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Dear Bato e of th e many Bato B m
No, it’s not the latest in audio-video systems; it’s about the I am on thin fro
g s
soilless cultivation of plants. I le a rn about many topics
read er s. d up to the
ur m ag az ine which ad peci ally about
yo in school, es
us s to
that we di sc tually rdha
co nc ep ts that are ac ning . M y
simpl e is about ya w
explain. One ly natural?
Discover the humble beginnings and commercial future of those yawning real you
question: “Is ning makes
tiny trees in pots, which came to be known as bonsai. Stand tall tiny
se ei ng so meone yaw
trees. does
yawn, too?”
. Halaba
Presenting the indisputable wonder drug of the spice L ad y of the Snows In
O ur
kingdom–that golden clove of an herb called garlic. Dumarao, )
yawning - ed
5 to kn ow more about
(turn to p.
More than a fruiting body that sprouts almost anywhere damp, the
mushroom has long been regarded an exotic delicacy, beloved bythe

R E G U L A R F E AT U R E S Violeta Arciaga, Jaime F. Bucoy,
3 Science & Technology News Jose C. Calderon, Victoria V. Cervantes,

5 Filipino Scientists and Inventors Juanita M. Cruz, Belen P. Dayauon

Medical Facts and Fallacies
Merle C. Tan, Ph.D.
9 Livelihood Technology / I’d Like to Know
10 Cyber World Saturnino G. Belen Jr. President Lourdes F. Lozano Executive Editor
14 Earth Care Amada J. Javellana WilliamS.Fernando Managing Editor
Executive Vice President Alfie “eLf” V. Mella Magazine Editor
16 Investigatory Projects
Enrique A. Caballero, Virgie Naigan Art Director
19 Pseudoscience Reynaldo M. de la Cruz, SilvanoC. Santiago Cover Design

23 More Activities to Do William S. Fernando, Jose Valeriano P. Linay Layout Design

JoseMariaT.Policarpio, Elma L. Ropeta, Silvano C. Santiago Illustrator
24 Mind Games
Lourdes F. Lozano Vice Presidents

for Science and Technology is published bimonthly by Diwa Scholastic Press, Inc. Bato Balani is one of Diwa’s Scholastic Enhancement Materials (SEMO). The SEMO

trademark refers to a new genre of scholastic publication, including a selection of premium-quality magazines. Copyright 2000. Articles in this publication may be reprinted provided due acknowledgment
is given. All communications should be addressed to THE EDITOR, G/F Star Centrum, Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City, Philippines, Telephone numbers: 843-4761 to 66.

Fatal Attraction,
n San Miguel Island, in the seas off
Southern California, female sea lions
have been dying at the rate of up to 50
per year. The circumstances behind
this tragedy have perplexed concerned
Sea Lion Style
citizens for years. Finally marine biologists A decline in the Steller’s population So as another mating season begins,
have identified the culprit, but they may not caused its males to seek mates among their DeLong just hopes the hybrid males would
be able to prevent more fatalities. When the California class-mates. Whenever a female not appear. Marine biologists are in a
corpses began piling up in an alarming resists, the male instinctively forces his way quandary whether or not to apply for a
number, experts initially suspected by bearing down with his full weight. Result: permit to kill the giant sea lions. They believe
poisoning by pollution or attacks by death by suffocation. Or in human term: that the hybrids are just trying to save their
fishcatchers. However, Robert DeLong, a rape with homicide. species from extinction.
biologist at the National Marine Mammal Source: Time magazine
Laboratory, refuted this initial report. He
witnessed a giant male sea lion mating with
a female, just a fraction his size. Tragically
the romance did not end with a baby in the
womb; the 700-kg male crushed the 100-kg
female to death. DeLong says the giant is a
hybrid of the large Steller’s sea lion and the
female a smaller California species.

Of Mice and Humans

cientists from Princeton University,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and
Washington University altered the DNA of a
mouse to increase its learning ability and
memory capacity. Mice are a far cry from humans but the
research could eventually lead to methods of upgrading
human intelligence. But if such genetic enhancement is
already available in the market, how much would it cost
those who would dare to have it? Unless they make the
service affordable even to those in the poverty level, it will
surely create a new “Aryan race” fracas, wherein “the rich
become more intelligent as the poor are left behind.”

Source: Time magazine

Once, botulism was considered a
dreaded thing. Why not? Botulism is an
Canned Headache
acute food poisoning caused by Clostridium
botulinum, a spore-forming bacterium that
secretes the food toxin botulin. Canned
foods are the favorite hunting ground of the
uncanny botulin. But after years of study,
doctors have discovered another side of the
toxin, fortunately a good one: botulin seems
to alleviate migraine headaches. In a
preliminary study, 50% of the patients were
injected with small amounts of the botulism
drug Botox on their foreheads. After a while
the patients reported that their migraine
headaches disappeared and stayed away for
up to four months.

Source: Time magazine

Bitten by a dog or a cat? Don’t take it lightly. Aside
from the dreaded rabies virus, scientists report that in at least
half of all the cases, animal bites also carry pasteurella, a
bacterium that invades the blood or joints. There the
bacterium causes an infection and, in rare circumstances,
meningitis—inflammation of the meninges, or membranes,
that surround the brain and spinal cord. So if swelling or
pain develops on the bite, don’t waste time trying to determine
which between the two--rabies or pasteurella--is on the loose.
It would be better to consult a doctor immediately.
Source: Time magazine


“Study well and keep an open mind,” A results-oriented person, Dr.

advises Dr. Guerrero who in his childhood Guerrero is also the present program
was already fascinated with underwater administrator of the DOST-Association of
creatures. Kids like you, he said, should Southeast Asian Nations’ Marine Science Dr. Guerrero finished his degrees in
develop their skills in what they like best. Program. He is a visiting professor of Bachelor of Science in Zoology (1964) and
That’s one of the first steps to success. Zoology at the University of the Philippines, Master of Science in Applied Zoology
Dr. Guerrero, now 54 years old, is and adjunct professor of aquaculture at the (1970) at the University of the Philippines
the Executive Director of the Philippine Auburn University in Alabama, USA. at Los Baños (UPLB). He went to the
Council for Aquatic and Marine Research He has a long list of national and Auburn University for his degree in Doctor
and Development (PCAMRD), an agency international achievements; one of which is of Philosophy in Fisheries Management
of the Department of Science and his being the Academician of the National (1974). In 1984, he earned his one-year
Technology (DOST). Academy of Science and Technology since course diploma inAgribusiness Management
He is an expert in the production of 1992. He was a recipient of the “Outstanding also at UPLB.
marine and aquatic fishes and marine Young Scientist Award” (1980) given by With this load of accomplishments,
environmental management. Fish is a good the then National Science Development Dr. Guerrero can be regarded not only as a
source of daily nutrient and aquaculture is a Board, now DOST. man of science but a forerunner of
livelihood for many Filipinos. These make environmental progress as well.
Dr. Guerrero’s expertise very significant in
the lives of the Filipino people.

