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President Ferdinand E.

( 1965 – 1986 )

Andrew Benedict C. Pardillo

1. Early Life

 Ferdinand Marcos was born on September 11, 1917 in Sarrat, Ilocos Norte,
 the eldest among the three children of Mariano Marcos, a lawyer and an
Assemblyman of Ilocos Norte and Josefa Quetulio Edralin, a teacher.
 Named by his parents after King Ferdinand of Spain,
 He was baptized as an Aglipayan by Bishop Gregorio Aglipay himself.
 He was of mixed Ilocano (Filipino ethnic group), Chinese and Japanese ancestry.
 His first teachers were his parents.
 He started his primary education in Sarrat Central School, transferred to
Shamrock Elementary School (Laoag), and completed his primary education in
1929 at the Ermita Elementary School (Manila)
 When his father was elected as an Assemblyman in the Philippine Congress. He
entered and finished his secondary education at the University of the Philippines
High School from 1929 to 1933.
 He joined the Upsilon Sigma Phi Fraternity in college.
 Marcos died in Honolulu on September 28, 1989, of kidney, heart and lung

2. Scholastic Achievements

 From 1933 to 1936, he enrolled in a Liberal Arts course at the University of the

Philippines. During his college years, Ferdinand was a champion debater, boxer,
swimmer, wrestler and team captain of the University Rifle and Pistol Team (UP-
RPT). After having been a battalion commander with the rank of cadet major, he
was commissioned as third lieutenant in the Philippine Constabulary Reserve in
 Marcos studied law at the University of the Philippines, attending the
prestigious College of Law. He excelled in both curricular and extra-curricular
activities, becoming a valuable member of the university's swimming, boxing,
and wrestling teams.
 Marcos was so smart he single-handedly topped the 1939 Bar Examinations (with
near-perfect score) and graduating cum laude despite the fact that he was
incarcerated while reviewing and been in jail for 27 days,
 He was also an accomplished and prolific orator, debater, and writer for the
student newspaper.
 He also became a member of the University of the Philippines ROTC Unit (UP
Vanguard Fraternity) where he met his future cabinet members and Armed
Forces Chiefs of Staff.
 He was elected to the Pi Gamma Mu and the Phi Kappa Phi international honour
societies, the latter giving him its Most Distinguished Member Award 37 years
3. Political Career
Legislative Career:

 At the end of World War II, Marcos became a member of the Philippine Veteran's
Commission, and later on became a technical assistant to Manuel Roxas, the first
president of the independent Philippine republic.
 He was a member of the House of Representatives from 1949 to 1959, serving as
minority floor leader at some point and acting temporary President of the Liberal
Party in 1957.
 He was one of the legislators who had established a record for having introduced
a number of significant bills, many of which found their way into the Republic
statute books.
 In 1959, he ran for a seat in the Senate and obtained the highest number of votes,
the first minority party candidate to top a senatorial election.
 He was a member of the Senate from 1959 to 1965, serving as its president from
1963 to 1965.
 He became the youngest member of the House of Representatives.
 In 1965 when he ran for president under the Nacionalista Party and defeated
Macapagal by a large margin.
 Ferdinand Marcos was the topnotcher in the senatorial elections in 1959 and was
Senate President from 1959-1965.
4. Presidency

First Term: (1965 – 1969)

 December 30, 1965 – Ferdinand Marcos took his oath of office as the sixth
President of the Third Philippine Republic.
 At the beginning of his administration, President Marcos was beset by serious
problems. The National Treasury was almost empty because of the extravagance
of the Macapagal administration.
 The government was short for funds for essential services including Education,
health, National Defense, Social Welfare and infrastructure.
 Among the achievements of President Marcos during his first term ( 1965- 1969)
were the following:
1. Stabilization of government finance by means of more effective collection
of taxes, imposing new tax laws, and getting loans from foreign banks and
2. Greater production of rice by promoting the cultivation of “miracle rice”
and other fast growing rice seeds, the construction of more irrigation
systems, and giving financial and technical assistance to farmers.
3. Building of more roads and bridges, schoolhouses and public works. The
Philippine National Railways was also improved to foster land
4. Intensive drive against smuggling, crime syndicates, and the communist
New People’s Army (NPA).
5. Holding of the Manila Summit Conference on October 24- 25, 1966,
attended by the heads of State of Australia, South Korea, New Zealand,
Philippines, South Vietnam, Thailand and the United States.
Marcos Wins Reelection (1969)
The Filipino people were satisfied by President Marcos’ performance during his
first term.
 November 14, 1967 – The Nacionalista Party won a sweeping victory in
the local election. ( 8 senators and all local officials)
 Benigno “Niinoy” Aquino Jr. – (former governor of Tarlac); The only
Liberal senatorial candidate that has been elected and the youngest of all
senatorial aspirants at the age of 34.
 November 11, 1969 – The Nacionalista victory was repeated in the
Presidential election when President Marcos and Vice President Lopez
were elected again by the people.
The reelection of President Marcos in 1969 was unprecedented in the political
annals of the Philippine Republic.
 He was the only president of the Philippines to be re elected for a second
 He was the first Philippine President to take his oath of office in the
native language on December 30, 1969. All his predecessors took their
oath of office in English Language.
Second Term (1969 – 1986)

