Taller Customer Service

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1. Work in groups and discuss the following questions:

 What do you understand for personal information?

Reply: Refers to information that can be used to identify, contact or

locate a specific person, refers to the intimacy or privacy of a person.

 What data corresponds to personal information?

Reply: Personal data are given names, surnames, identification

number, age, contact number, address, photographs, studies, work,
and diseases.

 How can you ask a person about their personal information?

Reply: What is your name?, What is your last name?, What do you
do?, Where do you work?, Do you like your job?, Marital status?, What
is your couple's name?, What is your address?, What is your phone
number?, Where do you live?, Do you live with your parents?, Do you
live alone?, With whom you live?, Do you live in a house or in an
apartment?, What is your email?.

2. Create a business card using your personal information. Use the image as an
example. Take intoaccount:
3. Skills practice: Do the following activities to practice the learnt vocabulary and
English structures.

3.3 Reading practice

Before Reading the text, discuss the following questions:

 Do you think it is necessary to have a communication code at work?

Give examples.

Reply: Communication is a daily activity of all people. And just as it is

important in personal relationships, it is also important in organizations.

In the work environment, a person interacts with colleagues, superiors,

clients, etc. Similarly, it receives information, gives or receives
instructions and coordinates with work teams. All these tasks and
relationships involve communication, hence the importance of
achieving good communication in labor organizations, in your family,
with your friends and everything must be based on respect and

 What can you say about formal and informal communication?


Reply: Formal communication defines the way in which each member

of the organization must behave; It confirms the type of relationship
that the members of the organization must maintain with each other
and informal communication is shaped around the social relationships
of the members, and arises whenever a member feels the need to
communicate with another without any channel. formal for it, or if those
that exist are inadequate, that is, they are the interactions that make
up relationships not regulated by formal communication. This type of
communication appears where formal communication is insufficient for
the emotional and informational needs of the members of the
organization. These networks help maintain social relationships
outside the relationships stipulated in the rules.


Identify the key words from the text. Look for their definition, pronunciation in English.

When an exchange occurs, therefore, something is delivered and something else
is received.
Role It is a thin sheet that is made with vegetable fiber paste.
Organization It is a system designed to achieve certain goals and objectives.
A channel is the transmission medium through which the information-carrying
Channels of communication
signals travel between sender and receiver, it can be written, or oral.
Verbal communication Words are used either orally or in writing.
It is established between two or more people, it has speech as a transmission
Spoken communication
medium and a language as a code.
The interaction between the sender and the receiver is not immediate and may
Written communication
even not occur, even though what is written lasts forever.

Non-verbal communication
It has to do with gestures, sounds, movements and other paralinguistic elements
Eye contact A situation where two individuals look each other in the eye at the same time.
Workplace Space in which an individual develops his labor activity
Person who performs any job, position or service at the orders of the government or
an individual, corporation or company.
A duty is a commitment or expectation to perform some action in general or if
Duties certain circumstances arise
A structure that is established in order to its criteria of subordination between
people, animals, values ​and dignities.
Command Power or dominance held by a superior over his subordinates or subjects.
Network Refers to a set of entities (objects, people, etc.) connected to each other.
Prayer with which it is requested, to the writing that makes an order and,
in the field of law, to the writing that is presented before a judge.
It is a document written in informative prose (scientific, technical or
commercial) with the purpose of communicating information of the
Bottom-up De abajo hacia arriba
Top-down De arriba hacia abajo
Strand Chain Cadena de Cadena
In the field of botany, cluster is an inflorescence that has an axis that
Cluster Chain
grows indefinitely.
A rumor, gossip, or gossip that is often spread by word of mouth is called
Gossip Chain
Secrecy It is something hidden, hidden and separated from the knowledge of others.
Time-consuming Perdida de Tiempo
Reliable De Confianza
Supporting Secundario
Available Disponible

According to the text:

 Answer your instructor ́s comprehension questions and share your

 Establish a comparison chart between formal and informal
communication. Work in pairs
Key Differences

1. Formal communication is also known by the name of official communication.

Informal Communication is also known by the name of grapevine.

R/ Formal communication is not known by the official communication name,

and informal communication is not known by the name of life, I do not agree
With this key difference.

2. In formal communication, the information must follow a chain of command.

Conversely, the informal communication moves freely in any direction.

R/ What this key difference says is very true, therefore I agree

3. In formal communication, full secrecy is maintained, but in the case of informal

communication maintenance of secrecy is a very tough task.

R/ In my opinion, formal communication is more related to the respect that is

given to each person.

4. Formal communication is written, whereas Informal communication is oral.

R/ Formal communication in informal are handled oral or non-verbal written

5. Formal communication is time-consuming as opposed to Informal

communication, which is rapid and quick.

R/ Formal communication is more assertive therefore conversations are much


6. Formal communication is more reliable than Informal communication.

R/ If I find formal communication more reliable

7. Formal communication is designed by the organization. Informal

communication starts itself due to the urge of ‘human to talk’.

R/ If I agree with this criterion

8. In formal communication, the documentary evidence is always available.

Informal communication supporting documents are not available.

R/ This criterion does not seem correct to me, since the two media can
be handled through documents

Related to organizational
It is generated in the informal
objectives, its policies,
organization (based on spontaneous
norms and responsibilities.
relationships of an affective nature).

It arises due to the permanence in a

They follow the chain of
common place, the equality of
authority and are limited to
hierarchical or prestigious positions,
communications related to
or due to common interests or
completing assigned tasks.
Positive for the solution of certain
The direction in which this
problems, and can be negative in
type of communication
terms of lack of control by the
flows is mainly the vertical
hierarchy or rumors.

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