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a.) The difference of Inspection in monitoring is that inspection is a frequent examining and checking of
something while Monitoring, it is a continuous process of checking, observing and examining something
in a period of time to meet the desired quality of a certain product or services. Inspection and
monitoring their similarities are they both examine, check and observed something to meet its standard
quality. For example

b.) The difference of overhaul in repair is that you need to check and fix the entire equipment and
identify the error and the need to change based on its specification while repair is fixing the part where
it is damaged. The similarities of the two are they both do fixing when something was damaged. For
example, for overhaul, if you bought a car and want to know if its parts are at good terms, damaged or
functioning well you will do the overhaul. Another example, for repair, if your shoes was damage you
will repair the part where you can see the damage.

c.) Preventive and Corrective Maintenance, in Preventive maintenance you inspect the equipment
regularly to prevent serious error that might be happen to your equipment, while corrective
maintenance it is simply correcting an error after you detect that there is something wrong with your

1.) Time based Maintenance- In time based everything you do is set in time or simply it is scheduled for
maintenance of your machine or equipment. Because it is under preventive you will do this before the
failure occur. Example, Change oil of your car either based on calendar schedule like every 2 months or
based in mileage like every 2000 miles.

2.) Failure Finding- This is a task designed maintenance wherein it detects failures in a system to reduce
the possible failures that might happen to a system or to an equipment. For example, a standby
electrical generator failed to start because on loss of Failure Finding maintenance.

3.) Condition Based- It is a type of maintenance that monitors the actual condition of an equipment and
decides what maintenance need to be done. Example of this is the Temperature Reading this help
monitor and control an assets environment. This is used by many universities and hospitals.

4.) Predictive - In this maintenance you will monitor the performance and condition of an equipment
and you will predict if failure might occur to an equipment and performing maintenance to prevent the
occurrence of failure. For example, Oil Analysis we can evaluate the condition of a machine by
measuring its debris oil.

5.) Risk Base -

6.) Deferred - In this type of maintenance postponing of maintenance activities such as repairs and
machinery maintenance in order to save and meet the funding budget level needed. For example, in
infrastructure you will limit the budget and funding for it.

7.) Emergency - In this type of maintenance you need to drop everything to run off and fix the problem
because it is urgent, and it is not well planned maintenance. For Example, exposed live wires and
damaged live cables.

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