Fallacy: Yawning is contagious. is in the same room as the one observing

Fact:Yawning is an involuntary deep him/her, it is likely possible that the problem
inspiration of air into the lungs, often lies on the ventilation of the room, which is
accompanied by stretching of the arms and depriving its occupants of enough oxygen
legs. Some of the factors that normally cause supply that promotes normal blood and air
yawning include fatigue, sleepiness, and circulation in the body. So, the person did
poor ventilation with reduced oxygen not acquire the act of yawning from the other
supply; and certain disease processes which but rather, both of them were somehow
produce decreased bloodflow to the brain. affected by the condition of the air in the
There is this popular belief that room. The question as to why then not all of
yawning is contagious; that when one the room occupants were yawning despite
observes the act of yawning in others, it their being inside the same room is explained
prompts him/her to yawn, too. However, by the fact that different individuals have
this is not true in a medical point of view. different lung capacities. This also means
The precipitating factor concerning poor that they have different needs in the oxygen
ventilation with reduced oxygen supply can level. Thus their reactions to the alleged poor
explain this. The fact that the yawning person ventilation vary.


Hydroponics by Alfie Vera Mella

o, it’s not a newly invented waterproof
historians, and the Floating Gardens of the Aztecs of
gadget that will replace the cellular phone.
Mexico are early references that growing plants without
Nor the latest technology in audio-video
soil was already in practice during the dawn of civilization.
systems. It may not be a household word,
It was even described in Egyptian writings dating back
but the term “hydroponics” is quite old already. Actually
to several centuries before Christianity. Those
it is popular among those who are into plants.
spectacles were the first epitomes of hydroponics, thus
Hydroponics is a science and it has been helping in
hydroponics is far from being a new concept.
plant cultivation for quite a long time now.
Hydroponics, from the Greek words hydro,
which means “water;” and ponos, which means “labor,”
The fact that plants can grow without soil has is the science of growing plants in sand, gravel, or liquid,
been in existence for centuries. The legendary Hanging without soil and with added nutrients. It has been a
Gardens of Babylon, though it might have never really subject of researches since 1697. John Woodward, an
existed except in the minds of Greek poets and English physician, submitted to the Royal Society a

paper concerning the process. He reported that he had are also subject to pest attacks and diseases. One
grown some plants in two water media—polluted river disadvantage, though, of growing plants in water is the
water and rainwater—to determine whether plant growth easy growth of molds. In this case, small amounts of
was really due to the soil or the water alone. And from fungicide do the trick. Also they are just as influensed
Woodward’s experiment spawned many studies by climate, as are soil-cultivated plants.
concerning hydroponics. In the 1930’s botanists were
The main advantage of the soilless cultivation
conducting experiments on growing plants without soil
is that high yields can be obtained in places where the
using nutrients dissolved in water. They proved that the
soil is infertile or harmful to plants. Plant growth can
soil is not indispensable. The main function of the soil
also be accelerated by manipulating the nutrient content
is to moor the plant roots in place.
of the water. The only disadvantage is its high cost of
Plants naturally acquire great quantities of operation and maintenance. Nevertheless, hydroponics
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen from water and air, but is economically practical on large-scale crop cultivation
the remaining nutrients they need, such as nitrogen, where highly valued crops, such as flowers and
phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, vegetables, are needed in places where the soil is
and iron are usually supplied as mineral salts by the infertile and disease-infested.
soil. In hydroponics, these essential elements are
provided in a solution consisting of distilled water and
mineral salts, such as calcium nitrate [Ca(NO 3) 2], Various types of techniques have been tried in
potassium nitrate (KNO 3), potassium dihydrogen hydroponics. Each employed different types of cultures
phosphate (KH2PO4), and magnesium sulfate (MgSO4). and nutritional formulas. Scientists originally used them
for scientific researches, but some techniques have been
Hydroponics has been popularized in Western
modified for commercial purposes. Two of the widely
Europe and is now used extensively in the Netherlands
used techniques are the water culture and the sand and
for commercial flower and food products.
gravel culture.
Canada is also recognized in
hydroponic culture. In the
Philippines, the science has been
boosting the flower and fruit

As compared to soil
plant growing, yields of plants
grown by hydroponics are high.
However, they do not differ largely
from each other in terms of
nutritional quality and their
requirement for water, air, and
temperature. Plants grown in
solutions, usually of different types
of cultures, like those grown in soils,


Water Culture. The most exceptional deviation livelihood, hydroponics is a widely recognized plant
from the usual soil plant cultivation is the water culture, cultivation method. Specialized hydroponics is also
in which the roots of the plants are immersed in the under thorough study, for possibilities of growing edible
water containing nutrients without any support. Before crops in submarines to feed crews and spacecraft to
planting, the roots are usually germinated between sustain astronauts in space! In a more serious note,
sheets of wet paper. Upon germination, the plants are hydroponics may be used for food production in
placed in a perforated cork that is just a little above the underdeveloped countries, where space and soil
nutrient solution. In large-scale cases, the plants are resources are limited. It can also be a major
planted in a porous material, which is held some inches consideration in the desert countries, where growing a
above the nutrient solution by means of a net or a chicken variety of useful crops in soil is almost impossible.
The popularity of hydroponics has been
Sand and Gravel Culture. The more widely increasing remarkably. It’s about time to include
used hydroponic technique uses sand, gravel, or a hydroponics in our list of household terms. What
coarser medium to support the plants. Other materials overpopulated country would not need of the commercial
that can be used include cinder, pumice, pebbles, or value of hydroponics, by the way? In an era where supply
crushed rocks. This technique is more advantageous of natural foods, like fruits and vegetables, is highly in
as compared to the water culture because less care is demand, the knowledge of growing plants without soil
needed in sprouting and planting the seeds. In this is a big advantage.
method, the nutrient solutions are poured over the sand
and allowed to percolate down through the container.
The excess solution is drained out of the bottom of the

In both the water and the sand and gravel

cultures, the nutrient solution supplies plant roots with
1. Cite some historical references that allude to the
the essential requirements such as water, oxygen, and practice of hydroponics.
mineral nutrients. 2. How is hydroponics considered more favorable than
the usual cultivation of plants in soil?
HYDROPONICS: A TOAST OF THE DAY, THE TREND 3. Describe the two most widely used techniques in
OF THE FUTURE hydroponics.

