Narrative Planner-"The Pomegranate Seeds"

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Narrative Planner—“The Pomegranate Seeds”

Describe the character from "The Pomegranate Seeds" whose story you plan to tell. 
Character Name: Proserpine
How would you Why?
describe this
‘I would describe the Her skin, in spite of the fact that actually reasonable, has been
Appearance character Proserpina as darkened from her long, lively days within the daylight. A white
a nymphet. dress continuously hung from her shoulders, the straps half
generously pulled towards her collar bones, the skirt hanging freely
underneath her knees to induce caught in twigs and secured in
mud all through her courageous days.

Feelings Proserpina She would tread through streams

was kind.  unshod, burrowing her toes in to the
mud fair to feel the plump soil between
them. She would walk through the
lavender & wheat areas, letting her
fingers apparition on of the bountiful
gather her mother had made fair for her.
What?  Conflict
Character Conflict Experienced How does this
Proserpina was in a confusing circumstance in which she was having a had no
few challenges finding a way out of, on herself. Within the story the
character Proserpina set off to explore for a few more lovely blossoms. chance of fleeing
Proserpina ran into the foremost loveliest blossoms she had ever seen. nor  had any
As the ground started to tremble, it broke open and Proserpina could not
call out for help as she was presently well distant off to be heard. Pluto's defense.
tricky words and enticing demeanor overseen to bait Proserpina advance
in to an obscure trap. 
Write some words or phrases that will help you describe the setting of your story. Where
do the events take place? What does it look like there? What does it feel like there? 

* It smelled rot and an undefinable musk that made your hair stand on its ends & your
belly roll uncomfortably.
* “I wanted to scream, I wanted to run ”
* Agony used to be in the air, you should sense the weight of the ache and struggling
lingering, invariably condemned in this horrid location miles below.

Plan the course of events in your narrative. 

Exposition Proserpina agreed to go with Pluto  boarding the chariot & being added
down in to the Underworld.
Action Proserpina seeing the underworld for this primary time, being
overwhelmed through way of the darkish emotions she had by no means
skilled earlier than, & in the long run realizing how horrible pluto is.

Proserpina taking the first possibility to fight, hurt, kill Pluto and
commence her ascent from the Underworld, conflict off the condemned
souls that try to attach themselves to her & getting past Cerberus.
Falling Finding ceres, lovely reunion, the vegetation and plants all develop again
Action because her infant is home, 
Finding Ceres, beautiful reunion, the crops and flowers all develop back
because her toddler is home, secure again.
Think of how you would like your reader to feel after finishing your story. Brainstorm
ways to use different literary devices to establish tone and emotion. List the literary
devices you intend to use, and provide at least one example of each.
Point of View: In my story, I’m going to use Proserpina's POV,
What point of view will you use in if this story was advised from Pluto's POV, the
your story? whole plot would be skewed, completely
exceptional activities would manifest for each of
these characters, obviously. By the usage of
Why did you choose that point of Proserpina's POV I’m able to capture the emotion
view? & tone I choose my readers to sense when

Tone—What is the attitude of Pace—How fast is your story going to move? I

your story? Gloomy will use a number of kinds of paces for different
parts of my story.
Words to describe the tone: What pace fits your narrative:
shattered, yearning, and contempt  
How will you communicate that  
tone? By using very descriptive How will you create that pace? The best pace
textual content and displaying that would fit my narrative is an exposition that
Proserpina's standpoint mainly in has lengthy, flowing sentences creates a
horrible times. enjoyable feeling. As my growing movement
  comes along, i will pace the tempo absolutely a
How do you want readers to feel touch, taking my time to offer an cause of how
after they read your story?  Like the whole lot appears and feels to proserpina
most Authors, they want their because what she perceives at some point of this
readers to continue thinking about phase is necessary for fueling her hatred inside
their story as soon as they've the path of pluto, which finally brings my climax
finished.  of hurting Pluto. While this takes place, my pace
can be quicken, displaying the feel of urgency
proserpina has to go away the underworld very
rapidly. As i commenced, i can stop with a rather
slow pace, showing her like to be once more in
her mother's fingers, beneath the blue sky,
surrounded by means of way of subjects she can
by no means take as a right again.

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