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Availability as at January 2000:

 Ar - Arabic
 C - Chinese
 E - English
 F - French
 S - Spanish
 Multil - Multilingual
 * - Out of print
 ** - In preparation


 1. Fertilizer distribution and credit schemes for small-scale farmers, 1979 (E*
 2. Crop production levels and fertilizer use, 1981 (E* F* S*)
 3. Maximizing the efficiency of fertilizer use by grain crops, 1980 (E F S)
 4. Fertilizer procurement, 1981 (E* F*)
 5. Fertilizer use under multiple cropping systems, 1983 (C E* F)
 6. Maximizing fertilizer use efficiency, 1983 (E*)
 7. Micronutrients, 1986 (C** E* F S*)
 8. Manual on fertilizer distribution, 1985 (E* F*)
 9. Fertilizer and plant nutrition guide, 1984 (Ar C* E* F* S*)
 10. Efficient fertilizer use in acid upland soils of the humid tropics, 1986 (E F S)
 11. Efficient fertilizer use in summer rainfed areas, 1988 (E F S)
 12. Integrated plant nutrition systems, 1995 (E F)


 1 Irrigation practice and water management, 1971 (Ar* E* F* S*)

 1 Rev. 1 Irrigation practice and water management, 1984 (E*)
 2. Irrigation canal lining (New edition, 1977, available in E, F and S in the FAO
Land and Water Development Series, No. 1)
 3. Design criteria for basin irrigation systems, 1971 (E*)
 4. Village irrigation programmes - a new approach in water economy, 1971 (E*
 5. Automated irrigation, 1971 (E* F* S*)
 6. Drainage of heavy soils, 1971 (E* F* S*)
 7. Salinity seminar, Baghdad, 1971 (E* F)
 8. Water and the environment, 1971 (E* F* S*)
 9. Drainage materials, 1972 (E* F* S*)
 10. Integrated farm water management, 1971 (E* F* S*)
 11. Planning methodology seminar, Bucharest, 1972 (E* F*)
 12. Farm water management seminar, Manila 1972 (E*)
 13. Water use seminar, Damascus, 1972 (E* F*)
 14. Trickle irrigation, 1973 (E* F* S*)
 15. Drainage machinery, 1973 (E* F*)
 16. Drainage of salty soils, 1973 (C* E* F* S*)
 17. Man's influence on the hydrological cycle, 1973 (E* F* S*)
 18. Groundwater seminar, Granada, 1973 (E* F* S*)
 19. Mathematical models in hydrology, 1978 (E*)
 20/1. Water laws in Moslem countries - Vol. 1, 1973 (E* F*)
 20/2. Water laws in Moslem countries - Vol. 2, 1978 (E F)
 21. Groundwater models, 1973 (E*)
 22. Water for agriculture - index, 1973 (E/F/S*)
 23. Simulation methods in water development, 1974 (E* F* S*)
 24. Crop water requirements (rev.) 1977 (C* E F S)
 25. Effective rainfall, 1974 (C* E* F* S*)
 26/1. Small hydraulic structures - Vol. 1, 1975 (E* F* S*)
 26/2. Small hydraulic structures - Vol. 2, 1975 (E* F* S*)
 27. Agro-meteorological field stations, 1976 (E* F* S*)
 28. Drainage testing, 1976 (E* F* S*)
 29. Water quality for agriculture, 1976 (E* F* S*)
 29. Rev. 1 Water quality for agriculture, 1985 (C* E* F* S*)
 30. Self-help wells, 1977 (E*)
 31. Groundwater pollution, 1979 (C* E* S)
 32. Deterministic models in hydrology, 1979 (E*)
 33. Yield response to water, 1979 (C* E F S)
 34. Corrosion and encrustation in water wells, 1980 (E*)
 35. Mechanized sprinkler irrigation, 1982 (C E* F S*)
 36. Localized irrigation, 1980 (Ar* C E* F S*)
 37. Arid zone hydrology, 1980 (E*)
 38. Drainage design factors, 1980 (Ar C E F S)
 39. Lysimeters, 1982 (C E* F* S*)
 40. Organization, operation and maintenance of irrigation schemes, 1982 (C**
E* F S*)
 41. Environmental management for vector control in rice fields, 1984 (E* F*
 42. Consultation on irrigation in Africa, 1986 (E F)
 43. Water lifting devices, 1986 (E F)
 44. Design and optimization of irrigation distribution networks, 1988 (E F)
 45. Guidelines for designing and evaluating surface irrigation systems, 1989
 46. CROPWAT - a computer program for irrigation planning and management,
1992 (E F* S*)
 47. Wastewater treatment and use in agriculture, 1992 (E*)
 48. The use of saline waters for crop production, 1993 (E)
 49. CLIMWAT for CROPWAT, 1993 (E)
 50. Le pompage éolien, 1993 (F)
 51. Prospects for the drainage of clay soils, 1995 (E)
 52. Reforming water resources policy, 1995 (E)
 53. Environmental impact assessment of irrigation and drainage projects,1995
 54. Crues et apports, 1996 (F)
 55. Control of water pollution from agriculture, 1996 (E* S)
 55. Lucha contra la contaminación agrícola de los recursos hídricos, 1997 (E* S)
 56. Crop evapotranspiration: guidelines for computing crop water requirements,
1998 (E)
 57. Soil salinity assessment: methods and interpretation of electrical
conductivity measurements, 1999 (E)
 58. Transfer of irrigation management services: guidelines. 1999 (E F S)
 58. Transferencia de la gestión des riego - Directrices, 2001 (E F S)
 58. Transfert des Services de Gestion de l 'Irrigation - Directives, 2001, (E F S)
 59. Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems,2000 (E)
 60. Materials for subsurface land drainage systems, 2000 (E) 
 61. Agricultural drainage water management in arid and semi-arid areas, 2002