Although hydroponics has been around for

many, many years, it still is a young science, but its
progress is impressively quick. It is currently being
employed in many agricultural activities and has long culture – cultivation of soil; growth in a prepared substance
germination - process of growing or sprouting
advanced from being a mere hobby and subject for percolate - to cause (a solvent) to pass through a permeable
researches to a lucrative way of growing fruits, flowers, substance especially for extracting a soluble constituent
and vegetables. In the Philippines, particularly in Baguio
and in other parts of the Cagayan Valley region, where 1.
flowers, fruits, and vegetables are a major source of 2. Encyclopedia Americana Intl Ed. 1983 Grolier Incorporated.

Q: For how long have centaurs been extinct?
A: Oops. To begin with, centaurs are not “centaurs.” Since riding horses was totally Glaizalyn A. Tan
real animals. They are just mythical unbeknownst to them, the not-so-civilized
Manila Science High School
creatures. Depicted as a race of half human- folk thought that the half-naked horse riders
half horse creatures, Centaurs, also known they saw from afar were really half man- Manila City, Metro Manila
as Ixionidae, were born out of the fertile half horse creatures. They thought that their
minds of bards who laid the foundation of bodies were connected to the horses they
Greek mythology. were mounted on.
What’s more interesting though is
how ideas of centaurs came into being. There
were many conjectures, but this one’s quite
During a time when most peoples
were still striving to civilize themselves, and
still afraid of all kinds of animals, which
were naturally wilder and untamable, some
more-civilized people from another place
were already riding horses. This tribe of
horse riders was said to be the first

Pinoy Fries on the Go

by Alfie Vera Mella
Filipinos are known to adapt very
well to whatever environment and cultures
they are subjected to. They are also known INGREDIENTS
to innovate and imitate well-tested ideas. Not 1/2 kg kamote (sweet potato)
bad at all, as long as they do not claim such 1/4 kg brown sugar
ideas as their original. cooking oil
As an answer to the very famous MATERIALS
french fries, ingenious Filipinos have come peeler
up with their version of the beloved staple. knife
Dubbed as pinoy fries, it has come to win frying pan
the palate of Filipinos who have a natural gas stove
preference for all things sweet.
Here is a recipe shared to me by a PROCEDURE
food vendor in our neighborhood who 1. Peel the kamote. Cut into strips.
specializes in turon, maruya, banana and 2. Wait until cooking oil is at boiling point before putting the kamote strips in the frying pan.
kamote cues, and all sorts of sweet foodstuff. 3. When the kamote strips are already light brown, add the sugar.
Try it at home. Take a bite! Pinoy fries on 4. Wait until the sugar caramelizes and attaches to the kamote strips.
the go. 5. Serve while hot and crunchy.

Graphics by Wacky Salazar

What is a computer program

without graphics? Isn’t it boring? Part of
the fun in creating cool computer programs
is being able to create graphics or images
on screen. In Qbasic this is not too difficult
and with a little practice we can all become
simple artists.

Before an artist works, he has to

prepare his canvas. In the same way, we
have to prepare the computer screen for
the graphics. The computer screen has two
modes: text mode and graphics mode.
What we have been using in the past
exercises is referred to as the text mode.
In graphics mode, the screen looks different
because it displays data in a different way.
Let’s try this out. Try each of the following
programs and see what the differences are:

of the center of the circle on screen. R defines the size
PRINT“HELLO” PRINT“HELLO” PRINT“HELLO” of the radius of the circle and color will specify the color
END END END of the circle border.

Notice that the higher the screen we use, the 3. PSET – this command allows you to plot
finer the word “HELLO” appears on screen. This is points on the screen.
because the screen command defines the number of Syntax: PSET(X,Y),color
graphic pixels (dots on screen) both vertically and
Example: PSET(20,50),8
horizontally. There are several screen modes that we
can use but in the next exercises, we will use The variables X and Y defines where on screen
SCREEN 12. you want to draw the pixel and the color specifies what
color to use. This command is similar to plotting points
Now here are some very simple graphics
on screen.
4. DRAW – this command allows you to draw
1. LINE – the line command allows you to draw
a series of lines starting at a given point. If we do not
a straight line on screen or create a
specify the point of origin, by default, the DRAW
box on screen. The syntax of the
command starts at the center of the screen.
command is:
Syntax: DRAW ”<commands>”
Syntax: LINE(x1,y1)-(x2,y21),color,B
Example: DRAW “U20E25F25D20”
Example: LINE(10,5)-(50,100),5
The letters correspond to the direction where
The first set of numbers in parentheses define
the line will be drawn and the value following the letter
the starting point of the line in terms of its X and Y
corresponds to the length of the line.
coordinates on screen. The second set of numbers
defines the end point of the line. The number after the U – up E – right diagonal going up
comma defines the color of the line. Now try adding ,B
D – down F – right diagonal going down
(comma B) at the end of our example and see what
happens. What appears on screen is now a box. This L – left G – left diagonal going down
creates a box using the coordinates as the diagonal of
R – right H – left diagonal going up
the box.
5. PAINT – this command will paint a bordered
2. CIRCLE – the circle command lets you draw
area starting at the point you specify. For example, if
a circle on screen. This is one of the easier graphics
you draw a circle and PAINT the center of the circle with
a certain color then the area within the border of the
Syntax: CIRCLE( x , y),r,color circle will be colored.

Example:LINE(10,5)-(50,100),15 Syntax: PAINT (X,Y), color

The X and Y variables denote the coordinates Example: PAINT (50,123), 5

More than a Science and an Artform
“I think that I shall never see
A tree as lovely as a poem.”
by Alfie Vera Mella

rees,” by Joyce Kilmer, what a lovely poem! developing these potted trees,
When you think of trees, what usually comes making them the eventual
to your mind? You would probably think of tall, masters of bonsai.
lush trees that decorate an equally lush
landscape. You might even imagine a sequoia, the tallest Bonsai is actually
among all trees, or the beloved guava tree in your the name of the process itself, but
neighborhood, which you and your playmates have bonsai has come to be known as
learned to climb when you were adventurous little tots. its own product – miniature trees
How about the legendary balete, which has lots of scary ranging from an inch to more or
tales to tell? Or a fresh, green pine for a Christmas less 80 inches in height,
tree? But have you thought of tiny trees that grow in dwarfed either by special
pots? Yes, those attractive, diminutive plants that you techniques or by nature itself,
see in small pots that look like trees are specifically then grown as potted plants. Natural
trees after all! These are what are known as bonsai. bonsai are those that have been naturally stunted by an
The first ever reference to tiny trees being grown unfavorable environment, which includes factors such
in pots for either decorative or medicinal reasons can as the type of soil and its nutrient contents and the
be traced back in China during the Tang Dynasty constancy of the wind blows in the areas where they
(618-907). A wall painting discovered in the tomb of originate; though bonsai of this type are quite rare. On
Zhang Huai, a prince who lived and died during that the other hand, the true bonsai, according to Atty.
dynasty, showed a servant carrying a pot containing a Poncevic M. Ceballos of The Philippine Bonsai Society
tree. This miniature tree, along with its miniature Inc. (PBSI), are those brought to miniaturization by
landscape, was called Penjing, which literally means special techniques learned through years of careful
“tray scenery.” It was believed that Japan adopted it and training. Based on the origin of the bonsai, he is right,
the Japanese word for it, “bonsai” (from Japanese words bonsai culture is meant to be an art of creating miniature
Bon, which means trees. However, not all species of trees can be made
“tray, pot;” and Sai, into bonsai. Selection depends on the characteristics
which means of the leaves and trunks of the tree species as well as
“planting, planted”), their reaction to the procedures involved. For example,
was really derived some species die when their leaves or branches are
from the Chinese trimmed or when they are subjected to tying and bracing,
word p’en t’sai, essential procedures in bonsai culture.
meaning “tray- Varieties of tree species with small leaves,
planted.” The flowers, or fruits are preferred. Most varieties grown by
Japanese went to the Japanese have been hardy trees, shrubs, and vines
great lengths in common to temperate zones. These include flowering

