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Naturalism is the philosophy that separates nature from God, subordinates spirit to matter
and set up unchangeable laws as supreme. In naturalism efforts are made to develop personality
of a child in order to make him a natural man.

History of Naturalism
 It is the oldest known philosophy in western world.
 Is a Philosophical belief that everything arises from the nature.

Ancient Period

Naturalism appears to have originated in early Greek philosophy. The earliest

presocratic philosophers, such as Thales, Anaxagoras and most especially
Democritus, were labeled by their peers and successors as “ the physikoi”
meaning natural Philosophers.
Thales- believes in the principle that water is the principle of all things; all comes to
water and to water all returns.
-the grandfather of naturalism

Anaximander who lived in the same century formed, together with Thales, the Milesian
School. He is probably a disciple of Thales, and according to him “The principal of all
things is infinite atmosphere, which has a perpetual vitality of its own, produces all
things, and governs all things.

Anaximenes- probably a disciple of Anaximader. According to him, the first principle

from which everything is generated is air.

Leuccipus and Democritus- explained the world in a commonsense reeducation of

nature’s two simple things: empty space and atoms. Democritus inspired a group of
ancient thinkers called “atomists.”

Middle age to Modernity

Thomas Hobbes- Like the ancient naturalist, Hobbes conceived Nature as an affair of
bodies moving in space. He described nature as an aggregate of thing existing outside of
our minds, and therefore evidencing the reality of a space beyond us, but also an
aggregate of things moving from one place to another in that space which is beyond us.

Jean Jacques Rousseau- in his A Discourse on Inequality, an account of the historical

development of the human race, distinguished between “natural man” and “social man”.
His work in education is known as Emile, which is describes an attempt to educate a
simple and pure natural child for life in a world from which social man is estranged.
- The first book of Emile describes the period from birth to learning to speak.
- The second book covers the time from the child’s learning to speak to the age of 12.
- The third book is devoted to the ages 12- 15
- The fourth book is when Emile study the history of man and social experiences
Francis Bacon- said that man would be able to explain all the process in the nature if he
could acquire all the process in nature if he could acquire full insight into the hidden
structure and secret workings of matter.

Middle Ages- difficulty in documentation of the history of naturalism

18th century- rise of the naturalism again.
20th century- naturalism finally acquired a distinct name materialism, which became the
only category of metaphysical naturalism widely defended until this century.

Naturalism as a Philosophy of Education

Naturalism as a philosophy of education was developed in the 18th century.
Naturalism as a philosophy of education has exercised a great influence on the theory and
practice of education. “It decries all external restraint in education and it condemns all
unnecessary formalities in education.
 According to naturalists education is the process of development of a natural life 
The only discipline applied in this system is the discipline of natural consequences.
Naturalism has no faith in formal education. To the naturalists, formal education is
artificial and vicious. Good education can be had only by a direct contact with nature.

Educational Ideas of Naturalism

Aim of education: Self-expression
o Self- satisfaction
o Sublimation of the native instincts and energies of
o Ensure survival
o Development of the child needs

Naturalism in Curriculum: the naturalistic aims of education are reflected in its

curriculum. The naturalist strongly advocate inclusion of sciences such as physics,
chemistry, zoology, and botany.

Methods of Teaching: it revolts against the old, traditional and bookish system of
education. The focus of the learning is the child.
Strengths of Naturalism in Education
Gives full freedom to the child to perform as well as learn whatever he likes
Development of child psychology.
It considers individual interests, aptitudes, inclination, needs and capacities while
structuring the curriculum.
It motivates the child to acquire more knowledge in natural environment.

Weaknesses of Naturalism in Education

Naturalism ignores the spiritual world and considers the material world only.
Emphasis on present needs- Naturalism takes into account only the present needs of the
child and ignores his future needs and the ultimate goals and purposes of man’s life.
The school gives too much freedom to the learner
It deprives the learner of the mature and wise guidance of the teacher
It is very difficult to find naturalistic surroundings for locating educational institutions.

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