 1. Soils of the arid zones of Chile, 1965 (E*)

 2. A survey of soil laboratories in sixty-four FAO member countries, 1965 (E*)
 3. Guide on general and specialized equipment for soil laboratories, 1966 (E*)
 4. Guide to sixty soil and water conservation practices, 1966 (E*)
 5. Selection of soil for cocoa, 1966 (E* F* S*)
 6. Aerial photo interpretation in soil survey, 1967 (C* E* F* S*)
 7. A practical manual of soil microbiology laboratory methods, 1967 (E*)
 8. Soil survey interpretation and its use, 1967 (E*)
 9. The preparation of soil survey reports, 1970 (E* F* S*)
 10. Physical and chemical methods of soil and water analysis, 1970 (E F S)
 11. Soil fertility investigations on farmers' fields, 1970 (E F S*)
 12. A study of the response of wheat to fertilizers, 1971 (E*)
 13. Land degradation, 1971 (C* E*)
 14. Improving soil fertility in Africa, 1971 (E* F*)
 15. Legislative principles of soil conservation, 1971 (E*)
 16. Effects of intensive fertilizer use on the human environment, 1972 (E*)
 17. Trace elements in soils and agriculture, 1972 (E* F* S*)
 18. Guide to the calibration of soil tests for fertilizer recommendations, 1973 (E
 19. Soil survey interpretation for engineering purposes, 1973 (E* F* S*)
 20. Fertilizer legislation, 1973 (E* S)
 21. Calcareous soils, 1973 (E* F*)
 22. Approaches to land classification, 1974 (E*)
 23. Management properties of ferralsols, 1974 (E*)
 24. Shifting cultivation and soil conservation in Africa, 1974 (E* F S)
 25. Sandy soils, 1975 (E*)
 26. Planning and organization of fertilizer development in Africa, 1975 (E*)
 27. Organic materials as fertilizers, 1975 (E* F* S*)
 28. S.I. Units and nomenclature in soil science, 1975 (E*)
 29. Land evaluation in Europe, 1976 (E*)
 30. Soil conservation for developing countries, 1976 (Ar C* E* F* S*)
 31. Prognosis of salinity and alkalinity, 1976 (E*)
 32. A framework for land evaluation, 1976 (C* E* F* S*)
 32. Cadre pour l'Evaluation des Terres, 1997 (C* E* F* S*)
 33. Soil conservation and management in developing countries, 1977 (E* F*)
 34. Assessing soil degradation, 1977 (E*)
 35. Organic materials and soil productivity, 1978 (C* E*)
 36. Organic recycling in Asia, 1978 (C* E*)
 37. Improved use of plant nutrients, 1978 (C* E*)
 38/1. Soil and plant testing and analysis, 1980 (E)
 38/2. Soil and plant testing as a basis of fertilizer recommendations, 1980 (E*
 39. Salt-affected soils and their management, 1988 (Ar E)
 40. China: recycling of organic wastes in agriculture, 1977 (E* F* S*)
 41. China: azolla propagation and small-scale biogas technology, 1978 (E* F*
 42. Soil survey investigations for irrigation, 1979 (C* E F)
 43. Organic recycling in Africa, 1980 (E)
 44. Watershed development with special reference to soil and water
conservation, 1979 (C* E* F S*)
 45. Organic materials and soil productivity in the Near East, 1982 (E with Arabic
 46. Blue-green algae for rice production - a manual for its promotion, 1981 (E*)
 47. Le recyclage des résidus agricoles organiques en Afrique, 1982 (F*)
 48. Micronutrients and the nutrient status of soils: a global study, 1982 (E*)
 49. Application of nitrogen-fixing systems in soil management, 1982 (C* E* F*
 50. Keeping the land alive: soil erosion - its causes and cures, 1983 (E F S)
 51. El reciclaje de materias orgánicas en la agricultura de América Latina, 1983
 52. Guidelines: land evaluation for rainfed agriculture, 1983 (C** E F S*)
 53. Improved production systems as an alternative to shifting cultivation, 1984
(E* F S)
 54. Tillage systems for soil and water conservation, 1984 (C E* F* S*)
 55. Guidelines: land evaluation for irrigated agriculture, 1985 (C E F* S*)
 55. Directives: Evaluation des Terres pour L'Agriculture Irriguée, 1988 (C E F*
 56. Soil management: compost production and use in tropical and subtropical
environments, 1987 (E F S)
 57. Soil and water conservation in semi-arid areas, 1987 (C E F)
 58. Guidelines: land evaluation for extensive grazing, 1991 (E)
 59. Nature and management of tropical peat soils, 1988 (E)
 60. Soil conservation for small farmers in the humid tropics, 1989 (E S)
 61. Radioactive fallout in soils, crops and food, 1989 (E F S)
 62. Management of gypsiferous soils, 1990 (Ar** E)
 63. Micronutrient assessment at the country level: an international study, 1990
 64. A study of the reasons for success or failure of soil conservation projects,
1991 (E F S)
 65. Status of cadmium, lead, cobalt and selenium in soils and plants of thirty
countries, 1992 (E)
 66. Manual de sistemas de labranza para América Latina, 1992 (S)
 67. Agro-ecological assessments for national planning: the example of Kenya,
1993 (E F)
 68. Field measurement of soil erosion and runoff, 1993 (E F S)
 68. Medición sobre el terreno de la erosión del suelo y de la escorrentía, 1997
(E F S)
 69. Soil tillage in Africa: needs and challenges, 1993 (E)
 70. Land husbandry: components and strategy, 1996 (E F*)
 70. Introduction à la gestion conservatoire de l'eau, de la biomasse et de la
fertilité des sols, 1966 (E F*)
 71. Tillage systems in the tropics: management options and sustainability
implications, 1995 (E)
 72. Sustainable dryland cropping in relation to soil productivity, 1995 (E)
 73. Agro-ecological zoning - guidelines, 1996 (E F S)
 73. Zonage Agro-écologique - Directives, 1997 (E F S)
 73. Zonificación agro-ecológica - Guía general, 1997 (E F S)
 74. Guidelines for quality management in soil and plant laboratories, 1998 (E)
 75. New concepts and approaches to land management in the tropics with
emphasis on steeplands. 1999 (E)
 76. Land and crop management in the hilly terrains of Central America: lessons
learned and farmer-to-farmer transfer of technologies. 1999 (E, S)
 77. Soil management and conservation for small farms: strategies and methods
of introduction, technologies and equipment, 2000 (E S)
 78. Conservation agriculture – case studies in Latin America and Africa, 2001