apricot, pine, and spruce. In the Philippines, most of solution. Atty. Ceballos, who owns an
the trees used for bonsai are local species like bantigue impressive bonsai garden in his
(Pemphis acidula), bignay, bougainvillea, kamagong residence at Baesa,
(Philippine ebony), kamatsile (Pithicolodium dulce), Caloocan City, prefers a
Ficus, guava, kalyos (Streblus asper), Muraya exotica, high-in-organic fertilizer
orange jasmine, Philippine tea, and tamarind (sampaloc). as a growth
Amusing to know is the fact that almost always fruits of supplement for his
fruit-bearing bonsai grow in their natural sizes and retain wide variety of
their properties. bonsai.
Aside from being mere
Among the various techniques employed in exotic plant collectibles, with a
creating bonsai, the most essential are pruning, training, current market price of about P1,000 and
and shaping. above, bonsai can be developed in large scale for their
Pruning. Maybe done once a year or repeatedly, edible fruits and medicinal value. Obviously the main
according to the growth habits of the plant, this involves advantage of growing bonsai over ordinary trees is the
cutting and trimming of leaves to reveal part of the trunk economy of space needed in their cultivation. However,
and branch structure. Subsequent repotting of the bonsai although bonsai has long been regarded as a science
is also necessary to facilitate root pruning, which, in in Japan, where methods are continuously being
turn, allows the bonsai to continue healthy growth in developed and refined, the commercial value of its
the same size container. cultivation in the Philippines has yet to be established.
Training. Seedlings, rooted cuttings, and small Deserving commendation for their continuous effort in
grafted trees developed as bonsai are sometimes started promoting bonsai culture in the Philippines are
in ground beds, where pruning of tops and roots each organizations like Angeles Bonsai Club in Angeles City,
season develops compact habits. Vigorous growth in Pampanga; Angono Bonsai Club in Angono, Rizal; La
ground beds also causes the trunks to fatten. Normally Union Bonsai Society in San Fernando City; and The
bonsai that are not trained lose their essence of being Philippine Bonsai Society Inc., the main club that
typical trees as they grow older. So training is an represents the whole country. Activities, like bonsai
essential part of the process. exhibition and educational seminars, are sponsored
Shaping. Aside from tying and bracing, a regularly by the said clubs.
widely used method is done by wrapping a soft copper
wire spirally around the branches and trunks to bend
them into a desired position or direction. One of the
more popular shapes achieved through this is the
“windswept bonsai,” which simulates a tree being blown 1. Give early references of the existence of bonsai.
heavily by strong winds towards a certain direction. 2. Describe the techniques employed in creating a bonsai.
3. How can the commercial value of the bonsai be
Care of bonsai, particularly the selection of
potting soil and conducive environment, depends on
the nature of the
plant, the available
materials, and the repotting - process of transferring a plant from its pot to another
pot for varied reasons
personal preferences
of the grower. A
common practice 1.
today is the use of a 2. Atty. Poncevic M. Ceballos of The Philippine Bonsai Society Inc.
(PBSI) For more information email at:
complete, soluble 3. Miniature Bonsai. Herb L. Gustafson. 1999 Sterling Publishing
fertilizer in weak Co., Inc. New York.

by Alfie Vera Mella

The Whales Are Wailing

Dugong, Sirena ng
There they sail alone Karagatan
Naked barebellied
Brokenhearted Dugong, alam mo na ba ang
Meek and somber balita?
With hearts as big as oxen The Dolphins’ Sheen Malakas ang ugong-ugong
Grand but humble Na ang iyong lipi ay unti-unti nang
In the Pacific they dwell nangangaubos
Playful creatures of the sea
In the Atlantic and the rest Isang dagok sa ulo
Lovable cetaceans swim with
Ocean to ocean Hinto ang tibok ng puso
Coast to coast Lagot ang hininga
Breaking water surface, splash
From place to place they surface Bilad ang balat
with waves
Atop their heads their blowholes Iyong karne’y ulam
Flip on air astonishingly—swift
Ocean water
as arrows, graceful like
Like fountains from there it Dugong, dugong
squirts Mga sirena ng karagatan
Whales, beware! Into the sea they dive
comparable to falling Prinsesa ng Palawan
They’ve come to take your
dreams stalactites
O’ anong ganda ng
For so long you’ve been hunted pangangatawan
For barrels of oil your fat would Humans who should have
been their caretakers Bibihirang mga nilalang
make Doon sa karagatan sila’y
O’ whales, I hope you’d prevail Predate these dolphins in
various trends— matutunghayan
And your butchers, fail!
The whales are wailing Dynamite, cyanide, driftnets,
and all those means to an end Mala-abo ang kulay
Can’t you hear them? Sa paglangoy ay mahusay
Let them live Ngunit sa tao ay mailap
Leave them alone in their ocean Pitiful creatures of the sea
Like the whales and the Lalo’t sibat at ‘di pagkalinga
home Ang sa kanila ay nakalaan
The whales are not fish manatees
But are mammals like us Die of unworthy butchery
In the hands of human Dugong, dugong
So they’re closer to our hearts ‘Di man tunay na mga sirena
Sila’y mga tunay na prinsesa
The sheen of the dolphins’
skin Dugong, dugong
Under the sunshine’s beam Hayaang dumami ang mga
Promises, promises…a lifeful prinsesita
tomorrow’s gift Ng mga dugong ng karagatan
To this endangered species’
Though shall be set free

These poems were all written in 1990, and are included in the author’s unpublished
poetry anthology entitled: “A Box Pretending to be a Book Full of Stories.”