The second term proved to be an overwhelming challenge to the re-elected

President: an economic crisis brought by external and internal forces.

 In 1969, the Philippines experienced higher inflation rate and

devaluation of the Philippine peso.
 Furthermore, the oil-producing Arab countries decided to cut back oil
production, in response to Western military aid to Israel in the Arab-
Israeli conflict, resulting in higher fuel prices worldwide.
 In addition, the frequent visits of natural calamities brought havoc to
infrastructures and agricultural crops and livestock, and the combined
external and internal economic forces led to uncontrolled increase in the
prices of prime commodities.
 On the Top of the economic recession, other evils plagued the nation
such as;
1. The prevalence of dirty politics
2. The rampage of graft and corruption in the government
3. The widening gap between the rich and the poor
4. The impotency of the 1935 Philippine Constitution to cope
with the new socio-economic problems of the times, and
5. The rising tides of crime, communism, and subversion.

Since the Philippines achieved postwar independence in July 1946, there emerged
a persistent movement to change the Constitution of 1935. its defects became
apparent, as follows:

1. It was a relic of colonialism, for it was drafted during the

American regime and was an imitation of the U.S.
2. too much powers given to the president may spawn a dictator
3. Imbalance among the three branches of the government ---
legislative , executive, judicial;
4. lack of a provision regarding presidential election protests’
5. Its Parity Amendment was memento of American imperialism;
6. the COMELEC ( Commission on Elections) was not granted
adequate powers to prevent election anomalies;
7. the GAO (General auditing Office ) was virtually a watchdog
without teeth; and
8. It had no provision on local autonomy.

 March 16, 1967 – the agitation for a new constitution

assumed concrete form.
– Congress adopted Joint Resolution No. 2 providing
calling of a Philippine Constitutional Convention to make
the necessary changes in the Constitution.
 June 17, 1967 – Congress enacted RA No. 1913 submitting to the people
for approval or disapproval of two amendments to the Constitution, as

1. Increasing the number of congressmen from 120 to 180

2. Allowing senators and congressmen to serve as delegates to the
1971 Convention without forfeiting their seats in Congress.

 November 14 1967 - These two amendments mentioned above were

submitted to the people in the local elections and both were rejected by
an overwhelming vote.

 August 24, 1970 – President Marcos signed RA 6132 which Congress

had promulgated Popularly known as the “ 1970 Constitutional
Convention Act” it provided for the election on November 10, 1970 of
the delegates to the constitutional convention which would convene in
manila on June 1, 1971.

Foreign Relations

 Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos – inherited the territorial dispute over Sabah.

 1968 – he approved a congressional bill annexing Sabah to the
 1963- Sabah had joined the Federation of Malaysia.
 1967- The Philippines became one of the founding countries of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
 The first Papal Visit to the Philippines On November 27, 1970, Pope
Paul VI visited the Philippines. It was the first time that the Pope had
visited the only Catholic nation in Asia. Huge crowds met the Pope
wherever he went in Metro Manila. The Pope left on November 29.


To hasten the economic development, President Marcos implemented a number of

economic programs. These programs helped the country to enjoy the period of economic
growth I the mid-1970's up to the early 1980's.

The farmers were given technical and financial aid and other incentives such as
"price support". With the incentives given to the farmers, the country's agricultural sector
grew. As a result, the Philippines became self-sufficient in rice in 1976 and even became
a rice exporter.

