Worksheet 5

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Complete these sentences. Use the prepositions at, by, for, in, of, or on.

Some of the prepositions

may be used more than one time.

1. Thank you ------------ your telephone call this morning.

2. We would like to hold our meeting---------- Barnaby Place.

3. Please e-mail the menu ---------- Wednesday morning.

4. We will need sixty chairs -------- the large room.

5. I would like a list __ rates for the meeting rooms.

6. The meeting will end __ July 14th.


Choose the sentence that is more clear and exact.

1. a. We will need a microphone and speakers.

b. We need sound equipment.

2. a. Can you get back to me sometime?

b. Could you fax or e-mail me your response tomorrow?

3. a. Eighty people will attend the meeting.

b. Fewer than one hundred people will attend the meeting.

4. a. We are going to have a two-day meeting, March 15th and 16th.

b. We are going to have a meeting.

5. a. The training seminar will take place on March 15 and 16.

b . The training seminar will take place in March.

6. a. Would it be possible to have audiovisual equipment in the

break-out rooms?

b. Would it be possible to have a monitor and VCR in each of the three

smaller break-out rooms?

Match the general restatement with the specific statement.

a) We will provide a VCR in each room.
b . There will be a computer projection system in the auditorium.
c. Coffee breaks will be provided between the morning sessions.
d. You requested five rooms for your meetings.
e. You will need 50 chairs.

1. We need your computer's model and operating system by Friday. -------------

2. We will need to know the day before the conference whether you
would like the chairs set up theater style or horseshoe style. ------------

3. Let us know Monday which VCR format (NSTC or PAL) you need. ----------

4. We have rooms in four different sizes: rooms for 10, 30, 60, or 100
people. Which sizes would meet your needs? --------------

5. We can also provide cake and cookies at this time. Please complete
the catering request form and send it to us by June 3. -------------

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