 1. Land-water integration and river basin management, 1995 (E)

 2. Planning for sustainable use of land resources ? Towards a new approach,
1995 (E)
 3. Water sector policy review and strategy formulation ? A general framework,
1995 (E)
 4. Irrigation potential in Africa - A basin approach, 1997 (E)
 5. Land quality indicators and their use in sustainable agriculture and rural
development, 1997 (E S)
 5. Indicadores de la calidad de la tierra y su uso para la agricultura y el
desarollo rural, 2001 (E S)
 6. Long-term scenarios of livestock-crop-land use interactions in developing
countries, 1997 (E)
 7. Land and water resources information systems, 1998 (E)
 8. Manual on integrated soil mangement and conservation practices, 2000 (E,
 9. Land–water linkages in rural watersheds, 2002 (E)


 1. Digital Soil Map of the World and Derived Soil Properites, 1998 (E)
 2. The Soil and Terrain Database for northeastern Africa - Crop Production
System Zones of the IGAD subregion, 1998 (E)
 3. The World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies CD-ROM,
1998 (E)
 4. ECOCROP 1 & 2, The crop environmental requirements database - The crop
environment response database, 1998 (E)
 5. Soil and Terrain Database for Latin America and the Caribbean,1998 (E)
 6. SIMIS - Scheme Irrigation Management Information System
 7. Soil and Physiographic Database for North and Central Eurasia,1999 (E)
 8. Integrated Planning for Sustainable Management of Land Resources, 1999
 9. World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies II, 2000
 10. Soil and Terrain Database, Land Degradation Status and Soil Vulnerability
Assessment for Central and Eastern Europe, 2000 (E)
 11. Global Agro-ecological Zones, 2000 (E)
 12. Irrigation Guidelines on CD-ROM, 2001 (E)
 13. Atlas of Water Resources and Irrigation in Africa, 2001 (E)
 14. Participatory Training and Extension in Farmers' Water Management, 2001
 15. AEZWIN - An interactive multiple-choice analysis tool for land resources
appraisal, 2001 (E)
 16. Knowledge makes a difference - The WOCAT video, 2002 (E,F,S)
 17. International E-mail Conference on Irrigation Management Transfer, 2001
 18. Conservation Agriculture, 2002 (E)
 19. Major Soils of the World, 2002 (E)
 20. TERRASTAT - Global land resources GIS models and databases, 2002 (E)
 21. Global Agro-ecological Assessment for Agriculture in the 21st Century, 2002
 22. Training Modules on Conservation Agriculture, 2002 (E)
 23. The Mulitilingual Soil Profile Database (SDBm Plus), 2003 (E)