To help finance a number of economic development projects such as soil

exploration, the establishment of geothermal power plants, the Bataan Nuclear Plant,
hydro-electric dams, the construction of more roads, bridges, irrigation systems and other
expensive infrastructure projects, the government engaged in foreign borrowings.
Foreign capital was invited to invest in certain industrial projects. They were
offered incentives including tax exemption privileges and the privilege of bringing out
their profits in foreign currencies. One of the most important economic programs in the
1980's was the Kilusang Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran (KKK). This program was started in
September 1981. Its aim was to promote the economic development of the barangays by
encouraging the barangay residents to engage in their own livelihood projects.

The government's efforts resulted in the increase of the nation's economic growth
rate to an average of six percent to seven percent from 1970 to 1980. The rate was only
less than 5 percent in the previous decade. The Gross National Product of the country
(GNP) rose from P55 billion in 1972 to P193 billion in 1980.

Another major contributor to the economic growth of the country was the tourism
industry. The number of tourists visiting the Philippine rose to one million by 1980 from
less than 200,000 in previous years. The country earned at $500 million a year from
tourism. A big portion of the tourist group was composed of Filipino balikbayans under
the Ministry of Tourism's Balikbayan Program which was launched in 1973.

Another major source of economic growth of the country was the remittances of
overseas Filipino workers. Thousands of Filipino workers found employment in the
Middle East and in Singapore and Hongkong. These overseas Filipino workers not only
helped ease the country's unemployment problem but also earned much-needed foreign
exchange for the Philippines.

Socio-cultural Conditions


Because of the perceived deplorable condition of the nation, the communist

movement subdued by President Magsaysay in 1950's, revived their activities and clamor
for reform. A more radical group, the Maoists, who believed in the principles of Mao-
Tse-Tung (leader of China) took over the communist movement. They reorganized the
Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and created a new communist guerilla army
called the New People's Army (NPA).

The communists took advantage of the growing discontent with the Marcos.
Administration to increase the number and strength. As a strategy, they actively
supported a number of anti-Marcos groups. They infiltrated several student organizations,
farmers, laborers and even professionals. The NPA gradually increased its ranks and
spread to other parts of the country as far as Mindanao.

Educational Development

The Rise of Student Activism

Students protests on the prevailing conditions of the country saddled the second
term of Marcos in office. Large throngs of students went out into the street of Manila and
other urban centers to denounce the rampant graft and corruption, human rights violation,
high tuition fees, militarization and abuses of the military, the presence of the U.S.
Military bases and the subservience of the Marcos Administration to U.S. interests and

The most violent student demonstration took place on January 1970 when
thousands of student demonstrators tried to storm the gates of Malacañang. Six students
were killed and many were wounded. This event came to be known as the "Battle of

The radical student groups during this period were the Kabataang Makabayan
(KM) and the Samahang Demokratikong Kabataan (SDK). The communists took
advantage of the situation and used the demonstrations in advancing its interests. The
most prominent of the student leaders of this time were Nilo Tayag and Edgar Joson.


1. Ferdinand Marcos and his dirty, naughty sex scandal.

2. Declaration of Martial Law
3. Plaza Miranda Bombing
4. Assassination of Benigno Aquino
5. Murder of Julio Nalundasan

1. Ferdinand Marcos and his dirty, naughty sex scandal.

On November 11, 1970, the whole nation was shocked when American actress Dovie
Beams called a press conference, bringing with her a tape recorder containing erotic murmurs,
moans and the genuine voice of President Marcos while making love with Beams.
Her affair with Marcos, although secretly guarded by the presidential aides, was finally
pushed to the public spotlight after Beams received several death threats. Marcos then denied all
allegations, even putting Beams to shame by branding her as a “psychiatry case” and releasing a
nude Polaroid photographs of her in the newspapers.
In turn, Beams released more sex tapes as well as clippings of the president’s pubic hair. 
2. Declaration of Martial Law

