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Home page:

Get rid of the red, white and blue logo ok

Change the 4th of July photo ok

Content should be cafe and grow room related ok

When website loads needs to land on home page aquí habla de cuando se llega la página debería de
llegar a la home. Creo que eso es la confusión.

Remove July blurb, get away from anything political (Los textos para remplazar lo de julio en la home y
el pop up )

Summer is here and the time is right for a P.U.N.C. state of mind:
Join us for our summer menu and New Meal Kits
Curb side and delivery only
We are Covid compliant and certified

“While things were slowing down this spring, Hydro PUNC was in full bloom in collaborating with the
Acopia Harvest Grow Room. Our Summer menu features their freshly harvested hydroponic produce.
Join us while we get in to the PUNC state of mind. (En que sección colocar este texto ) esto no lo previo

(PUNC state of mind: Life, liberty and the pursuit of great food.)
When you click order now:

near order now and what’s good:

What’s good links to the shabby needs to link to the shabu menú (se necesita lo del whats Good) ok

Nothing lines up

The wording is outside of the boxes. You have to click reload to have the menu show up and still the
words are out of line.

Would remove menu and ordering schedule for from homepage and just leave the July blurb and some
photos. Maybe put Covid blurb there too.

Pre-order page: (cual pre order page? ) ?

Change “shya” to shy ok

Change “independence menu” to summer menu ok

About us section looks good

Add in a Covid 19 tab:

Hydro PUNC cafe has taken the necessary precautions to be able to reopen safely for our guests and
staff. We are compliant with government mandated Covid 19 procedures and regulations. Our staff is
certified in Servsafe Food handling and Allergens, Covid 19 take out and delivery, Covid19 reopening
procedures. (Upload certificates here) (Donde colocar todo lo que quieren agregar sobre el covid? ) en la
secion de about us

Menu tab:

Menu button at the top of page, above the wording


September Menu

Summer and Catering Menu Now Available

*please note the full cafe menu will be available September 2020

Meal kit tab:


Rest of the wording in normal grammatical font no

Wording cleaned up, overuse of word schedule. Need to clarify pricing per meal. ok

Captions above stock photos should read:

Are you on the go…. no

Do you want to enjoy….no

Do you want to put your ……no

Take numbers out of the bullet points

For the second caption out the word “all”

“All full meals and menu portions are vacuumed sealed for freshness.”

Final caption should read: “ Meals are packaged for immediate consumption or can be refrigerated for
later use” ok

Colocamos todos esos textos debajo de las imágenes stock?

Catering section is good

Menu and order now section:

Special of the week is next on there

Contact tab is identical to the home tab, suggest deleting or putting in contact information ?

CAMBIAR Monday luly 13 symmer menu “shy” en el pop up

Cambiar foto del fondo

Cambiar el texto principal por “Summer is here and the time is right for a P.U.N.C. state of mind:
Join us for our summer menu and New Meal Kits
Curb side and delivery only We are Covid compliant and certified
Quitar las palabras schedule en los cuadros y colocar eso de titulo y todo con la misma fuete
Remodelar el footer

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