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This workshop attempts to help you understand the influence of internet and
technology8 in our society. You will learn about the evolution of internet and
technology and also, how to use the netiquette.
Objective: From the development of these activities, you will be able to explore and
use the internet in an appropriate way.
 Work in groups and discuss the following questions and Share your answers

 How often do you use the internet?

 What is your personal opinion about Internet in general?
 Discuss why people depend on technology nowadays.
 What are the most popular apps?

1. Create your profile card for a social professional network using your personal
information. Use a picture of your and write some personal information like your
educational background and work experience.
1. Skills practice: Do the following activities to practice the learnt vocabulary and
English structures.

1.2. Listening practice

Before watching the video, discuss:

 What do you know about internet history?

R/ The internet started over 50 years ago and computers back then
filled entire rooms that scientists and researchers used for years to
communicate during the Cold War it was useful because if one
computer fell the others would not follow.

 How do you use the internet in your daily life?

R/ Currently the internet is something essential in human life, it is used

to study, work, communicate with the people around us and it is also
used for digital marketing.
Watch the video, make notes, and answer or complete the following statements:
 Who was the Internet inventor?
R/ Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider
 When was the e-mail created?
R/ In 1971 email was created by Ray Tomlinson developing the first
system for sending mail back and forth.
 What kind of function did Netscape use to have on the Internet?
R/ Netscape's function was that it became the most popular web browser
at that time, representing 90% of web use.
 What did you understand for “dial- up” according to the video?
R/ According to the video, the phone was connected to the modem where
the internet came from and the other end to the modem socket, so there
was no internet access and for this reason they could not communicate
on social networks at that time.
 In your opinion what was the most interesting fact about Internet
R/ In the history of the internet the most important event was when he got
out of the first phone with internet access.

1.3. Reading practice

Before Reading the text, discuss the following questions:
 How do you think Internet has changed your lifestyle?
R/ The internet has facilitated many aspects of my life, both personal and work,
since through this means you can fulfill the different tasks of daily life, personal
relationships have also changed since there is instant messaging and this means
that we are in constant communication with family and acquaintances friends.
 What can you say about communication through internet?
R/ Communication through the internet is a positive thing as it allows us to interact,
meet, share different experiences and ideas with anyone so that we are hundreds
of miles away.
Identify the key words from the article “The internet revolution is the new industrial
revolution”. Look for their definition and pronunciation in English.

Networks Redes
Social Media Medios de Comunicación Social
Skills Habilidades
Revolution Revolución
Conventions Conveciones
Understand Entender
Outsourcing Outsourcing
Workplace Lugar de trabajo
Boundaries Limites
Employment Empleo
Value Valor
Success Éxito
Background Antecedentes
Websites Sitio Web
Handshake Apreton de Manos
Retirement Jubilación
Brand Marca
Sweeping Barriendo
1.3. Writing Practice
Write a short paragraph to point out your personal experience of advantages and
disadvantages (at least 3 of each one) about the use of Internet and Technology.
Use the following paragraph as a model

Now, try your own text. Use a picture to have more ideas!
My name is Mariana Mateus, I am a SENA apprentice, I am studying a Business
Management Technologist. I believe that technology is a very important means of
communication in our society, as advantages of this is that it transmits immediate
information, facilitates access to learning, allows online work and is very practical for
our lives and mitigate times, such as disadvantages It has to create an addiction, it
worsens family communication, sometimes our personal information is in trouble and
exposed to any fraud or danger, this is something that makes us very dependent on
a phone and a computer.

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