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Activity No.

The research study entitled “How Do Students Make Future Career Choices? A Case
Study in Vietnam” by Tong Thi Son and Quach Tuan Kiet stated that choosing an occupation is
one of the most difficult and influential decision students all over the world have to make,
including Vietnam. They also stressed that “the complexity of today’s vocational world and the
pressures imposed by society” are the main reasons why young adult students find career-choice
process hard and overwhelming.

To address the current situation in Vietnam, the researchers decided to conduct the
research study mentioned above which tackled how students in Le Quy Don – Dong Da High
School located in Hanoi, Vietnam make decisions towards future career choices. The main
purpose of the research study was to explore and describe the concepts, attitudes, and trends of
the Vietnamese students towards future occupational selection taking into consideration the
various considering options, influential factors and the students’ criteria in choosing their future
career options and their major vocational tendencies.

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