 1. Guidelines for land-use planning, 1993 (Ar E F S)

 1. Directives pour la Planification de l'Ulilisation des Terres, 1993 (Ar E F S)
 2. Small-scale irrigation for arid zones: principles and options, 1997 (Ar E F)
 2. La petite irrigation dans les zoens arides: Principes et options, 1997 (Ar E F)


 1. Report of the First Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the
World, Rome, 19-23 June 1961.*
 2. Report of the First Meeting on Soil Survey, Correlation and Interpretation for
Latin America, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28-31 May 1962*
 3. Report of the First Soil Correlation Seminar for Europe, Moscow, USSR, 16-
28 July 1962.*
 4. Report of the First Soil Correlation Seminar for South and Central Asia,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR, 14 September-2 October 1962.*
 5. Report of the Fourth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and
Survey (Subcommission on Land and Water Use of the European Commission
on Agriculture), Lisbon, Portugal, 6-10 March 1963.*
 6. Report of the Second Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the
World, Rome, 9-11 July 1963.*
 7. Report of the Second Soil Correlation Seminar for Europe, Bucharest,
Romania, 29 July-6 August 1963.*
 8. Report of the Third Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the
World, Paris, 3 January 1964.*
 9. Adequacy of Soil Studies in Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru, November-December
 10. Report on the Soils of Bolivia, January 1964.*
 11. Report on the Soils of Paraguay, January 1964.*
 12. Preliminary Definition, Legend and Correlation Table for the Soil Map of the
World, Rome, August 1964.*
 13. Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the
World, Rome, 16-21 May 1964.*
 14. Report of the Meeting on the Classification and Correlation of Soils from
Volcanic Ash, Tokyo, Japan, 11-27 June 1964.*
 15. Report of the First Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification,
Survey and Soil Resources of the European Commission on Agriculture,
Florence, Italy, 1-3 October 1964.*
 16. Detailed Legend for the Third Draft on the Soil Map of South America, June
 17. Report of the First Meeting on Soil Correlation for North America, Mexico, 1-
8 February 1965.*
 18. The Soil Resources of Latin America, October 1965.*
 19. Report of the Third Correlation Seminar for Europe: Bulgaria, Greece,
Romania, Turkey, Yugoslavia, 29 August-22 September 1965.*
 20. Report of the Meeting of Rapporteurs, Soil Map of Europe (Scale 1:1 000
000) (Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European
Commission on Agriculture), Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany, 29 November-
3 December 1965.*
 21. Report of the Second Meeting on Soil Survey, Correlation and Interpretation
for Latin America, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13-16 July 1965.*
 22. Report of the Soil Resources Expedition in Western and Central Brazil, 24
June-9 July 1965.*
 23. Bibliography on Soils and Related Sciences for Latin America (1st edition),
December 1965.*
 24. Report on the Soils of Paraguay (2nd edition), August 1964.*
 25 . Report of the Soil Correlation Study Tour in Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina,
June-August 1964.*
 26. Report of the Meeting on Soil Correlation and Soil Resources Appraisal in
India, New Delhi, India, 5-15 April 1965.*
 27. Report of the Sixth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and
Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture, Montpellier, France, 7-11
March 1967.*
 28. Report of the Second Meeting on Soil Correlation for North America,
Winnipeg-Vancouver, Canada, 25 July-5 August 1966.*
 29. Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Soil Map of the
World, Moscow, USSR, 20-28 August 1966.*
 30. Report of the Meeting of the Soil Correlation Committee for South America,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 12-19 December 1966.*
 31. Trace Element Problems in Relation to Soil Units in Europe (Working Party
on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture),
Rome, 1967.*
 32. Approaches to Soil Classification, 1968.*
 33. Definitions of Soil Units for the Soil Map of the World, April 1968.*
 34. Soil Map of South America 1:5 000 000, Draft Explanatory Text, November
 35. Report of a Soil Correlation Study Tour in Sweden and Poland, 27
September-14 October 1968.*
 36. Meeting of Rapporteurs, Soil Map of Europe (Scale 1:1 000 000) (Working
Party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on
Agriculture), Poitiers, France 21-23 June 1967.*
 37. Supplement to Definition of Soil Units for the Soil Map of the World, July
 38. Seventh Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and Survey of
the European Commission on Agriculture, Varna, Bulgaria, 11-13 September
 39. A Correlation Study of Red and Yellow Soils in Areas with a Mediterranean
 40. Report of the Regional Seminar of the Evaluation of Soil Resources in West
Africa, Kumasi, Ghana, 14-19 December 1970.*
 41. Soil Survey and Soil Fertility Research in Asia and the Far East, New Delhi,
15-20 February 1971.*
 42. Report of the Eighth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and
Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture, Helsinki, Finland, 5-7 July
 43. Report of the Ninth Session of the Working Party on Soil Classification and
Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture, Ghent, Belgium 28-31
August 1973.*
 44. First Meeting of the West African Sub-Committee on Soil Correlation for Soil
Evaluation and Management, Accra, Ghana, 12-19 June 1972.*
 45. Report of the Ad Hoc Expert Consultation on Land Evaluation, Rome, Italy,
6-8 January 1975.*
 46. First Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and
Land Evaluation, Nairobi, Kenya, 11-16 March 1974.*
 47. Second Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation
and Land Evaluation, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 25-30 October 1976.*
 48. Report on the Agro-Ecological Zones Project, Vol. 1 - Methodology and