 September 21, 1972 – Pres. Marcos signed the Proclamation 1081 which placed the
entire country under the military. This marked the beginning of the Marcos
 September 23, 1972 – exactly 7:30pm. Marcos declared Martial Law on nationwide
radio and television.
 His main reason for declaring Martial Law as "to save the Republic" and "to reform
 He explained that the growing violence in the nation, caused by the leftists and the
rightists elements had come to certain magnitude that required martial law.
It was believed that the true reason why Marcos declared martial was to perpetuate his
rule over the Philippines. The 1935 Constitution limited the term of the President to no more
than eight consecutive years in office.
The constitution did not say how long martial law should last. The constitution left much
about martial law to the President's own judgment.
Marcos extended the period of Martial Law beyond the end of his term in 1973.
 He abolished the Congress of the Philippines and over its legislative powers. Thus,
Marcos became a one-man ruler, a dictator.
 Marcos described his martial law government as a "constitutional authoritarianism".
Although the courts remained in the judiciary, the judges of all courts, from the Supreme
Court down to the lowest courts, became "casuals". Their stay in office depended on the
wishes of the dictator.
 Under the martial law Marcos disregarded the constitution. For instance, he violated
the provision which guaranteed the Bill of Rights (Article III). Upon his orders, the
military picked up and detained thousands of Filipinos suspected of subversion.
 Among them were his critics and political opponents namely Senator Benigno S.
Aquino, Jr., Francisco "Soc"Rodrigo, Jose W. Diokno and Jovita R. Salonga.
 Hundreds of detainees were tortured by their captors. Some disappeared and were
never found again. Many were held in military detention camps for years without
As a result of the foregoing measured, the crime rate in the country was reduced
significantly. People became law-abiding. But these good gains did not last long. After a year
of martial law, crime rates started to soar. By the time Marcos was removed from power, the
peace and order situation in the country had become worse.
This communist insurgency problem did not stop when Marcos declared Martial law. A
government report in 1986 showed that the NPAs already numbered over 16,000 heavily-
armed guerillas. The NPAs waged a vigorous war against government forces
 The NPA killer squads were called Sparrow Units. They were feared in the areas
under their control. They also imposed taxed in their territories.
The rampant violation of human rights of the people in the rural areas suspected of being
NPA sympathizers, the injustices committed by some government officials and powerful and
influential persons, and the continuing poverty of the people were used as propaganda of the
NPA in attracting idealistic young people. Even priests and nuns who were witnesses to the
oppression of the Marcos dictatorship join the NPAs.
 January 17, 1981 - martial law was formally lifted by virtue of Proclamation No.
2045, as a precondition to the visit of Pope John Paul II.
 Although this paved the way for a more open democracy, the government retained
much of its power for arrest and detention. He stepped down as prime minister
and ran for election as the first president of the Fourth Republic of the
 The constitution had been significantly amended to provide foor a more or less
presidential system once again.

3. Plaza Miranda Bombing

August 1, 1971 – The bloodiest act of Violence in Marcos regime, where the Liberal
Party had Political rally. 8 persons were killed and over 100 others injure.

January 11, 1972 – the suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus was lifted to maintain
peace and order.

Hundred of suspected subversives among the ranks of students, workers and

professionals were picked up and detained by the government.

4. Assassination of Benigno Aquino

 When martial law was proclaimed, the first politician to be arrested by the
military on order of Ferdinand Marcos was Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. Aquino, a
popular political leader, spent nearly eight years in a military detention cell at Fort
 In 1980, Marcos allowed Aquino to leave the country to enable him to undergo an
emergency heart bypass operation in the United States.
 1983 - Aquino decided to come home, the government tried to stop him, claiming
that there were some people who wanted to kill him.  
 August 21, 1983, the China Air Lines jetliner carrying him landed at the Manila
International Airport at about 10:00 p.m., As Aquino and his military escorts
were going down a stairway, a shot was heard, followed later by more shots. After
a while, Aquino laid dead on the airport tarmac.
 Rolando Galman - was pointed as Aquino's "assassin."
 The assassination of Aquino was reported to have awakened the Filipinos to the
evils of Marcos as a dictator. Millions of Filipinos who sympathized with Aquino
bereaved family, joined the funeral march to mourn for the death of an intelligent
leader and to express their feelings against Marcos. 
 The Aquino assassination gave Marcos a bad image abroad, Public opinion in the
United States went against Marcos. President Reagan of the United States
cancelled his state visit to the Philippines. 
 October 14, 198 - President Marcos issued PD 1886 creating a five-man
independent body to investigate the Aquino assassination. Headed by Mrs.
Corazon Juliano Agrava, a retired Court of Appeals Justice, the investigation
body came to be known as the Agrava-Fact-Finding Board (AFFB).
 President Marcos referred the two reports to the Sandiganbayan for trial. The trial
began in Feb. 1985, and was presided over by Sandiganbayan Presiding Justice
Manuel Pamaran. This trial became known as "Trial of the Century".
 On December 2, 1985, the Sandiganbayan handed down its decision. The tribunal
ruled that the 26 accused were innocent and that it was Galman who was hired by
the communist who killed Aquino. 