G eographically, the water portion of the Earth
is far greater than the land. As a matter of
fact, Earth is approximated to be 75 percent
water! But just as the land is home to an
extremely diverse varieties of fauna and flora,
so as the oceans, the seas and other water
The dugong, the manatee, and the sea cow, or
what are collectively known as sirens, are aquatic
herbivorous mammals under the order Sirenia. The sirens
are known to have a meticulous reproductive cycle.
Gestation lasts up to 13 months and only one calf is
born per pregnancy. Three to five years would have to
bodies. “There’s no place like home,” says a song, but pass before a new calf can be conceived. This is one
how can aquatic living things consider the waters their reason why propagation of their species is very slow.
home when it is slowly becoming unfavorable for them Despite this, people continue to hunt them to extinction.
as their habitat? It is inevitable, some might say, for Endemic in the Philippine waters, specially in Palawan,
change is the only permanent thing in the world. However, Isabela, and Southern Mindanao, the dugong (Dugong
most of the changes in the water environment are dugon), or baboy-dagat, is another favorite of local
preventable after all, especially those brought about by fishcatchers. The dugong and the rest of the sirens are
human activities, which have been pushing the aquatic prized for their meat, which, meatlovers say, is tastier
creatures toward endangerment. Unless unscrupulous than beef.
fishcatchers cease from their illegal activities, such as One might say that these sea creatures—the
fishing through the use of dynamite, cyanide, spears, larger whales, the dolphins, and the sirens—are killed
and driftnets, the Earth’s waters will soon be deprived of and butchered for “valid” and “noble” reasons; that is, to
them—plants and animals, who all have their roles to supply humankind with basic needs like food, oil, and
play in our fragile ecosystem. other raw materials for various commercial products.
Among the many endangered species that However, people should take into consideration the
inhabit the sea, the larger whales, the dolphins, and the availability of such animal resources. It has long been
sirens seem to be closest to the edge of extinction. declared that these three are already among the
Humans have found a great use in them without endangered species. As a matter of fact, laws, such as
considering the fact that these gentle aquatic mammals the Department of Environment and Natural Resources’
are already in the list of endangered species. In the Administrative Order No. 55, and programs of non-
Philippines alone, there are possibly 27 species of whales government organizations in protection of these animals
and dolphins and most of them have been hunted since are existent. It’s just that most people don’t take them
the 1800s. seriously. Moreover, such attempts to save the
Larger species under order Cetacea, the endangered species are often useless without the
Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) and the support of the general public. Start saving our
Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus) have long been endangered species before they become limited to being
preys of notorious whalers. A single humpback yields subjects of photography, taxidermy, and poetry.
tons of meat ready to supply a number of restaurants Awareness and just a word of concern about them
specializing in exotic foods. The sperm whale, which passed on to everyone are a big step towards saving
has a large closed cavity in the head containing a fluid them.
mixture of spermaceti and oil, is much prized. One sperm
whale produces barrels of spermaceti, a waxy solid
substance used in ointments, cosmetics, and candles.
The dolphin is another cetacean, which belongs gestation - conception and development of a young in the uterus
to Delphinidae, a family of small gregarious toothed propagation - increasing the population of species through
whales. It is known for its playful antics and has been reproduction
taxidermy - the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting animals
observed to save distressed humans during shipwrecks. especially vertebrates (animals with backbones)
Unfortunately, the dolphin is also an entry in the animal
flesh trade. Local researchers even noted that dolphin References:
meat is popular during fiestas in some small Philippine 1.
towns like Talisayan, Misamis Oriental; Sagay, 3.
Camiguin; Mogpog, Marinduque; and Malampaya Sound 4. Kasaysayan The Story of the Filipino People. Raymundo S.
in Palawan, Polillo Island on the Pacific coast. Punongbayan et al. 1998 Asia Publishing Company Limited.


The study aims to produce
biodegradable plastic using cassava starch
as its main product.
Cassava starch was mixed with water,

epoxydized soya bean oil (ESBO), glycerol,
and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The mixture
was then compressed and tested.
Three preparations were made from

the mixture.

Preparation I:
50 grams starch

(Manihot esculenta)
50 grams water
50 grams PVA
2.5 grams ESBO
2.5 grams glycerol

Preparation II:
65 grams starch
65 grams water
50 grams PVA
2.5 grams ESBO
2.5 grams glycerol

Preparation III:
80 grams starch
80 grams water
50 grams PVA
2.5 grams ESBO
2.5 grams glycerol

The first preparation exhibited the

most desirable mechanical properties. The
material produced was proven to be

There is an increasing demand for
plastic, from the highly technological fields
of electronics, fiber optics, and
pharmaceuticals to the basic necessities such
as sandwich wrappers and garbage bags.
This high demand for plastics, however, has
been a major contributor to the world’s
present garbage problems. The researches
aimed at developing biodegradable plastics
is one big step to lessen, if not totally
eliminate, this global concern.

The use of biodegradable plastics has bacteria. Films and packaging materials Batch I:
already started in the United States. Some from synthetic polymers are normally 50 grams PVA (1:4 ratio of PVA
plastics use cornstarch as an additive. This attacked at a very low rate. New polymers to water)
additive helps in the natural decomposition such as nylon, polyvinyl chloride and 50 grams water
of the plastic materials. polystyrene have replaced cellulose, the 50 grams starch
Cassava is basically composed of pioneer plastic material. These plastic 2.5 grams ESBO
starch. Cassava starch is composed of two materials have become permanent wastes. 2.5 grams glycerol
components: amylose and amylopectin. There are various methods in making Batch II:
Amylose is a long straight chain of polymer biodegradable plastics. The simplest is the 50 grams PVA (1:4 ratio of PVA
of anhydroglucose units. Amylopectin is a production of plastic from the extraction of to water)
branch of chain compound, also of casein from milk. Casein is obtained in two 65 grams water
anyhydroglucose units. Because plastics are ways: 1) by souring, with the use of lactic 65 grams starch
made of polymers, starch is a very favorable acid; and 2) by boiling together with an 2.5 grams ESBO
raw material in plastic-making. additive, such as acetic acid. 2.5 grams glycerol
The study was limited to one species Starch is a natural organic polymer Batch III:
of cassava, Manihot esculenta. The plastic manufactured by green plants through 50 grams PVA (1:4 ratio of PVA
produced was treated with different amounts photosynthesis. It occurs in the form of to water)
of starch, polyvinyl alcohol (binder), grains in many parts of the plant, principally 80 grams water
epoxidized soya bean oil (stabilizer), and in embryonic tissues such as seeds, fruits, 80 grams starch
glycerol (plasticizer). roots and tubers. 2.5 grams ESBO
The finished product was expected Polyvinyl alcohol is a colorless, 2.5 grams glycerol
to be comparable to commercial plastics in odorless, tasteless, thermoplastic synthetic
terms of clarity, reaction to acids and bases, resin. It is commonly used for grease- Measured amounts of water and
water absorption, tensile stress and tensile proofing paper, in adhesives, in gas- and starch were mixed and boiled, using a hot
strain, electrical conductivity and oil-impervious films and coatings. This plate (at 80 degrees Centigrade), until a
flammability. substance, although soluble in water, is sticky paste was formed. After removing
insoluble in common organic solvents. the starch-water mixture from the hot plate,
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Glycerol is the simplest trihydric the rest of the materials were added.
The word plastic came from the alcohol. In commercial form, it is called After mixing all the materials, the
Greek word plastikos, whih means “capable glycerin. It is a colorless, odorless and mixture was passed through a roll-mill with
of being molded.” Plastics can be as hard as viscous liquid with a sweet taste. It is a temperature of 118 degrees to 120 degrees
metal or as soft as silk. They can take any completely soluble in water and alcohol but Centigrade. Then, it was compressed, using
shape in almost any form due to the is only slightly soluble in many common a compressor with a temperature of
versatility of the carbon, the most common solvents, such as ether, ethyl acetate and 130 degrees Centigrade for seven minutes.
backbone of polymer chains. Plastics can dioxane. It is widely used in coatings and The samples produced were cut into
be conveniently divided into two categories: paints, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. 1-inch-by-2-inch strips for testing.
semi-synthetic, in which the basic chain Plastic production is a relatively new Several tests were conducted to
structure is derived from a natural product, technology. Experiments are being determine the mechanical properties of the
such as cellulose; and synthetic, which is conducted to relieve the negative effects of samples.
built up chemically from small units or overproducing plastics. By changing its raw The plastics were inspected to
monomers. materials and additives, commercial plastic determine their opacity, translucency and
Despite the various applications of may be improved so that it will become transparency.
plastics, drawbacks have been encountered biodegradable while retaining its good To determine the effects of strong
in three major points. Firstly, there are certain quality. acids, the plastic strips were immersed in
chemicals used in the manufacture of plastics concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCI) for
that may cause allergic reactions. There is a METHODOLOGY 30 minutes. Changes in length, width and
need to protect humankind from these In order to determine the right appearance were noted. A tensile test was
threats. Secondly, since cellulose films are combination, three batches with different also conducted. Strips were hooked to a
biodegradable, they are readily attacked by proportions were prepared. spring balance and were pulled until they

