Business Analytics Case Study: Likhamor L. Quezon Group - 1 (Hamilton)

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Likhamor L.

Group – 1 (Hamilton)

Business Analytics Case Study

I. About Hamilton County Department of Education
The Hamilton County School District is comprised of 576-square miles in southeastern
Tennessee with a population of 357,738 residents. Our 79 schools consist of Pre-K through
grade twelve with nearly 2,800 full-time teachers responsible for educating over 44,500
students.Hamilton County Schools, located in beautiful Chattanooga, TN, With nearly 79
schools located in urban, rural, and suburban communities.The teachers, staff, and students
have strong community support, active private partnerships, a dedicated school board, and a
supportive central office. HDCE support our employees so they can provide our students with
a world-class education.HDCE uses diverse languages 125 languages and approximately
8.5% of our students are English language learners. Hamilton County Schools is on track to
become the fastest improving school district in the state of Tennessee. They are dedicated to
helping all students succeed to their highest potential.HCDE is an organixzation that employs
education management.HCDE has highest rate graduation rates and student progress in
II. Problems Encountered by HCDE
With their aim of helping students to succeed to their highest potential and boost
graduation rates, the organization have encountered these problems like why its students were
consistently scoring below state benchmarks on standardized tests, the dropout rates and
finding the students who needed help. Another probably is their main problem was how to
address all of this with a support of software that can analyze and give results to support their
decisions and forecast also what will be their next step to improve on. It is actually a problem
not only in the county of Tennessee but probably most of the schools around the world that
may include our country too.
III. Business analytic s solution
According to one of the papers their key to solving their problems aside from the ones
already stated by mister Kelly, HCDE also have incorporated a product of IBM, which IBM
analytic technologies.
This have helped a lot in answering their questions, the technology can track student
performance and provide teachers, social workers and administrators with the insight they
need. The business analytic solution is classified as predictive analytic’s. predictive analytic‘s
uses many techniques from data mining, statistics, modelling, machine learning and artificial
intelligence to analyze current data to make predictions about the future.
IV. Tools Used
According to the paper tools used were “educational intelligence” which monitors
student’s performance on standardized test. Another tool is a “performance modeling tool”
that extracts individual student data from the county’s 78 schools and uses it to create
predictive profiles. This makes use of built in algorithms that predict if a student is failing or
dropping. And lastly is the IBM analytics’ technologies which was stated in the business
analytic solution above.
V. My Insights
The predictive analytic that was used and implemented by HCDE had work for them
really fine,
The IBM analytic technology had a great role in their creation business reports, analyze data,
and monitor events and metrics so that they can make effective business decisions. The IBM
analytic technology is just one component of IBM Cognos Business Suite. It works through
Framework Manager, the modeler ensures that metadata is presented in a manner that
business users can understand. Modelers import the metadata from one or more databases,
and then add to the model to meet user requirements.Users run, view, and manage their
content in IBM Cognos Connection. Depending on their security permissions, they may be
able to simply run and view reports or manage schedules, portal layout, and other users'
permissions. Business users and report authors use the published packages to understand their
business data. you can leverage queries in published packages, queries from IBM Cognos BI
reports, and personal data sources, such as Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software, to create a
unique, focused model of your business through IBM can build dynamic
cubes from metadata that is imported from relational databases. When the dynamic cubes are
published, they can be used by report authors through IBM cube.
The operation of education industry has many factors a one highlighted in the paper is
the role of a teacher, the teacher is the frontline which has a vital source of data for business
analytics on education. Lucky the model and structure of the database used by HCDE was
appropriate for the IBM business tech, I mean was compatible.


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