5. Murder of Julio Nalundasan

 While a law student, he was arrested and tried for the murder in 1933 of Julio
Nalundasan, a political opponent of his politician father.
 Judge Roman Cruz of Laoag Provincial Court of First Instance found Marcos
guilty as charged and sentenced to imprisonment. He was offered a pardon by
President Manuel Quezon, but turned it down.
 After posting bail, he took the bar exam and emerged topnotcher, obtaining one of
the highest scores in history.
 He then appealed his own case and was allowed to defend himself before
the Supreme Court of the Philippines under Chief Justice Jose P. Laurel.
 He won acquittal a year later and became a trial lawyer in Manila.


Did You know That Martial Law Made all of This.

-Manila International Airport NAIA -Children hospital
-LRT-1 -Defense Self-Reliant rocket
-Heart Center of the Philippines launchers
-Kidney Center -AFP modernization
-Nayong Filipino - war planes 35 F8-crusaders
-Bataan Nuclear Power Plant - 37 f-5 jets
-Coconut Palace - OV-10 bronco
-PICC -Sta Barbara 1st rocket P.H
-Philippines Lung Center -Blue diamond 1st JET team fighter
-Film Center P.H
-Golden Mosque for Muslims -No.1 exporter of Rice and Sugar in
-Folks Arts Teatre the world
, SLEX and NLEX (1st in Southeast -Drugs are not rampant and drinking
Asia) alcohol on the side of the roads is
San Juanico Bridge prohibited
- The manila Planetarium -No Foreigners to Buy Real Estate in
-calauit safari farm palawan Philippines
-The only president that does not make use of a cheat sheet When giving a speech here
and abroad

1) Amlan Municipal High School 20) Mag-aba National High School

was established 1972 established 1977
2) Amparo High School was 21) Mandaluyong High School
established in 1979 established 1977
3) Aplaya National High School was 22) Navotas National High School
established 1969 established 1983
4) Balayan National High School 23) Parañaque National High School
(BNHS) established 1985 (Main Campus)
5) Balibago National High School (Formerly known as Parañaque
established 1970 Municipal
6) Bayugan National Comprehensive High School) established 1969
High School established 1980 24) Pasay City North High School
7) Buenavista National High School established in 1969
established 1972 25) Pedro E. Diaz High School
Dalupaon National High School established 1977
established 1972 26) Philippine High School for the
9) Don Emilio Macias Memorial Arts established 1977
National 27) Pinagtongulan National High
High School established 1982 School established 1967
10) Dona Francisca Lacsamana de 28) Punta National High School
Ortega Memorial established 1971
National High School established 29) San Juan National High School
1972 established 1968
11) Dr. Juan G. Nolasco High School 30) San Mateo National High School
established 1966 established 1985
12) Eastern Samar National 31) San Pablo City National High
Comprehensive School established 1969
High School established 1969 32) San Pedro Relocation Center
13) Francisco P. Felix Memorial National
National High School High School established 1970
(FPFMNHS) established 1973 33) San Ramon National High
14) Gen. T. de Leon National High School established 1967
School establsihed 1969 34)Tabon M. Estrella National High
15) Ismael Mathay, Sr. High School, School established 1981
formerly called 35) Makati Polytechnic Community
the GSIS Village High School College-
established 1971 Technical High School founded in
16) Jose Borromeo Legaspi 1972
Memorial National 36) Tomas Cabili National High
High School established 1981 school Iligan city 1971
17) Kaong National High School 37) Dasmarinas National high
1974 School 1971
18) Lawang Bato National High
School established 1967
19) Liloy National High School
established 1974
Marcos Established/Founded State Colleges/Universities in 20 years