It was observed in the strong base SUMMARYAND CONCLUSIONS
tore apart. The readings on the balance when test that instead of being dissolved, the Favorable results were obtained in
the strips broke were recorded. To test the samples absorbed the liquid. No significant the Strong Acid Test, Strong Base Test, and
samples for flammability, strips with the difference was observed in the dimensions Flammability Test. The samples were found
same dimensions were burned using Bunsen of the three preparations and the control. to be water-soluble. However, the samples
burners. Burning time was noted. An organic When tested for flammability, the would not dissolve in ethanol, an organic
solvent test was also conducted by samples completely burned. It was also solvent.
immersing the material in ethanol for observed that the samples produced resisted All samples were biodegradable.
48 hours. Changes in length, width and heat better since they took longer to burn.
appearance were also noted. The soil biodegradability test showed RECOMMENDATIONS
The samples underwent that there was a significant reduction in the The samples dissolved in water
biodegradability tests. The strips were size of the samples when buried in the soil because the binder (PVA) used is water-
stapled to a piece of cardboard and buried in for a week. soluble. In order to solve this problem, an
a can of soil. They were unearthed after a The samples dissolved in water. This alternate binder may be used. A water-proof,
week. Their final dimensions were recorded. may be because the binder (PVA) used is biodegradable coating may be used to solve
To determine the effects of water, the samples water-soluble. However, the samples would this problem. Antioxidants may also be used
were immersed in a bottle of chlorinated not dissolve in ethanol since the binder to make the product more transparent.
water. The bottle was sealed so as to isolate (PVA) used is insoluble to organic solvents.
its contents from the external environment. Exposure to air did not have any
After a week, their final dimensions were effect on the samples.
noted. In conducting the air test, the strips
were exposed to open air for a week. Changes TESTING RESULTS
in the dimensions were also noted. TABLE 1. TEXTURE
I 1 smooth, translucent
The quality of plastic produced
2 with air bubbles,
greatly depends on the proportion of
slightly rough
additives used. Any difference in the 3 with air bubbles,
formulation may bring about changes in slightly rough
terms of flexibility, color, transparency and
texture. The difference in the amount of II 1 slightly rough
starch had an effect in the texture and 2 translucent, and
transparency of the samples (see Table 1). 3 thicker than Prep. I
The different proportions were formulated
III 1 thickest of the three preps.,
to test which of the samples from the
2 yellowish,
different formulations would exhibit the best
3 and a bit opaque
properties. The rest of the formula were kept
at a constant amount to test the effect of control 1 smooth, translucent
variations in starch content. (polyethylene plastic) 2 smooth, translucent
Commercial plastic served as the 3 smooth, translucent
control. All the preparations, except for
Preparation I which is the only sample that
underwent the Tensile Stress Test, were
subjected to the same tests. The tests were
conducted to find out which among the Note:
Leah Dolly Girao No part of this article may be used or reproduced in
samples is comparable with the control. Rolando Giancarlo Inciong any form whatsoever without written permission
The strong acids had unfavorable Emanuelle Jacinto from the Philippine Science High School, Diliman,
effects on the samples, unlike the control Bambii Joanne Magbuhat Quezon City, except in the case of brief citation as
which did not manifest any change. Sherwin Louie Sayson embodied in the laws of scientific articles and reviews.

“Pseudoscience” literally means “false science.” Therefore, it is best for the public to be made aware of the facts behind
pseudosciences – practices and beliefs that have no reliable scientific bases. These include false beliefs that are, almost always, results
of the ignorance and gullibility of the oldfolk, who tend to rely strongly on “coincidence mentality.” However, baffling it is to know that
despite the innovations and developments in science – the foundation of human knowledge – many continue to patronize pseudosciences.
This section aims to expose these pseudosciences, which do not only hamper progress, but may also pose harm to the health
and sound judgment of those who get victimized by it. But don’t worry, just a dose of real science cures the most ignorant of minds.