Results for Africa, 1978. Vol. 2 - Results for Southwest Asia, 1978.*
 49. Report of an Expert Consultation on Land Evaluation Standards for Rainfed
Agriculture, Rome, Italy, 25-28 October 1977.*
 50. Report of an Expert Consultation on Land Evaluation Criteria for Irrigation,
Rome, Italy, 27 February-2 March 1979.*
 51. Third Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and
Land Evaluation, Lusaka, Zambia, 18-30 April 1978.*
 52. Land Evaluation Guidelines for Rainfed Agriculture, Report of an Expert
Consultation, 12-14 December 1979.*
 53. Fourth Meeting of the West African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and
Land Evaluation, Banjul, The Gambia, 20-27 October 1979.*
 54. Fourth Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation
and Land Evaluation, Arusha, Tanzania, 27 October-4 November 1980.*
 55. Cinquième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation
des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Lomé, Togo, 7-12 décembre 1981.*
 56. Fifth Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and
Land Evaluation, Wad Medani, Sudan, 5-10 December 1983.*
 57. Sixième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre Africain de corrélation des
sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Niamey, Niger, 6-12 février 1984.*
 58. Sixth Meeting of the Eastern African Sub-Committee for Soil Correlation and
Land Evaluation, Maseru, Lesotho, 9-18 October 1985.*
 59. Septième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation
des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 10-17
novembre 1985.*
 60. Revised Legend, Soil Map of the World, FAO/Unesco/ISRIC, 1988. Reprinted
 61. Huitième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation
des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Yaoundé, Cameroun, 19-28 janvier
 62. Seventh Meeting of the East and Southern African Sub-Committee for Soil
Correlation and Evaluation, Gaborone, Botswana, 30 March-8 April 1987.*
 63. Neuvième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation
des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Cotonou, Bénin, 14-23 novembre
 64. FAO-ISRIC Soil Database (SDB), 1989.*
 65. Eighth Meeting of the East and Southern African Sub-Committee for Soil
Correlation and Land Evaluation, Harare, Zimbabwe, 9-13 October 1989.*
 66. World soil resources. An explanatory note on the FAO World Soil Resources
Map at 1:25 000 000 scale. Rev. 1, 1993.
 67. Digitized Soil Map of the World, Volume 1: Africa. Volume 2: North and
Central America. Volume 3: Central and South America. Volume 4: Europe and
West of the Urals. Volume 5: North East Asia. Volume 6: Near East and Far
East. Volume 7: South East Asia and Oceania. Release 1.0, November 1991.
 68. Land Use Planning Applications. Proceedings of the FAO Expert Consultation
1990, Rome, 10-14 December 1990.
 69. Dixième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation des
sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Bouaké, Odienné, Côte d'Ivoire, Côte
d'Ivoire, 5-12 november 1990.
 70. Ninth Meeting of the East and Southern African Sub-Committee for Soil
Correlation and Land Evaluation, Lilongwe, Malawi, 25 November - 2 December
 71. Agro-ecological land resources assessment for agricultural development
planning. A case study of Kenya. Resources data base and land productivity.
Making land use choices for district planning, 1994.
 72. Computerized systems of land resources appraisal for agricultural
development, 1993.
 73. FESLM: an international framework for evaluating sustainable land
management, 1993.
 74. Global and national soils and terrain digital databases (SOTER), 1995. E/F/S
 75 . AEZ in Asia. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Agro-ecological
Zones Methodology and Applications, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-23 November
 76. Green manuring for soil productivity improvement, 1994.
 77. Onzième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation
des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Ségou, Mali, 18-26 janvier 1993.
 78. Land degradation in South Asia: its severity, causes and effects upon the
people, 1994.
 79. Status of sulphur in soils and plants of thirty countries, 1994.
 80. Soil survey: perspectives and strategies for the 21st century, 1995.
 81. Multilingual soil database, 1995.
 82. Potential for forage legumes of land in West Africa, 1995.
 83. Douzième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation
des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, Bangui, République Centrafricain, 5-
10 décembre 1994.
 84. World reference base for soil resources, 1998.
 85. Soil fertility initiative for sub-Saharan Africa, 1999.
 86. Prevention of land degradation, enhancement of carbon sequestration and
conservation of biodiversity through land use change and sustainable land
management with a focus on Latin America and the Caribbean, 1999.
 87. AEZWIN: an interactive multi-criteria analysis tool for land resources
appraisal, 1999.
 88. Sistemas de uso de la tierra en los trópicos húmedos y la emisión y
sequestro de CO2, 2000.
 89. Land resources information systems for food security in SADC countries,
 90. Land resource potential and constraints at regional and country levels,
 91. The European soil information system, 2000.
 92. Carbon sequestration projects under the clean development mechanism to
address land degradation, 2000 (E)
 93. Land resources information systems in Asia, 2000 (E)
 94. Lecture notes on the major soils of the world, 2001 (E)
 95. Land resources information systems in the Caribbean, 2001 (E)
 96. Soil carbon sequestration for improved land management, 2001 (E S)
 97. Land degradation assessment in drylands – LADA project, 2002 (E)
 98. Quatorzième réunion du Sous-Comité Ouest et Centre africain de corrélation
des sols pour la mise en valeur des terres, 2002 (F)
 99. Land resources information systems in the Near East, 2002 (E)
 100. Data sets, indicators and methods to assess land degradation in drylands,
2003 (E)


