Syllabus For Call

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Fire, Water, Air and Earth: Four-Part Cooking Class Series

Facilitated by: Keene State College Dietetic Interns

Paige Tautkas & Desree Ortega-Furgeson
Contact Information: ​​,

Course Dates:​ January 31st, Feb 7th, Feb 14th, Feb 21st

Location:​ Joslin House Foods Lab Room 008

Time:​ 10:00-12:30 p.m.

Course Description:
Food is a powerful personal and cultural link between us and the rest of the world. All cultures
around the world cook. Some individuals hold the worldview that cooking is what makes us
human because it requires patience, memory, and an understanding of the transformation
process of cooking. Food provides us with an emotional connection with others, reminds us of
happy times and can provide a sense of identity to one’s culture.
Michael Pollan is the author of the best seller ​Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation. ​In
this book. Pollan discusses the power of the classic elements - fire, water, air, and earth- in
order to “transform the stuff of nature into delicious things to eat and drink”.
In this class we will explore the history and significance of cooking using these elements and
how they can help create new and exciting flavors. We will additionally explore the science
behind cooking with fire (grilling), water (wet- cooking methods), air (leavening and baking),
and earth (fermentation)

Course Methodology:
This course includes powerpoint presentations, thought-provoking discussion, hands-on
cooking and a group tasting of the recipes created during the class
Class Schedule:
Each class will begin with a brief discussion and review of the previous class. We will then cover
the days learning objectives. Each class will primarily focus on one of the four elements and the
overarching themes discussed in ​Cooked​. We plan to spend a brief portion of class discussing
the historical and cultural significance of each element and the corresponding cooking methods
that will be utilized in the cooking portion of the class. We want to ensure ample time for
cooking, recipe tasting and group discussion at the end.

Class Topics:
Class 1 Jan 31st: Fire
Class 2 Feb 7th: Water
Class 3 Feb 14th: Air
Class 4 Feb 21st: Earth

We ask that you please be punctual with attendance and respectful of the learning
environment. ​Questions are welcome at any time, but please understand that we may ask you
to hold detailed questions until after class so we can get through planned materials. Thank you.

Class Cancellations:
In the event that class needs to be canceled notification will be given promptly via email before
7:00am. Please monitor your email regularly in case the weather looks poor.
The CALL Inclement weather policy can be found at:

Special Needs:
If any members of this course have special needs, please contact instructors to request
accommodation for that disability. If at any point students have difficulty hearing or seeing
information provided, please let us know immediately as we can make adjustments to the
presentation class accordingly.

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