How To Boost Your Site For Free

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BOOSTING simply means increase traffic to your site. In other words, the
number of visitors coming to your site
We shall look at a few free techniques to do this on a free wordpress blog...
(like ours).

1. Create quality, engaging content

The first step you need to do is to create a quality, informative and engaging
content for your blogs.

You need to understand that many people have great experience in the same
niche as you. Just here, many people were blogging about health. Who will I
visit more? Definitely, the one that gives what I need.
So, make sure that you write a blog post that can solve the problems of these
readers and give them a rich reading experience.

When people come to your site and find what they need with ease, they
come next time and even invite their friends.
(See previous section on how to create irresistible contents)

2. Install the most suitable theme

The overall look and feel (theme) of a blog can make or break the visibility of
your site. Web design is a vital aspect that leaves a first and the last impression
on visitor’s mind.
Everyone likes things that look good. Let your site look good too. Else they
will close it immediately and never come back.

To change a theme
👉🏼Open your wordpress App
👉🏼Scroll down to Themes
👉🏼Chose the one you find most attractive.
👉🏼Click on it and then click ACTIVATE at the top

This is your backend remember. Changing the theme affect the front end. Visit
your blog and see how it looks now

3. Social Media Marketing

Market your blog posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Google+,
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. To drive more web traffic. If you want a
successful blog, you need to post or share your content to relevant groups.

Create a Facebook Page and Twitter page for your blog and post links from
blog on your page. Also post on your status and send to your contacts.

If your target audience are professionals, create a page on linkedin too.

If you deal with media and gossip stuffs. Do not forget to create an Instagram

You can also try posting jobs on your blog and advertising it through Facebook
jobs. It will help you get viral for free

4. Use guest posting

Guest posting means writing and posting a blog post or an article on someone
else’s website or blog. Remember Reverse Blogs, right?

You can use a guest post to encourage visitors to come to your blog.

5. Update your blog posts regularly

Make sure that you update your blog on a regular basis. The more you update,
the more people visit you to check update. Imagine you were posting about the
BB Naija. If you post frequently, visitors will keep returning to check the latest
updates. They want to know how that fight ended, who started crushing on
who.... But if you are posting after 2 weeks, visitors become more informed
than you and will never come back.

Creating regular content gives your readers something to come back for and
lets Google know that you’re active.

When users come after one month and don’t see any change, they think the
blogger is dead so they will go away.

6. Use Featured Images, Tags and Categories on your Post

These are very important elements used by search engines. When u post an
article with no tags, it will lie there, no matter the number of visitors you get.
No search engine will find it. So, if you post, add these elements.
Let us all try to create a new post called *My Second Post*, we will add tags,
categories and a featured image.

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