 1. Prevention of water pollution by agriculture and related activities, 1993 (E*

 2. Irrigation water delivery models, 1994 (E)
 3. Water harvesting for improved agricultural production, 1994 (E)
 4. Use of remote sensing techniques in irrigation and drainage, 1995 (E)
 5. Irrigation management transfer, 1995 (E)
 6. Methodology for water policy review and reform, 1995 (E)
 7. Irrigation in Africa in figures/L'irrigation en Afrique en chiffres, 1995 (E/F)
 8. Irrigation scheduling: from theory to practice, 1996 (E*)
 9. Irrigation in the Near East Region in figures, 1997 (E)
 10. Quality control of wastewater for irrigated crop production, 1997 (E)
 11. Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers - Guidelines for study, monitoring and
control, 1997 (E)
 12. Modernization of irrigation schemes: past experiences and future options,
1997 (E). Also published as RAP Publication 1997/22
 13. Management of agricultural drainage water quality, 1997 (E)
 14. Irrigation technology transfer in support of food security, 1997 (E)
 15. Irrigation in the former Soviet Union countries in figures, 1997 (E)
 16. Télédétection et ressources en eau/Remote sensing and water resources,
1997 (E/F)
 17. Institutional and technical options in the development and management of
small-scale irrigation, 1998 (E)
 18. Irrigation in Asia in figure, 1999 (E)
 19. Modern water control and management practices in irrigation: impact on
performance, 1999 (E)
 20. El riego en América latina y el caribe en cifras/Irrigation in Latin America
and the Caribbean in figures, 2000 (E/S)
 21. Water quality management and control of water pollution, 2000 (E)
 22. Deficit irrigation practices, 2001 (E)
 23. Review of world water resources by country, 2003 (E)
 24. Rethinking the approach to groundwater and food security, 2003 (E)
 25. Groundwater management: the search for practical approaches, 2003 (E)


 1. Introduction to irrigation, 1985 (Ar E* F* S*)

 2. Elements of topographic surveying, 1985 (E F* S*)
 3. Irrigation water needs, 1986 (Ar* E* F* S*)
 4. Irrigation scheduling, 1989 (E F* S)
 5. Irrigation methods, 1988 (E* F S)
 6. Scheme irrigation water needs and supply, 1992 (Ar E F S)
 7. Canals, 1992 (E F S)
 8. Structures for water control and distribution, 1993 (E F S)
 9. Drainage of irrigated lands, 1996 (E F S)
 10. Irrigation scheme operation and maintenance, 1996 (E F S)
 - Small-scale pumped irrigation: energy and cost, 1992 (E)