Subliminal Messaging
few years ago, a local In the advertising industry, for suggestive elements in Disney movies. But
alternative band caused quite instance, much has been made over no scientific study has yet proven that such
a stir when it was alleged that subliminal advertising. In a movie theater, covert messaging can override a person’s
their songs carried demonic for instance, a split-second flash of a individual preference or decision. “The fact
messages when played in message that says “Drink This Cola” during that there is almost no empirical support for
reverse. The allegation that a movie will not be noticed by the audience’s the usefulness of subliminal messaging has
backmasking, or the process of playing a conscious mind. However, advocates of not prevented numerous industries from
piece of music on compact disc, vynil, or subliminal messaging claim, this split- producing and marketing tapes which
cassette tape in reverse, reveals a subliminal second flash could influence the audience allegedly communicate directly with the
demonic message either intentionally or to buy that particular brand of softdrink. unconscious mind, encouraging the ‘listener’
accidently recorded by the composer has not to steal, or coaching the ‘listener’ to have
The scientific community has not
persisted over the last two decades. Rock courage or believe in his or her power to
totally discarded the possibilities of
songs are the favorite victim of this accomplish great things.”
subliminal messaging. Studies continue to
preposterous allegation, for the sole reason
be done on the many forms of subliminal When you sit in front of your
that rock music has long been associated
propaganda. Even American government television set or watch a movie or listen to
with sex, drugs and fast life. However, time
agencies caution radio, print and television rock music, don’t worry. No evil entity will
and liberal thinking proved that such
companies from using subliminal whisper in your ears and urge you to do bad
assumption is baseless and unfair. Rock
messaging until more definitive studies yield things. No big consumer company or
music analysts say the idea of backmasking
tangible proofs to its validity or invalidity. government agency can yet tell you what
is just an attempt by several “conservativists”
softdrink to buy or vote for a certain
to discredit rock music. Rock music, just However, the proponents of
candidate. Subliminal messaging has yet to
like folk, classical and other types of music, subliminal messaging have overhyped and
be proven effective in replacing your
is already regarded as a musical artform. played up the effects of this practice and
decisions with somebody else’s. For the
Thus, subliminal messaging through turned it into a sociological scare tactic. It
meantime, no one and nothing else will be
backmasking is only a fiction of the mind. also creates an atmosphere of fear and
held responsible for every little thing that
uncertainty over whether consumer
Subliminal messaging is a belief that you do but yourself.
companies or even the government could
a person’s behavior or decision-making can
be testing or using subliminal messaging to References:
be influenced by delivering messages
attain their objectives. 1. The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal,
through visual, auditory, or aural means,
without the person being aware of it. It is edited by Gordon Stein (Buffalo, NY.
Even Disney movies catering to Prometheus Books, 1996)
generally said to be below conscious children and families have not been spared.
perception and addresses the unconscious Recently, a spate of rumors have floated 2.
mind. about the proliferation of sexually 3.


GARLIC: Antibiotic Extraordinaire

by Leda A. Esguerra

I n horror films, one cannot miss the long wreaths

of garlic hung outside houses or around the necks
of protagonists. It is supposed to ward off horrible
creatures, particularly the vampire and the aswang,
a popular Filipino mythical character. But more than a
weapon against the human flesh- and blood-lusting
Reference to its uses in traditional medicine can be
traced back to ancient Greece, Rome, medieval Europe
and the Far East. The Egyptians at the taking of oaths
invocated garlic and onion as deities. Hippocrates, father
of medicine, recommended garlic to cure many common
health problems. The ancient Greeks and Romans
creatures of folktales and film myth, garlic has more largely consumed garlic, as noted by Virgil in Eclogues.
than meets the eye in real life. It is a legitimate Horace, however, recorded his extreme
ingredient in various recipes of many dislike of the spice, the smell of
countries. As a matter of fact, in which, in those days, was
almost any Filipino dish, garlic considered a sign of
seems to be indispensable. vulgarity. Among the ancient
From sinangag to adobo to Greeks, those who ate
lugao and tokwa’t baboy, garlic were not allowed to
flavor and aroma is enter the temples of
incomplete without it. Cybele. But according to
But more than anything Homer, Ulysses escaped
else, garlic is also from being changed into
considered a medicine a boar because of the
to cure several virtues of the ‘Yellow
ailments. Garlic.’ The herb is also
Regarded as a mentioned in a
“wonder drug,” garlic, or Mohammedan
Allium sativum, of the legend: “when
herb and spice kingdom, Satan stepped
has a bulb composed of out of the
small cloves and is Garden of Eden
identifiable by its distinct after the fall of
odor. Its existence was man, Garlic
recorded in as early as 2000 BC. sprang up from the

spot where he placed his left foot, and Onion from where died because of the disease. In olden days, garlic was
his right foot touched.” According to superstition in some also used against leprosy. It was also believed that it
parts of Europe, a man running a race will be ahead of had most beneficial results in cases of smallpox, if cut
his competitors if during the race he chews a morsel of small and applied to the soles of the feet and renewed
the bulb. Hungarian jockeys sometimes fastened a clove daily. Used externally, the herb can help in the treatment
of garlic to the rein of their horses in the belief that other of ringworm and threadworm. Garlic’s use as an
racers running close to them will fall back the instant antiseptic has long been recognized. In the late war it
they smell its offensive odor. Garlic is also mentioned in was widely employed to speed up the healing of wounds.
several Old English vocabularies of plants from the 10th It is sometimes applied externally to disperse hard
to the 15th centuries. It is said to have been grown in swelling. An infusion of the bruised bulbs, given before
England before the year 1540. and after every meal, has been considered of good effect
The name “garlic” is of Anglo-Saxon origin; in epilepsy while a clove or two of garlic, pounded with
derived from gar, which means “spear;” and lac, which honey and taken two or three nights successively, is
means “plant,” in reference to the shape of its leaves. good for rheumatism. If sniffed, it will revive a hysterical
Garlic has at least 100 sulfur-containing compounds sufferer. In terms of physiological effects, it is reported
that can be linked to its medicinal value. It can fight-off that it makes the eye retina more sensitive and less
infections, germs, viruses, fungi, eliminate parasites, able to bear strong light.
prevent blood clotting, reduce cholesterol, lower blood With all these heroic roles of that clove of an
pressure and open lungs and bronchial tubes. Research herb in the field of medicine, garlic is indisputably a
has shown that garlic possesses anti-infective properties, wonder drug.
as well as immune-enhancing properties. It is also useful
for allergies because it acts as a natural decongestant.
As for the heart, garlic plays a valiant role in many ways.
It can reduce clotting and lower blood pressure. Various
studies have shown that raw garlic, garlic oil and garlic
supplements resulted in lower cholesterol levels and
that garlic also helps prevent the formation of plaque in 1. Give early references of the use of garlic.
2. How does garlic play its daily role in your household?
the arteries. Various researches concerning the use of
garlic in cancer prevention are ongoing. When garlic oil
is used, it is excreted primarily through the lungs, so it
is employed in the treatment of chronic bronchitis,
recurrent colds and influenza, and bronchitic asthma.
Syrup of garlic is an invaluable medicine for hoarseness,
protagonist - the hero in a play or movie
cough, dyspnea, and most other disorders of the lungs.
deity - a god; a divine being
Garlic can further be used as a tonic or preventative for
dyspnea - difficulty of breathing
many infections. It successfully kills harmful bacteria in
the digestive tract while supporting the development of
natural bacterial flora. It was reported that during an
outbreak of infectious fever in certain poor quarters of
London in early last century, French priests who 2.
constantly used garlic in all their dishes visited the worst 3.
cases and remained healthy while their English garlic06.html#med
counterparts caught the infection, and in many cases 4.