1)Don Mariano Marcos Memorial 23)Leyte Normal University 1976

State University in La Union 24)SLSU- (Southern Leyte State
founded in 1981 University)- Sogod 1969
2)Mariano Marcos State University 25)SLSU- Hinunangan 1975
in Ilocos Norte founded in 1978 26)SLSU- Tomas Oppus feb. 1 1986
3)Kalinga-Apayao State College in 27)SLSU- Bontoc 1983
Tabuk Kalinga founded in 1970 28)SLSU- San Juan 1983
4)Abra State Institute of Science and 29)Basilan State College 1984
Technology in Abra founded in 1983 30)Western Mindanao State
5)Pangasinan State University University became a university in
founded in 1979 1978 followed with building the
6)University of Northern Philippines satellite campuses in..
founded in 1965 31)Central Mindanao University
7)Philippine State College of established1965
Aeronautics founded in 1969 32)Misamis Oriental State College of
8)Cagayan State University Agriculture and Technology
established in 1978 established 1983
9)Quirino State University 33)Northwestern Mindanao State
established 1976 College of Science and Technology
10)Isabela State University estbalished 1971
established 1978 34)Davao del Norte School of
11)Pampanga Agricultural College Fisheries established 1969 ( now
established 1974 known as Davao del Norte State
12)Mindoro State College of College)
Agriculture and Technology-Calapan 35)Mati Community College (MCC)
City established 1966 founded in 1972 ( now known as
13)Occidental Mindoro State Davao Oriental State College of
College established 1966 Science and Technology)
14)Palawan State University 36)Malita Agri-Business and Marine
established 1965 and Aquatic School of Technology
15)Bicol University established 1969 founded 1966 now known as
16)Camarines Sur Polytechnic 37)Southern Philippines Agri-
Colleges established 1983 Business and Marine and Aquatic
17)Rizal Technological University School of Technology
established 1969 38)University of Southeastern
18)Technological University of the Philippines established 1978
Philippines established 1971 39)Cotabato Foundation College of
19)Capiz State University 1980 Science and Technology established
20)Guimaras State College 1968 1967
21)Northern Negros State College of 40) Cotabato City State Polytechnic
Science and Technology established College established 1983
1971 41)Mindanao state university- Iligan
22)West Visayas State University city founded 1968
became established as university in 42)Mindanao state university-
January 1986 Gensan city founded 1971
43)Surigao del Sur State University 47)Adiong Memorial Polytechnic
founded 1982 State College founded in 1970's
44)Surigao Del Norte School of Arts 47 ( that i have found so far) out of
and Trades (Founded in 1969) now 108 state universities and college are
known as Surigao State College of established and accomplished
Technology projects of FERDINAND E
45)Sulu State College founded in MARCOS. He also improved and re
1982 equipped the remaining colleges/
46)Tawi-Tawi Regional Agricultural Universities that were established/
College founded in 1975 founded before 1965.

MARCOS COMPLETED 18)Calaca Coal Power

POWER PLANTS: PlantCompleted in 1984,
Marcos completed Power plants in 19) Cebu Thermal Power Plant
20 years----- completed in 1981,
1). Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, 20) Palinpinon 1 Southern Negros
completed 1983 Geothermal production Field
2) Leyte Geothermal Power Plant, completed in 1983.
completed 1977
3)Makiling-Banahaw Geothermal Presidential DECREE
Power Plant, completed 1979 Law MADE Ferdinand
4) Tiwi Geothermal Power Plant,
completed 1980
5) Angat Hydro Electric Power 1. POEA
Plant, completed 1967 2. the National Manpower and Youth
6)Kalayaan Hydro Electric Power Council (now TESDA)
Plant, completed 1982 all the building he made that with
7) Magat A Hydro Electric Power Blas ople
Plant, completed 1984 3. rename to SSS matagal na but he
8)Magat B Hydro Electric Power change he make it same like U.S
Plant, completed 1984 4. rename it GSIS matagal na but he
9)Pantabangan Hydro Electric Power change he make it same like U.S
Plant, completed 1977 5. PAGASA
10)Agus 2 Hydro Electric Power 6. NAWASA
Plant, completed 1979 7. PAGIBIG
11)Agus 4 Hydro Electric Power 6. DEATH PENALTY
Plant, completed 1985 7. National Home Morgage
12) Agus 5 Hydro Electric Power 8. PAGCORE
Plant, completed 1985 9. 13 month pay
13) Agus 7 Hydro Electric Power 10.Malabanan puso negro zeptic tank
Plant, completed 1982 11.Bliss Project Housing for the
14) Pulangi Hydro Electric Power Squatter
Plant, completed 1985 12 MENTAL HOSPITA1
15) Agus 6 Hydro Electric Power 13 STUDY NOW PAY LATER
plant, recommissioned in 1977 14 BORACAY he made it tourist
16)Masiway Hydro Electric Power zones and marine reserves
Plant, completed 1980 15 BARANGAY municipio
17) Main Magat Hydro Electric 16 TENAMENT housing for the
Power Plant, completed 1983 squatter
by shell ISLAND

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