 1. Exploitation de résultats d'essais agronomiques: fixation symbiotique de

l'azote, 1985 (F*)
 2. A review of small-scale irrigation schemes in Kenya, 1985 (E*)
 3. Exploiting agronomic test results: symbiotic nitrogen fixation. User's manual:
analysis of variance on Apple II computer, 1985 (E*)
 4. Water for animals, 1985 (E*)
 5. Landscape-guided climatic inventory using remote-sensing imagery, 1985
 6. Biogas in Africa: current status and strategies to enhance its diffusion, 1985
 7. Status report on plant nutrition in Fertilizer Programme Countries in Asia and
the Pacific Region, 1986 (E*)
 8. Hydraulique pastorale, 1986 (F)
 9. Levels of fertilizer use in the Asia and Pacific Region, 1986 (E*)
 10. Status report on plant nutrition in Fertilizer Programme Countries in Africa,
1986 (E*)
 11. Irrigation and water resources potential for Africa, 1987 (E)
 12. Effects of agricultural development on vector-borne diseases, 1987 (E)
 13. Irrigated areas in Africa, 1987 (E/F)
 14. Manpower planning for irrigation, 1988 (E* F*)
 15. NGO casebook on small scale irrigation in Africa, 1989 (E)
 16. Water, soil and crop management relating to the use of saline water, 1990
 17. Water harvesting, 1991 (E)
 18. Improved irrigation system performance for sustainable agriculture, 1991
 19. Fertigation/chemigation, 1991 (E)
 20. Secondary nutrients, 1992 (E F S)
 21. Le travail du sol pour une agriculture durable, 1997 (F)
 22. Planning sustainable management of land resources: the Sri Lankan
example, 1999 (E)
 23. Integrated soils management for sustainable agriculture and food security
in southern and eastern Africa. 1999. (E)
 24. Soil physical constraints to plant growth and crop production. 1999. (E)
 25. New dimensions in water security, 2000 (E)
 26. Guidelines for on-form plant nutrition and soil mangement trials and
demonstrations, 2000 (E)
 27. Guidelines and reference material on integrated soil and nutrient
mangement and conservation for farmer field schools, 2000 (E)
 28. Simple soil, water and plant testing techniques for soil resource
mangement, 2000 (E)
 29. Water and Agriculture in the Nile Basin. 2000 (E)
 30. Guidelines for Participatory Diagnosis of Constraints and Opportunities for
Soil and Plant Nutrient Management. 2000 (E)
 31. Soil and nutrient management in sub-Saharan Africa in support of the soil
fertility initiative. 2001 (E)
 32. Small dams and weirs in earth and gabion materials. 2001 (E)
 33. Guidelines for the qualitative assessment of land resources and
degradation. 2001 (E)
 34. Preliminary review of the impact of irrigation on poverty with special
emphasis on Asia. 2003 (E)
 35. Overview of land value conditions. 2003 (E)

 Current World Fertilizer Situation and Outlook (published annually)