M u s h r o o m :
The Largest Fungus on Earth
by Alfie Vera Mella

ungus? Has it, that, ahh...something to do is not a complete fungus plant but a spore-producing
with skin diseases?” said the last person fruiting body that grows on dead wood, humus, manure,
whom I surveyed. and as parasites on tree barks. The great majority of
Most people always associate fungus mushrooms are edible, only some are poisonous.
with disgusting skin diseases, especially Generally, the term “mushroom” is applied to all forms,
those infecting the most hidden corners of the human both edible and poisonous, but experts prefer to use
skin. However, have in mind that not all fungi thrive on mushroom to refer to the edible ones, and toadstool, to
the realms of dreaded fungal infections. Did you know the poisonous few.
that the mushroom, which is not only eaten as the main Once, viewed as tiny parasites thriving on dead
course, but also as an ingredient in various dishes, is tree stumps and in almost anywhere damp, mushrooms
actually a fungus? In fact, mushrooms are the largest were limited to the diet of adventurous food lovers. Now,
species of fungi, any of a large group of plantlike they are sold commercially in cans or by the kilo.
organisms which include the mildews, molds, puffballs, Comparable to many vegetables in terms of nutritive
rusts, and yeasts. Unlike green plants, fungi lack value, mushrooms are rich in vitamin B. Two of the most
chlorophyll so they cannot manufacture their own food. known species are the common edible mushroom
However, they are significant in many ways, both (Agaricus campestris or Psalliota campestris) and the
beneficial and harmful. They play a major role in the commercial, two-spored field mushroom (Agaricus
decay process, which returns useful chemicals to the bisporus).
soil. In the field of gastronomy, fungi, particularly morels, Before mushrooms were only grown in places
puffballs, truffles, and certain mushrooms, are like caves and abandoned mines, where the temperature
considered delicacies. The mushroom, in particular, is and humidity are perfect for their growth. However, with
a profitable source of livelihood for many plant growers. the development of the mushroom industry, the most
In the Philippines, many are known to cultivate delicious mushrooms are now being produced in
mushrooms in large scales, supplying markets and a specially-built airconditioned cultivation houses, where
long chain of restaurants that have mushrooms in their conditions are favorable and can be better controlled.
Mushroom is any of the larger fleshy species of
fungi, mostly under class Basidiomycetes. Actually, it

1. Give some beneficial and harmful activities of fungi.

2. How are mushrooms of value to humans?

gastronomy - the art of good eating

1. Encyclopedia Americana Intl Ed. 1983 Grolier Incorporated.

Derived from the Latin word fossilis, which means “something dug out of the ground,” fossil
is any remains, trace, or impression of past life on Earth–whether of a plant or an animal, a mineral
or even a rock. However, with the development of paleontology, the study of ancient life on Earth, the
term “fossil” is now used to refer to the tangible evidence of extinct plants and animals.
Some fossils represent the actual organism, some consist of materials that had previously
replaced the original organism, while some are only impressions or traces of the extinct plant or
animal. In this activity, you will make an impression of a seashell on a block of clay.

seashell, paint brush, vaseline, a block of modeling clay (twice as long
and wide as the shell), plaster of paris, paint brush, dull knife, container

How are fossils discovered formed?


1. Coat the outer side of the shell with vaseline.

2. Press the shell halfway into the clay.
3. Remove the shell from the clay. This is now your mold.
4. Paint the surface of the clay and the inside of the rim with
5. Mix water and plaster of paris until you achieve a viscous mixture.
6. Fill the mold with the mixture up to the rim.
7. Allow the plaster to harden. The time will depend on the
consistency of the mixture. You can dry it in the sun to speed
up the process.
8. Carefully remove the clay from the plaster.
9. Trim the edges of the plaster with a dull knife.

How would you compare the real shell with the product that you

1. Who’s afraid of riding a Ferris wheel?
1. a parliament of _________ a. eagles 2. I received a basketful of Nestlé chocolates
2. a convocation of ________ b. kangaroos last Valentine’s. _________ Nestlé
3. a flock of _____________ c. ducks 3. You’re febrile. The thermometer reads
4. a troop of _____________ d. goats 37.6o Celsius. ___________ Celsius
5. a paddling ____________ e. frogs 4. Where did the electrician install the voltmeter?
6. a trip of ______________ f. owls ___________ Volta
7. a school of ____________ g. seagulls 5. The roof of our house is made of galvanized
8. an army of ____________ h. wolves iron sheets. ___________ Galvani
9. a pack of _____________ i. sheep 6. Pregnants are advised not to expose
10. a herd of _____________ j. fish themselves to Roentgen rays.
_________ Roentgen
7. Have you ask Father to include pasteurized
milk in the list of groceries to buy?
______________ Pasteur
a. Alessandro
b. Wilhelm Conrad
c. Luigi
d. Louis
e. George Washington Gale
f. Anders
g. Henri

Which is longer: 4 yards, 130 inches, 11 feet, or
330 centimetres?

ACROSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 DOWN
1 study of the scientific classification of 2 _ _ _ _ _phobia; inexplicable fear of being
plants and animals 10 11 12 in open or public places
8 Tin 3 chemical element Xe
13 14
10 carriers of hereditary traits 4 not off
11 k_ _ _ _; a marsupial 5 Middle Paleolithic
15 16
13 electrically charged atom 6 movement of a solvent through a semi-
14 an alloy of mercury and another metal 17 18 19 permeable membrane
15 _ _ _-ma_ _ _ n; an earlier species of human 7 nucleus of an egg
16 a flightless bird indigenous to New Zealand 20 21 8 Cole_ _ _ _; raw chopped cabbage salad
17 a Chinese dynasty 9 tsu_ _ _ _ _; tidal waves
18 Daylight Saving Time 22 23 24 25 26 12 _ _ _ _g; process of growing old
20 _ _s_ _t; to exert force in opposition 13 bird (combination form)
22 space of more than three dimensions 27 28 19teaspoon
27 a fungus 20 c_ _ _ _ent; a phase of the moon
29 30 31
28 _ _ _ _l; umbilicus 21 _ _ _elopment in _e_ _nology;
29 someone who deals with the study of 32 33 34
technological progress
transmutation of metals into gold 23 _ _ _st; a fungus
33 _ _ _ _ _ _ _asis; defective expansion of the 35 36 37 24 the roof of the mouth
pulmonary alveoli at birth 25 _ _ _ _ine; an oily liquid poisonous amine
35 a food toxin usually present in spoiled 38 39 C6H5NH2
canned foods 30 Y_ _ _; Sasquatch
37 indicated horsepower 31 _ _ _ _ rea; criminal intent
38 electron volt 32 tablespoon
39 center of the solar system 34 triphosphopyridine nucleotide
36 ultraviolet

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