Is Politics A Dirty Game?: Youths. Why Use Your Power To Deceive The People Who ARE The Future? This Question Will Go

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In the world today, many would prefer the way of life which is called “the state of
nature”. To Rousseau, the state of nature was a place where no pride, envy or even government
existed. Even though many think the state of nature was a state of anguish, they would consider
it to be the better way of life, due to all the outrageous and shocking events that are happening in
the world today. Events such as a divided society, unsolved crimes, war, unholy practices and so
many more to mention, were all caused by the game “Politics”. Aristotle, the father of Political
Science, once mentioned that “every man is a political and social animal”. Truth be told he is
correct, however, why is it today that politicians act as money and power-hungry animal alone?
Some countries, whether they are underdeveloped or developed degrade due to many things,
some are; all the lies being told, political killings and nepotism.
The best lies ever told were either mentioned at campaigning for elections or listed on
their manifestos. For a country to call themselves a Democracy, they need to have a frequent
election. Some functions for elections are recruiting politicians, making Government, providing
representation and influencing policies. Policies meaning what they intend to do in the brighter
future. In 2015, our dearly beloved President promised us no more blackouts. Well, surely a
promise is kept by a fool because, between the years 2015- 2020, my fellow Guyanese and I
have sat in the dark countless times. Not to mention the great promise of new jobs for the
youths. Why use your power to deceive the people who ARE the future? This question will go
unanswered like some of the policies listed on the manifesto. 
The biggest threat to mankind is Global warming and the biggest threat to its politicians
is someone who knows something about them, who knows better than them, or who is wiser than
them, in other words, someone who is in their way of securing the bag. Besides, the biggest
threat was either killed or ignored. This reflects on most of the political killings and
assassinations. Take, for instance, Walter Rodney; one of Guyana’s Historian and political
activist, not to mention he was a father of three was assassinated in the year 1980 by the worst
way possible; a bomb in his car. Moreover, in 2003, Yohance Douglas found himself in a
situation we the citizens of Guyana would never forget. He was killed on March 1st, 2003 by the
“Notorious black clothes squad”. That senseless killing led to days of protests. Was justice
served right? NO! The accused spent 4 years in prison and was freed on appeal. Any man who
kills for no reason shouldn’t be able to breathe the same air as a free man. 
Daniel Alarcon once said that “Nepotism is the lowest and least imaginative form of
corruption”. To illustrate, imagine waking up to go to work and see the boss’s donkey riding him
in the office all because the individual’s uncle or father is the President. Positions in any
workplace need to be earned and not granted overnight; Nepotism messes with someone
mentally and financially. No one deserves to work hard just to go to work one day and see
someone come out of nowhere and get a higher position, just because the person is at a better
advantage than them. As evidence, during former President Donald Ramotar's time in office, His
daughter became Head of the Gold Board; also his son was in charge of the fiber optic cable
project. In a like manner, Ulysses Grant the 18th President of the U.S, hired 40 of his relatives,
not to mention one brother-in-law had stolen from the New Orleans Customs Office and was
reappointed by Grant himself as the collector of customs. One of the Guyanese proverbs stated
“Good gubby Nah ah float tap” meaning good things do not come easy, so take your time in life
and earn what you deserve. 
Without questions, politics is just like a game of Monopoly; where players, money, and
properties are involved. It just takes one person to pull something funny to make the whole game
corrupt. Monopoly is a game that is full of competition, and where there is competition, there
will always be a strong element of dirty play, because nobody wants to be the loser. And just like
the player, the politician will act purely out of self-interest for power and money. And once
power is given, the individual has exclusive control over everything; it just takes a wise and
humble person to conquer all the thirst for power and the hunger for money. When this happens
the world will know peace. 

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