 Fertilizer Subsidies - Alternative Policies, 1976 (FAO/FIAC) (E F S)
 The Use of Direct Fertilizer Subsidies in Developing Countries, 1978 (FAO/FIAC)
(E F S)
 Fertilizers and Their Use: A Pocket Guide for Extension Officers, 4th edition,
2000 (E)
 Fertilizer Programme Training Course Manual, 1979 (E F S)
 Fertilizer in Agricultural Development: Pricing Policies and Subsidies, 1980
 How to Organize Fertilizer Demonstrations and Farmers' Field Days (Filmstrip),
1981 (E F)
 Economics of Fertilizer Use (Slide series and booklet), 1982 (FAO/FIAC) (E F S)
 Technical Handbook on Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation: Legume/Rhizobium, 1983
(C E F S). Update 1993 (E S)
 FAO Fertilizer Programme - Its Chances of Success, 1983 (FAO/FIAC) (E F)
 Summary of Proceedings of FAO/FIAC Regional Seminar on Fertilizer Pricing
Policies and Subsidies, Latin America, 1983 (FAO/FIAC) (E S)
 Economic, Financial and Budget Aspects of Fertilizer Use Development, 1983
 Legume Inoculants and Their Use: A Pocket Guide for Extension Officers, 1984
(C E* F* S*)
 Effect of Change in Fertilizer/Crop Price Relationship on Fertilizer Consumption
and Food Production, 1984 (FAO/FIAC) (E)
 Proceedings of the FAO/FIAC Regional Seminar on Fertilizer Pricing Policies and
Subsidies, Philippines, 1984 (FAO/FIAC) (E)
 Fertilizer Application Equipment for Small Farmers, 1984 (E)
 Inoculate Legumes and Increase Yields, 1985 (E F Rwandese)
 - Proceedings of the FAO/FIAC Regional Seminar on Fertilizer Pricing Policies for
Africa, Kenya, 1986 (FAO/FIAC) (E)
 Summary of Proceedings of the FAO/FIAC Regional Seminar on Fertilizer Pricing
Policies for Africa, Kenya, 1987 (FAO/FIAC) (E F S)
 25 Years FAO Fertilizer Programme, 1961-1986, 1987 (FAO/FIAC) (E)
 Fertilizer Subsidies - Overview and National Experience, 1987 (FAO/FIAC) (E)
 Role of Fertilizer Pricing Policies and Subsidies in Agricultural Development,
1987 (FAO/FIAC) (E F S)
 Fertilizer Programme Data Manual - Computerized Handling of Data, 1987 (E)
 Efficient Fertilizer Use (Slide series and booklet), 1988 (E)
 Fertilizer Use Economics - At Small-scale Farm Level, 1988 (FAO/FIAC) (E)
 Fertilizer and Food Production, 1989 (FAO/FIAC) (E)
 Subregional Seminar in Africa on Increased Crop Production through Efficient
and Balanced Plant Nutrition, 1989 (FAO/FIAC) (E)
 Fertilizer Retailing Guide, 1990 (E F S)
 Report on the Expert Consultation on Legume Inoculant Production and Quality
Control, 1991 (E* F*)
 Guide to efficient plant nutrition management, 1998 (E F S)
 Fertilizer Strategies, 1999 (E F S A)
 Fertilizer requirements in 2015 and 2030, 2000 (E)
 Economics of soil productivity in SSA, 2001 (E F)
 L 'économie de la productivité des sols en Afrique subsaharienne, 2001 (E F)
 Current World Fertilizer Trends and Outlook to 2006/06, 2000 (E F S)


 Potential population supporting capacities of lands in the developing world,

1982 (Ar C E F* S*)
 Land, food and people, 1984 (E F S*)
 Protect and produce, 1984 (Ar C)
 Guidelines for soil description, 3rd edition (Revised), 1990 (E F)
 The conservation and rehabilitation of African lands, 1990 (E F)
 Land evaluation for development, 1990 (E)
 How good the earth, 1991 (E)
 Protect and produce, putting the pieces together (Revised edition), 1992 (E F S)
 Cherish the earth, 1994 (E F)
 Changements du climat et production agricole, 1995 (E F)
 Global climate change and agricultural production, 1996 (E F)
 Choyez la terre, 1996 (E F)
 The conservation of lands in Asia and the Pacific: CLASP - a framework for
action, 1995 (E)
 Our land, our future, 1996 (E)
 Negotiating a sustainable future for land, 1997 (E)
 A new framework for conservation-effective land management and
desertification control in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1998 (E S)
 Terminology for integrated resources planning and management. 1999 (E)
 The future of our land: facing the challenge, 1999 (E F S)
 El Futuro de Nuestra Tierra: Enfrentando el Desafío, 1999 (E F S)
 Land and Agriculture, 2002 (E S)
 Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands - LADA, 2003 (E F S)


 Report on the Workshop on Rice Water Management, 7-14 November 1983,

Nickerie, Suriname, 1983 (E*)
 Report on the Workshop on Small-scale Swamp Development, 26-30 November
1984, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 1985 (E*)
 Proceedings of the Expert Consultation on Irrigation Water Management, 16-22
July 1984, Yogyakarta and Bali, Indonesia, 1985 (E*)
 Report on Expert Consultation on Irrigation Water Charges, 22-26 September
1986, Rome, 1988 (E* F S)
 Technical Papers from the Expert Consultation on Irrigation Water Charges,
Vols. I and II, 22-26 September 1986, Rome, 1987 (E)
 Spate Irrigation. Proceedings of the Subregional Expert Consultation on Wadi
Development for Agriculture in the Natural Yemen, 6-10 December 1987, Aden,
PDR Yemen, 1989 (E)
 Consultation on Supplementary Irrigation, 7-9 December 1987, Rabat, Morocco,
1990 (E)
 Water and Sustainable Agricultural Development - An International Action
Programme, 1990 (E F S)
 Agricultural Water Use - Assessment of Progress in the Implementation of the
Mar del Plata Action Plan. Report of the Regional Assessment Missions, 1991 (E)
 Integrated Rural Water Management. Proceedings of the Technical Consultation
on Integrated Rural Water Management, 15-19 March 1993 (E)
 International Action Programme on Water and Sustainable Agricultural
Development. Country and sub-regional action programmes. 1993 (E F S)
 Water resources of African countries: a review, 1995 (E)
 Water resources of the Near East Region: a review, 1997 (E)

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