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Build up 10 sentences using LINKING VERB

1. My name is oca

2. Everything seemed normal

3. Ice feels cold to the touch

4. Fitri got pregnant after two months

5. The weather is turning cold

6. We were the Champions of the badmintons' tournament

7. The old potatoes tasted awful

8. Nona appeared happy at the top

9. The bus arrived on time

10. I grow prettier everyday

2. Uses of article (the) with examples

1. Before a noun that has already been mentioned. For example : I saw a man. The man was
wearing a hat.

2. When it is clear in the situation which thing or person is referred to

For example : I go to the bank

3. Before a singular noun that refers to a specifies or group. For example : The tiger lives in Asia

4. Before adjectives used as nouns. For example : the children collected money to donate to the
institution for the deaf.

5. When there is only on of the thing. For example : the sun shines down on the earth.
3. 15 sentences of causative

1. My mom makes my sister wash the dishes.

2. My parent let me drive the motorcycle.
3. I had my hair cut yesterday.
4. My brother got the bathroom cleaned.
5. Rani let Santi borrow his novel.
6. Jhony had his friend take some food in canteen.
7. Teachers get their students to report the book that is taken by them.
8. I got my cat killed.
9. Sinta had Ulul to turn her grammar book.
10. Our philosophy lecturer got us to study hard.
11. I have got the house yard swept.
12. My cousin had the light turned off when she want to sleep.
13. The head master has all teachers and students to follow the rules of school.
14. I got my neighbor to play the volume of music down.
15. I do not think she can make her parent buy that expensive dress.

4. 15 compound sentences

1. I love her for she is polite.

2. Moza gets surprise by her friends for she win the poetry competition.
3. We will go picnic and I will be a driver.
4. My parent go back to Aceh and I pick them up at Sultan Iskandar Muda airport.
5. For this afternoon, we should bring our own personal computer or we will not do our
6. For my mother birthday, should I make the cake or give a present.
7. I choose to live in Banda Aceh, but my mother does not agree.
8. Ana is good at Maths but she prefer English education as her major.
9. Rini does not like dog nor does she like cat.
10. I will not be at class nor will at canteen today.
11. I was so far for you yet to meet you are always so close.
12. Thomas suggests me to cut his hair anymore yet I still do it.
13. We will not meet for 3 months. So, the class will do online.
14. She so tired today. So, she is sleeping earlier this night.
15. I forget to finish my homework. So, I get the punishment.

5. 15 sentences of adverbial clause

1. Wherever you go, you should tell me.

2. I will give you money if you can finish your house work.
3. Whatever you say, she let it go.
4. Whenever you need, I will be there.
5. She passed the final test because she study hard.
6. I drink milk in order that I could tall.
7. If I have one minute more, I can answer all questions.
8. Unless you hurry, you will be late.
9. Eventhough Harry gave me anything.
10. Whether Siti agree or not, she has to marry with Vicky.
11. Because he is smart, he got a scholarship.
12. I wore the ring that he gave.
13. I have to stay while the competition was over.
14. Put the homework up so that you can eat your dinner.
15. After the chores are done, we will eat some ice cream.

6. 15 sentences of noun clause

1. I never forget whoever hurt you

2. I do not know whether my mother will agree or not

3. I confused if Dina could stay alone at home

4. The head master announced when we will start schools' leave

5. I am curious how my sister become the first rank at her class

6. Andy is confident that he can answer all of the questions

7. That I can be as the smartest in my class is my dream

8. Who ate that burger was my dad

9. Why they bully fira is still a question for me

10. I want to know where he lives

11. I told my friend what Lisa said

12. Ira is not sure whether this bag is mine

13. I wonder when you arrived in Banda Aceh

14. All of my friends do not know which boy I love

15. Whether Dina will come or not depends on her parents' permission.

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