceri © ite Spe @ Polasumchrntunsaa © “Kiel oe Poissim cynic Polson ional Poisson Possum hypecie © Possum seis e Pots Fyfe al pisptal as) © Potassium nial Gaal) @ Hytaulical fect eed) © Polssiumpemanstab — @ ‘tacos hate © Pome lore acid 20% Priding kolo acd a7 Rapeseed ot e yes cid 1026 ‘Fda cada CC ——ar ‘Hytogen lta) © “Siioneo ‘Hytogen pie © ‘Shysol 500 ‘eooctane © Se opeay ath = Herosene a ee @KLINGER. KLINGERmilam PSS © Material composition LINGERmilam PSS isan asbestos- ‘hee sealing material on mica base wit a perarated 0.1 ram thick Sains sea reinforcement 1.4401 cor AISI16. (tis impregnated with igh-quality sifcon oi The phlogopite mica, an aluminosilicate of mineral origin, has 8 fiber-ree lameller structure Properties The special progenies ofthe material 2 its then stability (weight lass at 800°C less then 5%). Togetier with is extreme resistance toted chemical substances such as Solvents, aggressive acids, bases and mineral ol, interesting applicavon options became availble. Applications Beceuse of is spect properties ILINGERmiam PSS can be used acvantagecusly upward of 100°. Originally used ia the emission area at high temperatures upto 1000°C, oten with an inna eyelet iis now ‘nareasialy used wih high -fempera- tte processes, Ifcontat pressures of 40 MPs and ve canbe realized, tightnesses comparable to those of caveson seating material canbe reached. Applications such as HNO,- azeotopic acd systems at 8 bar and 400°C, NO cas at 4 bar and 400°C, sat reactors above 400°C and catalysis processes at over 800°C with dimensions of more than 6m diameter deronstat the potential of this mata Technical values Tynleal valves Compressibliy ASTM F361 % Recovery ASIF 365 68-6 5-6 0-0 ‘Sivess relaxation DIN 52013 MPa SOMPa, 16 Wi00°C_ Tensile strength DIN 52910 MPa 2 2 20 Tense siength ASTM F 152 Mea 25 Igntion loss OINS2041 ‘5S Ss olf ‘Sealabilty for niivogen at 30MPa mii 620 02 AL and'6 bar, temperature within 100to 400°C (Sample size 9x 50 mm) max. Thickness increase ASTM F 146 12 We Dil JPM 903 5hY/150°%C_ Weight increase ASTM F fa %* 6 8 @ Oil JPM 903: SH/150°C_ “x. gasket load iano SD Density DIN 3754 id 21 2t 18 Tx tomperaure™ Cm 90800 Thickness mn 13 20 32 * depending on instalation and service conlon. ‘Bt Dimensions 1B Function aud durability of the standard sheets The parlormance and service life of Sine ofthe plates: KLINGER gaskes depend in ge 1,000 rm x 1,200 min measure on proper siorage and Standard thicknesses: (tting, factors beyoad the manu- P55 150 = 1.3 mm fecor's contol. We can, howere, PSS.200 «20mm ouch forthe extent quay of oar P95 300 = 3.2 mm products. Tolerances: ‘With this in mind, please also Thickness +/- 10% observe our installation instructions. Lengths and width +f- 50 mam Tests and certifications German Loyd No, 5062008 HHH Subject to technical alterations, Issue: March 2006 Sea ee ee) KLINGER. KLINGERmilam PSS Installation notes ‘Special installation notes for ‘Bry instalation Tightness ‘KLNGERsallam PSS KLINGERmiam PSS must absohtely Because of ts composition, Please observe the general instla- not be installed moist. Ifa gasket KLINGERmilaa PSS requires greater lion notes or KLINGER sealing Becomes vet by the sealing surfaces than normal gasket load to became ‘materials. The flowing special notes. belove compression, eg. because of gas-tight. minimum vali of ‘epresen import informetion for water residues rom a previous approx. 40 MPa should be aimed at the correct use ofthe sealing pressure tes, it must be replaced. a the lange are, tongue/groove eter. Likewise, greases or pastes may anges and passiby also ‘KLINGEfimilam PS isa special not be used onthe sealing surface, male/female anges or higher ‘high-temperature seeling mater for pressure eves fom the ANS! range temperatures up to 900°C and higher. are required lor this purpose. ‘tis larinsted rom mica and a per- -KLINGERrilam PSS fs therefore foraed stainless steel reinforcement.

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